
463. Stands and Stats So Far V(2)

ACT2Abilities:>Sound Effects-The Meaning of Your Words: Koichi's enhanced sound effect onomatopoeias creates powerful effects that can work as an attack.Power: CSpeed: DRange: BDurability: BPrecision: CPotential: A

ACT3Abilities:>3 Freeze/The Weight of Your Words: Koichi can increase the weight of an object the closer he is to the object.>Gravitational Sense=Echoes ACT 3 can sense shifts of gravity in the area he is in.Power: ASpeed: BRange: EDurability: BPrecision: CPotential: A

Personality and Stand:He attacks with words, not fists (usually).

Jean Pierre Polnareff


Silver Chariot IIAbilities:>Speed Force Connection=Silver Chariot II gives itself and its User super speed.-Superhuman Speed=Jean gains Superhuman Speed.-Vibe Check=Jean can vibrate himself to the speed of light.->Vibe Check: Phasing=Jean gains the ability to phase through objects by vibrating himself to the frequency of air.->Vibe Check: Invisibility=Jean can become invisible by vibrating himself in the right frequency.->Vibe Check: Tremors=Jean can create small earthquakes.-Chariot Cloning=Jean can create hundreds of after-images of himself.-Time Remnant=Jean can create a time remnant, a version of himself he can completely control.-Electrokinesis=Jean's Speed Force Lightning allows him to control electricity.-Kinetic Energy Absorption=It is impossible to paralyze Jean.

>Rapier=Silver Chariot II has a rapier just like its old form.>Regeneration=Silver Chariot II's new ability is its ability to regenerate.>Turtle Armor=Silver Chariot II can also place Polnareff in its armor.

Power: CSpeed: SRange: CDurability: SPrecision: APotential: A

Chariot Requiem II-Chariot Requiem is incredibly hard to use since it rarely listens to its User. So, Polnareff usually doesn't use him.Abilities:>Speed Force Connection-Superhuman Speed=Jean gains Superhuman Speed.-Vibe Check=Jean can vibrate himself to the speed of light.->Vibe Check: Phasing=Jean gains the ability to phase through objects by vibrating himself to the frequency of air.->Vibe Check: Invisibility=Jean can become invisible by vibrating himself in the right frequency.->Vibe Check: Tremors=Jean can create small earthquakes.-Chariot Cloning=Jean can create hundreds of after-images of himself.-Time Remnant=Jean can create a time remnant, a version of himself he can completely control.-Electrokinesis=Jean's Speed Force Lightning allows him to control electricity.-Kinetic Energy Absorption=It is impossible to paralyze Jean.

>Turtle Armor>Regeneration

>Dual-Wielding Rapiers=Chariot Requiem II wields two Rapiers.>Stand Disabling=Jean can disable others' Stands.Power: ASpeed: SRange: EDurability: SPrecision: DPotential: 0

Personality and Stand:Chivalry

Guido Mista


Sex PistolsAbilities:>Trajectory Manipulation-Sex Pistols have six bullets that can manipulate the trajectory of up to six bullets at a time.Power: ESpeed: CRange: BDurability: APrecision: APotential: B

Personality and Stand:His Hatred for No. 4 and bad luck

Trish Una


Abilities: Ki

Spice GirlAbilities:>Softening-Spice Girl has the ability to soften anything and make them indestructible.Power: ASpeed: ARange: CDurability: BPrecision: DPotential: C

Strength: 10Speed: 10Durability: 10Senses: 4Intelligence: 9Combat: 9Skills: 10+Precision: 10

Personality and Stand:Her soft personality

Son Goku/Kakarot


AgeL 52 (Actual), 21 (Biological)

Abilities: Ki, Enhanced Combat, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Agility

Strength: 3, 10 (Kaioken), 10+ (Super Saiyan, Super Duper Saiyan), 20 (Super D Duper Saiyan), 30 (Super Saiyan God), 30+ (Super Saiyan Blue), 40 (Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken), 100 (Ultra Instinct Sign), 100+ (Autonomous Ultra Instinct)Speed: 3, 10 (Kaioken), 10+ (Super Saiyan, Super Duper Saiyan), 20 (Super D Duper Saiyan), 30 (Super Saiyan God), 30+ (Super Saiyan Blue), 40 (Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken), 100 (Ultra Instinct Sign), 100+ (Autonomous Ultra Instinct)Durability: 3, 10 (Kaioken), 10+ (Super Saiyan, Super Duper Saiyan), 20 (Super D Duper Saiyan), 30 (Super Saiyan God), 30+ (Super Saiyan Blue), 40 (Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken), 100 (Ultra Instinct Sign), 100+ (Autonomous Ultra Instinct)Senses: 10+Intelligence: 1->10Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10

Puff the Magic DragonAbilities:>Ultimate Potential>Adaptation-Goku gains the ability to adapt to any environment and any disorder he has that causes unhealthy behavior. This doesn't work for his brain damage that causes his stupidity, however, for an unknown reason.>Regeneration-Goku gains the ability to have enhanced regeneration, comparable to Regenerative Factor Level 4.>Reactive Evolution-Goku gains the ability to evolve following his current environment.Power: SSpeed: SRange: DDurability: CPrecision: SPotential: U

Magic Dragon is a large muscular silver dragon with little to no armor.

Transformations: Kaioken, Super Saiyan, Super Duper Saiyan, Super D Duper Saiyan, Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken, Ultra Instinct Sign, Autonomous Ultra Instinct

Personality and Stand:His ability to adapt in battle and in life.

Prince Vegeta IV


Age: 58 (Actual), 21 (Biological)

Abilities: Ki, Enhanced Combat, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Agility

Strength: 10, 10+ (Super Saiyan, Super Duper Saiyan), 20+ (Perfected Super Duper Saiyan), 30 (Super Saiyan God), 30+ (Super Saiyan Blue), 60 (Super Saiyan Blue Evolution), 100 (Ultra Ego Sign), 100+ (Autonomous Ultra Ego)Speed: 10, 10+ (Super Saiyan, Super Duper Saiyan), 20+ (Perfected Super Duper Saiyan), 30 (Super Saiyan God), 30+ (Super Saiyan Blue), 60 (Super Saiyan Blue Evolution), 100 (Ultra Ego Sign), 100+ (Autonomous Ultra Ego)Durability: 10, 10+ (Super Saiyan, Super Duper Saiyan), 20+ (Perfected Super Duper Saiyan), 30 (Super Saiyan God), 30+ (Super Saiyan Blue), 60 (Super Saiyan Blue Evolution), 100 (Ultra Ego Sign), 100+ (Autonomous Ultra Ego)Senses: 10+Intelligence: 4Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10

King NothingAbilities:>Spirit Fission-Vegeta has the ability to divide the strength of a single target into everyone else's body, particularly his allies. For it to work better, Vegeta has to be incredibly angry with that person. But Vegeta can do this at will.>Strength Reduction-Vegeta can reduce the strength of his targets.>Strength Augmentation-Vegeta can strengthen the strength of his allies.>Stat Reduction-Vegeta can reduce the Stand Stats of the Target User.>Stat Augmentation-Vegeta can strengthen the Stand Stats of his Allies.Power: SSpeed: SRange: BDurability: APrecision: APotential: S

King Nothing appears as a giant purple samurai with no sword that allows Vegeta to do Spirit Fission. It has a mannequin head with red angry eyes.

Transformations: Super Saiyan, Super Duper Saiyan, Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan Blue Evolution

Personality and Stand:His need to be stronger and for others to equal him.

Saitama/One Punch Man

Metahuman (Mutant Superhuman)

Age: 32

Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Stamina, Paranormal Precision

Strength: Unknown (Formerly), InfinitySpeed: 2,000+Durability: 2,000+Senses: 10Intelligence: 4Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

All By MyselfAbilities:>Absolute Attack-Saitama has Absolute Attack. Nothing that exists can block his attacks.>Strength Manipulation-Saitama can manipulate others' strength.>Strength Augmentation-Saitama can augment others' strengths.>Strength Reduction-Saitama can reduce others' strengths.Power: ∞Speed: URange: 0Durability: UPrecision: SPotential: E

Weakness:Lack of Emotion

Personality and StandHis want for a challenge

Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama


Abilities: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Exorcism, Mediumship, Psionics

Twilight TimeAbilities:>Precognition-Mob gains the ability to see ten seconds in the future.>Enhanced Pyscho Energy Manipulation-Mob's psycho energy is enhanced.>Emotion Empowerment-Mob's Psychic powers get stronger through his emotions.Power: ESpeed: ERange: UDurability: BPrecision: BPotential: A

Weakness:Emotional Damage

Personality and Stand:Emotion


Son Gohan


Age: 33

Abilities: Ki, Enhanced Combat, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Agility

Strength: 10, 10+ (Super Saiyan, Super Duper Saiyan), Mystic (20+), 40+ (Ultra Mystic Sign), 80+ (Autonomous Ultra Mystic)Speed: 10, 10+ (Super Saiyan, Super Duper Saiyan), Mystic (20+), 40+ (Ultra Mystic Sign), 80+ (Autonomous Ultra Mystic)Durability: 10, 10+ (Super Saiyan, Super Duper Saiyan), Mystic (20+), 40+ (Ultra Mystic Sign), 80+ (Autonomous Ultra Mystic)Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Weird AlNamesake: Weird Al Yankovic, a MusicianAbilities:>No U=Any damage inflicted on Gohan when his vines are activated will reflect back to you.Power: DSpeed: CRange: CDurability: APrecision: APotential: A



Age: 33

Abilities: Ki, Enhanced Combat, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Agility

Strength: 10, 10+ Speed: 10, 10+Durability: 10, 10+Senses: 10+Intelligence: 6Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10

Other Characters:

Lord Marvel/Lord JoJo

Eastern Dragon-Black-Eyes (Formerly)

Eastern Dragon-Fortisite Black-Eyes

-Arthur's grandmother from his mother's side was an Eastern Dragon.

Abilities: Spin, Golden Spin, Flame Breath, Ice Breath, Levitation, Heat Vision, X-Ray Vision, Superhuman Strength, Invulnerability, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Senses

Ultra Spin=Variation of explosive Spin. A form of Spin that allows its User to have infinitely spinning energy, allowing the User to attack just about anything. This form of Spin is very hard to handle, and one must have an absolutely powerful emotion to summon this attack. It is a form that depends on the User's consciousness completely, thus, it is dangerous to wield this power. This ability allows the User to attack anything regardless of one's defenses. This ability is similar to Ultra Instinct, but Ultra Instinct removes the consciousness and emotions from one's body rather than depending on it.

Strength: 60, 100+ (Ultra Spin)Speed: 60Durability: 60Senses: 10Intelligence: 2Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Crazy DiamondNamesake: Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Song by PrinceAbilities:>Restoration=Lord has the ability to restore broken organisms and objects to their original forms.>Restoration Spin=Lord wields Spin that allows him to heal and restore organisms and objects. Lord uses a Steel Ball to be able to use this properly. The Spin can be destructive or constructive, depending on how he wishes it affects the target.Power: D->SSpeed: B->SRange: E->DDurability: BPrecision: BPotential: C

Crazy Diamond: Wrecking BallNamesake: Wrecking Ball, Song by Miley CyrusAbilities:>Wrecking Ball=Lord wields a ball with tiny satellites around them made of pure Hamon that explode on contact. The ball is a Stand itself that possessed Lord's Steel Ball, as his Steel Ball became a Stand itself. The shockwave of the wrecking ball also paralyzes the target. Touching the wrecking ball can fatally wound opponents.>Steel Ball Colony=Lord gains a colony of Steel Balls that orbit him. These Steel Balls are auto-generated in battle.Power: SSpeed: SRange: ADurability: SPrecision: BPotential: C

Crazy Diamond: Go BeyondAbilities:>Invisible Explosive Wrecking Balls>Invisible Steel Ball ColonyPower: SSpeed: SRange: ADurability: SPrecision: BPotential: 0

Kapitan Dirigma/Do'Bumsha Do'KalakNamesake: Boomshakalak, Song by Apache Indian; Do, the first note


Abilities: Spin, Golden Spin, Ice Breath, Levitation, Heat Vision, X-Ray Vision, Superhuman Strength, Invulnerability, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Senses

Ultra Spin=Variation of explosive Spin. A form of Spin that allows its User to have infinitely spinning energy, allowing the User to attack just about anything. This form of Spin is very hard to handle, and one must have an absolutely powerful emotion to summon this attack. It is a form that depends on the User's consciousness completely, thus, it is dangerous to wield this power. This ability allows the User to attack anything regardless of one's defenses. This ability is similar to Ultra Instinct, but Ultra Instinct removes the consciousness and emotions from one's body rather than depending on it.

Strength: 60, 100+ (Ultra Spin)Speed: 60Durability: 60Senses: 10Intelligence: 4Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Grateful DeadNamesake: Grateful Dead; Heavy Metal BandAbilities:>Decaying Spin=Kapitan Dirigma can decay any creatures with or formerly with life using Spin that absorbs life.>Aging=Kapitan Dirigma can manipulate only his own age, making him virtually immortal.>Life Absorption=Kapitan Dirigma can absorb life from his opponents, making him virtually immortal.>Time-Acceleration=His true ability. Allows him to accelerate the time of any object and organism.Power: SSpeed: SRange: EDurability: BPrecision: SPotential: S



Other Allies:

Cosmic Ghost RiderName: Frank CastleAge: 48 (Biologically; Time of Death), 3,000sSpecial Abilities: Superhuman Abilities, Superhuman Capabilities, Hellfire Manipulation, Penance Stare, Meta Possession, Remote Possession, Eldritch Chain, EmpathyPower Cosmic: Space Travel, Energy Blasts, Cosmic Penance Stare, Cosmic Empathy, Telekinesis, TelepathyStrength: 100+Speed: 100+Durability: 100+Senses: 20+Intelligence: 8Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10


Prince Universe Jessica Sonia Polnareff=ESTJ-ANamesake: Michel Polnareff, French Singer and Song-writer


Strength: 4Speed: 6Durability: 2Senses: 10Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+

Precision: 7-10Lady Gaga

Namesake: Lady Gaga, American Singer and SongwriterAbilities:>TransformationPower: CSpeed: BRange: CDurability: APrecision: BPotential: A


Personality and Stand:Unknown

Higashikata Family:

Prince Universe Maria Joana Higashikata=ENTJ-T


Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 4Intelligence: 10Combat: 3Skills: 10Precision: 10

Space TruckingNamesake: Space Truckin', Song by Deep PurpleAbilities:>Stand-Copying CardsPower: +Speed: +Range: +Durability: +Precision: CPotential: ∞


Personality and Stand:Unknown

Prince Universe Kariel Jordan Higashikata=ESTP-A


Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 4Intelligence: 10Combat: 3Skills: 10Precision: 10

Kill the KingNamesake: Kill the King, Song by RainbowAbilities:>Toxin InducementPower: ASpeed: ARange: EDurability: APrecision: APotential: A


Personality and Stand:Unknown

Josefa Celine Higashikata=ENFP-A


Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 4Intelligence: 10Combat: 3Skills: 10Precision: 10

California King BedNamesake: California King Bed, Song by RihannaAbilities:>Sleep Inducement>Dream ManipulationPower: DSpeed: BRange: ADurability: BPrecision: UPotential: B


Personality and Stand:Unknown

Mario Jobin Higashikata=ENFP-A


Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 4Intelligence: 10Combat: 3Skills: 10Precision: 10

Speed KingNamesake: Speed King, Song by Deep PurpleAbilities:>Heat ManipulationPower: SSpeed: SRange: SDurability: SPrecision: CPotential: S


Personality and Stand:Unknown

Mertens Family:

Yoshiko Mertens=ENTJ-A

Nekomata-Aswang Chimera

Age: 51 (Earthly Time), 21 (Biologically)

Strength: 6Speed: 6Durability: 6Senses: 10Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+

Killer Queen (Inactive)Namesake: Killer Queen, Song by QueenAbilities:>Explosive Hamon-Bomb Transmutation=Anything she touches turns into a bomb and explodes if she flexes her thumb.-Atomic Queen=She allows her explosive Hamon to split a few atoms in an object, causing the object to explode with a nuclear explosion.-Evil Scent and Killing Instinct=Kira is revealed to have the ability to have the urge to murder evil people.Power: ASpeed: BRange: DDurability: SPrecision: SPotential: U

Killer Queen: Sheer Heart AttackNamesake: Sheer Heart Attack, Studio Album by QueenAbilities:>Tracer Bomber Tank (Formerly)=A remote-controlled bomb tank that is attracted to heat. The closest hottest thing is its target. It formerly inhabits her left hand, now residing on her heart.>Blaster Arc Reactor=She decided to place Sheer Heart Attack in a more important place and removed the Tracer Bomb Feature using the Ark of the Covenant. Now, Sheer Heart Attack act as an Arc Reactor in her chest.>Regeneration=Kira gains the ability to regenerate because of Sheer Heart Attack.Power: ASpeed: D->0Range: A->EDurability: U->BPrecision: EPotential: U

Killer Queen: Will Rock U (Exchanged for New Body)Namesake: We Will Rock You, Song by QueenAbilities:>Bomb Bubbles=Bubbles that bomb things it has contact with. Looks like a flower that inhabits her heart.Power: ASpeed: ERange: BDurability: EPrecision: SPotential: U

Killer Queen Over Heaven (Exchanged for Peaceful Life)Abilities:>Universal Erasure Bomb=Yoshiko gains the ability to bomb the whole Universe through the Ark of the Covenant and becomes Miguel's archnemesis throughout Part IV.Power: USpeed: URange: UDurability: UPrecision: UPotential: ∞

Killer Queen II (Given by trading away Peaceful Life)Namesake: Queen II, Studio Album by Queen>Killer Queen II is the evolution of Killer Queen. She regains Sheer Heart Attack via this new Stand.Abilities:

>Explosive Hamon-Bomb Transmutation=Anything she touches turns into a bomb and explodes if she flexes her thumb.-Atomic Queen=She allows her explosive Hamon to split a few atoms in an object, causing the object to explode with a nuclear explosion.-Evil Scent and Killing Instinct=Kira is revealed to have the ability to have the urge to murder evil people.

>Armored Suit=Killer Queen II is an armored suit around Kira.>Homing Missiles=Killer Queen II can shoot homing missiles at an enemy that emits heat from a launcher on her right shoulder.>Grenade Launcher=Killer Queen II has a launcher on her left shoulder that launches grenades.>Explosive Laser Blaster=Killer Queen can shoot lasers with her left residual hand. Anything touching the laser will explode. The laser is also unstoppable until it hits one object.>Jetpack=Killer Queen has a jetpack, allowing its User to fly at incredible speeds.

Power: ASpeed: SRange: EDurability: SPrecision: UPotential: U

Weaknesses:Dissociative Identity Disorder=There is a chance that the original Yoshiko will return.

Personality and Stand:Shows her explosive personality.

Mint Bubblegum-MertensNamesake: Mint, A Blue Candy

Human-Gum Person Hybrid

Age: 20

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 20+ Combat: 10+Skills: 10+

Note: Despite having Gold Experience, she is not an alternate version of Miguel. It is unknown why.

Gold ExperienceNamesake: The Gold Experience, Song by PrinceAbilities:-Life Creation=Mint has the ability to make objects into living creatures.>Organ Creation=Mint has the ability to create organs.>Life Shot=Mint can shoot a laser that creates life.>Life Sensor=Mint can sense life.Power: CSpeed: ARange: DDurability: DPrecision: SPotential: C

Weaknesses:Narcissism=She's a narcissist.

Personality and Stand:Shows her love for her own life.

Jay Mertens


Age: 16

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+

Uptown FunkNamesake: Uptown Funk, Song by Mark RonsonAbilities:>Headphone Form>Commands=Anyone who listens to Uptown Funk's beats is automatically possessed.Power: DSpeed: BRange: BDurability: CPrecision: BPotential: C


Personality and Stand:Unknown

Bonny Mertens


Age: 9

Strength: 4Speed: 6Durability: 2Senses: 4Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10Skills: 10+

Super BassNamesake: Super Bass, Song by Niki MinajAbilities:>Hat Form=Super Bass is Bonny's hat Stand.>Possession=Super Bass can possess anyone who wears it.Power: ESpeed: BRange: A Durability: APrecision: APotential: C


Personality and Stand:Unknown

Recurring Characters:

Hayato Kawajiri=ISTP-T


Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 3Combat: 3Skills: 3

Cemetery GatesNamesake: Cemetary Gates, Song by PanteraAbilities:>Pocket DimensionPower: DSpeed: DRange: EDurability: CPrecision: BPotential: E


Personality and Stand:Unknown

Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum=ENTJ-A

Namesake: Bubblegum, Candy

Gum Person

Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 20+Combat: 9Skills: 10+

Ballroom BlitzNamesake: Ballroom Blitz, Song by SweetAbilities:>Glycopoeia=Princess Bubblegum has the power to transform all matter and a living thing into a living candy.>Candy Minion Manipulation=Princes Bubblegum can create Candy Minions that act as her Stands.Power: BSpeed: CRange: ADurability: BPrecision: SPotential: S

Weaknesses:Antisocial Personality Disorder (Sociopath)=She's a sociopath.

Personality and Stand:She's candy. She's sweet, loving, kind, and is just everyone's perfect little Princess.

Marceline the Vampire Queen=ISFP-A


TimelessNamesake: Timeless, Studio Album by GoldieAbilities:>Time-StopPower: ASpeed: ARange: CDurability: BPrecision: APotential: A

Weaknesses:Sun and Hamon=She can dust from this.PTSD=Marceline has PTSD.Daddy Issues

Personality and Stand:She has the ability to stop time because of her desire to be left alone in the world.

Sandy Cheeks=ESTP-ANamesake: Sandy Butt Cheeks in the Beach... Gross... Eh...

Evolved Squirrel

Strength: 2Speed: 2Durability: 2Senses: 9Intelligence: 20+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+

Ballad of High NoonNamesake: High Noon, a song by Tex RitterAbilities:>Gun=Ballad of High Noon are two guns that can control the trajectory of its bullets.Power: BSpeed: BRange: BDurability: BPrecision: SPotential: E


Personality and Stand:Cowboy or something,

Levi Zeppeli=ISTJ-ANamesake: Led Zeppelin, Rockband



Flash GordonNamesake: Flash Gordon Theme, Song by Queen; Flash Gordon, 1980 filmAbilities:>Electricity Manipulation>Electricity Generation>Electricity Augmentation>Electrical Reception.Power: SSpeed: URange: SDurability: SPrecision: CPotential: S


Personality and Stand:Unknown

Blog/Maria JoJoNamesake:Mother Mary;From the Song, "Get Back" by the Beatles: "JoJo was a man who thought he was a loner"


Bohemian RhapsodyNamesake: Bohemian Rhapsody, Song by QueenAbilities:-Death Hamon Remote Control=Bohemian Rhapsody's original form was a remote control that can manipulate Death Hamon.-Rhapsody Creation=She can create rhapsodies: Universes based on Miguel JoJo's favorite cartoons as a child.Power: 0Speed: 0Range: 0Durability: 0Precision: 0Potential: U


Personality and Stand:Unknown

Richard Watterson

-He apparently got a Stand sometime before the series, which is why Gumball has a Stand. Darwin has a Stand because he was stabbed by the arrow.

Cartoon Rabbit

Strength: 3Speed: 3Durability: 5Senses: 2Intelligence: 2Combat: 1Skills: 1

ButterNamesake: Butter, Song by BTSAbilities:-Oil Manipulation-Oil Augmentation-Oil GenerationPower: ESpeed: DRange: CDurability: APrecision: DPotential: E

Weaknesses:His eating disorders.

Personality and Stand:His eating disorders.

Nicole Watterson

-Like her husband, she apparently got a Stand sometime before the series, which is why Gumball has a Stand. Darwin has a Stand because he was stabbed by the arrow.

Cartoon Cat

Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 9Intelligence: 9Combat: 10+Skills: 10+

BTSNamesake: BTS, K-Pop BandAbilities:-0TH Pocket Dimension=Nicole can enter her 0th Pocket Dimension. It is a dimension where she is completely indestructible, unreachable, and immobile. She can do so for five minutes.Power: ASpeed: ARange: DDurability: APrecision: UPotential: S


Personality and Stand:Cosmic God Mode Mother

Anais Watterson

-Having both her parents gaining Stands, Anais gains the ability to control anyone who speaks to her.

Cartoon Rabbit

Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 9Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+

Black SwanNamesake: Black Swan, Song by BTSAbilities:-Commands=Anyone that speaks to Anais will have their minds controlled by her. She can turn it off at any time. She is wise enough to never do this out of malicious intent.Power: ESpeed: ERange: SDurability: APrecision: EPotential: E


Personality and Stand:Genius Girl

Rachel Watterson

Cartoon Cat

Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 9Intelligence: 9Combat: 10+Skills: 10+

-Having both her parents gaining Stands, Rachel gains her own Stand.

DynamiteAbilities:-A colony Stand of tiny dynamites.Power: USpeed: ERange: ADurability: ZPrecision: EPotential: E


Personality and Stand:Angry Tsundere Lady


Joseph Joestar/The Night Hermit


Age: 91 (Earthly Time), around 21 (Biologically)

Abilities: Regeneration, Supernatural Flexibility, Bloodsucking, Body Manipulation, Organ Fusion, Hypnosis, Fleshbuds, Zombie Creation, Space-Ripper Stingy Eye, Body Temperature Manipulation, Eternal LifeHamon=Joseph is a Vampire but could use Hamon. Joseph could battle other Vampires using Hamon.Daywalking=Joseph can walk in daylight because unlike Vanilla Ice, he is a Hamon-User. The only way a Hamon-User can become a full Vampire is by wearing the Vampiric Stone Mask. Ingesting the blood only makes you into a Daywalker, a relatively weaker Vampire.

Strength: 7Speed: 8Durability: 7Senses: 10Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10+

BanglesAbilities:-Spirit Photos=Allows Joseph to see the future through spirit photos.-Semi-Precognition=Allows Joseph to sense the future. His incredible intelligence allows him to figure out what happens despite only sensing the future, rivaling even Miguel's Semi-Precognition.Power: CSpeed: CRange: CDurability: APrecision: APotential: D

Weaknesses:Histrionic Personality DisorderOppositional Defiant DisorderPTSD

Personality and Stand:Joseph's Stand represents his ability to think of what to do next in any given situation, showing his foresight in any battle.

Monster Empress/Damsel-Fly

Artificial Organism

Age: One Month (Earthly Time), 21 (Biological)

Abilities: Regeneration, Longevity, Accelerated Maturity

Strength: 10Speed: 10Durability: 10Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+

Love the Way You Lie RequiemNamesake: Love the Way You Lie, a song by Eminem and Rihanna


Calamity Jinxing=Damsel-Fly has the ability to create bad luck around her, specifically those she considers her enemies. She can do this by controlling Calamity, the opposite of fortune. However, she has to get close to the opponent if she wants that person to be unlucky.Reset to Zero=Damsel-Fly can also reset anything to zero with her Stand, being the complete opposite of Josuke's Stand, making her more powerful than even Giorno Giovanna by a slim margin.Power: BSpeed: SRange: CDurability: APrecision: APotential: 0

Weaknesses:Harmony=If you sing or move harmonically, her bad luck gets weaker.

Personality and Stand:She is the embodiment of all that is chaotic in the Omniverse.


Arc I Antagonists:

Agents of Toffee


Monster (Septarian) (Formerly)


Age: Hundreds

Abilities: Regeneration, Longevity

As the First Monster, he becomes a Titan and the God of the Hunts, he gains the ability to regenerate and heal, as the First Monster did. It is said that the First Monster was a hunter, and had the ability to medicate his allies with the blood of his prey. Soon, he gained immortality.

First Monster Abilities: Regeneration, Longevity, Autonomous Ultra Instinct, Size Alteration, Ki Control, Fate Manipulation, Cosmic Awareness, Shapeshifting, Flight, Temptation Inducement, Healing, Clairvoyance, Self-Resurrection, Telekinesis, Reality Manipulation, Indomitable Will, Desire Exhibition Immunity, Vulnerability Immunity, Desire Exhibition, Immunity to Seduction, Fear Exhibition

Strength: 9Speed: 4Durability: 9Senses: 10Intelligence: 10Combat: 10+Skills: 10+

Weaknesses:Anti-Regeneration SpellsAnti-Regeneration SerumsAnti-Regeneration StandsUltra Judgment

Old Dude

Nuno sa Punso

Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 5, 10+ (Underground and at Night)Intelligence: 5Combat: 5Skills: 5

BanglesAbilities:-Looping Black HolePower: 0Speed: 0Range: ADurability: ZPrecision: ZPotential: F

Weaknesses:Portal Gun=Throwing a broken portal gun into his portal will cause the hole to implode.

Personality and Stand:There's a hole in his heart

Sarah Saiku


Strength: 5Speed: 5Durability: 5Senses: 5Intelligence: 2Combat: 5Skills: 5

ABCEDFUAbilities:-Absolute Damage=The pain her Stand undoes restoration and healing abilities.Power: ASpeed: ARange: CDurability: APrecision: APotential: A

Weaknesses:Steven Universe's saliva

Personality and Stand:She's poison in everyone's hearts.

"Al Cado"


Strength: 9Speed: 9Durability: 9Senses: 2Intelligence: 6Combat: 10+Skills: 10+

Notorious B.I.G.Abilities:Energy Absorption=This ability allows Al Cado to be immune from Stand Attacks and Stand-Based injuries.Movement Detection=If you move, Al Cado can smell you.Power: ASpeed: ARange: 0Durability: UPrecision: APotential: A

Weaknesses:His eating disorder and want for fame.Gravitational Bomb=His durability can weaken through a gravitational bomb, which injures him severely.

Personality and Stand:His eating disorder.

General Theodore MacArthur AhasanRisotto Nero (Birthname)


Age: 101 (Actual), 21 (Biological)

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+

MetallicaNamesake: Metallica, a Metal BandAbilities:Magnetokinesis=Metallica is a colony Stand that is able to control metal around him. Metallica exists constantly as tiny bacteria existing around Theodore's range.>Metal Manipulation>Flight>Metal Sense>Metallic Bonding>Force-FieldsLongevityPower: FSpeed: CRange: ADurability: 0Precision: EPotential: E

Weaknesses:Racist Views=General Theodore is an incredibly racist person, being gifted yet incredibly discriminatory toward other people than the human Filipinos, who he believes deserves to be at the top.Non-Metallic weapons=He could easily be killed by non-metallic weapons.

Personality and Stand:His Stand shows his incredibly sadistic tendencies as one of the most dangerous variants of Nero. He is a Filipino-Italian man who is out for revenge for the Filipino people.



Abilities: Spin, Golden Spin

Strength: 1Speed: 1Durability: 1Senses: 3, 10+ (Underwater)Intelligence: 7Combat: 8Skills: 5Precision: 5

River Flows N.U.Namesake: River Flows in You, a song by Yiruma

Abilities:Submarine Form=Axol was placed in the pool behind Josuke's mansion. It can control a submarine about its size.Poison Stingers=Alex can shoot stingers that slowly kill its prey.Regeneration=Alex can regenerate very quickly.Cloudy Water=Alex can release spiritual fog in the water to fog up the area.Whirlpool Manipulation=Alex can create whirlpools underwater, Power: BSpeed: ARange: CDurability: APrecision: APotential: D

Weaknesses:No Water for 24 Hours=He dies if he isn't underwater for at least one hour about every day.Dry Land=Alex is very slow in the dry land.Blindness=Alex, like many Axolotls, is blind, and can only sense its prey through sound and movement.

Personality and Stand:The Stand represents the creature's sadistic nature and loyalty to Toffee.


? Clone (Modified)

Abilities: Regeneration

Strength: 7Speed: 7Durability: 4Senses: 10Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10

White Fool

Abilities:-Katana Form-Portal Slicing-Movement PredictionPower: BSpeed: SRange: CDurability: InfinityPrecision: UPotential: U


Personality and Stand:Unknown

Arc II Antagonists:

Rasputin Romanov (Earth-777)Namesake:Rasputin=Russian PeasantRomanov=The last royal dynasty of the Russian Tsars


Age: 52

Strength: 10?Speed: 10?Durability: 10?Senses: 7?Intelligence: 10+?Combat: 10+?Skills: 10+?Precision: 10+?

Weapons:Twin Eldritch Shashkas=Rasputin's weapons are a pair of Shashkas that function similarly to Miguel's Sticks.

Saints and Sinners

Namesake: Saints and Sinners, a song by Whitesnake>USB Drive Stand DISC Copier=MABUS had hopped between several Universes and has different Stands that he can use in any situation. He can also wield each of these Stands regardless of the original version's Stand-User's personality. He can only use two Stands at a time.Power: 0Speed: 0Range: ADurability: SPrecision: UPotential: U

Come TogetherNamesake: Come Together, a song by The Beatles>Demonic Spin Bubbles=He can conjure up several divine spells he learned in the 10th World by using Spin Bubbles.

-Teleportation-Time Travel-Exorcism-Telepathy-Time Manipulation-Strength-Dimensional travel and Portal Creation-Eldritch Magic-Energy Projection-Divine Shield-Illusions-Eldritch Ropes-Conjuration-Planetary Mind Control-Memory Alteration-Hypnosis-Cloning-Elemental Manipulation-Size Augmentation-Clairvoyance-Astral Projection and Possession-Cursing-Death-Warning-Mediumship--Eyes of a Grimm-Petrification-X-Ray Vision-Restoration-Transmutation-Ki Control-Chi Control-Spin Control-The Snap=A special attack Miguel knows where he could wish for just about anything. An incredibly dangerous attack that he and only he could legally use.

>Semi-Precognition=Miguel can sense the future, rather than actually seeing it.>Divine Protection=Anyone who tries to harm Miguel (unless that person is a 10th/11th/beyond 11th Dimensional creature, or anyone who has the blood of these creatures) will be neutralized with random coincidences. This makes Miguel nigh-invulnerable and often causes him to become this story's Deus Ex Machina device (as well as probably the next few books' Deus Ex Machina device).

>Regeneration>Cosmic Awareness>Shapeshifting>Flight>Temptation Inducement>Healing>Self-Resurrection>Absolute Praying>Telekinesis>Reality Manipulation>Indomitable Will>Desire Exhibition Immunity>Vulnerability Immunity>Desire Exhibition>Immunity to Seduction>Healing>Mastered Ultra JudgmentPower: 0Speed: BRange: ADurability: ZPrecision: UPotential: U

Weaknesses:Antisocial Personality Disorder (Sociopathy)=Rasputin is a sociopath.Anger=Rasputin is easily angered because of his trauma.C-PTSD=Rasputin's Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder causes him to act erratically at times because of the abuse he experienced as a child and the loss of his family.Emotional Disorder=Rasputin has a disorder that causes him to have erratically strong emotions.Autism=Rasputin possibly has autism, but this was never confirmed. This caused him to be outcasted when he was younger.Immense Misanthropy=Rasputin hates humanity because he lacks the ability to see its beauty anymore. This was caused by his traumatic experiences against MABUS.Limitations of Responsibility=If he breaks anyone of his oaths, he could cause damage to himself or to others."A baby's Power Stat is 1. A child's Power Stat is 2. An average person's Power Stat is 3. A person with peak human strength has a power stat of 4. A Grimm and a weak Super Soldier have a Power State of 5. An average Super Soldier has a Power Stat of 6. I have a Power Stat of 7. But, I can control my strength and dial it down to 4, which is my lowest. If I go past 7 and enter a Power Stat of 8, my Stats would randomize into a higher number. If that happens, I would lose control of my power and I could basically accidentally kill anyone. Saiyans can make their Power Stats, or as they call it, Power Levels, higher or lower. Kryptonians are able to do this as well. Wesen, or Cryptids, woge to switch between Power Stats. However, for me, I wouldn't. That's why 11th Worlders and 10th Worlders are incredibly dangerous because of their power, but they have enough time to master their strengths. For me, however, I am a Human. Therefore, I don't have full control over my Power Stats yet. I could hurt myself or even others.""Third, I should never abuse my powers and use them to take advantage of other people. Fourth, I should follow the Ten Commandments: Love God, never blaspheme, respect the Sabbath Day then rest(and when I say Sabbath Day, I mean both days of the weekend because of my religion), honor my family, never kill intentionally, never commit adultery, never steal from the innocent, never tell lies unless it's for the right thing, never covet one's lover, and never covet one's goods. Fifth, I should always forgive. Sixth, I should always love. Seventh, I should never betray God or all known mortals."

Heaven's Weapons=Weapons that are handmade in Hell could possibly permanently keep Rasputin in Hell forever.

Personality and Stand:Rasputin's Get Back shows his immense power which also represents his immense responsibility. He has great power and therefore great responsibility for being the so-called Anti-Christ.

Mickey Mouse/Darth Rodent  (Earth-Disney)

Force-Sensitive Cartoon Mouse (Old God)

Age: 123

Abilities: Size Alteration, Reality Warping, Magic. Regeneration, Longevity, Autonomous Ultra Instinct, Ki Control, Story Manipulation, Cosmic Awareness, Shapeshifting, Flight, Temptation Inducement, Healing, Clairvoyance, Self-Resurrection, Telekinesis, Reality Manipulation, Indomitable Will, Desire Exhibition Immunity, Vulnerability Immunity, Desire Exhibition, Immunity to Seduction, Fear Exhibition

Force Abilities: Capabilities Enhancement, Force Sense, Telepathy, Hypnotism, Telekinesis, Gravity Weakening, Levitation, Force Lightning, Precognition

Strength: 1, 20 (Force)Speed: 1, 20 (Force)Durability: 1, 20 (Force)Senses: 20Intelligence: 20Combat: 20Skills: 20Precision: 20

Weaknesses:His Name. Once you speak his real name, he will get a Quantum Seizure.

Wilson Fisk


Age: 64

Strength: 10Speed: 3Durability: 10Senses: 4Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10


Edward Dorrance


Age: 64

Strength: 10Speed: 3Durability: 10Senses: 4Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10

Weaknesses:Loss of POISON Intake=When Bane loses POISON Intake, his pain will continue to be felt.

Arc III Antagonists:

Tony Stark (Earth-838)

Superior Iron Man

Age: 66


Superior Iron Man Suit Abilities: Godly Superhuman Abilities, Godly Superhuman Capabilities, Multidimensional Mind Control, Stand Detection, God-Seeing, Ghost-Detection, Matter-and-Energy Manipulation, Energy Blasts, Levitation, Suit Regeneration

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 10+Combat: 9Skills: 10Precision: 10Mk. 50:Strength: 60+, 100+ (God-Buster Mode)Speed: 60+, 100+ (God-Buster Mode)Durability: 100+

Weaknesses:PTSD=Tony Stark lost his parents at a young age, witnessing it before him, and killed Winter Soldier after.PCBD=Bruce has Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder, causing him to grieve his parents even if it's such a long time ago.Narcissism and Ego=Tony Stark is an extreme narcissist. This and his ego is the cause of his downfall.

Peter Parker


Age: 29 (Biologically due to Snap), 34 (Actual)

Mutate Metahuman (Wall-Crawler)

Abilities: Spider Physiology=Superhuman Abilities, and Capabilities, Wall-Crawling, Spider-Sense, Superhuman Senses, Healing FactorCosmic Spider Suit Abilities: Energy Tentacle Webs, Indestructible Tentacle Webs, Suit RegenerationStrength: 7Speed: 7Durability: 7Senses: 9Intelligence: 10Combat: 8Skills: 10Precision: 10Superior Spider Suit:Strength: 10Speed: 10Durability: 10

Weaknesses:His Spider Legs' AI=His Tentacles' AI were transferred to his mind when he switched bodies with Peter Parker and they are now in the form of his Spider Legs.

Arc IV:

Springtrap/William Afton


Age: 109 (Earthly Time b. 1920), around 60s-70s (Biologically)

Abilities: Soul Sense, Stand-Destabilizing EMP, Soul Manipulation

Weapons: Repulsor Cannons, Arc Reactor

Disease: Sentient Zombification

Strength: 10, 10+ (Springtrap Suit Mk. 2)Speed: 10, 10+ (Springtrap Suit Mk. 2)Durability: 10, 10+ (Springtrap Suit Mk. 2)Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Weaknesses:Springlocks=You can physically disable Afton by moisturizing weak spots in his Spring Bonnie suit.Antisocial Personality Disorder (Psychopath)=William Afton is an evil and sadistic psychopath.Curiosity=Afton prefers to tinker with things he doesn't understand.


Human Possessed by The Entity

Age: Unknown; Likely Eternal

Abilities: Teleportation, Chronokinesis, Reality Warping, 4th-Wall Breaking, Desire Exhibition Immunity, Vulnerability Immunity, Desire Exhibition, Immunity to Seduction, Seduction

Strength: 6, 20+ (Calamity Force)Speed: 6, 20+ (Calamity Force)Durability: 6, 20+ (Calamity Force)Senses: 20+Intelligence: 20+Combat: 20+Skills: 20+Precision: 20+

Weaknesses:Willpower=One who has great willpower can be immune to his abilities.His Neck=This isn't his own body. And its original owner died by having his neck snapped falling down a flight of stairs.

Nnif the Human/Dark Finn

Finn Mertens=ESFP-A

Metahuman (Blue-Green Eyes Mutant)

Age: 33

Strength: 4Speed: 4Durability: 4Senses: 4Intelligence: 5Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Time AdventureNamesake: Time Adventure, Song by Rebecca Sugar

Abilities:-Time-Loop=Once Finn dies unnaturally, Finn is forced to go back in the past.>Save Files=Finn has multiple save files for each day. He can only do so once a day. The save files are done manually with his Stand, Time Adventure.Power: BSpeed: BRange: DDurability: CPrecision: SPotential: D

Bites the Dust: Come Along With MeNamesake: Another One Bites the Dust, Song by QueenFirst Verse from the Island Song from Adventure Time

Abilities:-Time-Loop>Save Files-Time Travel=Finn can travel anyone and anything in time. This was utilized secretly when a dying Finn from another timeline curved Eobard's Trajectory back to the first few Chapters. However, a few months before JoJo's death, Miguel stated that this ability is far too dangerous to be utilized, as Miguel's original actions of time travel did change fate, but doing so caused a series of events that caused the destruction of the Universe.-Time Remnant creation=Finn can manipulate paradoxes and create time remnants that he could fully control and fuse back into his body.Power: ASpeed: ARange: CDurability: APrecision: SPotential: E

Weaknesses:BPD=Finn has Borderline Personality Disorder, causing him to act out angrily and ruin his own relationships. But he's taking medication and therapy, so he has been working his life with Yoshiko and his kids.

Personality and Stand:Time Adventure and its evolutions represent Finn's heroic personality and are comparable to a video game character. However, it goes deeper to his psychology, showing his irresponsibility as it is revealed that he had done terrible things in the past where he went back to a save file so that he'd enter a better timeline.

Wilford "MOTHERLOVIN'" Warfstache

William J. Barnum


Age: Unknown

Abilities: Teleportation, Chronokinesis, Reality Warping, 4th-Wall Breaking, Chaos Manipulation

Strength: 10+Speed: 10+Durability: 0Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Weaknesses:Rolling With the Chaos=Wilford cannot affect anyone negatively who rolls with his Chaos.

Enya Enyaba


Strength: 1->9 (+1 at full moon)Speed: 1->9 (+1 at full moon)Durability: 1->9 (+1 at full moon)Senses: 10Intelligence: 10+Combat: 3Skills: 9Precision: 10

JusticeNamesake: Justice Tarot CardAbilities:-Fog Puppetry=Anyone who breathes in the air within Justice's range can be puppeteered easily by Enya.-Flight=Enyaba can fly inside of her fog by puppeteering her own body with her own fog.-LongevityPower: DSpeed: DRange: ADurability: 0Precision: APotential: E

Weaknesses:Paralysis=Enya, before she was given a Stand by Salvi, was a paralytic. She only gained the ability to walk because of her Stand, allowing her to puppeteer her own body.Suffocation=Enya will lose the ability to walk if she is unable to breathe. Drowning, strangulation, suffocation, etc. will cause her to not only lose the ability to fight, but also the ability to walk. Something as simple as holding her breath during a fight could kill her.Swimming=She cannot go underwater because of this. The lower half of her body goes limp if she holds her breath underwater. She needs scuba gear to do so.

Personality and Stand:Enya's Stands showcases her desire to walk again while also showcasing her manipulative personality.

Tina Tiger


Age: 2

Abilities: Soul Sense, Stand-Destabilizing EMP, Soul Manipulation

Weapons: Repulsor Cannons, Arc Reactor

Strength: 10+Speed: 10+Durability: 10+Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Weaknesses:Distractions=If the Friendly Fam Animatronics get distracted, they will be tricked easily.

Coward the Cow


Age: 2

Abilities: Soul Sense, Stand-Destabilizing EMP, Soul Manipulation

Weapons: Repulsor Cannons, Arc Reactor

Strength: 10+Speed: 10+Durability: 10+Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Weaknesses:Distractions=If the Friendly Fam Animatronics get distracted, they will be tricked easily.

Leo the Lion


Age: 2

Abilities: Soul Sense, Stand-Destabilizing EMP, Soul Manipulation

Weapons: Repulsor Cannons, Arc Reactor

Strength: 10+Speed: 10+Durability: 10+Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Weaknesses:Distractions=If the Friendly Fam Animatronics get distracted, they will be tricked easily.

Hannah the Hyena


Age: 2

Abilities: Soul Sense, Stand-Destabilizing EMP, Soul Manipulation

Weapons: Repulsor Cannons, Arc Reactor

Strength: 10+Speed: 10+Durability: 10+Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Weaknesses:Distractions=If the Friendly Fam Animatronics get distracted, they will be tricked easily.

Via the Vulture


Age: 2

Abilities: Soul Sense, Stand-Destabilizing EMP, Soul Manipulation

Weapons: Repulsor Cannons, Arc Reactor

Strength: 10+Speed: 10+Durability: 10+Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10+Combat: 10Skills: 10+Precision: 10+

Weaknesses:Distractions=If the Friendly Fam Animatronics get distracted, they will be tricked easily.

The Reverse-Flash, God of Negative SpeedHome Planet: Earth-PrimeHome Universe: Universe-PrimeHome Multiverse: X-AxisName: Eobard ThawneAge: 38Special Abilities: Speed Force Connection=Superhuman Speed, Time Travel, Time Manipulation, Speed Force Lightning, Accelerated Perception, Phasing, Time Remnants, Temporal Awareness, Dimensional Travel, Speed Clones, Time Rewind, Temporal Awareness, Time Dampening, Time-Stop, Time-Reduction, Time-Erasure, Precognition, Prolonged LongevityParadox Abilities=Nigh-Immortality

Strength: 4Speed: 400Durability: 4Senses: 3Intelligence: 9Combat: 10Skills: 8Precision: 9

Weakness:Anti Speed WeaponsTime-Stoppers

The Scarlet WitchName: Wanda Maximoff, Goddess of RealityAge: 23Special Abilities: Magic, PsionicsStrength: 3Strength (Magic): 700Speed: 3Durability: 3Senses: 3Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10

Weaknesses:Broken Mind

Anakin Skywalker/Superior Darth Vader  (Milky Way--SW-121715)

Force-Sensitive Human

Age: 75

Force Abilities: Capabilities Enhancement, Force Sense, Telepathy, Hypnotism, Telekinesis, Gravity Weakening, Levitation, Precognition

Strength: 1, 20+ (Force)Speed: 1, 20+ (Force)Durability: 1, 20+ (Force)Senses: 20+Intelligence: 20+Combat: 20+Skills: 20+Precision: 20+

Weaknesses:His Love=Darth Vader can be manipulated when his family is in danger.

Stefan Rivers/Stephen Rivers/Unbreakable/Diddy Wah Diddy=INFJ-AA

Human (Formerly)

Fortisite-It is revealed that Stephen isn't actually a human. After he comes in contact with Earth Grimm's Ark of the Covenant, Stephen unlocks his Fortisite genes which were hidden by his Space Dad.

Abilities: Spin, Golden Spin

Omega Effect=Omega Beams, Nigh-Omnipotence Avatarship, Avatar Creation, Superhuman Physiology, Levitation, Healing Factor, Nigh-Invulnerability, Immortality, Super Adaptation, Superhuman Senses, X-Ray Vision, Psionics, Size Manipulation, Quantum Travel, Quantum Manipulation, Boom-Tube, Teleportation, Autonomous Ultra Instinct

Strength: 10,000+ (True Form), 1,000+ (Avatar)Speed: 10,000+ (True Form), 1,000+ (Avatar)Durability: ∞, 3 (Kryptonite, Ultra Spin, or Red Sun)Senses: 10,000+ (True Form), 20+ (Avatar)Intelligence: 9Combat: 10+Skills: 10+Precision: 10

Rock BottomAbilities:>Absolute Defense=Stephen has an absolute defense. Therefore, he is untouchable from any form of physical damage.>Unlovability Inducement=Stephen is incredibly unlovable and will always be unlovable no matter what he does.Power: USpeed: URange: EDurability: ∞Precision: ZPotential: U

No-Lan/Nolan Grayson/Omni-Man  (Milky Way--SW-121715)

Force-Sensitive Cartoon Mouse (Old God)

Age: 75

Force Abilities: Capabilities Enhancement, Force Sense, Telepathy, Hypnotism, Telekinesis, Gravity Weakening, Levitation, Precognition

Strength: 90+Speed: 90+Durability: 90+Senses: 10+Intelligence: 10Combat: 10Skills: 10Precision: 10

Weaknesses:Emotions=Viltrumites are supposed to be emotionless, yet Nolan shows emotion.

Bill Cipher


Abilities: Spin, Golden Spin

Strength: 0 (2nd Dimension), + (Possession), 15,000+ (3rd Dimension Above)Speed: 0 (2nd Dimension), + (Possession), 15,000+ (3rd Dimension Above)Durability: 0 (2nd Dimension), + (Possession), 15,000+ (3rd Dimension Above)Senses: UnknownIntelligence: UnknownCombat: UnknownSkills: UnknownPrecision: Unknown


Cipher Beyond

Abilities:-Precognition=Bill's Beyond allows him to see ten seconds in the future.-Telepathy=Bill's Beyond also allows him to read people's minds.-Teleportation=Bill's Beyond also allows him to teleport.-Madness Inducement=When Bill blasts a bubble, the person who touches the bubble could become mad.-Illusion Manipulation=Bill can conjure illusions.-Interdimensional Travel-Pyrokinesis-Objects Summoning-Clairvoyance-Matter Manipulation-Telekinesis-Mind Control-Dream Manipulation-Intangibility (Does not work on Stands)-Reality Warping-Possession-Size-Shifting-4th-Wall Breaking-Space and Time Manipulation-Immunity to Spatial-Temporal AbilitiesPower: ZSpeed: ZRange: ZDurability: DPrecision: UPotential: Beyond ∞


Personality and Stand:Chaos


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