

"ugh....get off me" she said as she hurriedly got up from me.

Though to be frank its not as though I was expecting a different reaction from a person such as Eva Baileys.

In case you are wondering, Eva is actually one of the hotties and is known to always be around them at any given time.

Since the girls are a very tight lot, its hard to have someone who wants to be identified with them and won't make herself ever available and around for all of their.....important meetings at, literally anywhere.

I looked up at the person that I had just accidentally saved from a bad fall to the ground and I watched her look down at me and also on me with a disgusted look imprinted on her face.

She looked like she tripped and fell on a body in the morgue.

"ugh…." she said as she groomed herself and looked around her as though she wanted to be sure that I hadn't stolen something from her.

"careful not to allow your filthy hands to...…" she complaining before stopping her sentence mid way to release a low screech of anger.

What is up with this girl anyway.

She puffs and flings her hair to the back before she began down the aisle to where her clique was to continue with whatever it is that they had started since when I knew them.

"wow, what a child" Danny said with his hands crossed.

"indeed" supported Jay Jay.

"Are you okay, Jerry?" She asked as she examined me for bruises.

"i am good" I said as I also seemed to examine myself for any damages or injury.

"lets forget about Eva, what are we going to do about our incomplete situation?" I asked as I dusted my left sleeve.

"i think I am with Danny on this one" she replied.

"i guess we should just hold on and pray that we are paired with the last lady standing" she said in a suggestive tone.

I guess that was the best line of action that we could take at the moment. We just had to be patient about finding the right person.

In the midst of my thinking and daydreaming I slept off.

I opened my eyes to see that we were landing in Botswana. The excitement I got from it got all the sleep that I had in my eyes out in an instant.

"alright guys, lets get ready to alight this aircraft." Mr Moore said.

"as you come down ensure that you come down in your set of four people." he said as he went down the stairs.

Everyone came down from the plane in their set of fours. It was just as I had said it would be. The ballers just broke themselves up into groups of fours and it seems that they were exactly in multiples of fours.

The kick lovers and the music lovers; especially those who had formed a music band like the school boy band that called themselves The crocks. Although to be very honest with you, they don't really excel in music.

Well, you get the main gist. We were the only ones who were incomplete as a set. Though there were others who were less complete than we were but Mr Moore has promised that he would help those of us that were in that categories.

We got down from the plane to breathe in the fresh oxygen that the land had to offer and at long last I was standing on black African soil.

I took in one big whiff of the oxygen and joined the guys as we were ushered into the airport so that we could have our bags checked.

When we had all of our stuff checked and we were set to go, we got on the bus that would take us to the Kalahari.

"alright guys lets get in" Mr Moore directed.

We got on the bus and we started down the road to the Kalahari. We were treated to a lovely view as we drove through the city.

"driver can we please take a stop here cause I am sure that these children are hungry" Mr Moore said.

"isn't it?" he asked to confirm what he was saying. The students didn't fail to provide the answer that he wanted the driver to hear.

"sir, we aren't children anymore" curry shouted from the end of the bus causing the bus to giggle a bit.

"then stop acting like one" Danny replied, turning only his neck to reply him.

I have to say that even I was laughing. The bus erupted in laughter at curry. I am pretty sure that even if curry was able to deliver a witty comeback line, there is no coming back from this one.

The reason is simple. The words of a celebrity will always trump the voice of we the commoners.

We got to a canteen along the roads that we were traveling down and we came down to have lunch. Mr Moore got the waiters t take our orders and decided to use this opportunity to split us and register us to our cabin units.

The canteen began to bubble with life very quickly as we all began to talk about all we had seen and all we wanted to see among ourselves

"alright guys" he started to get our attention.

"we are going to start the registering or rather the allocating of cabins based on the groups of four."

"you guys are expected to come forward table by table to get registered and given your numbers." he said as he stretched his hand to the table of The Crocs who happened to be seated on the first table.

"technically, if you think about it" Danny started before interrupting himself by taking a long sip from a can of Pepsi that he had ordered.

"that message doesn't totally concern us right?"he asked with his arm out in a suggestive posture.

"actually it does" Jay Jay said as she came to sit at the table.

She had just gotten her order for fries and Pepsi and was just about the table when Danny asked his question.

"we will still go but it would just be a registration that is incomplete" she said as she rested her back on the chair where she sat.

"isn't it possible for us to get a fourth roommate before the registration?" I asked as I looked at the two of them for suggestions.

"i don't actually think it is possible though?" Danny said as he tossed his can into the nearby dustbin, much to the admiration of those who managed to see it. He even got an applause from a few people.

"well you see... I observed that those who were not having groups before have grouped themselves though just based on the need to and not based on the normal compatibility stuff that Mr Moore talked about" he pointed out, and I mean he actually pointed out with a fry in his hand.

I was a bit frustrated but I guess I was okay with the idea that we would be alone in the cabin. All we had to do now was to wait for what was yet to come.

Time ran by at the canteen and we were finally called to register in front. I got up with the gang and we headed for Mr Moore's table to get signed up.

"y'ello, Mr Moore registrations here and how may I help you?" he said in his painfully accurate mimicry of customer care service.

For some reason that I am yet to understand fully, I decided to play along with it.

"hi, we want to make a reservation" I said as I put a hand phone sign to my ear.;

"well, how many are we that will be making this reservation today?"

"we are three, please"

"oh wow" he said surprised.

"how is it that you guys are still three sir?" he asked as he faked to be typing something on his laptop.

"tough luck, I guess" I said with a wince.

"hmm.... well lucky enough for you I actually have someone else who is without roommates at the moment and she is just the bundle of joy" he assured.

"lucky indeed.." I said as I stole glances at my brother and Jay Jay as their faces shimmered with new hope.

"...because we are actually in need of one female roommate for us to be complete." I said with a smile.

The effect of his words was as though a person just took a Humvee off my back. It was just pure relief.

"wonderful, shall I sign her in with you guys" he said with what looked like a fake smile, but I just waved it off

"sure, please do" I said

It was only after we had finished with this conversation that we had our named taken down and were allotted the cabin number 18.

How was I feeling after this? Ecstatic.

It was time to hit the road and so we all got back in the boss and watched the trees seemingly run past us. I remember very vividly that if this were an elementary school trip, we would be singing the wheels on the bus right now but instead here we were, every man to his friends seated and chatted with each other, eager to have the time of our lives.

I guess its all part of growing up.

Similar to the daydream that I had before. I slept off while still in my mental universe and prepped my mind for the plains of Africa.

"alright boy" Danny said as he snapped his fingers in front of my eyes as though that would clear the blur that it had.

"its time to lodge man" he said as he got his bags and baggage and got off the bus.

I opened my eyes to get a glimpse of my environment so that I could better comprehend what was going on.

Based on rough assumption, I could say that the time was something around the hour of 6 or 7 and the bus had come to a halt. It was also currently empty save for my brother and jay jay who were packing up their stuff.

We had arrived the cabins. A collection of well arranged wooden structure that seemed to be like a village that was designed to a tourist attraction. I believe the word for it is stunning.

We walked down to the entrance where we were met by some warm and friendly black officers who greeted us and gave us the key to our cabin and a note.

We were pretty excited to see the design of this cabins, from the intricate design to the well done touches on the interior, down to the glass sliding doors. This was genius architecture

We walked around looking at the numbers on the cabins until we arrived at ours. The cabin was very good on the outside but the inside was another thing all together.

The cabin had a main living room and one kitchen before having two big room, almost as big as the cabins on either side of the parlor. It was designed with some kind of floral and wild concept just to ensure that it felt more real and probably help us to grow accustomed to the new habitat we found ourselves.

"damn" Danny said as he took it all in.

"this is a whole new thing all together" jay jay said with a very composed face.

"i really love Africa right now" I said as I crashed into the couch.

"its nice but I feel like we are forgetting something" Danny seemingly shouted as he walked to check out the rooms and sort his stuff into the wardrobe that was in the room.

"yeah..." jay jay said wondering. She strolled into her room and switched on the lights.

"wow, this room I really nice" she said after she had settled down.

"but who am I sharing it with though?" she asked with her thumb pointing at the room which was now at her back.

" that's it!" Danny said from the kitchen as he snapped his fingers.

"what is it" I asked with honest confusion.

"the note" he pointed out

"whats in the note"

"oh yeah" I said and reached into the pocket of my bag to get the note that we were given. The guys moved closer so that even though I was reading the note to them, they could still read it themselves.

"alright, it's a note from Mr Moore" I said as I saw his name and initials on the outside of the note.

"it says: hi guys, Mr Moore here. So do you remember the time when I said that you had a lovable roommate. Yeah I lied"

That last line caught me off guard a bit but I just paused a bit to look at the guys and continued to read the note.

"your new roommate is actually....."


The swinging open of the door with force interrupted my reading but also completed the notes content. Our new roommate was actually Eva Baileys

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