
part 24

The days passed quickly, two days before New Years Eve Draco had left and stayed with Harry and Ginny, but Ginny had stayed with Hermione at the Manor the previous night. As Hermione woke, she realised it was her wedding day, a range of emotions erupted within her. She couldn't believe this day was here.

She got out of her bed, it was very early. She knew what she wanted to do, even though it was eight in the morning. She would take a bath when she returned, after all the wedding was in the evening. She grabbed a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a hoody and apparated to her location. She walked round the corner to the front gate of St. Megan's Cemetery.


Draco woke up in Godric's Hollow, with a smile. He wanted this evening to come so fast. Yet a part of him felt he was missing something, and that he should be doing something. He didn't know what. He showered, and then looked at the time, it was a little past eight. Harry was still asleep, after all last night they had drank a lot. Draco changed into his jeans and t -shirt and then realised what he wanted to do. He needed his father. Without a second thought he apparated to the Wizarding Manta Cemetery. He slowly pushed open the gates; his blonde bangs fell in front of his eyes as he walked into the cemetery.


Hermione located her parents graves, side by side, like they had been in life. She laid a single rose on each grave before sitting between the two.

"Morning mum, dad," Hermione whispered as the wind blew her hair back. She tightened her coat around her. "It's my wedding day." Hermione said with effort.

She smiled at both graves, "I wish you were here." She touched the top of her mum's grave, "Which girl wouldn't want her parents there? No matter what."

She faced her mum's grave, "We fought, we argued, but you're my mum and we loved each other. Mum I loved you, you taught me to be me, after you got over the girl thing, that is," Hermione chuckled. "Mother of the bride, you would've loved this. I remember a few years back when you told me you couldn't wait, and me stupidly said I'd never get married. You laughed at me, and I didn't understand why. I do know, I was being a child. Mum you taught me so much, I'm grateful, and I just...I just needed to tell you that...I don't know if you can hear but...I love you." She wiped a tear away.

She always talked to her parents, as if they could respond. She turned to her father, "Daddy, I wish you could give me away but I guess that's not going to be happening is it. That's something I can't change I guess...Dad you were always there for me, you loved me, you spoiled me, I was a daddy's girl... When mum talked about marriage you said no guy was good enough for me...no guy," Hermione wiped away a tear. "I wish you could have met Draco, underneath the cold exterior, he's a good guy, he takes care of me. I might even l..." Hermione was tearing up. "I love you daddy. I would do anything to have the two of you back. I'm so sorry, this is all my fault, I wish I was there to save you but I wasn't...I'm so sorry."

Hermione cried as she closed her eyes.

"Not your fault," she could hear her father.

"We're proud of you darling," her mum.

Hermione opened her eyes, "Mum? Dad?"

No response. Did that happen? A part of her wanted to believe it did. She smiled at the graves, before touching each grave once, she left.


Draco walked down the concrete path to the Malfoy graves, they were all together, some in tombs, some just graves, his fathers was the latest to join the group. He stood over it for a few minutes before he talked, "You were horrible to muggles and muggle borns, you killed ruthlessly, you did what you wanted when you wanted. I should hate you...but I don't. You're my father. Regardless of what you did, I would not be born without you, I wouldn't know how to fly, all the spells you taught me...I wouldn't be who I am. I learnt from you, from your mistakes and my own and I'm my own man with Hermione on my arm. You might hate her because she's not pureblood but it doesn't matter because I care about her, without her I have no life, no reason to breathe."

Draco sighed, as if waiting for an answer but then he decided he would continue, he needed to make peace with his father, "I wish you were here today on my wedding day, I wish you weren't dead. I never hated you dad, I know you thought I did, I heard you talking to mum but I never hated you. Never. There were times when I thought I did but I didn't. I love you dad and regardless of what you've done I would've wanted you by my side."

Draco held back the tears, he didn't sit down, he didn't want to. He just stared at the grave. The wind ruffled his hair. He closed his eyes and held his head back.

"I'm proud of you my son," the voice of Lucius flew in the wind.

Draco's eyes shot open. He had heard him. Draco had heard Lucius and Lucius had heard Draco. They could both be peaceful. Draco smiled at the grave, without even acknowledging his ancestors he left the grave site. He walked out of the gates and leaned against the wall. My father is proud of me. He smiled to himself as he thought about how by the end of the evening, Hermione would be his, all his.


Bellatrix had not been allowed to contact anyone since her trial date had been set. She sighed, she knew the date, she had read the papers, the big Malfoy wedding was today. She had hoped somehow her 'friend' who was there would do something to ruin the day, if not stop the wedding but then she wondered if her 'friend' would do something without instruction. She would have to wait till tomorrow's paper to find out.


Ginny, Lavender, Fleur, Molly and Narcissa were panicking. Hermione was not in her room and Harry had called informing them that Draco was missing.

"They've eloped!" Lavender said defeated.

"No they can't!" Ginny argued. "Hermione would never..."

"Then where are they? They know we would be worried, and the only thing they can do is elope!" Fleur insisted.

"But what if they just wanted to see each other before the wedding," Ginny offered.

"Nonsense!" Molly said. "I's bad luck, they've eloped."

"Draco would never do that, nor would Hermione. They planned this wedding...maybe I pushed them." Narcissa said.

"Maybe I did!" Molly was on the verge of tears when they heard a pop behind them. There was Hermione, standing in her jeans, her hair obviously had been in the wind and her eyes puffy.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Ginny shouted and then she noticed Hermione's eyes. She ran to her best friend and hugged her tightly. "Hermione, we thought you eloped."

Hermione chuckled, "Draco and me eloping? Yeah right!"

"Then where have you been? You been with Draco? It's bad luck!" Molly persisted.

"No I haven't been with Draco, you can ask him..." Hermione replied.

"He's not home, Harry woke up and said he was gone, left early in the morning but his stuff is still there..." Ginny said slowly.

Hermione nodded, "He'll be back, I think I know where he went."

"Where?" Lavender asked.

"Doesn't matter," Hermione smiled. "I'm getting married today."

They all laughed.

"We do know that," Fleur smiled. "We still have a good few hours before the wedding!"

"Yes we should get something to eat first," Molly smiled.

"I'll get the house elves on it," Narcissa smiled.

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