
Truce Negotiations (Part 1)

A key point to be noted was that the negotiations were called a truce or an armistice and not a peace treaty.

It meant that both sides would only cease hostilities for a set amount of time, and resume once the time passed.

And currently, that very amount of time was being fiercely discussed.

Across a large simple table sat two of Amenheraft's delegates, while to their opposite sat three men- Alexander, Ptolomy, and Pasha Farzah.

"We demand that the city of Adhan be returned to the rightful king and in exchange, we are willing to overlook the transgressions of the rebel," Manuk made the opening statement.

"Hehe, archpriest Manuk, come on," Pasha Farzah chuckled at the absurd demand, "There's no need for this tired dance. Let's stop wasting our time, and get on to the real business."

He talked to Manuk like one would to a friend after meeting him after a long time, in a soft and vivacious tone.

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