
Fairy 61: Saving the Princess Part 2

Hisui's heart begun to sink and ached, knowing she just send a stranger to face a Saint Wizard level criminal alone. Tears are threating to fall from her clear green eyes, as she begins to blame herself, for sending someone unrelated to her troubles to his death.

'B-Because of me… Sir Zack is…?" Hisui cannot help to blame herself, as her clear green eyes, that once brighten with strong will, fade lifelessly.

Even if Hisui knew one day, as the future Queen of Fiore, she must be ready, when others will sacrifice themselves for her, and her kingdom. Even if she knew this, and thought she has mentally prepared herself, it doesn't change the sole fact. Hisui E. Fiore is still a 11-year-old kid, until now, never truly knew the burden that lies behind the throne, of a king or a queen.

The burden that all rulers must bear, the burden knowing others will sacrifice themselves for your source, for your rule and ideas. Each throne throughout Ishgar, and even beyond Ishgar, has mountains upon mountains of corpses sacrificing themselves for their kings and queens throughout history.

And one day, it will be Hisui's turn to sit on that throne, and bear with that burden. But it doesn't change the fact, Hisui still a child, even when the assassins kidnapped her, the royal guards shielded Hisui and her father, from seeing the few soldiers that died. Lessening the burden, the young child mustn't carry yet.

Hisui E. Fiore, she might act like a mature adult, but on the inside, Hisui is actually like any other 11-year-old child, pure and innocent. She wanted to be like her father, she wanted to earned admiration and respect from the people of Fiore, like her father did.

She wanted to be a kind, and yet wise ruler for her people. She wanted to become the person her father will be happy to leave the throne to. She wanted to become a fair and kind Queen to her people when she took over the throne.

But no matter how matured she acted, how smart she shows everyone, as the future Queen of Fiore. When reality came before her, the reality of a stranger risking his life for her, made her heart ached in pain, her mind overthrown in chaos.

Despair dwelled inside her, simply showing she isn't ready to take on such a heavy role, as the ruler, someone who guide the lives of thousands upon thousands lives. For the first time in her life, she felt useless, knowing she couldn't do anything to prevent Zack's death.

The Shadow Wizard saw the look of despair, and felt nothing towards it, besides some pity, that this child will carry a heavy burden, that many people cannot carry in their lives. If she failed to recover from a death of a stranger, no matter how kind that person may be. He will worry about the future of Fiore, who has rulers too kind for their own good.

However, in the end, it not any of his concerns, if this brat fails as a queen later on or not. For one, he is an assassin, a wanted man, why does a criminal like him, or the others, have to worry if this little paycheck, full of despair or not. After all, the group known as the Nine Hands, and their leader, Damon, are not nice people to begin with.

"We wasted too much time as it is. Let's go." When the Shadow Wizard said that, Hisui just kept her head down, while the criminal wizard himself, didn't really care, and walked before the floating Hisui, who bounded by his Shadow Blind.

However, the moment the Shadow Wizard about to reach Hisui, his stoic expression soon changed, as overwhelming bloodlust could be felt behind him, because of his numerous of years of experience.

The Shadow Wizard's body reacted, before his mind, and retreated away from Hisui, as a powerful gust of wind sliced the air before him, as he barely dodged the blade of a very dark blue, as the night skies.

'H-How…?' That was the first thought, that came to the Shadow Wizard's mind. When he looked at the should be dead young man, who just thrown that dark blueish black sword towards him, with all intentions to kill him. that person, is no other than Zack.

Zack who not only covered with wounds, from his battle with Damon, who let him go. But once he reached the cave, his worst fears came true. As he can sensed someone else, besides Hisui when he arrived here. And the moment he saw Hisui tied up, with a look of despair, something inside him snapped.

Next moment he knew, he throw Nightfall, like a throwing axe towards the Shadow Wizard, who reacted in time, and dodged the greatsword slashing him in two.

But Zack didn't stop there, he used Gravity Pull, to pulled him towards the Shadow Wizard, at an alarming rate, and zoomed before him, only to for his fist to spin like a drill, smashed the drill like fist right into the chest of the Shadow Wizard, who blocked the drilling vibrating fist in time, with a shield made of darkness.

Vibrating Fist, one of Zack's spells or more like magical martial arts, that infused his Quake Magic (Gura Gura no Mi), and t he martial knowledge, that God given him. As his fist become a vibrating drill-like fist, it smashes into the shadow shield, and the moment the shield made of shadows blocked the first, the fist spin and turn, vibrating, cracking the turning the shield apart.

Once the shadow-like shield broken apart, Zack's fist lost about third of its power, but enough to still carried on, and punched the Shadow Wizard right into the face, sending the confused wizard flying into the nearby wall, creating a loud bloom! When the Shadow Wizard hit the wall, plus knocking him out.

"Huh…?" On the other hand, things happened too fast, for Hisui to figure what's going on. One moment her world seems to be falling in, the next, something flashed by her, that made the Shadow Wizard dodged in a frightening speed, which see cannot see. And before she knew it, something or someone blur right next to her, punching that startled Shadow Wizard away, only to be smashed into the nearby wall, on the other side of this cave path.

Before she knew it, the moment the Shadow Wizard was smashed and knocked out against the wall. Was the moment, Shadow Blind became undone, causing Hisui to fall to the ground, however, someone caught her, causing her to look the person that just saved her, was the very same person, she thought she will never meet again, that person was no other then Zack himself.

"S-Sir… Zack…?" Hisui asked, looking at the young man, who smiling at her, full of wounds over his body. She cannot believe her eyes, as she really thought, they will never meet again. She even blamed herself, for being the cause of his death. Is now before her, in his arms, as he put her on the ground.

"Didn't I tell you not to me sir?" Zack went, as he grinned, before he patted the soft, but also dirty green hair, when he put her on the ground.

"S-Sorry, I-I…" Hisui apologized, and tried to tell Zack the reason why she called him sir again, even if she promised not to. But Zack just laughed seeing her and patted her head once again.

"No need to be sorry, Vis… it's fine. And, I am sorry for being late. I hope you can forgave me." Zack went stroking the hair of Hisui, who blankly stared at Zack, before with remain energy inside her body, she managed to recover, she leaped forward, hugging Zack tightly, before tears begin to fall out again.

This is the second time in one day, Zack had to face Hisui crying. But this time around, it was more intense then before, to the point. Hisui cried her eyes out, as he hugged Zack, who didn't say anything, and hugged her back, and rubbed her back to calmed her down.

It wasn't long before Hisui fallen asleep, within his arms. Zack just smiled, but also frowned sensing magical power behind him, only to see a missing Shadow Wizard behind him.

{Master, don't bother, that guy is a professional, he wouldn't fight a battle, when he knows, he couldn't win, I seen his types a lot before. He most likely faked to be passed out and waited for a moment to flee. And I doubt that punch you did, left little to no damage to him. It no wonder, why he chosen to flee, instead of fighting a monster like you}

{Not to mention Master, Shadow Magic, the magic that wizard uses. Is a Magic that excels in escaping, and you cannot fight at your full power, so don't bother with him.} Nightfall said in a wise tone, unusual to his perverted self, as it disappeared as a tattoo somewhere on Zack's body.

Zack agreed with Nightfall, as he carried Hisui in his arms, and made his way back to town, hoping to arrive before Vottes wake up from her sleep. Zack became slightly nervous, when he imagined the reaction Vottes will have, when he returned all wounded like this.

After all, who else, could imagined, a simple night walk, will end up like this?

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Only 7 original chapters to go, before end of vol.2!

Once that done, I will be taking a break on this, and maybe carried on writing on my other fanfic, the DxD one. Or something else.

Talking about DxD fanfic of mine.

On Friday, I will be reloading the first chapter, which I hasn't re-edited it yet, since I hasn't been well enough. But right after doing this chapter, I will be looking into chapter 1, and maybe chapter 2?

Don't know, I know there many mistakes in chapter 1, since many people says, it feels like a machine wrote it.

Anyway, thanks for reading. And sorry for the two weeks delay, I wasn't well, nor my family, who I got this flu or whatever it was, from. Actually, I still got it, but not as bad as before… it just wouldn't let go.

Sorry for all the grammar, I tired my best to make this readable. Next chapters will be next Monday. Once again, thanks for reading, and remember to add it to your library… is something I should said. But if you been reading until 61 chapters, it makes no sense, why you haven't, so I wouldn't bother, see you all next week!

Unless something unexpected happens…

Another note: I will not be posting chapters Monday, Wednesday, Friday anymore. Instead, all the chapters of the single original chapter I re-edited and proofread will be uploaded on Mondays, meaning between 1~3 chapters will be uploaded, counting how long the original chapter come to.

And Fridays, re-editing of the already uploaded DxD will be posted. Do keep in mind, this is the first time I had to work on two projects at once. So, anything could happen… I just hope nothing serious.

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