
Chapter 480: Catching Up, Flame Theft

"Zi Yan, is it really you? How did you grow so tall?" Su Qian finally recognized her after she called out to him.

Zi Yan's words not only caught Su Qian's attention, but also aroused the curiosity of the surrounding students. Their eyes widened in shock as they turned to look at her. It was unlikely that a lady of such quality could be found in the entire Academy.

The current Zi Yan had grown considerably in height and carried an air of regal presence between her eyebrows. Her beauty and strength were now at the top of the continent, giving her a temperament that even beauties like Xiao Yu and Hu Jia couldn't hope to match.

It was no surprise that Su Qian did not recognize her at first; this transformation was in stark contrast to her former petite appearance.

"Hmph, I have always been able to grow. If it wasn't for that Body Transformation Grass back then, I wouldn't have had to wait so long," Zi Yan muttered discontentedly, her pout making the male students' hearts skip a beat.

She was still a little resentful of the ridiculously strong effects of the Body Transformation Grass she had swallowed, which had caused her to take many years to finally grow.

"It's good that you've grown up."

Su Qian did not hear Zi Yan's murmuring voice; he simply nodded in relief. He knew that Zi Yan had longed to grow, and now her wish had come true.

"This is not the ideal place for a reunion. Let's continue this conversation elsewhere. Old Man Hu, as the Deputy Headmaster, it's your responsibility to choose the candidates. We'll leave first."

"You..." Hu Gan wanted to unleash a string of curses when he heard this. Why did they leave him behind while they went to catch up?

Even his granddaughter ignored him and clung to Xiao Ming without blinking an eye.

Hu Gan suddenly felt that all the years he had spent raising her had been in vain.

It was so unfair!

But Su Qian paid no attention to him. He led Xiao Ming straight away. Elder Huo followed without saying a word.

The other elders also wanted to leave, but when they saw the twitching corner of Hu Gan's eye, one or two of them decided to stay.

There was no way that they could really leave Hu Gan alone to manage the selection competition for the Inner Academy.

As Xiao Ming and the others left, a moment of silence fell over the vast crowd of onlookers. Then suddenly, a flurry of hushed conversations broke out.

All eyes were filled with bright curiosity as they watched the departing figures.

In the hearts of many Jia Nan Academy students, the most intriguing figure was undoubtedly this Senior, given the various rumors surrounding him. After all, since the establishment of Jia Nan Academy, there hadn't been anyone considered outstanding enough to warrant the construction of a statue in their honor.

"Senior Sister... is that the legendary Senior Xiao Ming? He looks even more striking than the statue! And did you see him tearing through space? That level of power is incredible..."

"He is undoubtedly powerful. Even the Deputy Headmaster and the others who are Dou Ancestors can't reach that level, can they?"

"Who was that woman with him? Is she Senior Xiao Ming's partner? Women from the Central Plains are surely at a different level..."

"You're wrong, I'm from the Central Plains, and I've never seen a goddess like her before..."


Tearing through space like that, such an ability made these relatively inexperienced young men and women excited to the point of trembling.

To them, Dou Kings and Dou Emperors were already considered formidable experts...


Inside the Meeting Hall of the Outer Academy, everyone took their seats.

After a few pleasantries were exchanged, Su Qian could not help but ask curiously, "What is your current cultivation level?

Xiao Ming looked around and calmly replied, "I have reached the three-star Dou Saint."

Upon hearing this, Su Qian and the others couldn't help but tremble.

Three-star Dou Saint!

Even though they knew that Xiao Ming had a very high level of cultivation, hearing the words "three-star Dou Saint" still felt incredibly unbelievable.

"You are truly extraordinary. In just a few years, you've reached such heights," Su Qian said with astonishment in his eyes. Although Xiao Ming was speaking casually, it was obvious that he had worked tirelessly to achieve this breakthrough, traveling far and wide in the process.

The other elders and Hu Jia nodded in agreement. In the past, a Dou Saint had been a mythical figure, but now, one was sitting right in front of them.

What was even more amazing was that they knew Xiao Ming personally, and he had only been a Dou Ancestor a few years before. He had reached this legendary realm in such a short time.

Now... it was likely that even if they were to search the entire world, they would be hard-pressed to find anyone who could match him, except for some old monsters who had lived for countless years.

Such achievements were truly amazing and gave them a surreal feeling.

Of course, they knew that Xiao Ming wouldn't lie; it was just hard to accept at the moment.

"These years must have been hard for you," Elder Huo said, feeling a little sorry for his disciple. Xiao Ming's rapid breakthrough was not just a matter of talent; it was undoubtedly the result of facing many challenges.

"It wasn't too bad, really. I didn't encounter too many difficulties," Xiao Ming replied with a slight smile. He then began to carefully recount some of the events that had taken place in the Central Plains, including the ongoing conflict between the Heavenly Court and the Hall of Souls.

Hearing all this, Elder Huo looked even more concerned. Although Xiao Ming spoke of these matters casually, he could sense the Hall of Souls' murderous intent towards Xiao Ming.

To be honest, if Xiao Ming's growth had not exceeded the Hall of Souls' expectations, given their ruthless methods, he would have been in dire straits long ago. The Hall of Souls wasn't as incompetent as they appeared on the surface; they had a history of causing turmoil across the continent.

Fortunately, he had proven himself to be an exceptional talent and hadn't fallen victim to their schemes.

Xiao Ming had been a six-year-old child when he became Elder Huo's disciple. To Elder Huo, he was both a student and a beloved grandson. If it weren't for his lack of strength, he would have wanted to wipe out the Hall of Souls for targeting his disciple.

After comforting his Master for a while, Xiao Ming brought up the main purpose of his visit.

"I have returned to the Academy this time not only to visit everyone, but also because I want to take a trip to the magma world at the bottom of the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower. I sensed something unusual there before."

In reality, Xiao Ming hadn't sensed anything; he had made up this reason to go to the magma world.

As for why he wanted to go there?

Xiao Ming turned to Zi Yan who was sitting next to him. She met his gaze and smiled sweetly at him.

It was time for Zi Yan to meet her father.

Su Qian was startled when he heard that Xiao Ming intended to enter the magma world. However, he quickly relaxed when he thought of his terrifying strength. Although the magma world was mysterious and unfathomable, it should not be difficult for them to escape unharmed.

"Since you've made up your mind, that's good. I've always felt that there was something unusual about this magma, but my strength wasn't enough to investigate," Su Qian replied.

"There's no time to waste. Let's move now..."

Xiao Ming was decisive. Since he had made up his mind, he didn't want to linger. The sooner they went, the sooner they could return. He stood up immediately, signaling that it was time for them to leave.

But Hu Jia couldn't help herself. She stood and grabbed his arm, her eyes filled with expectation. "Xiao Ming, after you finish your business, will you stay for a while?"

Seeing her expectant look, Xiao Ming thought for a moment, "I won't stay long this time..."

Hu Jia's hope began to fade with his first words, but her disappointment was short-lived as Xiao Ming continued with a grin, "But I'll come to visit you after I've taken care of these things. There is something I want to give you. Where are you currently staying?"

"Ah! I... I recently moved into the courtyard where you used to live, in the Elder Area of the Inner Academy." The thought of something made Hu Jia's cheeks flush.

"Hm. Then I'll see you there."


Inner Academy, at the bottom of the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower.

Xiao Ming stood at the entrance to the magma world. With a quick wave of his hand, countless invisible flames erupted from within the tower, coalescing into an intangible flame in his palm.

"Fallen Heart Flame. It has been so many years, and it has grown quite a bit."

Xiao Ming smiled as he looked at the invisible flame in his hand. This was the very Fallen Heart Flame he had obtained in its infant form within the magma world many years ago. After years of nurturing, it had matured and become much more powerful than its former state.

"This little thing had consumed a great deal of our efforts."

Su Qian also smiled. Over the years, they had spent a great deal of time and care in cultivating this Fallen Heart Flame. Fortunately, it had all been worth it.

The current Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower was far more effective than before.

Originally, the previous mature form of the Fallen Heart Flame had never listened to their commands. Now, thanks to their deliberate nurturing, the current Fallen Heart Flame was more obedient to their instructions.

"Speaking of which, there was a student who tried to steal the flame back then. If it weren't for his lack of strength and the guarding elder who discovered him, this Heavenly Flame, which is not very resistant to humans, might have been taken by him."

"Did such an incident happen...?"

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