
251. The War for Infinite Earths Part I


Bruce bashes his mech suit's fist into Stefan's face over and over again. "This is for my kids! This is for my family! FOR EVERYONE I'VE LOST BECAUSE OF YOUR SORRY ASS!!!"


The blood splatters all over the ground... and all over -...

Suddenly... he broke free...


Bill sat on his throne in the second dimension as a red streak zooms toward him.

"Do you promise... that my daughter... after all this... comes back?" asked Eobard. "With me?"

Bill cackled psychotically. "Sure thing! And in the end, you get everything you've ever wanted! Your family will be back and you'd be livin' the dream!"

Bill shows Eobard images of his dead family with his eye.

"What's your share in this?" asked The Reverse-Flash.

"Physicality!" cackled Bill. "Besides... I know that either way... I'll find a way to burrow myself out of this stone ocean."

"You'll cause trouble even after Stefan helped you?" asked Eobard.

"Yes," said Bill. "And guess what!? I don't care.I know how this all ends, though... Two possibilities..."


Lord sighs as he faces Stefan's army in the Purple Dimension. He is with the entire army and several Maharlican soldiers, Neapolitan Spin-Using Grimms, and Filipino Hamon-Using Grimms behind them.

"I'm not the best guy to do this..." said Lord. "I don't deserve to lead his army."

Lei giggles. "You're his brother... You're his family... his friend... Yes, you do!"

Lord sighs. "Probably... Let's just see... If I really deserve that title..."

Bill Cipher teleports into the scene with Eobard.

"Enjoy the show, everyone!" cackled Bill.

Eobard leads his army but halts them.


Eobard meets Barry and the others.

"What do you want, Eobard?" asked Barry, angrily staring at him.

"I'm trying to warn you... If we fight right now... There won't be a proper end to this... Please... Join us, and we'll be saved."

"Are you kidding me!? Based on what we saw in our adventure!" yelled Barry. "What we saw is that your friend, Stefan? He's not some benevolent ruler who will have mercy on us! He's a war criminal and a genocidal dictator!"

"He's trying to offer us paradise!" yelled Eobard.

"BY SACRIFICING MILLIONS, EOBARD!!!" yelled Barry. "You know... for a time... For a moment, I thought you'd understand... You... You were like a dad to me for a short time... But you never thought that, did you? I was just a tool for your escape, right? That's all everyone is to you, right? A tool for your escape because you think you're one step ahead of everything."

"I don't hate you as I did once before, Barry Allen," said Eobard. "I only want my family back. I've slaughtered millions of versions of your mother in the Central Finite Curve... And I am tired... Please, Allen... Let us have peace..."

Barry sighs. "No... Not at the cost of these good people..."

"Then you will die, Allen..." said Eobard.

"I don't care," said Barry. "I don't care if I die... All I care about is trying... Because unlike you... I never gave up on the right way... the better way."

Eobard is disgusted by Barry. 

He spits at his face.

Barry charges with Speed Force Lightning as Diana grabs his shoulder.

"It's not worth it," said Diana.

Eobard sighs.



"Damn..." said Deadpool. "Do we have a cool speech like that?"

"It isn't that cool," said Gumball.

"Uh..." said Lord. "Today-!"

"Shut up, Lord!" yelled Zed.

"You shut up!" yelled Lei.

"O... Okay!" yelled Zed.

"Today! Okay! Guys... Look! We... we aren't exactly the best characters out there... We aren't people that people should care about... I doubt no one ever knew what our stories were..." said Lord. "But damn well does it mean something... I believe that our stories all led to this... That continuing on means something... But things have to end, right? This is the end... It has to be... If we lose this... Nothing we ever survived for will matter... It'd... It'd a waste... We've been through much, haven't we?"

Lord and Lei smile at each other. Do'Bumsha Do'Kalak smiles at Lord. Ryle and Van Hol Horse brofist. Yang and Celine smile at each other. Celine smiles at Ghost Jedan as well. Rick Sanchez and Morty Smith yell, "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!" Steven Universe nods at Lord. Star Butterfly frowns, but Zed grabs her shoulder, as she smiles back. Motorhead smiles happily at Lord.Finn, Jake, Spongebob, Patrick, Gumball, and Darwin all nod at each other. Yoshiko, Anne, Kariel, and Ghost Jedan all look at each other and nod as well, they then nod at Lord. Diana, Frank, Wade, Barry, Quill, and Clark all smile at each other.


"I don't care how many beatings we'll endure... Because damn straight will we stand right back up to knock them back down!" yelled Lord.

The weirdest characters I've ever written about all cheer for Lord.

"We're going to go where everybody knows... Where everybody goes... Where everybody... Get your fuckin' hands up... Get on out of your seats... All eyes on me... All eyes on me..." whispered and sang Lord. "Are you feelin' nervous? Are you having fun? It's almost over... It's just begun..."

Meanwhile... Miguel sings as well as he tries to steady himself from Stefan's damaging fists...

"Don't overthink this... Look in my eye... Don't be scared... Don't be shy... *cough splat...*" Miguel growls silently. "Come on in the water's fine..."

Meanwhile... the two armies clash toward each other as everyone and their Stands or powers attacked the enemy... as the two brothers sang simultaneously...

"We're goin' to go where everybody knows... Everybody knows, everybody, oh... We're goin' to go where everybody knows...Everybody knows!

You say the ocean's rising like I give a shit! You say the whole world's ending, honey, it already did! You're not gonna slow it, Heaven knows you tried! Got it? Good, now get inside! 


We're goin' to go where everybody knows! Everybody knows, everybody knows! We're goin' to go where everybody knows! Everybody knows!"

Note: What are these two brothers searching for? Fame? Attention? Or is it acceptance? A grueling hole of emptiness grew in their chests as they charged toward their fate. All they ever wanted was one thing... acceptance... It was always there, however... Each time they blasted their punch ghost's fists at an enemy, they're just trying to claw out of the system.


Suddenly... Lord's army went to a halt...

"What the honest fuck...?" asked Frank, as he sees a large triangular creature loom over the Golems, who cheer for the creature.

"Oh... SHIT!!!" yelled Rick. "BILL!?"

"HELLO, RICKIE!!! NGEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!" cackled Bill Cipher. "I'm going to disassemble your molecules when I get to you! Then I'm going to feed them to Ṃ̶̨͆͠Ȯ̸̧̡T̶͚̱͛̓H̵̡̎̂Ḙ̴̗̅Ȑ̶̝̩F̸̢̲̄Ų̵̓́C̶̭͝K̶͎͕̊͂I̸̛̼͖̕Ň̴͈̍G̴͉̬͊ ̶̘̆̄B̷̘̓E̶̼͋Ȟ̶̯̍E̶̮͌͑M̷̢͚̍O̶̧͝T̵͍̈H̴̯͐S̸̫͝!̸̢̟̈!̶̧̓͂!̵̲͓͑"

The soldiers behind them immediately ran away and his behind the rocks around.

"NGAHAHAHAHA!!! COWARDS!!!" cackled Bill.

"Behehehe... How do you suppose we fight that thing!?" asked Spongebob.

Everyone stopped in fear of dying.

Diana sighs and walked toward the army alone.

"Diana!" yelled Lord. "What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

"Doing what I always do," said Diana. "What my husband would do... What my family would do."

Lord shudders in fear.

"You idiot!" yelled Rick. "That thing can erase Universes!"

"Sounds fun, no?" smiled Diana.

A ray gun blasts a laser toward Diana as she deflects the bullet.

Several blasters shoot at Diana as she takes her shield and blocks all of the lasers with her shield.

The Crusaders follow after and help out as the bullets spread to them.

Gumball follows after.

"Gumball!?" asked Darwin.

"Come on, dipshits," said Gumball.

Darwin rolls his eyes as he and the Jazz Fusion follow after.

So does Star.

So does Celine.

Lord sighs. "Okay..." Lord follows as well.

So does the rest of Weeb Town.

Finally... the very few soldiers charged...

The other soldiers looked at each other in fear.

They shrug and follow after Lord and his group.

"Really, now?" cackled Bill. "You still dare to fight!?"

"I am Diana of Themyscira..." said Diana, approaching Bill Cipher. "Daughter of Hypolita... Queen of the Amazons... in the name of all that is good... Your wrath in this world..."Diana squints her eyes and faces Bill. "Is over..."

"Tch-..." said Bill.

"Get your fuckin' hands up... Get on out of your seat... All eyes on me, all eyes on me... Ay, come on, get your fuckin' hands up... Get on out of your seat... All eyes on me, all eyes on me, yeah... Heads down, pray for me... Heads down now, pray for me... Get your fuckin' hands up... Get on out of your seat... All eyes on me, all eyes on me..."

Aerosmith shot at several Glass Golem and blew bombs at them. It exploded ships and killed several Golems/

Rick and Morty flew around in their armors as they shot at the enemies several missiles.

Jake encased himself into Finn as armor as Jake and Time Adventure attacked the soldiers. 


Gumball shot at the enemies with his Stand and Darwin transformed into a Pegasus as his Stand rode him and shot at the Golems.

"I kinda feel bad for them," said Gumball.

"JUST VISUALIZE THEM AS YOUR GREATEST ENEMY!!!" yelled Darwin, as he shot at them.

"DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!" cried Gumball. In his eyes, the soldiers were public anthropomorphic toilets and urinals.

 In Darwin's eyes, the soldiers were a colony of Gumballs.

Motorhead transforms into a giant and stomps several soldiers into rubble.

Spongebob and Patrick stay on Gumball's shoulder and attack with their Stands from there.


"AND FOR PEANUT BUTTER!!!" cried Spongebob.

Yang blasted capsules at the Golems, melting them with his virus.

"And you're dead... And you're dead... And you're dead..."

Ghost Jedan shot his Emeralds at the soldiers.

He misses. "FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!"

Kariel then uses All-Star to redirect the emeralds back onto the soldiers.

"Thanks," said Jedan.

"For Kuya," said Kariel, nodding.

"Incest is wincest," said Jedan, nodding.

"Indeed," said Kariel. 

"Indeed," said Jedan. 


"No take-backs."

Jedan uses his tentacles like stilts and continued attacking from above.

Kariel sighs and shoots at the soldiers with his revolvers.

"Hihihi..." whispered Twinkle.

"Oh, shut up," Kariel sighed.

Lord,  Clark, Diana, Bumi, Steven Universe, Quill, Kariel, and Lei punched Bill over and over again with their fists as Bill teleported around with relative ease, dodging their attacks.

"Superman!?" asked Lord. "Whoa... I am a HUGE fan!!! You look like you've been gaining weight."

"SHUT UP!!!" Superman flies up, up, and away.

Wade and Frank shot at the soldiers with their machine guns.


"Oh, Mr. Krabs? He's in jail for tax evasion," smiled Spongebob, as Gumball lands beside Deadpool.

"Oh... You're... Even you are here," said Wade.

"Yeah. Weird, right?" asked Spongebob.

Anne zipped several soldiers into pieces.


Yoshiko blows up several soldiers and their vehicles.


Barry and Eobard zoom around and clash lightning swords against each other.

"RAUGH!!!" cried the pair.

Star prepares the whispering spell and points her wand at Bill.

"Death be with you..."



Stefan grabs Miguel and beats him over and over with his fists. Miguel, in his armor, backs away as Stefan blasts The Climb's fists at him over and over.


Miguel gets a shiver in his spine for some reason and is blasted lightyears away.

Goku and Vegeta then blast their Kamehameha and Final Flash at Stefan. Nothing.

Stefan just slaps them away.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" cried Vegeta. "MY DICK!!!"

"I-It's okay, Vegeta. He struck my dick, too!"


"ALL-ENDER!!!" yelled Saitama, as he blasts a massively powerful punch at Stefan's face that the entire planet and star, and all the Universes surrounding them vibrated, but Stefan manages to stand and only spits some blood.

Miguel returns and Miguel's Gold Experience Requiem attacks Stefan. "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA-!!!"

Stefan, unimpressed, flicks Miguel away with ease as he is shot into what looks like a broken moon. Stefan then teleports next to Miguel and grabs his head as he scrapes half of his face into the ground as Miguel howls in pain.

Stefan tosses Miguel far away and rams his head into his chest. Stefan then grabs Miguel's foot and slams him on the ground over and over as he stomps his face in the ground, slowly and sadistically crushing his head as Miguel releases a muffled scream.


Jotaro blasts Star Platinum's fists at Stefan, who is uninjured by the attack.

"You really have no idea how to use your Stands, do you?" asked Stefan.

Star Platinum teleports around as Stefan's heat vision tries to catch Jotaro.

"STAND STILL!!!" yelled Stefan.

Two beams of Ki are shot toward Stefan, both twisting like ribbons in the darkness.

"HA!!!" yelled Goku.

"FLASH!!!" yelled Vegeta.

Stefan teleports next to the two, Goku and Vegeta. Goku and Vegeta, both in their Super Saiyan Blue forms, are then bitch slapped away by Stefan.

"I'll get infinite everything," said Stefan. "Soon... Infinite Strength... And I shall rule supreme!!!"

Shigeo creates a forcefield around Stefan and Saitama blasts another punch, but Stefan grabs Saitama's face and tosses him toward Mob.


Mob's spine is snapped in half by the whiplash as he is thrown kilometers away.

"WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" Giorno's Gold Experience Requiem blasts its fists toward Stefan, but Stefan grabs Gold Experience's fists. Gold Experience Requiem reverts to its normal form, losing most of its power.

"I can give you a father! Another familia!" sneered Stefan, as Giorno looked at Stefan in horror. "Just give me a chance!"

Giorno spits at Stefan's face.

Stefan then slaps Giorno away as he fell to the ground. 

"Why are you all so foolish?" sobbed Stefan. "I'm trying... I AM TRYING TO SAVE YOU!!!"

"You're a fucking psychopath," yelled Gappy, as he shot another Go Beyond bubble, which Stefan deflects with his Omega Beam.

Hercules rushes from kilometers away as he blasts Golden Sun's fists toward Stefan.


Hercules crosses his arms and blasts massive amounts of cosmic energy toward Stefan.

"I... AM... HERCULES!!!"

"No one cares!!!" yelled Dark in the background.


"RAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!" yelled Stefan, shielding his face in pain.


The heat vision is shot toward Hercules as Dark takes out his katana and deflects the beam.


Stefan's eyes are webbed over and over again as Bruce shoots another Kryptonite bomb, weakening Stefan's speed and durability, making the stats finite.


"Shut the fuck up," said Bruce.


Bruce shoots at Stefan with the guns of his armored suit over and over again.

"Stop laughing..." whispered Bruce, as Stefan's face flashes to a face similar to Joker's in Bruce's eyes. "Stop... laughing..."

Stefan breaks free of the Kryptonite smoke and launches his fist toward Bruce.

"Oh..." said Bruce.

Jotaro stops time as Bruce is no longer on that spot. Stefan misses.

Stefan turns around to see Miguel's Star Platinum charging toward him.

"Fools..." said Stefan, as the Prime Arks shone.


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