
First Battle

In the base with a medieval atmosphere was a group of monsters, looking marvel at the place as they been granted to have an audience by Dino himself.

"Whoa, a medieval-like place."

"What's wrong, Rimuru-sama."

"No, nothing"

The beautiful blue-haired young man said to her assistant Kijin, whose also a great beauty with a petite figure and pink hair.

"Are you Rimuri-dono the slime?"

The man, whose posture was like a true knight, inquired Rimuru as he received them politely.

"Yes, it's me."

Said Rimuru as he was nervous not only because of the knightly aura that the Knight radiates but also because of the threat he gives to him.

[Notice: that Knight was a spiritual body that manifested to this world whose much stronger than Greater Spirit Ifrit, the probability of this Knight having a unique skill is high]

The great sage said to Rimuru as a warning.

(Ah, I know just by the aura he gives alone)

"I'm Jeff; Artoria-sama was waiting inside. Please come this way."

Jeff said to Rimuru as he gestured them to a hut that looked like a headquarters for the knights.


"Welcome, Rimuru, the slime."

Artoria said to them with emotionless eyes. Her aura alone makes every monster who comes to the hut have a goose bump as they feel threatened by her very existence. Also, they could not help but marvel at her otherworldly beauty; her gesture was like a royalty that could only be found in fairy tales.

(How beautiful, just like a goddess!! Just coming to see her face was already enough for me)

Rimuru is still marveling at Artoria's beauty while her assistant Kijin nudges him to respond to her gesture.

"Yes, yes, it's a pleasure of mine to see the representative of this place."

"Ririna, please prepare some tea for our visitors."

"Yes, Artoria-sama"

Ririna, behind Artoria, bowed to her and started preparing the tea.

[Notice: the individual name Ririna was once a goblin who evolved to a White goblin]

Rimuru was greatly shocked because of the information given by the great sage and how human-like the appearance of Ririna is, as Rimuru mistakingly thought of her as a human.

(So it means that just like my goblins, they evolve in other paths, it is because the one who names them preference it to his desire and to be a human-like form, same with my desire when I give a name to my subordinate to be more human-like?)

[Notice: Most likely]

Great Sage answers Rimuru as they contemplate the evolution of goblins while Ririna brings their tea and snack to their table.

"Rimuru the slime, so how may I help you?"

"Well, you see..."

Artoria asked him with a cold voice as Rimuru started explaining the situation regarding the Orc's invasion.


"So we would like to request assistance from you guys if it's not inconvenient."

Rimuru said to Artoria, making him nervous about what she would reply.

"Alright, helping others who need help is what knights should do, but only Sir Jeff and I would come to aid due to some circumstances. Is that alright with you, Rimuru the slime?"

"Yes, yes, thank you so much."

Artoria said to Rimuru with a regal voice, making Rimuru reply hastily.

(Phew, I thought she would reject our request for aid, her strength alone was enough to beat me as she radiates an aura whose strength was equal to mine, right great sage?)

[Notice: As master said, she could beat master if she goes all out]


(You would not even deny my argument!?)


"Let's make a haste, prepare to sortie Sir Jeff, to the Lake of Siss where Lizardman resides."

"Yes, Artoria-sama"



In the marshland surrounding the Lake of Siss and controlled by the Lizardmen was an army of Orc and Lizardman as they clashed together, centering on two individuals as they fought with each other.

"Haaa, Vortex Crash!!!"

"Hmmph, Chaos Eater"

Powerful skills collide while the Orc in black armored counters the Lizardman's skill.



"Now Die! Lizardman!!!"


(Why did I listen to that clown? If I had listened to Dino-sama, this situation would not have come to this! Father, sorry for becoming such a fool and useless son)

The Lizardman named Gabil thought as he closed his eyes, accepting the upcoming defeat as the butcher knife descended to decapitate his head.



As he intercepted the upcoming butcher knife from Orc in black Armored, a mysterious green figure appeared.



"Y-You're... the true leader of that village."

(What's this guy talking about?)

A dopey-face goblin, though, as he wonders what Gabil is talking about.

"Have you come to save us!?"

"That's Gobuta, Captain of the Goblin Riders."

"The Direwolf from that time!"

A Big Blue wolf comes from behind Gabil as he explains to Gabil the position of Gobuta, who save him from the black armored Orc.

"My name is Ranga. I've come to help you on behalf of Rimuru-sama's order."




Black Flame and Tornado could be seen on the battlefield as Kijin unleashed their wrath on Orcs and Direwolfs that evolved into Tempest wolfs, together with their goblin rider, endeavored to kill the Orcs as many as possible.

On a particular cliff was a two-figure, watching the unfolding battle in front of them.

"Amazing to think they would become this strong"

"You have an excellent subordinate, Rimuru."

"Hehe, well, I suppose they are wasted on me."

"What are you talking about? their loyalty to you was without a doubt genuine, so theirs no need for you to lower yourself; you earn that loyalty."

Rimuru could not help but scratch his head as he blushed at the compliment given by Artoria and tried to change the topic.

"Where's Jeff-san?"

"Ohh, killing some rat behind the scene."


"Yes, more importantly, look in that direction."

Rimuru looked in the direction where Artoria pointed out, and Rimuru found a large Orc with a monstrous, ugly, and bloated stomach while surrounded by his Orc Generals.

[Notice: Orc Lord has been found]


"Orc Lord... I'm going to put an end to you."

Rimuru said as he put his white mask decorated with red mark lines on his face while Artoria also looked at the Orc Lord with seriousness.

"That meat won't taste good."




Rimuru screamed in his mind looking at Artoria incredulously.

Thanks for reading ^.^

GreedyQindiancreators' thoughts
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