

Great Forest of Jura,

Capital City,

About Half an Hour Later,

Galahad POV,

Galahad sat at a table with a glass of wine in his hand while resting his head in the other with a lazy expression, they actually wanted him to join in the festivities but he managed to get out of it, he was feeling a little too lazy today for some reason. "I hate you Guy." he said yawning and taking a sip, only after he came back did he find out about the load of trouble this bitch caused him.

"Ah no need to thank me, Master." Guy responded smirking, annoying him was her job so no problems on that. "Ugh." he groaned annoyed and put some food in his mouth. "What's wrong, Master?" Rein asked curiously tilting her head. "Yeah what's up?" his mother asked from the other end of the table.

"I've got challengers and challengers...and some more challengers." Galahad said annoyed, this was the thing about being a Demon Lord, they got a load of people challenging them for their positions and no this wasn't bullshit. Milim even mentioned the challenges as a perk of being a demon lord.

"I've been wondering about that too, what are all those files?" she asked motioning towards the heaps of papers lying on a table nearby. "What are you talking about?" Galahad asked, tilting his head confused as the papers burnt away. "You just." his mother looked at him in disbelief, he just burnt them all.

Galahad looked at Mizari and nodded, making the maid bow respectfully, "It will be done, Master." she said teleporting away, it was time for her to take out the trash. Galahad just sent her to deal with all the challengers, he got a lot of those for some reason and even now, he was recognized as the second strongest for some reason.

Galahad's mother narrowed her eyes, "What are you hiding from me?" she asked folding her arms, he was clearly trying to hide something. "Nothing...nothing....I'm a hero...here." he said, scratching the back of his head looking away. "I know you're lying." she said slumping down, she wasn't his mother for nothing.

"You, tell me." she asked looking at Luminous who smiled smugly and puffed out her chest, she then put her hand over her chest, "You stand in the presence of the God Emperor of Heaven and Hell." she announced before nodding contently. Galahad fell over while simultaneously spitting out his wine, "The hell's that?! Why didn't I hear of it?! Why?! Why?!" he asked almost on the verge of tearing up. He said he hated these Chuuni titles and they just kept adding more and more!

"We came up with it, Master!" Carrera gave him a cheeky grin and a thumbs up, she was proud of that name. "Burn in..hell." Galahad said looking away, he didn't know what to do now....well he could punish them later....yes he was going to do that.

Galahad's mother started laughing and banging on the table as soon as she heard the title, "W-What's that? pft-" she could barely hold back her laughter, that sounded like something a kid would come up with thinking it was cool. "Lock it away....burn it....never mention it again." Galahad said standing up as Testarossa fixed his chair for him.

Oh keep it because they came up for it? Hell no! They're the maids here not the other way around, he could deny anything he wanted! "Tch buzzkill." Guy clicked her tongue looking away, and it sounded cool too. Galahad tuned out the noises coming from outside the building they were in, currently they sat in a Victorian Style dining room.

Galahad yawned and sat up straight before looking at his mother seriously, "Mom...what about..Angelica?" he asked narrowing his eyes, he couldn't find her at all. "Oh she got isekai'd." his mom responded off-handedly putting some steak in her mouth. Galahad looked at her slack jawed, the hell did she mean by that?!

"Mom...what?" he asked genuinely confused for the first time in a very long time. Did his sister really die? Was his mother in denial from grief or something? "Are you...alright?" he asked worriedly, his mother may need help. His mother narrowed her eyes, "I'm not that weak a woman you little shit." she said smirking, he just right now most likely thought about something along the lines of her being in denial.

Galahad shivered in place, women's intuition was scary sometimes. He scratched the back of his head awkwardly, "So..umm, what do you..mean?" he asked curiously, completely dropping the thing about denial, he wasn't about to argue with her. "That was actually the weirdest thing I've ever seen." she said remembering the incident with her daughter.

"She dodged a truck, another truck, another truck, a car, a stray tire, an explosion and after all that she literally just disappeared into thin air." she said looking at him seriously. "Uhh...what?" Galahad asked incredulously, he didn't buy this! "Saw it with me own eyes." his mother said noticing her son's disbelief.

"Are you...sure?" he asked again, this really did look like denial. "Ahh can't you just do some voodoo stuff and check yourself." she asked folding her arms, it looked like her son didn't believe her at all. Galahad looked at her for a few moments, "You're right....I can." he said nodding and closed his eyes activating his Clairvoyance, this thing was actually pretty useful and with his nature he could use it to actually see anything in any universe.

Of course Merlin couldn't do this but Galahad could. The ability to see the present allowed him to observe all pasts, presents and futures across all time and space; this was because while his ability only allowed him to see the present it wasn't restricted by any rules of space or time. By making use of this loophole, he could observe all pasts, presents and futures by simply locking onto a separate timeline which was at a different point of time than his own AND he could lock onto as many timelines as he wanted to as well making it even more broken in his hands than Merlin's.

He focused more and more until finally it expanded to cover their respective multiverse, there was a shit load of stuff out there. Like the Boku no Pico verse and his face actually paled when he checked it, that should have been impossible since his natural skin was already deathly pale. "Found her." he said opening his eyes.

She did get isekai'd alright, just the world she was in was.....well peculiar to say the least. "See I'm right." his mother nodded smugly, her daughter really did get isekai'd and since she already corr- *ehem* educated her daughter in the ways of the weeb she was happy for her....it did get lonely though....like really lonely.

Looking at his mother's smug smile Galahad smirked, "Did you consider....she could get isekai'd to Goblin Slayer...as Village Girl A too?" he asked sitting down, he would have destroyed the entire Goblin Slayer universe if that happened but hey the point still stands doesn't it? His mother finally realizing it paled, "Tell me that's not the case." she said quickly, that would be too cruel.

Galahad chuckled his mother....was an airhead and extremely optimistic for some reason, a trait he did not share. "No no." he said quickly making her sigh in relief, though he couldn't say that the world she WAS in was much better in that regard. Hopefully no one touched her or he would actually genuinely really truly be angry.

No one touches family, no one.

"So where is she?" she asked curiously, she needed to know if her daughter was doing fine for herself or not. She was also slightly annoyed that even after getting isekai'd Galahad still did not join the dark side and embrace the Chuuni, in fact his hate seemed to have grown instead. She couldn't understand why though, Galahad always hated skill names and useless shouting ever since he was young and he was also extremely lazy ever since he was born.

He didn't even cry, just stared at everything with a monotone face and slept a lot. Those were good times, now he was all grown up and independent. "Hm Hm, I'm proud of you." she said out of nowhere smiling at him cheekily making Galahad chuckle in response. "Mama's boy." Guy said smirking, didn't he respect his mother a bit too much?

"Fuck off." Galahad said flipping her off, "Turn that right around and shove it right up your ass, Master." she replied before instantly teleporting away, she didn't want to get punched right now lest she get turned on. "You can...come in." Galahad said looking at the door, someone came in and was standing at the door, he just didn't know who it was and he was too lazy to check.


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