
Greedy Mother

While Hosea was worried for his daughter, his wife was worried, but not for the same reason. She was afraid Leander would leave. If Leander leaves unsatisfied, so will the opportunities that come with his association.

"Give me your belt!" Felicia shouted at her husband. Leander took a sip of the tea they offered him. "Nadia... don't struggle. It is for your own good!" Felicia kissed and consoled her daughter who was sobbing uncontrollably and pleading with her mother to let her go.

Felicia won't lie. It hurt to see her daughter cry and beg. But it is Nadia's duty as a daughter to support her parents. Just like she supported her parents, her daughter will support her. It's the way of the world--the circle of life.

Still seeing that Leander was unmoved and listening to the directive of his greedy wife, Hosea bowed his head and removed his belt, and passed it to his wife.

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