
498. Biology 4: Amphibians vs. the Bikini Bottomite...

This is a research study by the Authors:Anne Boonchuy, Marcy Wu, Jotaro Kujo, Bruce Wayne, and Sandy Cheeks

Amphibia, SB-129, and Prime-Earth have many things in common. But they all seem to have one massive thing in common. They have a dominant species of sentient Amphibious organisms.

Amphibia is a very strange world that has two continents: One where Amphibians reside and the other where Reptilians reside. Amphibia has various environments similar to Earth and takes up nearly half of the entire world. It, however, is mostly watery marshes, swamps, rainforests, and forests that are fit for frogs, toads, salamanders, olms, axolotls, and newts. There are also other biomes, but of course, those are uninhabitable. 

Most Amphibians live in warmer areas and avoid the winter cold, as they will freeze and hibernate for almost an indefinite amount of time. Amphibians are known to be larger than normal, probably because the concentration of that Earth's oxygen is higher than our Earth, creating massive versions of the organisms we find on every other Earth.

The species of Amphibia are mainly divided into six known species: Evolved Frogs, Evolved Toads, Evolved Salamanders, Evolved Newts, Evolved Axolotls, and Evolved Olms.

Evolved Frogs are famous and well-known for being valiant and brave warriors, but are often found as farmer and fisherman folk found in valleys. They have cultures of sport, farming, fishing, and traveling. They are known to be humble and peaceful people but attack and fight for the people they love when push comes to shove. They are small, quick, and agile in battle. They can also hop to seven feet tall.

Evolved Toads are known to have a militaristic view of life and are often seen as soldiers. They are brutes and are often cold and emotionless. They are often compared to Grimms or Super Soldiers on our Earths. They are fairly large and are known to be incredibly violent. However, they are incredibly loyal and will never fail or abandon those that they trust. They can hop for 2 feet tall.

Evolved Salamanders are pretty rare. They are known to be violent, gigantic, and terrifying fire-breathing but sentient dragon-like species in Amphibia. They are usually around 50 feet in length and 5 feet in height. They are found hidden underwater and are mostly aquatic.

Evolved Newts are often shown to be royals, politicians, artists, and scholars. They are known to be quick and agile in battle and are known to be a peaceful race, but were once colonizers themselves, known for being Multiversal conquerors. A theory is that a Newt must've written Dipper's new journal, but I digressed. Newts are known to be incredibly intelligent, and that makes them intimidating. They are incredibly quick and intelligent.

Evolved Axolotls are often shown to be artisans and are known to be merchants in Amphibia. They are known to be the cleverest when it comes to trading. They are also very intelligent and very good at math. They are known to be intelligent and cunning.

Evolved Olms are known to be gigantic, around the same size as the Salamanders. Olms are known to be terrifying sentient blind creepers of the deep caves and are known to be warrior races and some even eat other Amphibians.

Evolved Caecilians aren't real, but if they are, they'd be the biggest Amphibians known.

Amphibians all seem to have sex similarly to Humans, unlike what Hopediah Plantar had told us. In reality, Amphibians reproduce similarly and give birth to at least one egg the very next day. That egg will hatch after 9 months and the baby will be a Tadpole with arms for five years. The "Pollywog," or the Tadpole, will become a Frog around its fifth or sixth birthday.

Amphibians of Amphibia also have slimy skin and seem to breathe through their noses on land and their skin underwater. They have a specialized enzyme similar to a salmon that pushes the salt back into the saltwater. However, Amphibians need to breathe air or water at least for one hour every day or they will die. Also, prolonged exposure to saltwater can be harmful, based on what we've recently learned since swallowing it could cause the esophagus and stomach lining to bleed from all the salt.

Amphibians are also known to be able to wall-crawl. They can shoot their tongues out and stick to places. They can also excrete mucus from their skin.

We already spoke about the social statuses of the people of Bikini Bottom. But we will proceed to compare them with the physiology of the Amphibians.

Bikini Bottomites are known to reproduce similarly to Humans and lay at least one egg the day after sexual intercourse. This is only true for Evolved Fish, Evolved Octopi, Evolved Starfish, and Evolved Shellfish. And, the Fish will already be born with limbs after 9 months. Evolved Sea Mammals and Mermaids, however, give birth, just like mammals. Evolved Sea Stars reproduce in two ways: Laying Eggs and Losing Limbs (where they get "little brothers or sisters"). Evolved Plankton is known to give birth since they all reproduce asexually but are known to have dominant sex for each of them (males are sterile, females give birth). Finally, Evolved Sponges either give birth or bud their children.

Evolved Dolphins and how they reproduce, however, are unknown, sadly.

All Bikini Bottomites are also able to breathe air. They can all breathe air, saltwater, and freshwater because of similar enzymes. However, they will begin to suffocate for prolonged periods (at least 24+ hours) on the surface and must go back to water at least one hour every day. This is true except for Evolved Mammals, who won't suffocate, but instead, will dry out. Also, there are creatures that need regular intake of water every day, such as F.F., an Evolved Fresh Water Algae Colony. 

Some Fish evolve unusually big, especially Fresh Water Fish, such as Darwin Watterson, and Evolved Goldfish. But he's a Cartoon Character, and much research needs to be done.

All Evolved Fish and Evolved Octopi are able to swim upstream or just walk on the ocean floor, but other species stay on the ocean floor almost always.

Finally, there are Atlanteans. There are four species: 

True Atlantean=The True Atlantean is a type of Atlantean that are human-like but live entirely underwater. Only hybrids are known to be able to leave and walk on land.

Fisherman=The Fisherman is a Mermaid-like Atlantean. They resemble fish and have dolphin-like skin. They have only fins and webbed fingers.

The Brine=The Brine is a type of Atlantean that has grown Crustaceous shells, but underneath is Human flesh. They are Humanoid, in a way, and have grown two lower limbs and two gigantic prawn-like claws. They also have lobster tails. They can also regenerate lost body parts, except the head. They resemble the Prawn from District 9.

The Trench=The Trench is a feral Atlantean that has some humanity left. They are deep-sea dwellers and live in the Bermuda Triangle. They are blind monsters that resemble the Lake Monster.

All Atlanteans are known to give birth 9 months after conception.

All Atlanteans are known to be physically stronger than regular Humans, having physically enhanced strength and speed, and are able to use Water Magic. They are faster underwater and able to match up to Wonder Woman's speeds. All Atlanteans can also seem to have some level of Marine Telepathy, making them highly dangerous. They can breathe saltwater and freshwater because of similar enzymes. They cannot breathe air unless they are hybrids. They have lungs but they can woge gills when underwater. They also gain glowing eyes when they woge.


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