
Fairy 3: Fairy Tail's Guild, and escaped Sea Apes?

Within the guild that is known to be the strongest guild in Fiore Kingdom, Fairy Tail. In such loud and chaotic place. About few days before Zack had his encounter with the Sea Ape 'child' monster.

Lies an old man in this such loudly place. A very short old man at that. He only has white hair to the outer rims of his head. He also has a thick white moustache. Dressed in a casual manner with a white shirt along with black pants. On the white shirt itself has the guild mark of Fairy Tail on it.

This old man that been staring in space, completely ignoring the mess behind him. No he refused to acknowledge it. Is the third guild master of Fairy Tail, Makarov Dreyar.

"What did you say Gray!?" The one that shouted from his lungs, is a pink haired kid around or maybe even younger than 12 years old. Grabbing onto the collar of a black-haired boy, who sharply looked at the pink haired kid before him.

"I said, why did you have to burn my food, you damn lizard!" The black-haired boy said.

"It's dragon!? What's wrong with warming your food up? I was worried if your ice cooled it!" Said the pink haired boy.

"Warm? What the heck is that warm!?" The moment the black-haired boy said that, he pulled back his fist, only to punched the pink haired kid in the face. Causing him to fall on his bottom and rolled onto the ground.

"Damn you, Gray!!" When the pink haired boy said that. Flames covered his fist, as the boy spun around and about to punch the boy, known as Gray Fullbuster's face. However, the black-haired boy put his hands together, and a small shield made of ice, blocked the incoming flaming fist.

"You think I fall for that again, Natsu!" Gray yelled, while he creates an ice hummer, and swings down at the pink haired boy, known as Natsu Dragneel.

When the hammer swung at Natsu, he just grin, and jump to the side while dodging Gray's hummer. Then he closed in and sent a kick towards Gray's side, causing him to be spent flying to the nearby table, as he crashed into the table.

"Hahaha, what you say about falling?" With a grin, Natsu mocked Gray, while Gray himself stared at him if his looks can kill. While creating a block of ice, only to throw it at the grinning Natsu's face. And this time, Natsu is the one sent flying instead.

"They're at it again…" The one that said that, was a blue cat with angel-like wings behind him. This cat, is Happy, watching both Gray and Natsu (his father) duking it out yet again.

"I know, right, but thanks to them, this guild such a lively place." The one that said that, was a white short haired girl, with blue eyes, as she looked at the pink haired boy with many emotions within them, while she hugged Happy in her arms.

"Hahaha, go at it, Gray! Show him who's the boss, hahaha!"

"They at it again, want to place a bet who win this time?"

"Natsu go get him!"

That was the sound of the guild, drinking their mugs, while they watched the two children making a mess in the guild hall. It was that moment, the main doors opened, as everyone in the guild turn to face who had entered. Only to meet a young beauty with long red coloured hair, with armour on, she walked into the guild.

The moment the 13-year-old beauty, that walked into the guild hall. Everyone stopped, however, two didn't. And those are Natsu and Gray who still duking it out with each other, that hasn't notice her.

Turning her brown coloured eyes towards the mayhem of mess in the guild hall, she slowly begun to walk towards them.

"Hey Natsu… hey Natsu…!" Happy went, trying to warn him about the incoming danger. But Natsu was too focused on his bout with Gray, that either of them noticed her.

"It's no use… you know what he like once he gets into it…" The white-haired girl said that, as she only could sighed knowing the end result. As she turns to face the red-haired woman, who is narrowing her eyes at the two boys before her.

"Welcome back, Erza." The moment the white-haired girl said that. Gray and Natsu that still duking it out, all of the sudden stopped with their punches or kicks in mid-air, as both of them became like broken robots, as they slowly turned towards the red-haired beauty.

"Indeed it is, glad I am back Lisanna… however, it seems I have to teach these two a lesson, after I just came back…" The young girl, known as Erza Scarlet, said to the one that known as Lisanna Strauss. As Lisanna herself could only sighed and hope those two that standing like statues will be let off lightly.

"E-Erza … y-you back…?" Natsu the one that said that, with fear can be felt from his quivering voice.

"Y-Yeah… welcome back Erza… how did your mission went…?" Gray went, as he thought he felt cold sweat on his naked back. Yes, at some point in the fight, Gray is now down to his boxers.

"It went fine, with no problems." Erza said still slowly walking toward them.

"Wonderful, right Gray?" Natsu said, while looking for a way to escape.

"Hahaha, that indeed true my dear friend Natsu!" Gray said, as he hopes he can just end this damn lizard one day.

"Hahaha, you are so right!" Natsu went.

"I know, right!" Gray, as he wraps around his arm around Natsu, and Natsu also did the same. Hoping to calm down the demon like girl before them. However, to their own luck. Erza just placed her hand on a table that hasn't been broken yet, before she gives the two boys such a cold icy look.

"Don't cause trouble for the guild!" When Erza said that. She lifts the table like it's no one's business only to swing it down towards both Gray and Natsu. Which only resulted in both of the boys sent flying and crashing through the wall at the back of the guild.

When the guild member all sees that, only thing they thought was: 'Didn't you also just caused as much trouble as well!?'

Of course, no one wanted to point that out. Why would they? Unless they want Titania, the Queen of Fairies' wrath! How could they have said anything, when she holds the strongest title for any female members of the guild?

"Hahaha… why are they all causing this much trouble for this old man… why did I took in these kids again…?" Makarov said with a sigh, as he begun to drink the ale before him, while trying his hardest to flee from reality. Of course, Makarov's fleeing from reality didn't last long, when he heard Erza heading towards him.

"I had returned master, and my mission also been complete as well." Erza told.

"I see, well follow me to my office to fill in the paperwork. And also Erza, welcome back." Makarov went with a smile. Even if this old man moans and cries about the mess and trouble these children leave him. To him, they are still his family. Which is why he always make sure to be inside the guild hall, to welcome back his grandchildren whose has no blood relation with.

After all, that's what Fairy Tail is all about. Even if they are the strongest guild in Fiore. They always treat their own as family.

Hearing Makarov said that, as Erza smiled and nodded, before she was about to followed Makarov to his office. Only to stop in her steps, when she crossed path with a white-haired young girl around the same age as her.

Unlike Lisanna whose around 11 or so. This young girl that has her long hair in a ponytail, she also very beautiful, with a goth like clothing of black vest and mini skirt. Is around the same age as her, 13-year-old.

When the two meet, like Natsu and Gray, they both just stared at each other with hatred in their eyes. Specially the white-haired girl with blue eyes. She took a stance that told Erza she about to attack any moment. Seeing this, Makarov just sighed, knowing these two girls are as bad as Gray and Natsu when they together, which is why he had to stop them making a move.

"Mirajane, Erza!" Makarov shouted, which made both of the girls snapped out of their state and look at him. "Now, stop this nonsense, will you?"

Seeing how the master is staring at the two, both of them just nodded, and looked away from each other. Which Makarov could only sigh at Erza and Mirajane Strauss.

"How about you, and your siblings go on a mission? I heard some tamers had lost some of their Sea Apes in some forest. I was going to send someone there… how about it, Mirajane?"

Hearing Makarov, Mirajane just nodded as she walked past Erza and said without caring if Makarov or anyone else in the guild heard her.

"Just you wait, you b*tch. The next S-Class exam, I will become the newest S-Class Wizard… hear me?" Mirajane said showing her mocking smile.

"Whatever." Erza said, she did not care if Mirajane, her rival, but also a bully become the next S-Class Wizard of Fairy Tail in the next exam in few months.

"Just because you won last year exam, don't make me lower than you!" Seeing her not interested expression, as mockery, Mirajane was about land a blow towards Erza, but Makarov stood between them, and hit both of their heads.

"Enough!" Makarov shouted, as both Erza and Mirajane both hold their heads, while kneeling in pain.

"W-Why me as well master!?" Erza truly wasn't the one that was going to attack this time around. Even so, Makarov didn't answer her, that because he got used to hitting two people whenever something happened. It kinda of coming a habit lately… and just dragged Erza away from Mirajane before they duke it out as well.

And that is the last thing he wanted… since when both these girls go at it. They damage the guild worse than Natsu and Gray does.

Seeing Erza and Makarov left for the guild master's office. Mirajane just stared at them, before she turned her gaze towards the billboard, that contain all of this guild's missions and quests. And then looked at the tall boy, with his big body heading towards her, with a cowardly look on his face. Even if the tall boy is very tall for his age.

"You all okay sis?" The boy, Elfman Strauss asked his older sister. He also has the same blue eyes and white hair as his sisters has. But his body is taller than Gray, who are also the same age as him, making him look around 14 or 15 years old, as well the blue suit he also wears.

"I am fine… call Lisanna over, will you? We are going on a mission." Mirajane said in an unusual gentle voice, which only her siblings normally hear.

"I will sis. What is the mission will we going on?" Elfman asked.

"Seems like we are hunting Sea Apes… it going to be fun." Mirajane said with a fearless smile, as Elfman, her younger brother only can sigh seeing her usual self.

However, either of the Strauss siblings knew, this very mission they are going on. Will change the course of history of Fairy Tail itself. A new but not so different history with many different outcome. And this is all due to one monster, that will one day be known as the Strongest Fairy in Fairy Tail's history. Will have their first fateful encounter on this very mission itself.

At the same time, as soon Erza left the guild master's office. Makarov sighed, before he stopped working on his workload. And about to pick up and read a 'certain' hidden book in his desk to calm himself. However, the old perv halt his hand reaching for his treasure. Before he turned his gaze towards the window, showing the huge town of Magnolia.

Makarov narrowed his eyes, as he felt something strange, a feeling he felt before. It is the same kind of feeling he felt each time when someone troublesome is about to join Fairy Tail… he is sure of it!

"No, this old man is surely overthinking things. That's right, I had overworked myself, there no way another troublesome brat is going to join! Surely god hasn't forsake me yet, has he? There is no way you going to send all of the troublemakers over here, right?"

Makarov prayed, as he looked at the vast blue sky. Not knowing his dear wish for no more troublemakers is going to be rejected. When a new one, with no common sense, and for some reason he has no clue what's a harem is. But he seeks one anyway.

Is about to join Fairy Tail.

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