

"I believe you have other children to give the proposal to I was never important to you all these years and I don't think I'm important to you now."

"Come on Hazel stop acting like a child, you and I know you're not in a good condition right now. If you're thinking of your sick mum I'll make sure to transfer her to a satisfactory hospital and clear all your debt. All I need from you is just a week of your time and after that, you'd be free."

This was an interesting offer but how did he know I needed money? I took in deep silent breaths to at least calm my nerves and listen to father. Maybe I should give him a chance.

"Have you been stalking me?" I asked to hear him laugh again.

"Hahaha, yes for a week now and why did you change your name? You made it quite difficult to find you."

"That's none of your business!"

"So are you accepting my deal or not, and not to forget your life will change from now on Hazel." He said in a serious tone. I shouldn't trust him, not to forget mum said he was a cunning man but my curiosity got the better of me.

"I don't need my life changing I just want mum to be okay." It was quite tempting and I know I needed money, Mum needed the money too.

"Okay so do we have a deal?"

"Yes, we have a deal."

"See you tomorrow then." He hung up. With everything going on right now I couldn't say no to him even if everything seems so suspicious. And on the bright side, mum can finally get some good treatment. I can't say I'm not scared of what awaits me but at the same time I know I have to be strong for mum, she's everything I have.

I stayed in the office till noon, then I left the boutique putting Jenet and Evan in charge for the next week. I went to the charity home care my mum was in. I visit her at least three times a week to know she's doing better even if she still doesn't recognize who I am.

"Hello, mummy" I sat close to her on the bed where she sat, she became dumb too over the years. I watched her sit there like a statue still breathing or a lifeless mannequins, her doll Blue eyes staring at a place, her skin had turned paler than five years back, at least now I'm 22, I finally understand what she's going through and I know it's an incurable disease.

"I'll be going to New York for a week for business I promise to come to visit once I get back." I cleaned the tears that fell from the corners of my eyes with the back of my hands and placed my head on her shoulder. Closing my eyes I took in deep silent breaths and opened my eyes again.

I really didn't like seeing her like this but there was nothing I could do to save her, I stayed with her for some more time before leaving the charity care to get ready for my trip tomorrow.

I decided not to tell my aunt and best friend about my trip since it was going to be a short one, I don't need anybody to discourage me. My mind was made up for whatever it was father wanted me to do.

After all, I'll be gone for just a week and I'll be back like I never left. For now, the only people aware are my employees and my mum and that's enough for me.

I arrived at the airport as early as 7 cause that's when the plane takes off, I still didn't understand why dad wants me over there this early.

It was my first time leaving Los Angeles or even flying, I was scared and excited at once. But nothing made me more anxious than the fact that I would be seeing him again after so many years.

I travelled for 5 hours before arriving in New York. Walking out of the airport a man in a Black suit walked up to me, "Are you miss Hazel Gale?" He asked in a very polite manner.

"Yes." I gave him a short reply and a little smile even if he never returned it.

"Please come with me, ma'am, your car is this way." Car? I had a car?

He took my bag and led me out of the airport and I went ahead to the taxi before us.

"No ma'am, the car is this way." He pointed at the black Rolls Royce already parked outside with a chauffeur sitting in the car. I couldn't believe it but I kept the little excitement bubbling in my stomach hidden.

I watched the man place my bag in the car and opened the door for me to get in and I did, he also got into the car and we drove off.

On our way to wherever it was we were going, I couldn't stop but admire the beautiful city of New York. Wondering about the countless adventures awaiting for me, I've heard from a few people of the opportunities in this city.

"Please where in Manhattan are we?" I asked the driver waiting for an answer.

"We're in the southern end of central park, ma'am." He gave the short answer and continue driving without another word.

I continued to admire the tall buildings till we arrived at a part of the city where I saw nothing but large trees from every corner. I wondered what this place was, was I being kidnapped? Have I been taken by the wrong people?

I tried searching for my phone and recalled I left it in my bag since we weren't allowed to use phones on the plane.

'Okay Hazel calm down, maybe it's not a kidnap." I tried to calm my nerves.

We passed through a lot of trees till we arrived at a silver gate which screamed open the moment we got in.

We were welcomed by another wave of trees as the chauffeur drove further in. I fixed my eyes ahead till I saw a large mansion just ahead of us. The further we got the clearer the mansion became.

It was large and beautiful. It was nothing I've seen before. The car finally came to halt at the entrance of the large mansion.

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