
V5 Chapter Fate Recorder's Holiday 3/3 (Deleted Scene)

[ One of the first residents in the world, an immortal with one duty, if even I can't escape the gears of fate, then who can?

I silently turned back to the tower I had just existed. My gaze, looking up, close to the middle where it was hidden by the darkness of space and stars. Silently knowing my answer. Silently knowing that one angel escaped fate thanks to the help of a demigod who became a gear of fate for him.

"Guess that's how high you must be, to be able to truly be free."

I whispered to myself as I flipped my notebook close and shoved it back into my pocket. I turned back to the streets that were full of fate recorders moving about. Excited to spend their holiday in the many options that lower heaven has to offer. Many stars flick throughout the city like the torchlight of a grand kingdom. The home of many shops of different countries and worlds jammed together in many layers. The bustle and the noise never truly reached me, for here the walls are made out of barriers connected by the stars. No sound could echo through. In the far distance, I could see the open area that had rolling clouds that leads back to the mortal world. Once again I'm reminded what a truly beautiful place this was.


I called with an arm raised and from the higher levels of heavens flew down a pure white steed. Its wings stretched out, gliding down toward me.

" Well, well, well. If it isn't, Guardian Metz? Still haven't gotten any wings? It would be hard to move around here without them."

The pegasus informed me as he landed next to me.

"I could show you to the closes cobbler and have them fix a pair of wings on your shoes."

The pegasus offered.

" Wouldn't that mean you'll lose a valued customer?"

I questioned with a laugh as I mounted him.

" Well, that's true. Without you, I would be assigned back to transporting cargo from one place to the other or running through to the heavens trying to help someone get somewhere on time when they are running late. So where would be it today? Hidden pixie world?"

The pegasus questioned as he trotted and flapped his wings.

"Not that far. Today I'm visiting my brother, Mirauleo."

I inform with a huge sigh.

"Ah, deep space beyond the moon it is then but why the long face? Aren't you visiting your brother?"

He questioned as he turned his head to look at me.

" That's all the reason I need. I know he's probably still angry about the whole Goddess of Fate screwing him over, almost breaking the space-time continuum and all that."

I answered with another frown.

" Oh ... did you wait like a few centuries for him to get over it? Oh, no... wait... hasn't it just been like a century? Are you sure you wanna visit him now? Probably a good idea to wait for another 3 more. It's a little bit too recent."

The pegasus suggested as we flew over the clouds, leaving the heavens.

"Unfortunately it can't wait. I had never seen my brother truly angry before... You think it'll be okay?"

My voice trembled a little from nervousness and fear.

" Who knows? Maybe, maybe not? Really depends on your luck for this one. Well, technically it depends on your fate."

The pegasus corrected himself as his wings broke through the earth's atmosphere and the cold feeling of space hits me.

" Thanks, a lot. That's so much more comforting."

I grumbled as I pulled my coat over my chest and huddled, shivering at the cold.

" *Laughing, neigh, laughing* Your welcome!"

He laughed as his speed picks up, leaping and dodging comets. Everything started to blur past me as I cling onto the pegasus's neck with my head down low.

" Remind me again why don't you have a saddle?! Or at least safety belts or something to hold on to?!"

I whined as I cling tightly to him, fearing that I would be blown off the pegasus.

" Relax, you are doing just fine! This only happens when flying through space. You didn't fear anything back when it was Earth. "

He pointed out as he snickered.

" That cause you weren't going this fast!"

I yelled over the strong wind that felt like we were flying through a hurricane rather than just fast. Suddenly he jerked which caused me to almost fall off his back. I held on tighter as he slowed down and finally came to a halt.

" And there we go! The dark side of the moon. See it wasn't that bad, now was it?"

He questioned with a grin as he stretched his wings before folding them back against his body.

" Speak for yourself."

I muttered as I landed on unsteady feet.

" That'll be 107 MP."

He informed as he nuzzled against my back, trying to help me regain my balance. Once I was back on my feet, I waved my hand over his eyes, releasing my mana and paying my fee.

" Thanks again for the ride. I'll see you around back at heaven."

I thanked him before parting ways with a wave.

" Do you want me to wait for you here and send you back to heaven when you're done?"

" No, no. I might just stay the night here and head back to heaven tomorrow. I'm sure no matter how angry my brother is, he would give me a ride back. Thanks for offering."

I nodded my head at him and watched him bow his head back at me before flapping his wings and taking flight. As soon as my unsteady feet step on the shadows of the moon. Two earth fairies appear from the ground, both fairies were male and wore guard amour, each holding a spear and they appear from either side of me.

" Guardian Metztli, it is good to see you again so soon. Guardian Mirauleo would be extremely happy to see you. Allow me to have the honor of escorting you."

The earth fairy greeted me as both fairies bows to me.

" Ah, it's good to see you again."

I smiled but couldn't recognize who that fairy was. Since his head was bowed and his helmet blocked my view.

" No need to trouble yourself over me, I'll just see myself in. Keep up the good work."

I patted his shoulder as I headed towards the entrance and took the staircase down. The staircase lead to a huge open area where gears were everywhere turning, bringing dust from one point to another. Flowing throughout the whole spacetime. I couldn't help but feel like I was within a huge complex clock that kept turning. The pathways between were wide but with many fire and light fairies fluttering from one point to another, each checking certain parts of the gears and writing down something on their clipboard.

As I walked past each fairy either bowed, greeted me, offer to escort me, or a combined of all or a few. Each of them I greeted with a nod or a wave before either signaling or telling them I was alright and for them to return to their duties. Wandering through this huge place I couldn't help but get a little sidetracked for certain dust reflected my past and certain areas held many memories either way I found myself walking down memory lane.

Recalling how Morpheus and myself, helped build this place. How much fun we had when it was just the three of us. Creating new fairies or pixies and teaching them how to work the machine. Recalling how Morpheus and Mirauleo helped me create my own work area for the seasons and weather. How I accidentally broke the water wheel that brought water up to the cloud and we all ended up soaking wet and playing around instead of fixing it. The fun times we had when I and Mirauleo helped Morpheus build his work area for slumber. How I kept mixing up dust and sand, accidentally putting certain animals into hibernation. How we all panicked until one pixie pointed out it was merely sleeping and not dead. How we had to come up with a cure to wake the animals up before realizing that it would be a good idea to put certain animals to hibernate during the winter.

Ah, how much fun the world was as we made up the rules and created a system for the world. Back when we didn't have any responsibility and started to take on more. Back when the world was new and exciting. Back when it was slowly becoming more than just the 3 of us.

I find myself smiling as I gaze out of a huge window, the darkness of space that lit up as it come to the earth. The earth shone with all its beauty, watching the dust of time flow down to earth and slowly make the world spin. Slowly making every last living being dance to the entangling threads of dreams, circumstance, and fate. ]


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