
The ministry

A/N Okay I've had some ideas spinning around in my head now and I'll try to put it in the story as good as possible. Hope you enjoy! :)


Draco and Narcissa disapparated to the Ministry of Magic, and told Kinsley about what happened. The death of Lucius, and that Darkeye was back. Suddenly Blaise came along and told them what happened to Ron as well.

He'd disapparated back to Ginny to check everything was okay and found Ron. No one had touched him, they hadn't dared to. Not that he could blame them, when Ginny have told him what happened, himself hadn't touched him.

" How did that happen?!" Kinsley said frusterated.

" I think it's best if you talk to Harry, sir" Blaise answered. " Get him here" Kinsley ordered and Blaise disapparated again.

" Narcissa and Draco I'm very sorry for your loss....I'll do everything I can..."

" Bullshit" Draco hissed. " You didn't care about my father, for you he was only a death eather, someone who had to be stopped"

" Draco take it easy" Narcissa whispered. " It's not his fault. Your father saved my life"

" No mrs Malfoy it's alright. You're right I did not care about Lucius. But he was still someone's father, someone's husband as well"

Draco felt his mother's hand in his and calmed down after a while.

After a while Blaise disappareted with both Hermione and Harry.

" Hermione!" Draco exclaimed, he embraced her and kissed her head.

" Thank Merlin you're alright!"

'' She and Ginny have been freaking out in the Burrow." Harry sighed.

" I'll go back to Ginny" Blaise said and disappeard.

" Wait Harry, why are you here?" Draco said with a confused look on his face. Harry turned to look at Kinsley.

" Hermione saw what happened, but I know what happened inside Ron's head. "

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