
Chapter 4.28 - Lala - Stairway To Heaven

With all of the Lost Spirits coming together to turn it into a humongous Lost Spirit, I had a feeling that we were at the end of this ordeal. It looks like we're almost done. We just had to exterminate that one last Lost Spirit. In retrospect to all of this, I had been wondering to myself something crucial. Why was there a bunch of hostile Lost Spirits roaming around the campus to begin with?

It was a question that I didn't even tried to ask either Lailah or Helena. Lailah could have an answer but I don't think she does as far as what I'm seeing throughout this ordeal. If I had to theorize, it's probably because someone was orchestrating them to come over here. But I have to wonder what was really their plan besides making the entire campus becoming spooky and haunted with all of these spirits. That can't just be it though right? I was definitely bothered by the fact that the reason was completely unjustified. I feel like there was something huge from all of this and I'm not referring the huge Lost Spirits.

"Got any plan for this?" Lailah asked me.

I responded to her, "Quite a simple plan, really. Just split up and attack it from different direction. You can be creative with that, right?"

Lailah nodded, "Oh, I sure can do that. You hear that Helena?"

Helena also nodded as she made her way to her spot further away from us.

"Well then. Let's make this quick, Lala." Lailah was getting excited.

I told her, "Of course. We still need to check on our special guests."

We all went to where we supposed to stand on and waited until someone gets the first strike against the large Lost Spirit. We figured that this would be an easy fight like how the smaller Lost Spirits before this didn't really put much effort to try and harm us. But that was most likely because of how much intensity there was on Lailah as well as Helena. I'm honestly amazed to find out I had such great classmates. I wonder if there's more talented ones in my class. As a Cardinal, I think it's my job to understand all of my classmates in one way or another.

"Engage the enemy!" Helena summoned a platoon of toy tanks right beside her and commanded it to start firing at The Lost Spirit.

Waves of barrage was shot from Helena's side as The Lost Spirit remained still. It was more resilient than when it was only a small single Lost Spirit. It almost like the spirit itself was absorbing the shots like a bullet sponge.

Lailah then initiated, "Take this!" She brought out her EMA, which was a silver staff and shot out a blinding white beam to The Lost Spirit.

The Lost Soul once again barely took any damage from that attack. Lailah was getting annoyed by it and decided to hold her staff horizontally and began shooting out not one but two light beam to the her target. It didn't looked like it does any additional damage but then Lailah began spinning her staff while continuously shooting out the light beam. As she spin around her staff like a marching band leader, the two light beam became a way bigger single light beam. It was able to make a hole and passes through The Lost Spirit body.

"Finally!" Lailah lets out a sigh of relief.

But she celebrated to early as we then saw the hole that was made began to cover up quite fast than we expected.

Helena then told Lailah, "Well that's unfortunate."

"I know right. This is tougher than it looks." Lailah holds her staff on her shoulder as she said that.

While we idled, The Lost Spirit finally makes it move as it began inhaling the air all over it. Its stomach became bigger than before and once it has stopped inhaling the air, it exhaled out a typhoon from its mouth. The typhoon blew away Lailah as she tried to hold on to her bearings with only her staff as a friction point. Helena was caught into the typhoon as there was no escape for her. Meanwhile I spewed out a pile of sand and turned it into a small shelter of sort to protect myself.

"Dymenshne! Save her!" I commanded my guardian spirit to help Helena.

Dymenshne then quickly made its way into the deep typhoon as it tries to capture Helena. The typhoon was devastating. It was destroying a couple of structures that was around the area. I really hope this battle doesn't affect the real world as well...

"Lala!" Lailah suddenly appear flying within the horrendous wind with her angelic wing. "That thing is going to destroy the festival if its going on for too long!"

"God damn it!" I immediately went into frustration mode as I felt that we were cornered from all of these chaos.

I would use Dymenshne to defeat the enemy now but my guardian spirit was busy with Helena. So I began expelling out a bunch of sand using my Infinitum and began creating a huge sandstone dome to close off The Lost Soul. I waited for a moment until Dymenshne digs out of the dome. Within its hand was Helena. I was able to let out a sigh of relief. But it looks like Dymenshne was losing its strength. I can't use its power now. I was running out of options...


The next thing I could remember was that I found myself lying on the laps of Lailah. We were back at The Music Festival. Some of the tent in The Indie Area was tumbled down. People said that a strong storm just suddenly appeared but of course, only the three of us knows the truth.

"Thank goodness you're alive, Lala. We were worried." Lailah hugged me.

Helena also hugged me as well, "Welcome back, Lala."

I asked them, "What happened? Did we beat The Lost Spirit?"

"You defeated it. Don't you remember?" said Lailah

Helena added, "I never seen whatever you did...but it was amazing."

"Well in any case." Lailah shrugs it off and shifts her focus, "Let's go and find the others."

I told them, "You guys go first. I'll need to take a breather or two."

The two of them nodded and left to look for the others while I remained myself sitting on a bench nearby.

"What the hell was that..." I wondered to myself. "Do you know...anything about that...Dymenshne?" I tried asking Dymenshne despite knowing full well that I won't get a solid answer from it.

I sighed and looked up to the sky as I noticed the sky was slowly beginning to get darker. The roar of thunder could be heard wailing throughout the realm.

"Sounds like a storm, alright...Better get some umbrellas then."


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