
377. Unheard Voices ~Attention!~

Miguel wakes up on his bed and sees his original body lying on the ground.

He covers his face and cries again.

Shizuka stands up, slowly, hearing the people being killed by marauders, killing several people.

She sees that women and children are being raped outside the building they slept on.

Yurielle screams out of pain as Gabrielle drains blood from her ears using her forked tongue. Josuke then restores her ears, but because of Josuke's weak state, incompletely.

"What's happening out there!?" asked Shizuka.

"Those people are called The Marauders... They're like a tribe of people who pillage these people every month..." said Gabrielle. "They told us not to interfere... Because we could get killed."

"We can't just stand here and do nothing!"

"Exactly... As you can see, we're the only ones here..."

Shizuka's eyes widen. "Where's Papa and Nee-san...?"

Gabrielle wipes the blood off of Yurielle's ears.


"They're outside, helping out..."

"In that state!?" asked Shizuka.

"Ow..." sobbed Yurielle.

"Sorry..." said Shizuka, softening her voice. She whispers, "I'm going out there...!"

"Whoa, whoa..." said Gabrielle. "Jotaro gave me the job of protecting you and keeping you in here... Stay here... Please..."

"But Papa... Nee-san... This isn't their fight!"

"If it's people who need help, it is. That's what it means to be a Joestar and an Ibarra. We help people."

"This isn't... This isn't our fight..."

Gabrielle chuckles. "I used to argue that to myself in my head over and over again. But I learned... from a wise variant of my father's... of what it means to be a JoJo... Why do we fall, Shizuka?"

"To pick ourselves back up again... and knock 'em all down."

"So... pick yourself up, too. But not now... Not now... Because you're... not exactly in the perfect state in doing so."

Shizuka's arms are revealed to be in casts, having been severely broken by Kira.

"It makes me feel my heart heavy... that my biological father would do this to me... And he was right. I've been searching for him... my whole life. Because I thought Papa wasn't good enough... Compared to Kira... Papa is..."

"We've all made mistakes..." said Gabrielle. "We all have. Hell... Look at me... I fucked everything up... I got pregnant by my fling who was a friggin' supervillain... I got my Mom sick... After I saved her, I got her killed because I was too stubborn to... I got so many people killed in New York... I feel like all this pain... It's my punishment... for fucking so many things up..."

Shizuka chuckles. "I guess we're both screwups..."

"All of us..." chuckled Josuke. "We're JoJos... right? When we screw things up, we have to face our retribution..."

Yurielle starts crying and shouting once again. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" She shakes in the bed as Josuke tries to pull the blood out of her brain using his tongue. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" she wept. She begins to hear sloshing sounds in her ears. She hammers the bed over and over again.

"Yuri!!!" sobbed No. 5. "It's gonna be okay! Right, Josuke?"

"Geez!" yelled No. 3. "It hurts! It really friggin' hurts!"

"Yes... She will..." said Gabrielle.


Shizuka runs to the window and sees that Jotaro and Irene are being beaten with sticks.




"CHUCHUCHUCHUCHUCHUCHU~IIIIIIIIIIII!!!" Achtung Baby yells as she blasts her fists at the marauders. Shizuka is invisible while doing so, killing all of them one by one.

Jotaro struggles to pick himself back up. "Shizuka-chan..."

A man sees her holding a stick and he pushes her as she falls into a small pond.

She tries to sneak underwater, as the man points his gun at her, seeing her movements.

"I see you..."



Star Platinum bores a hole into the man's chest.

The Stand pulls his fist out, killing the man as he drops to the ground.

Irene electrocutes the last of the men as their brains explode.

Jotaro, Irene, and Shizuka limp back to the house they were in, but they see that more marauders are rushing toward the barangay.

Suddenly, Gabrielle lands before them. "Let's go..."

Stone Free blasts out and knocks both of her fists together twice.

Suddenly, a group of twelve heroes begins appearing around and using their Stands to kill off the army. The heroes have black hoods on wearing black jackets with red pants. They have white masks with crosses on their faces.

Strangely enough, Ugandan Knuckles appear and start eating the marauders' faces, as they yell in horror.

Suddenly, their leader lands before Shizuka.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait!" yelled Shizuka.

The man takes off his mask. It's...


Oh, right. He's a character in my book.

"Hello. We are Floor Gang," said Felix.

"Watashi wa Kujo Shizuka," said Shizuka.

"Kono Kujo Airin Joserin da," said Irene.

"Kono Kujo Jotaro da," said Jotaro.

"Ore wa PewDiePie!" he sang. "We are the Floor Gang. Follow us. And take the blind girl with you."


Jedan Ligera, Joseph Ibarra, Kariel Ibarra, Jessica Polnareff, Celine Ghirga, Zed Speedwagon, Yang Fugo, Lord Higashikata, Lei Zeppeli, Felix Kjellberg, Sean McLoughlin, and Mark Fischbach.

"After Jessica, Celine, Zed, Yang, Lord, and Lei had adulterous sex with Anne, Miguel felt betrayed. Out of shame and believing that Miguel himself was destined to be evil, we panicked and beat him up."

"No wonder he abandoned us..." said Gabrielle. "He was abandoned by literally everyone else in this room."

"We thought that he was false..." said Joseph. "That's why we're working to redeem ourselves."

"Yeah? Well, you don't deserve Miguel's respect," said Gabrielle. "He doesn't deserve you!"

"You've lost your father, haven't you?"

Gabrielle's eyes widen.

"Call it a father's intuition," said Joseph. "We're trying to make right by him."

"Sure..." sighed Gabrielle. "Just know that whatever you're trying to do with him... It's too late."

"We were contacted by the Society of the Blind Eye, our sister allies, that Bill is planning to blow everyone the fuck up using Giorno."

"How...?" asked Gabrielle.

"He's going to force Giorno to reset the Arks of the Covenant back to zero... Starting with Earth-777's Ark."

Everyone's eyes widen in shock.

"Wh-... WHAT!? He can't do that! Can he!?" asked Shizuka.

"He can... And if he does, he'll literally shatter fucking reality," said Jotaro. "Miguel's hunch was right..."

"Rick had struck a deal ten years ago with Bill... that he would be transferred to Rick's mind instead of Stan Pines'. So... Bill resides in Rick's mind. He had struck enough deals with him to count..." said Lei.

"Who's side is he on?" asked Gabrielle.

"Ours," said Yang. "He's been trying to mess with Bill..."

"He was constantly trying to change his mind," said Zed.

"For years... Rick was trying to change the timeline into its best outcome..." said Jedan.

"But Bill's too good," said Jessica.

"He's dangerous," said Celine. "Bill... He's been watching all of you, patiently letting things fall into plan."

"And we believe that Bill is destined to destroy reality after all... But you guys can stop him," said Joseph.

"If you don't..." said Kariel. "You will fail reality."

"You're all we've got... Gabrielle, Yurielle, Shizuka, and Miguel..." said Sean. "Because if ye don't. We're all gonna get fucked by that scalene motherfucker."

"So..." said Mark. "We need you to win this battle. Because even if they have a single win... Our reality is ruined."

Everyone pauses and stares at these people's hopeful words.

"WHAT!?" asked Yurielle, confused while yelling.

"So... where's Miguel?" asked Felix.

"He said... he's not coming," said Shizuka. "He thinks that he'll kill anyone after-..."

"What I did...?" asked Anne.

Gabrielle sees Anne and frowns. "You have a lot of nerve showing up after what you did to him..."

Stone Free flashes out of Gabrielle's body.

"Easy..." said Anne. "Y'know... in a way, you're still my kid."

"Miguel practically disowned me... us... because of you." She squints her eyes.

"You know... we tried... We honestly tried... to be normal... But it's like the past just pulls you back under the water to drown us again into the ocean of our past sorrows... I'm a succubus... What can I say? It's instinct..."

Josuke sighs. "I had a wise man teach me that we should never give in to our instinct."

"Same here," said Gabrielle.

"Well... I could say that I was raised wrong... But I feel like an asshole making all these excuses at this point," said Anne.

"So... what's the plan?" smiled Gabrielle.

"Simple..." smiled PewDiePie. "We do nothing..."

"What!?" asked everyone else.

"We already have a plan," said PewDiePie. "But... we have an idea of how things will play out. We'll just leave it all to faith..."

"IN WHAT!?" asked Shizuka.

"In you..." smiled PewDiePie, crossing his arms. "A war is coming... And you guys are in the front line."

"So... this episode's just exposition, huh?" asked Gabrielle.

PewDiePie then turns on the screens of their "FloorGangCave" as several scenes are shown of several people getting killed by Marauders. The bigots and racists are enslaved. Men, women, and children are raped. Bombs and guns go off in the Barangays. People constantly kill each other. 

"My first son... was killed by the Marauders," said Felix. He clenches his fists. "And... I knew that Miguel was the good guy... I saw his death... And I can speak for all of us if I say that we were heartbroken and filled with shame... I could never believe that I would ever believe in God... and now that there's no hope... I have so much faith, now... The four of you... The Four Stars... I believe in you... I have faith in God... and the good people of this world... that we could win this... Because if we don't... What's happening to our world happens to Maharlica... This is how Bill destroys Maharlica and causes chaos... He'll destroy the Arks...Unless we stop them."

"Oh..." said Shizuka. "We will... I think I know what you're planning... and that's to do nothing and make us do it."

"Pretty much..." said PewDiePie. "Taoism, baby. I've recently started reading more Eastern Philosophy after my son died. I mean, I already did... But now... I incorporate it in just about everything..."

"Okay..." said Shizuka. "Here's what we do... When is the Ark gonna be destroyed?"

"Tomorrow," said Felix. "He'll show it in screens everywhere for the whole world to see."

"Okay! Horrifyingly close deadline!" yelled Shizuka. "But I have a plan... Do you guys... have a Stand Arrow?"

"No... Shizuka... That's too dangerous," said Jotaro. "You can't just stab yourself in the arrow at any time-!!!"

"Papa... You've let me be independent my entire life. Don't you think this is what I've been... well... training for my entire life?"

Jotaro smiles softly. "I see. Very well. Do it. But I just wanna say that Stand Arrows only work if it's the exact moment where you need it."

"Then I'll stab myself during the fight and let fate do the work," said Shizuka.

Jotaro smiles. "Atta girl."

"So... We're going to round up the rebels and make a show, crashing Bill's party... a huge show where everyone pays attention to us."

"What kind of show?"

Shizuka chuckles. "A graduation party..."

Everyone looks confused by her plan.

"What!?" asked Yurielle.


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