
312. Country Roads and Brainstorm ~Remember Them~

"How do we even get there?" asked Peter.

"There's a way..." said Bruce. "I can't assure that we'd all be safe in the end. And I can't assure you that I would endanger any of you... But for Miguel and Anne JoJo, I would gladly do so. For the sake of the world, I would do this."

"Thank you, Bruce," said Mercuria. "So... how?"

"I know a guy," said Bruce.

(theme begins)

The Stardust Crusaders are in the ship of the Guardians of the Galaxy and travel around the far galaxy, hopping from planet to planet.

Star-Lord, Rocket, Groot, Mantis, Drax, Nebula, Howard the Duck, and Kraglin all silently sat in their chairs while zooming into space.

(theme ends)

"You... with the Panther costume," said Drax

Bruce slowly turns to Drax.

"What's your power anyway?" asked Drax.

"I'm rich and I beat criminals at night," said Bruce. "My parents were killed in an alleyway."


"What's yours? Superhuman Idiocy?"

"HEY!!! It's a medical condition!"

"That's not a real thing," said Peter.

"SILENCE DEADPOOL!!!" yelled Mantis.

"I'm not Deadpool," said Peter. "He's a completely different person."


"I'm not Robin," said Peter. "I thwip webs!"

"Robins spin webs," said Drax.

"No. No, they do not," said Star-Lord. "The robins flew over your head on that one."

"I will catch that Robin and brutally crush it!" said Drax.

"Not in front of Deadpool!" yelled Mantis.

"I'm not Deadpool," said Peter.

"Yes. He's Robin," said Rocket. "I heard on your planet cats it robins."

"So?" asked Peter.

"I'm a cat. Watch out, Parker."

"You're a raccoon."

"I know. But that's not as cool, Deadpool."

"I'm not Deadpool," said Peter.

"What's a dead pool?" asked Foo Fighters.

"It's a game when you predict someone will die," said Monroe.

"Have you played-?" asked Nick.

"Yeah," sighed Monroe. "That was the pack-hunting days."

"Cool," smiled Mercuria.

"So you're Deadpool?" asked Foo Fighters.

"No. I'm Spider-Man," said Peter.

"That makes no sense. Why would you be a spider?" asked Drax. "You look nothing like a spider. You look like a rag doll that I could strangle."

"I am Groot," said Groot.

"Thank you, Groot," said Drax.

"We're here," said Howard the Duck, as they reach Vormir.

The planet is incredibly large and is dark and blue. The sun shines at its horizon as the spaceship lands there.

"Welp... We'll get back to you to bring you back to Earth in 24 hours," said Quill. "Make sure you don't wake up the Celestials."

"What are Celestials?" asked Raphael.

Iggy barks and nods.

"Oh. They're these giant life-creating planet destroyers who fight creatures called the Klyntar and kill off planets they find unworthy by laying their eggs in them," said Quill. "You'll be fine!"

The group turn around as the spaceship left silently. They see thousands and upon thousands of skeletal corpses lying on the ground, each about 2,000 feet long.

"Shit," said Foo Fighters, feeling a strange presence. "I feel like the presence of intellect here is very powerful."

Foo Fighters grabs the arrow in her pocket.

"We're currently in the 4th-World. We are in the territory of the rulers of the Kais, or the Creator Gods," said Bruce. "These are creatures who rebelled against God and called themselves the new gods. The Celestials are just among the billions of Niburuans who rebelled against God. Celestials, Asgardians, Olympians, New Genesites, Apokoliptians... All the same. They all wanted to be remembered as the one true God. So, they rebelled against their God. Their own selfish yet human desires to be remembered led to the imbalance of the Universe... Led by the one and only Lucifer Morningstar, who is serving his time as a therapist in his prison that is known as Hell."

Gabrielle, Mercuria, Narcos, Raphael, Iggy, Foo Fighters, Victoria, Monroe, Nick, and Peter all bow their heads.

"We all have the humane fear of being forgotten. In the end, the people we fight, the 'rogues,' they're just afraid to be forgotten. To be overwritten and trampled upon by history. These people... We should at least cherish them for existing."

Gabrielle remembered her parents. She remembered that she should honor their sacrifices by becoming like them and acting like what they were. She now believes in herself, with a drive that cannot be undone. She wants vengeance, and she wants closure. She loves her family, and she would do anything to bring them to justice.

Narcos stared at Gabrielle and Mercuria, the people he loved the most. Gabrielle was the first person he saw, and he knew that. He remembered how Gabrielle taught him so much about how to live, and for that, she is his family. Also, the fact that Mercuria is revealed to be his sister means so much to him as well. He loves her because she is his sister, his last bit of family left. He has no memory before, and the fact that they gave him new memories to continue living is love to him. To him, this is true love.

Mercuria thought about Narcos, her brother. She thought about how grateful she is that her sister still lives within Narcos and that she would do anything for Gabrielle as well for being able to bring her back to her.

Raphael thought about his parents as well. Raphael is more human than many give him credit for. He is a man in and out. He will do this for his parents who died for the world.

So did Iggy. Iggy is a dog, but she is so much more. And these people who she walks with are her family, and she would do anything for her family.

Foo Fighters thought about how important her existence is and how grateful she is for these people to bring her life. She thought about how important her intellect's existence is and that she is incredibly loyal to these people for giving her life, even though she doesn't understand why.

Victoria thought about the family she had lost from her home universe and the fact that she alone could save them all. All she could do is remember why she is here and what she has to do to stop them.

Monroe remembered his old pack members in the past, who he lost as he grew older and became a better person because of Nick. He remembered Hap, Sam, Angelina, and all his fellow Blutbaden killed by his enemies.

Nick remembered his family back at home and his parents that were killed by the royals. He remembered his ex-girlfriend, Juliette, dying because of his own actions and need to be what he is, a Grimm.

Peter remembered Uncle Ben, Tony Stark, and Aunt May, who he all lost in the past. He remembered how he indirectly caused all their deaths. Uncle Ben and Aunt May because of his irresponsibility, and Stark sacrificing his life for Peter. All of their deaths are all on him.

Bruce remembered his parents, Rachel, his deceased ex, and Dick Grayson, his son. All of which were killed by The Joker, both directly and indirectly. He remembered that his brother is The Joker and that he could never change that truth. And because of that, he could never kill him. Because he ironically is one of the last bits of a family he has. So all he could do is remember.

That's all they could do for the people they've lost. Remember them.

They all silently spoke to themselves in their own soliloquies.

Finally, they reach the mountain.

"Well?" asked Bruce. "Shall we?"

"Only a few of us should enter," said Narcos. Everyone turns to him. "So that we won't all get killed... Because if so, this will all be for naught.I'll go."

"Me, too," said Gabrielle.

"Me, three," said Mercuria.

"Very, well," said Bruce. "We'll wait for you here. Make sure to open a portal outside the cabin. Not inside. Because I think there's something guarding inside of it."


The portal is opened outside the front door of the cabin, and the trio walks out of the portal.

"Well?" asked Gabrielle. "Now, what?"

"I guess we walk in," shrugged Narcos. "Those guys better get ready and bend over because we're gonna ram them in the butt."

"Wait!" yelled Gabrielle.

The others turn to Gabrielle.

"We can't just go there without observing first. Look," said Gabrielle.

She points to the fact that in the window of the cabin, a straight horizontal string is glimmering in the moonlight.

"It's booby-trapped."

"Damn," said Mercuria. "I'll try something."

The trio hide behind the wall and Kiss opens the door. Kiss duplicates the door. Kiss then opens the door and uses the duplicated door as a shield for what's to come.


Several knives are shot toward Kiss. Kiss blocks it with her door.

She removes the sticker and the doors fuse back together and slam into the room. Kiss disappears and the trio approaches the cabin.

It's empty.

They enter inside.

"WHAT!?" asked Gabrielle. "That asshole..." she Wahrewoges. "LIED TO ME!!!"

She furiously ticks her wings and hisses out of anger.

"Wait," said Narcos. "Why is there a door at the back?"

"What?" asked Mercuria. "Probably it goes to the back of the cabin."

"No... I checked... There's nothing there."

"Are you sure you aren't just high?"

"Why would I be high? We're all high! We're on a mountain!"

"Not that 'high,' idiot. I mean drug high."

"What!? No!"

"mmph... mmph..."

Gabrielle looks behind them and the door is closed. "Things aren't adding up..." thought Gabrielle. "Didn't you break that door down? When we entered, there was no door on the ground. And now, the door is back on the wall."

Gabrielle sighs and opens the door. It's another room. She closes it. "Goddamnit!"

"What?" asked the other two.

"It's another motherfucking maze!" she facepalmed.

The others sigh.

"It's fine," said Mercuria. "At least no one's chasing us this time."

The trio pauses and listens around.

"Oh, thank God," the trio sighed in relief.

"Hello? Bruce?" Gabrielle talks into her earpiece. "Hello!? Batman?"

Gabrielle tries to turn on her portal gun. It won't produce any portals.


"Shit," said Narcos. "Gabrielle, we have to go before we get BDSM'd."

"What!?" asked Mercuria.

"mmph... mmph..."

"Body-Slammed," said Narcos. "Gabrielle... I could sense another Rock Human nearby... and a Stand-User... He'll kill us if we don't do anything."

Gabrielle's eyes widen. "Guys? This is a trap!"

A door behind them opens and a Minotaur-like Stand appears. It has a large humanoid body with bull horns protruding from its head. It is violet and has a humanoid head with angry white eyes. It has large sharp teeth and a creepy grin from its mouth toward its ears.

"Burein Sutomu..." whispered the Stand.

It's drooling foam.

It sees the trio and roars.

Gabrielle catches it with a net and ORA Rushes the creature. It doesn't budge. She imbues herself with Golden Spin.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!" she cried.


Gabrielle, out of fear, opens the door behind them as they rush into it.

The trio enters a random room with three doors. They run inside.

A random room again with two doors. The trio enters the door to the left.

A random room again.

They hear its footsteps nearby.

"STAY AWAY!!!" Mercuria growled.

Narcos uses a button to open the floor, but sees only the void below.

Narcos takes out an icicle and pokes the icicle into the void.

The icicle is erased. "Shit..." said Narcos. "We need to go deeper, but not in that hole."

"Seriously!?" asked Mercuria. "Narcos... Come on!"

Narcos does the same for the walls and the ceilings.

"There's no place out!" yelled Narcos. "We're stuck in some sort of lethal void!"

Narcos closes the dimension and the trio keeps entering doors and the rooms keep shifting.

Sometimes there would be three doors, others two, others one. But the doors would always either be at the center, at the right side, or at the left side of the wall in front of them.

"Wait!" yelled Gabrielle. "We have to stay here!"

"Why!?" asked Mercuria. "Would you rather be Stand Chow!?"

"Listen," said Gabrielle.

"mmph... mmph..."

"I heard that, too," said Mercuria.

"Heard what?" asked Narcos.

Both of their ears are woged.

"What's happening?" asked Narcos.

"Someone is struggling," said Gabrielle.

"We could use that for our advantage," said Narcos.

"FOLLOW THE MUFFLED SPEECH!!!" yelled Gabrielle.

(theme begins)

The trio listened closely to the doors in front of them. Narcos freezes the doors where the creature comes from.

They would always choose the door where the muffling is loudest.

Right, left, center, right, left, center, right...

The creature bashes into the doors and its saliva touches Narcos' hand.

His hand melts and Narcos freezes his hand to avoid his flesh from melting.

Narcos freezes its face and...

They reach the room...

It's a dead end.

"Gabrielle!" yelled Mercuria. "No one's here and we're trapped!!!"

"Now, what!?" asked Narcos.

"Don't worry... We've got him..."

Gabrielle is revealed to have been leaving a trail of strings in each door.

"Let's see what happens if we pull the string... AND BREAK THIS CABIN INSIDE OUT!!!"

Gabrielle pulls her strings and begins crushing the walls.

"Wait! What if we fall into the void!?" asked Narcos.

"Any better ideas!?" asked Gabrielle.


"HOLD IT!!!" yelled a voice.

(theme pauses at 1:14)

"Yes?" asked Gabrielle.

"STOP!!!" yelled the voice. "You're... *GASP!!!*... choking... me..."

"Just let us out, give us the man and the third page, and we'll leave you be," said Gabrielle.

"Rock Humans..." said the voice. "I am Tadao Damo... I am a Rock Human. You should realize one thing... We are trying to help you weak, pathetic creatures..."

"How?" asked Gabrielle.

"I can't tell you."

"You people killed our people."

"So? They're just pawns of the larger picture. We are here to bring anarchy to the world."


"We all have our different passions and beliefs..."

"You're trying to help us not for our benefit, but for yours, right? Give us the third page."

"If you don't kill me, I'll give it to you."

Gabrielle sighs and lets go of Tadao.


The creature sneers as it approaches the trio.


The creature snarls and charges toward the trio.


(theme begins at 1:14)

Gabrielle's string didn't disappear. She only made it longer to make it seem like she let go.

She pulls the string back into her body.

"WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" she cried, as the room breaks into pieces.


The trio begins falling into a dark whirlpool-like abyss.

"GABRIELLE!!!" yelled Narcos. "MERCI!!!"

The trio hold hands as they fell into the darkness.

Gabrielle merely smiled. "Hay Naku... Why don't you guys have a little faith in me?"

(theme ends at 1:47)



One Rock Human, an obese blond man with sunglasses and a mustache, crumbles into pieces.

One Rock Human, a creepy-looking businessman with a purple mask on and sunglasses, drops to the ground, unconscious.

Next to them is Red Skull, A.K.A. Johann Schmidt.

"How very strange... More Stand-Users... are you here to kill me or save me?" he asked in a thick German accent.

"You're Johann Schmidt," said Gabrielle.

"The one from Earth 616? I heard him from the history books. He's a Nazi who became a Stonekeeper of the Soul Stone," said Mercuria.

"You're the Red Skull?" asked Gabrielle.

"Zhat I am," said Red Skull. "No use to use your Stand against me."

"No," said Gabrielle. "We're here to help you, I guess. Our enemy is the Dark Quartz Organization."

"Ah... You are against zhese people. Very... vell. Ve vill vork togezher for now. I need to go back to zhe Soul Stone... With no one guarding it, zhe Celestials vill be angered and may destroy us all."

"ORA!!!" Gabrielle breaks the chains binding Red Skull.

"Danke," said Red Skull.

Red Skull stands up, opens the door, and levitates toward the table. "I vill help you in this journey for now."

"Okay... Where is the third page?" asked Gabrielle.

"Ah... zhe page zhey vere talking about? Zhey vere planning to do something awful to our planets, I believe."

Red Skull presses a few buttons on a keyboard on the wall and a pillar ascends from beneath with a page on top.

"Danke, Johann. Sie verden für Ihren Dienst in Erinnerung bleiben (You will be remembered for your service)," said Gabrielle. 

Red Skull nods to her. "Nein. Danke, Gabrielle JoJo."

"How'd you know?" asked Gabrielle.

"I can tell... Miguel vas an ally... And... zhe hair and zhe birthmark... and zhe suit..." said Red Skull.

She takes the page.

"Oh my God..."


"Oh, God..."

She presses a button on her earpiece. "Bruce!? Hello!?There's a signal, but he isn't picking up...Let's go!Again. Thank you!"

Gabrielle and the other pair run outside.

Johann sighs and teleports away.


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