
Chapter 17: Island Exam Part 2

Miura Yumiko POV:

Currently our entire class was in the middle of the woods sitting down, taking a break from looking for a spot, while a few were standing like Ayanokouji. Before we sat down, on the walk I passed Horikita, briefly looking at her with disappointment in my eyes as I saw her rubbing her arm.

Because I don't remember every exact detail of the show and LN, I had only focused on remembering the key details throughout the 1st and 2nd year. Therefore, it came as a surprise to me when I found out she was ill and I also had a minor flashback of the show when I realised Horikita is sick.

It's a little frustrating as she always claims to be the superior student and deserves to be in class A when all she does is complain and never acts.

Right now I was sitting on the branch swinging my legs and humming to myself right above both Ayanokouji and Horikita. Koenji was also sitting on one of the branches on the trees with his eyes closed on the other side. While Hirata and everyone were discussing on what to do, I stared at Koenji.

I just couldn't figure him out or what he was up to in this school. Does he really not care and had just come to entertain himself? Or is he like Kiyo and wants to get away from everything? So many unanswered questions and speculations popped up in my head. The only time I've ever seen him is in the class, sometimes in the elevator or hanging around with senpais in keyaki mall.

It's as if a part of my memory was removed and I can't remember what his plan is in this school. Maybe he plans to use the senpais some way? As if sensing my gaze, Koenji turns to me with his eyes open now, and looking at me with a smirk. I narrowed my eyes at him before giving him back a cute smile.

I pushed these thoughts I had to the back of my head as Hirata spoke to Yukimura before calling out to the rest of the class.

"Sharing a primitive toilet is guaranteed to bring problems. I think spending points in moderation is the best course of action. Reckless self-deprivation and uncertainty will stress everyone out, which increases conflicts. Not to mention the hygiene issues, the girls need peace of mind. It would make them more likely to succeed in the exam, you know?"

"Yeah, you're right." Yukimura replied.

I lightly scoffed making the two below me look up at me, of course he'd agree with something if it's explained logically. No offence Yukimura, I praise your intellect, but your simply not as cunning or have the guts to be merciless as us. (Miura, Ayanokouji, Ryuen, Sakayangi and maybe Horikita)

"I think it's time we start searching the forest for a good place to set up our base camp!" Hirata shouted, causing others to agree with him.

"I agree."

"Where we decide to camp will affect how and when we have to spend our points this week." Hirata raises his hand as he calls out for volunteers. "Are there any volunteers to help me search?"

Leaves rustling above Hirata attract his attention to Koenji who currently has his hand raised as a sign of volunteering. Soon more of our classmates slowly raised their hands.

"Ooh, right here! I'd be honoured to help if you'll have me." Kushida's statement caused more of the perverts raise their hands.

With an eye roll I thought of how much Kushida must be loving the attention right now.

Ayanokouki raises his hand and turns to me first, then Horikita. Yay! Me! First! (Chibi Miura fist pump)

"Aren't the both of you going to join the fun?" He asks us.

"That's the last thing I want to do. And you, volunteering to help those guys look?" Once Horikita finished answering, he looks towards me waiting for my answer.

"Nah, you got this. Just tell me if you see anyone there." My words earned an eyebrow raise from Horikita.

"There? He knows where to go? But that should be impossible, we just got to the island?" She looks towards Ayanokouji as she speaks, demanding an answer as to what I'm talking about.

He simply shrugs before speaking, "Don't look at me, I'm as confused as you are."

"Uh huh." They both turned to as the saw me lying my back on the tree with my eyes closed, waving my hand as if dismissing him. "Just go before someone else gets there before you."

I felt their gazes leave me, but Horikita's lingered on me a little longer before looking down seeming to be in deep thought.

I felt a new gaze on me causing me to open my eyes. I looked at Hirata, as if listening to him, but looked with my peripheral vision and I saw Sakura looking at me. It seems she wanted to see if I'm going with Ayanokouji or not.

After a few seconds of me doing nothing and acting oblivious to her gaze, she finally raises her hand catching a few people's attention. Mainly Hirata's.

Hirata seeing this thanks her. "Thanks a lot, Sakura. That makes 12. Let's proceed in teams of three."

As everyone dispersed and got into groups, the only team left were Koenji, Sakura and Ayanokouji. Horikita was still here but was hanging back a little, like me as we were watching the last of the volunteers greet each other.

"N-nice to see you again, Ayanokouji-kun," Stuttered Sakura.

"The sun certainly is refreshing. My body needs energy." We all know who said this.

Without saying anything else, the three of them left wordlessly, but not before Ayaokouji glancing back at me for a split second. Seems like he knows I'm up to something. After they left I stood up on the branch I was sitting on and stretched a little, before Horikita called out to me.

"What are you planning? Normally you would be with Ayanokouji but your not." She asked as she looked at me suspiciously.

I simply grinned as I spoke back. "Didn't I make a promise to the class. Plus this is my chance to have a little fun."

She narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth to speak but I ignored her and made my way back to the beach where the teachers currently were.

Right now my heart is clenching at the thought of Sakura that pathetic girl being touched by Ayanokouji, but this exam is my chance to impress him and to show him I'm not simply as smart as Sakayangi, I'm something more. Right now Sakura doesn't matter, as we all know he will be mine, so she's no threat.

As I was jumping and swinging, I thought back to my conversation with Chabashira-Sensei right after I saw the spots on the island.


"You called me Miura? Just so you know I have things to be doing, so you'll have to make this quick."

"I'm sure you do Sensei, but before that I noticed something interesting on the island." Once I spoke, her eyes gleamed a little and now seems more invested in our little chat.

"And what's that?" This is amusing, she seems like a child getting candy.

"Why don't we get to the point as we both know what I'm talking about." She nods before I continue speaking. "How much can I buy a voice recorder to take with me to that island and use?"

She smirks at my question before speaking. "40,000 points." I raised an eyebrow at her, as if telling her to explain. She sighed and spoke, "I'm not supposed to be telling you this but you'll be there for a whole week with no electronics or anything, that's why the cost is this high."

I nodded in understanding and looked down for a few seconds with my hand on my chin pretending to be thinking before speaking up.

"But don't we get equipment on the island if we're staying there." I asked.

"Yes but voice recorders are not apart of it." I sighed before putting my hand in my pocket. "However, you can take your phone for 60,000 points."

I looked at her for a few seconds before nodding and choosing to buy phone to take to the island. While I do have lots of points, I still need them to try and save up to 20 million.

When I handed my phone, her eyes went wide before smirking and completing the transaction.

She handed me my phone back before I spoke, "Nice doing business with you." And I walked away.

Flashback End

Once I arrived at the edge of the forest, I could see the beach with a few teachers talking to each other, the distance between me and the teachers were far apart from each other so they won't be able to see me.

I looked down and see Chabashira-Sensei leaning on a tree, jumping down in front of her, she jumped a little in surprise but quickly got out of her stupor and handed me my phone.

"Here." She said passing me my phone. "Any reason you wanted me to give it now instead of before."

"You could say I don't trust that friend of yours." I simply answered.

"You mean Chie. You seemed all friendly with her before?"

I smirked and answered, "But that's because her acting is top notch. Better than Kushida's. I mean she almost had me for a second so she has my respect." She nodded satisfied.

After a few seconds of silence, she asked another question.

"Why do I get the feeling you don't respect Kushida?" Her question made my eyes darken.

"That's because she threatened the only interesting thing in the school. And she'll pay have to pay." I answered in a cold voice. "Anyway that's all Sensei. Thanks!" I said waving goodbye.

I could hear Sensei mutter the word hypocrite causing me to giggle a little.

After I left Chabashira-Sensei, I made my way to where Ike and his group will find our classes spot. However, as I'm on my way, I run into Koenji and right now we're both opposite each other with a five-feet distance. Him standing regularly on his tree branch with that same cocky smirk on his face while I looked at him impassively standing on my own branch with my right hand on the tree trunk.

"Well isn't this a funny coincidence Koenji. On your way to drop out of the exam?" I asked.

"Of course Miura-girl, from one heir to another I'm sure you understand that it's pointless to dirty ourselves unnecessarily this week, when we can simply relax... Especially when the outcome is inevitable." I raised an eyebrow at his remark.

"So you know we're going to win." With a nod from him I continued speaking. "And you seem to know who's going to win this exam for us." He grinned wider at my words.

"Of course, 4 people in total noticed the hidden spots from the cruise ship. Me, you, Ayanokouji-boy and baldy-kun." I narrowed my eyes at his words. So he was able to notice Ayanokouji's gaze on the spots huh. "What's wrong, didn't expect me to know about your boyfriend."

That's right...

I didn't.


I started releasing a heavy aura that could suffocate most people, he responded with his own aura, if any normal student were here, then they'd faint in an instant. "I'll say this once Koenji, Don't touch any of my things." I glared at him as I spoke, slowly increasing the pressure in the air.

"Don't worry, I'm just curious as to what he's capable of for now." He slowly lost his grin as he spoke with a serious expression. "I have to ask, how much do you see that the rest of us don't Miura Yumiko?"

I stared at him for a few seconds before jumping down and walking away. As I walked, I could feel Koenji's burning gaze on me from each step I took, his gaze staying on me and not moving until the distance between us was too far.

A memory flashed in my mind.

I punched the tree stump next to me a little hard, earning a cut on my knuckle.

I stayed still in that spot for a few minutes looking at the ground before I continued walking.

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