
V5 Chapter 43 Linked Emotions 1/2 (FTC)

" Oh! Save me! Milk Scent!"

Shayna cried dramatically as she made herself comfortable against the playpen's wall.

(Insert soundtrack - Radiata Stories: OST - Struggle I)

" There's no way you can beat me! Runt!"

Blaze barked at Blake who was pinned under him.

" Can you please move out of my way?"

Rehaa nicely asked as she moves to the side but Blain follows her movement blocking her way. Blain stands on his back paws and held up his front paws acting like a mime artist and creating a huge wall in front of her.

" I should have probably thought about this better but how do I play fight with a baby elf? "

Richard wondered as he tap his lip. Little One however was more cunning than he seemed, as Richard pounders Little One rolls into Blaze, pushing him off of Blake. Blake immediately pouches at Richard tackling him to the ground. Rehaa on the other hand seeing that Blain was making an imaginary wall started playing with an imaginary ball. Which immediately caught his attention, as he started wagging his little tail and eyes locked onto the ball. Rehaa throws the ball across the playpen and Blain immediately runs chasing after it. Rehaa then leaps into the tussle, joining Blake in the boss battle.

" A baby that can't even sit up by himself, can't defeat me!"

Blaze announced as he pounces with Little One as his target. Shayna seeing this immediately feared for Little One's safety, grabbing the baby by the waist she pulls him out of the way in the nick of time.

" Hey! That's cheating!"

Blaze barked.

" You're not supposed to play with him that rough!"

Shayna scolded but as she pulled Little One closer, Kairu who was seated on her lap started whimpering out of fear as he pressed his back against Shayna's chest. Shayna let go of Little One and warp her arms around the little kangaroo, calming him down instantly.

" Then how am I supposed to defeat him??"

Blaze growled slightly frustrated at Shayna's ridiculous rules. Little One seeing Blaze's sharp teeth, lets out a squeal of delight as he grabs onto Blaze's snout. Blaze jerks his snout of our Little One's hands roughly, letting Little One fall to the ground.

" Uhh...."

Little One whines as he looks up at Blaze just to have the wolf pup snort at him.

" You are weak! You can't even sit up! This is why that couple wants to abandon, you here!"

Blaze barks at Little One.

" Blaze!! That's going too far!"

Shayna yells at him and turns her gaze to Little One, silently hoping he was too young to understand his words. Little One starts rolling, moving sideways away from Blaze. Blaze snorts at Little One once more before rushing toward Richard and joining in the tussle.

" Don't mind him Little One, he's just a big meanie."

Shayna gently tells Little One. Blain runs up to the four of them, imaginary ball in mouth, wagging his tail furiously, happy that he caught it, and puts the ball down in front of himself like it's his greatest achievement.

" I caught the ball! What I missed?"

Blain asks as he stretches out his front paws and lowers just body, gesturing he wants to play.

" Well, the boss battle is still ongoing. Why don't you, play with Knight Milk Scent?"

Shayna suggested.

" Okay!"

He quickly agrees with a nodding head as he hovers over Little One, sniffing his chubby cheek and licking it. However Little One didn't squeal this time, he wraps his arms around Blain's neck pulling himself into a sitting position.

" Blake was right! You really do smell like milk!"

Blain happily exclaims as he lays down in front of Little One nuzzling him.

" Let go fool! I am Blaze!"

Blake ordered in a demanding voice.

" What?! Oh sorry."

Richard apologizes as he lets go of Blake.

" You fool! I am Blaze!!"

Blaze barked at Richard and Richard kept looking back and forth between the two wolf pups unable to tell them apart. In a moment of confusion, Rehaa attacks Richard sending him crashing back to the ground.

" If this continues they will definitely lose."

Rufus commented as she watches the so-called "Boss battle".

" *Sighs* Looks like it's the end of the Candy Kingdom."

Shayna sighs as she cuddles Kairu in her arms.

" It doesn't have to be."

Rufus says with a sly smile as she brushes her tail against Shayna's cheek catching her attention.

" What do you mean?"

Shayna questioned as she turns to her friend perched on her shoulder.

" I mean."

Rufus answers as she whispered something into Shayna's ear. She listens to Rufus's idea and tilts her head in confusion. Wondering how such a thing would even work. Richard eventually stood up to his feet, holding a squirming Blake in one arm and a squirming Rehaa in the other.

" *Laughing* No one can defeat me!"

Richard laughed loudly.

" yoo-hoo."

Shayna called out with a little wave catching Richard's attention. He turns to her about to laugh and say she was his but then.

" Mwah!"

She kissed her hand, blow it toward him, and winks at him in such an adorable way that Richard drops both Blake and Rehaa from shock.

Blake/ Rehaa" For the candy kingdom!"

Both of the Candy Kingdom knights yelled as they pouched on Richard.

" Argh!"

He cried out, still paralyzed from the sudden increase in heartbeat and a blushing face.

" Huh, that worked better than I thought it would."

Shayna softly muttered to herself.

" Told you it would work."

Rufus chimed puffing out her chest in pride.

" Your Highness! We have caught the evil Vegetable King!"

Blake proclaims as he runs up to Shayna.

" Hey! The was isn't over yet! I'm still here! And so is Rufus!"

Blaze growled at his brother, angry at his premature announcement of victory.

" But doesn't the kingdom fall without its King?"

Rehaa asked with a paw to her lip and a confused face as she sat on Richard's chest, silently wondering why Richard's heartbeat was rapid and why he decided to give up to stare at the ceiling. Richard swallows a lump of nerves stuck in his throat as he questioned reality.

" Rehaa is right. Even in the game of chess. If the King is defeated then that's the end of the game."

Rufus confirms with a nodding head which only brought a scowl to Blaze.

" This game is lame."

Blaze barks out, snorting at Rufus before turning away with a scoff and walking toward the other side of the playpen.

" Oh! My little heroes!"

Shayna exclaimed as she stood up to her knees placing Kairu on a nearby pillow before walking on her knees towards Little One.


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