
294. Kesha ~This is Me~

"Mercuria... I'm telling you. This is a bad idea," said Gabrielle.

Everyone is sitting down on the bus (except the baby, who sleeps in a crib Anne had installed in the bus). Mercuria is angrily driving toward the top of the mountain.

"If we get killed, it would be all on you," said Gabrielle, with crossed arms.

"Listen to Gabrielle," said Narcos. "Gabrielle is always right."

"Exactly," sighed Gabrielle.

"Sure you are," sighed Mercuria.

"Well, she sure as hell is right this time," said Victoria. "Don't waste your time with a vengeance, girl."

"I don't care."

The group looks at each other.

"Mercuria... You're endangering the kid."

"I'll leave the bus when it's time."

Mercuria stops about a hundred and fifty meters down the summit.

"This is the highest point of the top of the mountain. I will enter. None of you will follow."

She turns the keys off, leaves them on the driver's seat, then exits the bus.

Gabrielle and Narcos run by the door.

"What!?" asked Mercuria.

Narcos sighs. "Be safe, Merci. Always be safe."

Mecuria smirks. "That's what my Ate used to always say."

Gabrielle nods and her eyes quiver. "Promise me to get home to us..."

Mercuria sighs. Then she nods.

"I love you, Gabrielle," said the recording of Miguel JoJo. Gabrielle rewinds and rewatches it over and over."

"Did your Dad tell you anything about the Locacaca?" asked Narcos.

"He told me that it was Equivalent Exchange... and that the attributes of a person can either fuse or transfer to another body..." she replied.

"So... Let's say... You eat a Locacaca next to a rock," said Nick. "Would you fuse or switch attributes with the rock?"

Narcos' eyes widen.

Foo Fighters' eyes widen as well.

"Guys..." said Narcos. "I have to tell you something..."


Mercuria faces against a beautiful blonde Asian woman. 172 cm. She has a large chest and a curved body. She has white porcelain skin and looks out to the night sky. It's half-moon. She stood between two trees.

"Hello, Mercuria Costello. Have you come to pardon me from life?"

"Yeah. Pretty much."

"You duplicated the tree beside me and you planned to crush me between the two trees, didn't you?"

Mercuria smirks. "KISS!!!"

The trees immediately fuse back together, running into each other in a split second.

But, Kesha turns into some sort of sandy material as she turns into dust. She then "flies" toward Mercuria as a cloud of dust.

Her eyes peer out from the cloud and stare back at her.

It slowly walks past her as she doesn't turn to her at all.


Kiss blasts her fists at Kesha, but Kesha is untouchable.

Kesha began to fly off the cliff.

She sighs and duplicates the cliff with a sticker. A second cliff began growing from the cliff as she kept on duplicating all the cliffs over and over. She now ran on a trail of cliffs each stacked on top of the other.

Suddenly, Kesha is forced to return back to her normal human form. She looks out of breath. She landed on the cliff where Mercuria is. Mercuria smiles, having noticed something.

Mercuria then removes the sticker on her foot as she and Kesha fall to the forest below.

Luckily, Mercuria duplicated a branch so she could grab it in a split second.

Kesha turned to dust a few inches off the ground.

Kesha reforms back to normal.

"Hey!" cried Mercuria, as she lands on her feet. "You're not going anywhere!"

Kesha turns her arms into dust and her arms begin to enter her respiratory system.

Mecuria wheezed and gag. Her voice went raspy.

Kesha sighs. "I injured your sister because she was snooping into a business that wasn't ours. She was an idiot for doing something so stupid... fighting in a battle that she can barely comprehend. How insultingly rash!She didn't even tell you about her secret life as a Cryptodetective! How sad!"

"I don't c-care! My sister had always been doing the right th-thing! She was just trying to help!"

"Do you know what she told me while pleading for mercy? She was going to use the Locacaca to get money for your college."

Mercuria's eyes quivered.

"So in some way... It's kinda your fault."




Mercuria is swatted away with a single punch from Gabrielle's Stone Free. Gabrielle summons her Spin-Imbued Spin Clackers and spins them around on each hand.

"Ah... well..." sighed Kesha. "Looks like I'd have to kill you, too... Such a shame... Tooru wanted you to be alive..."

Suddenly, a spinning ax is tossed at Kesha, who turns into dust as the ax gets stuck into a tree.

Nick and Monroe appear.

"I'm here, too!" smiled Narcos.

"Not, F.F. or Victoria," said Monroe. "Because... Y'know. They're kinda taking care of the baby."

"That was already implied," said Kesha.

"Yeah... I know..." said Monroe.

"I told you that this was my fight!" yelled Mercuria.

"We won't let you get yourself killed over something stupid like... well... getting yourself killed," said Narcos. "We promise to use protection in this situation because we always make love to you."

"What?" asked Mercuria.

"He means that we'll protect you no matter what the cost because we love you," said Gabrielle.

"I'm beginning to hear myself," said Narcos. "It's like... subconscious at this point."

Mercuria duplicates several trees with Kiss as they are all blocked behind. Mercuria faces off against Kesha.


"MERCURIA!!! WAIT!!! YOUR SISTER'S ALIVE!!!" cried Gabrielle.

"What!?" asked Mercuria, turning to Gabrielle.

Kesha then sneers. She takes out a gun and points it at Mercuria.

"MERCI!!!" shouted Gabrielle.




Blood inks out of the chest.

Mercuria paused in shock.

Narcos vomits blood in front of Mercuria.

"Narcos!?" asked Mercuria.

"It's... me... This... is me..." said Narcos.

Narcos woges into a Rock Human. His eyes angrily quiver, looking blood red. He trembles in pain.

Kesha's arms are frozen. She's in shock. Her eyes quiver.

"Stay... the hell... away... from... my... sister..." whispered Narcos.

Mercuria's eyes quiver in shock.

"Glermes?" asked Mercuria.

"Don't call me that or I'll break your skull," said Narcos, subconsciously. 

Tears flow down from her eyes. "It is... you..."



Kesha turns her head into dust as the icicles phase through her body.

Coldplay blasts several punches.


Her arms are torn off by Narcos' attack.

She shrieks in pain and backed away.

Narcos woges.

"Look..." he whispered. "Either you give up, or I kill you."

She loses one leg and grows another arm as she punches Narcos in the face.

His face cracks and bleeds.

She takes out a gun and points it at Narcos.

"NO!!!" cried Mercuria. She tosses a sticker at the gun's mouth as the gun's shaft splits into two and the bullets miss Narcos.

Narcos tries to freeze her more, but she turns into dust and flies away.

Narcos spits out blood.

Coldplay pulls the bullet out of his lung. Then, Coldplay freezes his chest.

"Stay here!" cried Mercuria. "I'll finish this!"

"No..." said Narcos. "We'll finish it together..."

Narcos offered his hand to Mercuria.

She sighs and nods, as the pair run after the rogue Rock Human.

"ORA!!!" cried Gabrielle, breaking the trees into pieces with Stone Free as the stickers went flying.

Gabrielle, Nick, and Monroe follow after the cloud of dust.

Narcos and Mercuria close in toward Kesha.

"Sir..." she spoke... to someone... "They figured out about Narcos Anastasia. What do we do?"

"It's fine. They wouldn't survive what's to come..."

"Sir... I need your help."

"You're on your own."


She cries as she freezes. She then transforms into her humanoid form, now legless, as she crawls away out of fear.

Kiss duplicates a tree beside her which breaks the ice into pieces, as she loses two arms. Now, she's just a torso and head.

"Please!" she cried. "Don't kill me!"

"Nick Vujicic called... He wants his-..." Narcos is stopped by Mercuria.

"Don't joke about that," said Mercuria.

"Right... sorry..."

Narcos sighs. "I know what you're doing... You're seeping the dust into our nostrils right now, aren't you?"

Kesha's breathing went funny.

Narcos points his finger at her forehead.

"All this time, I thought that I didn't have family... All this time, I thought was alone... Searching for an answer.Turns out I do have a family... Gabrielle... Foo Fighters... Nick... Monroe... Victoria, probably...And my sister..."

Mercuria smiles softly.

"I'm not very bright... neither do I remember anything about my past... But I will kill you for trying to take all this away from me."

Kesha begins to sob... then laugh... She laughs hysterically.

"You finally found out who you really are. Now, what? You're going to give up?"

Narcos' breathing went funny.

"Go home and cure Anne Zeppeli? Then all this will be over?"

"No," said Mercuria.

Narcos turns to her, with eyes quivering.

"We're going to stop the Rock Humans from destroying any more families..."

Kesha cackles. "What can a few Cryptids and Grimms do?"

"We can kill you... We will kill you... all of you... We'll spare the good ones and kill the bad ones..."

Kesha laughs. "You won't stop what's coming. In the words of Bernardo Salvi, 'Occultatum Libera.'It's a shame that the New World Order, the Black Claw, came to pass because of Gabrielle JoJo's father.Bah... well... Remember... You're not the Boss... and nothing can stop the true Boss and his daughter from what's to come."

"Daughter?" asked Mercuria. "Narcos! Wait-!"



Kesha falls to the ground, dead, with a large icicle stabbing her head, from the eye all the way to the brain and the back of the head.

It begins to rain as the pair stared at the woman who ruined their lives.

"Yep... Nick was right!" smiled Narcos. "This does feel good!"

Mercuria sobs and hugs Narcos, burying her face into his chest. She whimpered softly. "Ate (Ah-Teh) Glo!" she sobbed.

Gabrielle, Nick, and Monroe arrive, as Mercuria turns to them.

"There you are!" sobbed Gabrielle.

Gabrielle hugs Narcos and kisses him.

She pulls away. "Oh!" she turned red.

Narcos sighs and kisses her back, softly.

"Oh, wow," sighed Mercuria.

Monroe jokingly covers Nick's eyes. Nick then annoyedly slaps Monroe's hand away.

Gabrielle and Narcos continue making out.

*ahem...* said Mercuria.

"Oh, right," said Gabrielle, brushing her hair behind her ears. She then hugs Mercuria. "I'm so glad you're okay?"

"Gladder than with my-?Should I call you sister or brother?"

"Brother," said Narcos.

"Gladdy than with my brother?"

"I tripped and fell into his lips," said Gabrielle, while she's all red.

"Right... Like when Mommies and Daddies trip into having sex with each other," Mercuria said sarcastically.

"Shut up!" cried Gabrielle. "Hay Naku..."

"I tripped into rocks. Does that mean I had sex with rocks?" asked Narcos.

"Yeah!" supported Gabrielle.

"Who knows what your body had sex with," sighed Mercuria.

"Well..." said Monroe. "Ain't this a beautiful family reunion? But I believe that we have a Mom to be curing?"

"Yeah," nodded Gabrielle.

A few days later...

Anne is fed the Locacaca with Kesha's dead body, as her body crumbles away into rocks.


Anne wakes up. "What the hell are you talking about!? We didn't have sex on your throne-!" Anne looks at everyone, who is in the room.

"Who were you talking to?" asked Gabrielle.

"Dreaming! I was dreaming!" yelled Anne.

"About what?" asked Raphael, in sign language.

"Couldn't read your mind," thought Iggy.

"Neither can I!" smiled Foo Fighters.

"Okay... Everyone's here... Even Victoria... Who is supposed to be in prison down in the basement..."

"I'm an ally now. Convinced our ape brother," said Victoria.

"You're new," said Anne, turning to Foo Fighters.

Foo Fighters does two peace signs and does a cheeky smile. "Hi! I'm Foo Fighters! I'm an eldritch hive mind colony of sentient diatom algae!"

"Cool!" smiled Anne.

"Nick!" smiled Anne.

"Anne," nodded Nick.

"Monroe!" giggled Anne.

"Hey, Anne Zeppeli! It's uh... been a while!" smiled Monroe.

"Mercuria!" smiled Anne.

"Mrs. Zeppeli..." she bowed respectfully.

"Gabrielle..." she smiled sweetly. "Raphael... Iggy..."

She hugged all three. "I'm so proud of all three of you. I knew you could keep me safe!"

Narcos shook in fear. Anne turns to her with lowered eyelids.

"You kissed my daughter, didn't you?" she said with terrifying black eyes.

Narcos trembled in fear.

"Break her heart and I'll break your face," said Anne.

"MOM!!!" yelled Gabrielle.

"I'm joking!" giggled Anne. "But seriously... take it slow," she went serious in her voice once more.

Everyone laughs...

"Hello!" smiled Anne, as she sees the baby on the bed next to her. "Who is this?"

"Mikaela Narcissa JoJo," smiled Gabrielle.

"Ah. You named her after your father! And Narcos..." when she said, "And Narcos," her voice went monotone. "How lovely!"

"Muh..." she said, grabbing Anne's face.


"Sir... Kesha's dead," said a soldier to Tooru.

"So... It is true... Gloria Ermes Costello is possessing the Boss's body and somehow gained his Stand as well."

"Yes, sir..."

"Very well...I'll kill her and take Gabrielle for myself...I'll wait for their next move..."

He sighs. "You know, what?Send the others to take them down..." he hissed.

"Yes, sir..."

"Send Kenneth again. He is our most valuable asset."

"Yes sir."

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