
Fairy 80: The true face of a beast Part II

"Meow, my feelings are hurt. And why do you think I knew who did this? Well, you are right I do… he is someone who is very interesting, as well in a way, someone who might be able to wake our Lady up." The moment Damon said that, overwhelmingly magical power, that belongs to above the S-Class realm, blasted from Dru Dru, as a mad full of insanity smile appeared on his lips

"You sure… our ladyship?" Dru Dru asked this with a shock expression.

"Maybe, after all, he does have one of them in his possession." Damon told.

"One of them in his possession…? Wait don't tell me… I thought all of them were destroyed besides the ones our Lady owns." Dru Dru went with bloodshot eyes, a side of him felt the desire to fight, whoever did this. And the other side knew right away what Damon meant, when one of them is in his possession.

"Yes, and for your information, it also seems either one or two of them already in the possession of the Magic Council. Meaning not all of them were destroyed… never mind this, there is one thing I do want to know, what was you call now, Dru Dru, right?" Damon asked, while Dru Dru didn't say anything, and waited what this masked old friend of his wanted.

"It just pure curiosity to be honest. I knew you are in charge of hunting down the one called Vottes Brave, that Dragon Slayer girl. But what I don't understand, why didn't you catch her yet?

"There no way for someone of your ability to fail to capture her for two whole years. What else, I am also surprised to see that so-called childhood friend of yours, the head of the Black Rivers, didn't try to kill you, or found fault with you either." Damon asked with a voice full of curiosity.

"You haven't charged at all… still willing willy putting your nose where it doesn't belong. I told you, this body is mental challenged, and it seems that lustful arrogant fool, was very close to Dru Dru, I mean me. Unless I bring trouble to his women, or the guild itself, he wouldn't care, since I am the one that hunts down the fools that betray this guild. As for why I didn't capture that girl yet, I am very sure, you already knew the answer to that, I am right?"

When Damon heard this, he didn't say anything, as he already knew why Dru Dru never captured Vottes Brave, even if he has many chances in the past 3 years to do so.

The main reason why Dru Dru never captured Vottes, was because it will be boring to do so, and a waste as well.

Vottes Brave, not only she is a Dragon Slayer, but due to the experiments done by that Old Wizard, Vottes' potential as a wizard is very high, but the girl herself has no clue how to hone that ability of hers.

Because Vottes has that potential, Dru Dru didn't want to hunt a weak and uninteresting prey, if his prey has that kind of potential. So the best choice of option?

Simple, each time Dru Dru finally track down Vottes, he made sure the minions he sent after Vottes always around the same level of her, or slightly stronger. He underestimated the Minot Brothers' strength, but if Vottes were to die, that it, that was her worth.

But if she survived, as she already is, made her a more interesting prey to hunt down, when the time is right. After all, to Dru Dru, Vottes is just a prey, that is worth waiting to hunt down.

"I already knew that, since this isn't the first time, you done that. What I want to know… after all this time, why are you willing to let your prey to be captured after all this time? It almost like you lost interest in her… unless you want her to be captured, I am right?"

As soon Damon asked this, Dru Dru show a smirk full of madness, that no sane person could have, as his eyes once again grow with a hint of crimson within them.

"Why asking if you already know? That's right, I think it about time for her to have a taste of despair. Once she does, how much stronger she will become, if she overcomes what awaits her?" Dru Dru went.

"Truly, you simply one sick b*stard. What if that despair traps her into the abyss?" Damon calmly asked.

"Than she falls, that is her worth… well, that was the plan… until someone interfere, tell me about him. Besides him having that thing in his possession." Dru Dru asked, as a certain part of his body begin to harden, when he thought of fighting whoever cause this mess around him.

"I thought you will say that. No matter how I see you, you are surely the same as before, even getting arouse with a mere thought of fighting those that are strong. Hmm, how strong is he? He stronger than your average SS-Class Wizards, but still fall short on the level of Saint Wizard, or the so-called God of Ishgar. However… he does have one spell, that does put him on pair on those Gods of Ishgar level… even I was threaten by that spell.

When Dru Dru heard this, his eyes brightly turned bright crimson red, as an overwhelming bloodlust came from his body alone. When he imagines the fight with someone on the God of Ishgar level.

"Connect me if I am wrong… is the Gods of Ishgar is a term used these days, instead of Transcendent, right?" Dru Dru went with madden smile.

"Yes, that right, but at the same time no. It is true, some has transcendence into that level of magic, some hasn't, but still stronger than your average Saint Wizard. After all, Saint Wizards and Gods of Ishgar are titles given to this era wizards, different to the ones, in the past, before our awakenings.

"However, it better not to underestimate the Gods of Ishgar, even if they not at the Transcendent level, they not far from it. Or just walked onto the surface of the Transcendent beings. But still has no clue how to stepped into that realm, that many failed before them."

Damon went, as Dru Dru didn't say anything, as the red crimson glow within his eyes, faded. As he looked at the two girls before him.

"I wasted too much time already. I better get out of here, of course… to report back what happened here. I can't wait to see the face of that arrogant b*tch face. What will she show me, once I bring them back in such a sorry state?" Dru Dru asked himself, as he went towards Yi, and went to his knees, only to grabbed her neck.

"Of course, it be more interesting to kill them off here, and put the blame on that guy. Just imagining the faces of that b*tch, as well that arrogant lustful fool, will be so much fun." When Dru Dru said that, his face came closer to Yi's, as his eyes once again glow in a sinister crimson light.

Damon didn't do nothing when he saw this. He just stood there since the lives of Joy and Yi is no of his business. But soon Dru Dru's redden crimson eyes faded back to brown, as he removed his fingers around Yi's neck. Lucky enough, he didn't add any kind of pressure to left any marking of his fingers, when he grabbed her neck.

"Be glad you whores… that you knew his face, and maybe his identity. Otherwise, this day will be your last." Dru Dru went, as he picked up Yi, who he was going to kill for entertainment purposes. And turned to Damon.

"How many of us, awakened our past memories?" Dru Dru went, looking at Damon who fold his arms.

"Besides you, one more. But she is right next to the resting place of our Lady. Speaking of which, don't you regret it, old friend?"

"Regret what?" Dru Dru asked, as he picked up Joy this time around, and put her between his armpit, while Yi over his shoulders.

"You know what I mean. Dru Dru… no, should I call you Saimaa? Do you regret of being put under that ancient curse? The very curse, that wouldn't let us rest in peace." Damon asked.

"You asking me, are you telling me, you the one that regret this?" Dru Dru, or Saimaa asked this, as he shown an uninterested expression.

"No, if I had to do it again, I gladly do it again. I gladly do it as many times it takes, this is all for our Lady. Now I think of it, have you heard of a man named Zeref?" Damon asked, as Dru Dru snorted.

"No one among the Dark Wizards hasn't heard of him, he has many cults about him. Why you asked? A mere immortal who is over 400 years old, isn't worth our time, is it not?" Dru Dru asked.

"But in this era, where the lack of Transcendent beings, where the Dragons has gone missing, Titans no longer exist, due to the Gods hasn't come back to the Earth Land, from their own realm. Only Zeref and Acnologia, are the two known Transcendent beings known throughout history. Of course, I think there some more are in hiding. And there also some among the Gods of Ishgar." Damon told.

"Your curiosity truly knows no end, I better go, see you around Damon, or whatever you called these days, I truly, no, Dru Dru truly not interested in those matters of the past." Dru Dru went with an uninterested expression, before a hint of madness flashed in his crimson eyes, as he took one last look at the destroyed parts of the forest.

As he felt his inner desires of fighting and blood rain down within him. But he held himself back, knowing there no point getting overexcited, when the one did this nowhere in sight.

When Dru Dru left, Damon removed his demon mask, as he looked at the vast sky.

"Eras always changed or bring a change. Dragon Slayers… Zeref… Acnologia… for some reason, I got this feeling, they somehow connected… something very interesting is about to happened. A foolish immortal, who is cursed with Death, and an arrogant Dragon, who fears those whose will transcendence beyond him."

"My intuition telling me, things are about to be interesting. My Lady, this old servant truly wished for you to see the present era… he truly wished you turned back like those days… when you were happy… Just maybe… this kid, who push me to the limit, can wake you up… or maybe more then just wake you up, or so I do hope."

Damon went, with a hint of loneliness and resentment towards himself. As he put his mask back on.

"You often say my Lady, that my intuition is never wrong… which is why I let that kid live… I am looking forward to the day, when you wake up again, as well the changes this lad, with that sword will bring. Until then… I hope you don't disappoint me, boy."

Damon went, as he walked into the darkness of the forest.




End of Volume 2

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