
Fairy 29: The wounded woman, and the Truth about the Gods?

It has been a month since Zack had parted ways with Meredy. And in that timeframe, Zack already ruined few other naturel training grounds with his magic, Gravity Magic and his Quake Magic.

But destroying training grounds, wasn't all that Zack did this last month.

After discovering it took a long time to heal Meredy, with his first-aid level Light Magic. Zack also trained his Light Magic, alongside his Ice and Fire Magic systems within that mouth as well.

His Fire and Ice Magic systems has increased to the point, if an A-Class Wizards that focus on either fire or ice magic were to attack Zack. He could use his Ice Magic or Fire Magic to block most of their attacks. And his fire and ice are now strong enough to beat C-Class Wizards, and rival B-Class Wizards, who specialise in these two magic systems.

While within some forest travelling through it. All of the sudden, Zack halted in his steps, and felt a faint and weak signal of mana nearby.

It is not the first time, for Zack to feel such a weaken and faint mana signal, normally he felt it when a monster is dying. However, this mana doesn't belong to a monster. Because of that, Zack who cannot bare to stand by, and do nothing, rushed towards whoever is about to die, or heavily wounded.

It didn't take Zack long to find who was the one with such a dying signal of mana. And the person that Zack found, was a woman that seems to be 2 years older than himself.

The dying woman is covered in both mud and blood, most likely she got caught in the pouring rain from earlier. But that wasn't all, even her clothing is in a torn state, with all kinds of bruises can be seen over her body. Which told, this woman must have been in a fight to be in this state.

Zack didn't delay any time, and quickly used his Light Magic to heal close most of her fatal wounds. However, as soon he done finishing closing those fatal wounds, Nightfall's trembling voice, caused Zack to stop in closing her minor wounds.

{H-How is this… possible!? I didn't notice, until Master began to heal her… b-but why… why can I sense the aura of a dragon from her!? Clearly, she is human, and yet why does this feel like God Slayer Magic… but a dragon instead…? Dragon Slayer Magic…? But according to my creator… in order to develop such a magic system… don't tell me, those prideful lizards actually…}

"What's wrong Night?" Zack asked, while he began to close the minor wounds of this unconscious young woman.

{I just don't understand… she has the aura of a dragon on her… but why? Now I sense more into her, some of her genes also that of dragons. Making it possible to use magic just like dragons can…} Nightfall stated.

"Basically, she is like Natsu, a Dragon Slayer Wizard." Zack told.

{D-Dragon Slayer Wizard!? Wait, Master, you knew about this!? Even if my creator did state such a magic was possible! But there was no such magic back in the Era of the Gods! But in order to create such a magic… meaning those damned lizards had to be willing to share… at will? But they never been interested in humans to begin with!} Nightfall yelled in Zack's mind.

"Not what I heard. One point, this world was ruled by the Dragons, and some even enslaved the humans. But it also stated in history books, they were some that also befriend humans, and taught them magic. And those that learn magic from the Dragons, soon to be called Dragon Slayers, which is why their magic is called Dragon Slayer Magic, which is by the way, also counts as a Lost Magic, since it has been lost in time." Zack stated those facts that he has read in some book.

{Those prideful lizards did that…? No, it makes sense, if they had to do that in order to destroy the link between Faith and the Gods…? Yes, that seems most possible. Since Dragons themselves are on par with the Gods. They can easily switch who get the Faith towards them instead the Gods. By doing so, this stops the Gods from regaining their powers back.}

{It no wonder, why I cannot feel any aura of any of those Gods… since both them and the Dragons are no longer on this continent, that makes sense…}

{But what about the Titans? In terms of physical strength, they are the strongest among the transcendent races. However, they are also very weak mentally, making them very easy to manipulate, since they have ego of their own. Which is why the Gods loved to use them as their pets or soldiers, which is why they are also known as God Soldiers.}

{Did you know, Master. They use the Titans to keep the Dragons and the other transcendent races at bay? Since Titans are in fact, the strongest on land, they are a fearsome group to deal with. Of course, this truly, has slayed many of their kind in the past." Nightfall stated, with a hint of pride at the very end.

"Titans…? They are some mentions of them in history books, but not much known about them. I had heard Master has Giant Magic, was developed on the idea to give the caster the strength and the body, to rival a Titan, of course, it still unknown if Giant Magic can rival the actual Titans, since there no longer any Titans in this world, but still Giant Magic was created on that purpose." Zack went, remembering what Makarov told him about his magic.

{Hmm, I see. It seems, most things are lost in history. I wonder if the other Devil Arms also lost in history as well. Only I, Chaos Ruler, only one that has the ability to increase my own strength by breaking and repair myself.} Nightfall said.

"Lonely?" Zack asked while he stopped healing her.

{Possibly so? In the beginning, me and the other Devil Arms fought to liberated humanity from the Gods. Who saw humanity as nothing but Faith breeding tools. They were even Gods, that made humans fight each other for their entertainment.}

{But not all Gods mistreat humans, they also those that loved humans. And those Gods did side with my creator, and his servants who welded us, and fought alongside each other, to free humanity from being mistreated by the other Gods.}

{If those Gods didn't side with my creator, the chances of freeing humans from those Gods' grasps be a lot lower. However, the Gods were hellbent on destroying anything that can get in their way, which is why in the end. The Gods themselves was divided in many factions.}

{Those that loved humans, those that wanted to guide humans, and those that think nothing less then human, then just mere tools for their entertainment or tools to breed Faith.}

{My creator wanted humanity to be liberated from those that harm humanity and think them nothing but mere breeding tools of Faith, and their entertainment. I can see why the Dragons take over Humanity… it was to get rid of their Faith. Without Faith, they cannot recover their Divine Powers.} Nightfall stated.

"Divine Powers…?" Zack asked, while he picked up the wounded woman, and began walking with her in a princess carry.

{Divine Powers, they are the Divinity that Gods can used. But they are powered by Faith. Remember that Ether has emotions, right?} Nightfall asked.

"Yep, I do." Zack told.

{The Gods will collect Ether from humanity, and based on their emotions, and belief will infuse with Ether. Your guild has a saying of the Power of Friendship and Family? It is not wrong, that is because that what it is. Emotions dwells within Ether, and with Ether will carry those emotions.}

{To the Gods, they refer this to Faith. Which they can use to empower themselves with it. You can say, to the Gods, wizards are the most hatred. Why is that? Because they used Ether for themselves. Which is why most Gods hate the fact, they cannot empower themselves with Faith, since wizards will use Ether to support themselves.}

When Zack heard that. He stopped in his steps, as he looked at his tattoo on his arm.

"But… that makes no sense… you making it sound like, if all humanity had Ether in the past…?" Zack said in shock, as this truly shocked to him. After all, only tenth of humanity can use Ether. It is impossible to use magic without Ether. But Nightfall making it sound it was possible for humanity to use Ether as a whole?

{That's right, it is confusing, Master? Why do you think only tenth of you humans can used magic? It because of the Gods in the past. They had suck humanity that much Faith from them to the point later generations begin to show less and less humans with Ether. In truth, I can imagine it was about thousandth of humanity can use magic in the far past.}

{But now only a tenth can use it… it will not be longer for the Gods to interfere with humanity once again. I hope, humanity is prepared. After all, this is just an endless cycle. Of the Gods sucking humanity dry of Ether, then leaving them be, before they destroy any traces of magic, they so hate. And then wait for humanity to regain the numbers of those that can use Ether as their own!} Nightfall laughed madly, with hatred can be felt inside Zack's tattoo.

"How much time I got…" Zack asked this, as he imagined Mirajane and the others being sucked dry, as this made Zack disgusted by the Gods and their ill intentions.

{Don't be mad, Master. Even if I don't agree with their methods. And even among the Gods, they are few that do really love humanity. But Gods are needed in this world… what do you think will happened if more and more humans can use Ether?} Nightfall said.

"I don't know." Zack honestly went, as he carried on walking, with this wounded woman. As he discussed the truth behind this world.

{Ether comes from the Earth itself Master. If too many people suck at it at the same time. It will break the world. That is why the Gods are needed to stop this to happened, Dragons are the guardians of world. Created as mass of Ether themselves. Their role is to make sure Gods don't kill all humanity.}

{When a human dies, the Ether inside them returns many folds to the Earth itself. That how the endless cycle of life in this world goes. Stopping Gods doing their jobs is foolish. But stopping the ones that treat humanity like animals or as tools. That's a different story.}

{Humans are also needed for this world to survive. Meaning Humans are as important as any other race in this world, but among the Gods, many don't think so, or they used to think like that.} Nightfall said.

"I just feel… I just learn something I shouldn't…" Zack went feeling strange, since Nightfall, this sword that seems to know a little too much. Just told him the secret of this world.

{You don't have to worry about this! It will take another thousand years for this to happened. Let the future worry about the Gods, and all that stuff. Tenth of humanity are too little for them. Until about half of humanity, then they will begin their actions.}

{By the way, I been wondering for a while, where you are taking her, Master?} Nightfall asked, as it glance towards the sleeping woman, that is in Zack's embrace. Because she is covered in blood and mud, it is hard to tell what she looks like.

However, Nightfall could tell, from her body, as well her silver hair, that has hint of blue like ice. She has quite mature body, with her perfect hourglass body, as well her huge chest. Of course, any man that looked at this woman, feel lust dwelling inside them, even this perverted sword is no different.

But Nightfall also knew, Zack, his new Master, is not that lustful, in fact Nightfall even think his Master has no clue what lust is. Which is why Nightfall is not worried if Zack has any ill intentions towards this woman, with such a smoking hot body… or that what this perverted sword thought until Zack's next words.

"Oh, I remember I find a cave on our way to here. There I can remove her clothes and do it." Zack said that with an innocent smile.


{... Huh…?}

{M-Master!? I know that sometimes the lust of a male human can be uncountable at times! Especially someone of your age! B-But this is not the right way to go! In fact, I am glad that Master is not taking the lolicon path, which I for one, won't care. But I refused to let my Master to become an animal!} Nightfall yelled out.

"What you on about Night? I need to remove hers clothing, and replace them with my own, so she wouldn't have an infection. And besides, what the heck you mean by I will become an animal, by doing what exactly? And can you please tell me what this lolicon thing is?" Zack looked at Nightfall with dismay and said that.

{I see… I see! Of course, that's right… Stay pure as you are Master… if you don't… I have no clue that… I mean, never mind.}

When Nightfall said that. Zack glimpses at his tattoo, however, Nightfall didn't say anything. After all, there is something that Zack has no idea about Nightfall, this sword he is linked with.

That through their link, it is possible for Nightfall to see his owner's dreams. And because it is possible to see within Zack's dreams, it also meant one thing.

And that is, Nightfall and Old Zack has already met.

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Author Notice.

I know this chapter was longer, then the others, since it is over 2,300 words… which for one, impossible to spilt into two parts of a chapter. And even if I did spilt them, it will not make any sense if I did.

Anyway, remember to add this to your library if you like this. And thanks for reading this fanfic, which by the way if you forgot or don't know. Is my first fanfic I ever did.

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