
119. Shape of U Part II ~Reboot~

Josuke stands before The Monster Emperor.

"Ah... Josuke Higashikata," he stood up, and Magalang Bowed. "A pleasure to meet you," he sneered. "Welcome to... the Wall Eyes. It's a landscape under Mt. Sinai that Gio Brando found along with his father... The Crusaders are already long dead... Killed by the Reverse-Flash when they came here..."

Josuke stood before him rather calmly.

"Oh? What's wrong, Josuke Higashikata?" he asked calmly. He transforms into a Nekomata. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Cringey pun, dude," said Josuke. "I'm here to settle something. You back off right now, and we'd let you live."

Dragon Fly laughs.

"Do you know why I'm even doing this?" he asked, rather softly. "I was cursed with the urge of having been born based on instinct and only instinct. Mother, or 'Princess Bubblegum,' as you call her, supposedly designed me to have the urge to feed on what I consider evil to become a god-like warrior... A protector of all five worlds. Mother had one fatal flaw, however."

"She gave you the ability to consider..." he said.

He nods.

"Mother gave me a conscience... The ability to make a rational and irrational choice," he said. "I became sentient. Yet, I am still driven by the urge to absorb everything. This urge to destroy, however, was not given to me by my Mother... Rather... was given to me by my original self... The Monster Emperor. Mother thought that the legend of the Monster Emperor and luck was pure myth. Boy, was my Mother wrong... She created a creature with the urge to absorb and destroy everything in his path... Thus..."

Monster Emperor presses a button on the throne, showing all the destruction he had caused. In the Human Colony alone in one of the cities, he destroyed cars, absorbed men, women, and children with his claws and tongue, destroyed buildings, beat people to death, blew up oil tanks, and caused several million Units of damage.

"I am driven with the urge to absorb and destroy as you are driven with the urge to give to people and fix their problems. It's as if the Universe created us both as the reverses of one another."

"You've killed millions! Even on other Earths just for your amusement!"

"Amusement? Do you think I enjoy this? I HATE DOING THIS!!! I hate each dying body... I have to kill each quick to avoid being able to feel the pain... I tried to kill them quick... But they were too strong... So I have to strike again..."


"And again!"


"And again... Bludgeoning their brains until there's nothing left. I make sure I eat everything so nothing goes to waste. I have that feeling... That guilt..."

His eyes went teary, quivering.

"I hate this... I hate doing this, Josuke... You get it, right? You hate fixing everyone's problems, too!"

"I do-."

"BUT IT IS OUR GODDAMNED RESPONSIBILITY!!!" he slammed the armrest of his throne. "We were designed by ungrateful gods to do this, you and I. I have to do this! We both have that urge... I respect you because you are driven by the urge and not fear! Except for that time with the Man in the Yellow Suit, of course... I don't consider you ready yet, Josuke. I don't consider you my opposite!"

Dragon Fly stares at him with saddened eyes. "If I win, I will have the Arks. If you win, I will leave and never return!"

Dragon Fly leans back to his throne.

"But you're just not ready yet! You're not," he said. His eyes went teary. "I'm so sorry that I have to do this... I warn you, Josuke... You may die right now."


The Reverse-Flash grabs Josuke by the neck and zooms outside.

Dragon Fly wipes his tears.



Dragon-Fly has his face bashed in by Finn's new Stand, Come Along With Me (it looks the same as Time Adventure, but it's red).

Dragon Fly successfully blocks his attacks with Shape of U.

"How dare..." he whispered. "How dare you, Finn Mertens? You are not acting by contract... You are doing this in accordance to rage and passion."

"Because we're different, you butt!" yelled Finn. "Blooby looby, dude! We're different!"



Dragon Fly grabs his bleeding nose.

"Unlike you, I act because I want to, not because I have to!" yelled Finn.

"You tell him, Finn!" yelled Jake, as he blasted a punch toward Dragon Fly.

Jake then freezes him on the ground with his skin and manifests hundreds of fists and blasts all of them toward Dragon Fly.

Dragon Fly blasts Jake away.


Darwin transforms into a large Fire Dragon of Svartalfheim and blasts him with fire.

Gumball and Spongebob join in. Gumball blasts coins at him over and over.

Dragon Fly yells, "SHAPE OF U!!! CALAMITY!!! NOW!!!"

No calamity occurred.

"What!?" asked Dragon Fly.

Gumball smirks smugly.

Spongebob blasts the fists of his new Stand, Ultimate Sweet Victory Heaven, at Dragon Fly, along with Patrick's Bites the Dust: Awana Rock.

Spongebob blasts explosive bubbles at him as Dragon Fly struggles to block them.

Darwin's 'The Gentleman' shoots at Dragon Fly over and over as Darwin transformed into a mythical Pegasus while his sub-Stand rode him.

Finn growls at Dragon Fly.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Finn yelled.

Dragon Fly's eyes widen in rage.



All of their hearts... were torn out...

Except for The Monster Emperor's, who stared at the bodies of the boys. He began weeping softly, mourning for yet another death.




"Ah!" yelled Josuke, as he is blasted far away.

"What's wrong, Josuke Higashikata?" asked The Reverse-Flash. "Running out of luck? I just killed your friends a nanosecond ago... Here..."

He touches his forehead as he sees everyone's dead bodies, mangled and having their hearts torn.

"There's nothing you can do... Josuke Higashikata... Nothing!"

The Reverse-Flash blasts his kick into Josuke's face, who sobs.


"Your plan didn't work," he sneered. "Now... Time to suffer in this empty landscape forever..."

Josuke begins to sob as The Reverse-Flash beats him over and over. "Alone with the Destroyer of your two Worlds!!! For Stefan..."


"Oh... I have a different plan, Thawne," said Josuke, as his eyes entered dark determination.

The Reverse-Flash began to orbit him at great speeds. "I have another business to attend to..."

"Oh? And what is that?"

The Reverse-Flash turns around and sees Miguel JoJo, alive and well.

"You're dead..." his eyes widened.

"Someone kinda entered the timeline and fucked things up for you," he smiled.

Jessica zooms in with Anne, Ghost Jedan, and Kariel.

"You're all dead!" yelled The Reverse-Flash. "I killed you! I figured out your plan to revive Miguel and I killed you!"

"Or... so you thought," smiled Miguel. "With a call from Josuke, Mint's Gold Experience was prepared to replace our hearts with fake ones. We had the real ones reattached with Sticky Fingers."

Eobard growled at them.

"What about Weeb Town?" asked Anne.

"They're fighting an alien lion, apparently, so I'd let them off the hook right now," smiled Miguel.

"Hahaha!" laughed Ghost Jedan. "Look at the look on his face!"

"What a loser!" laughed Jessica. "And yellow? Pfft!"

"What are you, a pineapple?" asked Ghost Jedan.

"Must be so that when he pisses-..." laughed Jessica.

"OOOOOOOOOOOH!!!" laughed the pair.

Miguel brings out a mirror and whispers Latin phrases.

Arthur appears drinking coconut milk. "Alright, ladies! Let's boogie-... What the fuck?"

"You have 24 hours, old man," said Miguel.

"Alright. Who are we fighting?" asked Arthur, as he prepares Open Arms.

Miguel points to The Reverse-Flash.

"Oh! Eobard! Afternoon, fuck face," he smiled.

"Wait... You knew about him!?" asked Miguel, angrily looking at his ghost of a father.

"Well, yeah..." he said, manifesting a magical Fortisite Blaster. "I knew about all four of 'em."

"Why didn't you tell me about them?" asked Miguel. "I could've killed them a long time ago."

"No, kid... You could've died..." said Arthur. "I wanted you safe, Miguel... And yes... I did care about you."

Miguel stares at his father and angrily wipes a tear off his eye.

"Oh, shit! Finn! The guys!" yelled Josuke.

"I zipped their hearts back in place," smiled Anne. "Don't worry, sweetie. Anyway... So... What are we going to do about those guys?" asked Anne, pointing in front of them as an army of undead Cryptids walk behind The Monster Emperor.

Jake stretches out of the throne room and brings all of the other Jazz Fusioneers back to the side of the Crusaders.

"About 10,000 men and women..." said Kariel. "And there are like... Thirteen of us?"

The Monster Emperor and The Reverse-Flash face the thirteen.

"Fall back now," said The Reverse-Flash. "And we'll spare you an hour to say your goodbyes to this earthly world."

"No," said Josuke. "Because we're all so afraid right now... And we know that we don't even stand a chance. There's just us and no one else... But that's okay... Because together... We'll knock you both down."

"MUDA!!!" yelled Shape of U, blasting its fist toward Josuke.

"ORA!!!" yelled King 4 U, now a crimson-colored version of Prince, blocking his attack with a punch as well. Now, the two are equal in Stand Power.

"What!?" Monster Emperor asked in annoyance.

"You're not the only one in desperate need of an upgrade," said Josuke.


(theme begins)




The Reverse-Flash zooms toward the Crusaders and the Jazz Fusion, who all charge toward him.



Jessica Polnareff blasts her sword toward Eobard as he dodges with ease.



Eobard is punched in the face by Star Platinum.

Eobard then begins to multiply himself with Time Remnants, which he all controls. They all manifest red Speed Force Lightning blades from their hands.

The group's eyes widen.

"Oh, shit," said everyone.


Everyone stands in a circle.

Gumball uses his coins to blast a few of them, killing them.

Darwin blindly blasts his bullets which all the Reverse-Flashes dodge.

Spongebob blasts his Stand's punches toward the Reverse-Flashes.

Patrick blasts his Stand's punches as well.

Jake blasts his fists.

Finn's Time Adventure "saves file" and blasts its fists toward The Time Remnants.

Arthur shot at The Reverse-Flash with a slingshot.


Arthur managed to strike the real Reverse-Flash's eye.

A muffled scream could be heard.

Ghost Jedan blasts Hierophant's emeralds at The Reverse-Flash, which also strikes him.

Kariel shot at the Reverse-Flash with his gun but fails in shooting any of them.

"Well?" asked Anne, zipping a couple Reverse-Flashes' faces in half. "What's your plan?"

Miguel remembers something.

"Everyone! Don't use your abilities!!! Use your Stands instead!" he yelled.

"What!?" asked everyone else.

"This guy isn't a Stand-User! He can't track our movements if we don't use our abilities!"

"Shit..." whispered The Reverse-Flash.

"That's how he's able to dodge us! We're using our abilities! He's tracking our Stand's movements based on the effects we have on his men!"



One of his Time Remnants drops dead.

They smile at each other.






Jessica uses her Stand's fist instead.




Hierophant Green and Open Arms then trip some Reverse-Flashes as the others proceed in killing them.











They did this over and over again... until one Reverse-Flash was left.


The Reverse-Flash backed away in fear. "This isn't how things should be happening..."

The Reverse-Flash rushes away.

Josuke is thrown down in the ground by The Monster Emperor.

The Crusaders and the Jazz Fusion attack.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!" yelled Star Platinum, but The Monster Emperor makes it less probable for Star Platinum to have contact with Monster Emperor's body. Miguel misses.

(theme ends)

"Tch-!" yelled Miguel, as Monster Emperor stabs his chest with his claws.

Anne tries to zip him in half, but Monster Emperor controls all probability that they would suddenly feel sick and vomit.

They all do so and drop to the ground.

"Stop this..."

He then summons a rain of leaves to come down on them from the purple skies of the pocket dimension.

Alien leaves appear and shoot their bodies over and over, as they each trembled in pain on the ground.

Josuke tries to attack but a rock comes hurtling down from south and is blasted into his eye. He screams in pain as he drops to the ground.

Finn struggles to stand up, seeing his friend getting beaten.


Dragon Fly kept on beating him over and over.

"It was that time when the New Gods begin to see that I have won!!!" he growled. "ME!!! I HAVE WON, JOSUKE HIGASHIKATA!!! THE ONE ABUSED BY A PSYCHOTIC SCIENTIST!!! ME!!! I AM THE ONE WHO HAS WON!!! WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DO THIS!?"

He stomps Josuke over and over again.

"STOP ME, JOSUKE!!! STOP ME!!!" he sobbed. "Please..." He began trembling. "I don't want to live..."

"ORA!!!" Star Platinum somehow blocks his kick.

"What?" asked Monster Emperor.


Maria Higashikata.

"M-Mom?" asked Josuke.

Maria takes out a card with an image of All-Star ACT 3 in it and creates a portal. "Fight him where he can't hurt anyone you love, sweetie," she smiled.

Josuke uses King 4 U to grab himself and Dragon-Fly and push themselves into the portal.

"NO!!!" yelled Dragon Fly, as the army charged and briskly marched toward them.

Miguel slowly stands up but coughs blood and drops to the ground again.

Finn manages to stand up, sighing. "Yoga balls..."

The Crusaders and the Jazz Fusion slowly stand and follow after.

"What now?" he sighed. "All I wanted before this was to retire... I am so darn tired of all this adventuring... And here I am... We're all going to die, aren't we? I think... We've lost... This is our last day together..."

"No," smiled Yoshiko, grabbing his shoulder. "I don't think we are..."

Finn sees everyone...

Yoshiko Kira, Hayato Kawajiri, the Higashikata Family, the Watterson Family, Sandy Cheeks, Marceline, Six Dix, Plankton and the Bikini Bottomites in the Frog Suit, Raphael JoJo, Iggy JoJo, Gabrielle JoJo, Mint Mertens, Erina Zeppeli, Sonia Polnareff, Mariam Avdol, Bodyguard Jedan, and Princess Bubblegum, all appearing out of a portal with an army of Hamon-Using and Spin-Using Grimms, Cryptids, Banana Guards, Elmore Cops, and Humans, all standing together.

"YOU BROUGHT MY KIDS!?" asked Miguel, angrily scolding Princess Bubblegum.

"We could use some extra manpower," smiled Princess Bubblegum. "Don't worry! I have Peppermint Butler handling them in his giant candy armor."

Peppermint Butler does a peace sign and smiles with the Candy Armor as beside him are the kids.

"Guys... This could be our last day together... Our last day fighting for each other... So... Come along with me! And fighting together... The adventure together? It's never gonna end."

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