
Scenes from the past.

At dusk that same day, after most of the battles against the orcs ended, with an " overwhelming " defeat for the orcs (Or at least, with much lesser casualties for the humans than they could have expected thanks to a certain little one).

In a tent, more precisely the family's tent, a small elf with a softly golden and shining face that would make any young woman who wanted to be elegant envious, requested in a polite manner to enter.

"Excuse me, Miss chosen by Yissu, now that we are alone with your family, could you enlighten me a little about the current situation?" The little boy asked, while trying to stare fixedly at Emma.

He was in turn a little embarrassed and touching his hair as he felt Lucia's piercing envious gaze glare fixed on his beautiful complexion. Even without Viktor's eyes it was easy to understand that Lucia was envious of this boy's beautiful skin.

"This...I wouldn't understand what you're referring to as the current situation..."

"The orcs have set a dirty trap for me and were able to kidnap me..."

"You with the magic of destiny. Do you know anything about my current camp situation? My companions were traveling with me, they are very important!!!"

"I...I'm sorry..."(Emma).

The elf lowered his gaze sadly...


"That's not what I mean!!!" Emma spoke, making clear that she didn't mean that his group was in danger.

"Only...My magic is very weak at present..."

"I was only recently chosen...And I could barely visualize traces of light in this place."

The elf's expression glowed beautifully, and like an innocent child he smiled and nodded enthusiastically, taking a few minutes to stop.

Lucia kept on pinning more and more of her sharp envious eyes on this beautiful "pinchable" child who seemed to be made up in the most beautiful and natural way, like those people that whatever their expression, or their situation, their beauty would not stop glowing.

The family and the elf talked for a while longer, and the family learned that the elf wanted help in finding his camp, which should not be too far from the current location.

"Ahh...And one more thing... "Before leaving, the elf spoke...

"There are certain spells...To achieve a complexion similar to the sunlight elves." He commented, as he embarrassedly looked at Lucia.

"If you wish I can teach it to you..."

Lucia looked at him angrily, as her face flushed. At the same time she was seriously considering his offer...


In the evening, Emma looked with an empathetic look of sadness at the figure of the elf gazing at the moon, standing with a firm stance and a solemn sad look.

The elf's wet gaze gradually lowered to look at his right arm.

After a while, unable to bear the sight, Emma went to sleep, hugging her husband a little tighter than usual tonight.


A brutal battle scene appeared out of nowhere.

A beautiful woman fighting wildly, beautifully and somehow, in turn, with a clearly highly perfected technique.

A group of 44 powerful, extremely powerful people were accompanying her.

Fighting against a god no less. One already known to Emma.

None other than the "god of the curse", "The Witcher".

The same one that almost destroyed the planet earth, if it wasn't for the intervention of another powerful god.

Emma didn't know his face well, but in the news, there was a picture of the sorcerer seen from afar, and she could clearly recognize him.

The fight seemed to have lasted a long time, but the memories that went through her head were very vague...

A tall, beautiful, and majestic elf, protecting in his embrace the wild warrior...

Very clearly a solar elf, one with a very refined and noble technique.

If we go to more details of what she saw in the fight; his bow shot 3 arrows at a time, with precision and power that any human weapon would like to have.

Several different types of fighters fought in that place against the same god.

In a place that was nothing less than outer space.

The beautiful wild warrior fought melee with the god, along with a muscular warrior with dark skin and a square chin, who attacked with his magic shovel.

A monkey with an extendable staff struck. The various warriors often fought in melee and at a distance.

A girl with glasses used a strange energy and various things including themselves, were transported to different places, trying to gain the upper hand in the fight.

A man-beast half panda bear, with his jug of wine was attacking.

The witcher while fighting chanted spells and in his hands, dark energy was formed.

The elf also had an excellent sword "dance"; one that clearly reminded him of the technique he saw only a couple of hours ago, by a small elegant elf.

They all had majestic techniques, each of them could destroy a world like the earth if it were not protected, with a few moves.

In an empty space the fight continued; some of their movements distorted the atmosphere itself.

The fight was interrupted.

One of the warriors died. He looked young with a strange branch-like appearance, not a human, but a strange kind of tree, a seemingly young and small tree with human-shaped limbs.

Beside him, a girl who looked like him cried in fury and anguish, as she continued to summon her plants.

The god was very powerful in comparison to them; even if these warriors were the pinnacle of their respective races, none of them was a god.

Even as 44 they could do nothing.

Retreat was the hope of every warrior since the fight began.

But they were not going to abandon any of their members, even those who were faster and could leave with different powers didn't abandon anyone.

Their countless years of different events together as friends and comrades could be seen at a glance.

Although they wished to retreat, they did not forget their goal and no one backed down.

Emma's vision was no longer something as simple as a mere dream.

Feeling strangely empathetic, she felt the emotions of each warrior and anguish gripped her.

Finally, one of the gods on their side finally arrived; they had accomplished their mission, and the one who arrived was none other than The Lord.

The one Emma would undoubtedly recognize as "The Lord".

The god of her religion...She couldn't explain how, but she knew it was him.

The predecessor of Jesus and the father of the heavens.

The sorcerer finally, after exchanging a few blows where he clearly lost to a mysterious power; that Emma could recognize as the divine power of "paradise", and therefore The Witcher decided to retreat.

To leave without looking for more trouble...

Obviously he decided that because this time he was the inferior one here.

Although he did not leave without first creating a problem for the warriors who held him back from achieving his goal.

Above all, that dirty savage...

"The Valholl blood traitors are going to pay for what the war traitors caused!!!"

As he retreated, an incantation with the dark energy in his hand was cast.

The divine power of this spell was something that a normal barrier would not stop, and Javhe could not get there in time to do anything.

The elf at the wild maiden's side protected her in his embrace...

And the terrible dark burn formed a strange tattoo from the shoulder to the metacarpus of the hand (the part after the fingers).

The beautiful skin of the elf first turned white and then returned to its radiant golden color.

This happened many times, where the elf's skin was destroyed several times.

Finally, most of the elf's skin was able to remain regenerated.

On the other hand, the maiden could not be saved from the power of the curse either, transforming the left half of her body (the elf embraced her right half), into a part of extremely white skin, and looking as if it was a huge, burnt scar.

Even "the uncle" (a man with the appearance of a muscular guy), the man with the appearance of a man in his 40s, muscular and with a shovel, who ran forward after seeing the curse was cursed.

Since he was already close before he even ran, he was affected by the curse that passed through the crack that formed between the neck of the embracing couple.

As a result, the black tattoo with strange symbols spread from the neck to the chest of the muscular man, on the left arm of the wild maiden, and on the right arm and chest of the elf.

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