

"In two months we'd be heading back to New York, for an important family dinner!" I frowned at his words. New York held lots of memories that I didn't want to revisit anymore.

"I'm sorry for the inconveniences, but we need to make some introductions to your family members. I need to let the whole world know I have a beautiful daughter and a smart one at that!" He held my hands in his squeezing it lightly before letting it go. I nodded at his words. "Have you seen mum?"

"I have, she stays with the Wilson's!" He said calmly for me to be agape. Mum stays with Alex? Is she okay now? Is she looking for me? Is Alex also looking for me too? But if he is he must have found me by now right, it's not like I'm hiding from anyone.

"Madam, someone's here to see you!" Judith's words broke me off my daze.

"Who's that?

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