
74. Part Of Your World

Thanks for the reviews guys! I hope you like the chapter!


"Hey Liv" Hank called from the bedroom.

"Yeah" Olivia said as she walked into the bedroom.

"Do we have any of that spray on sunscreen? Noah isn't going to sit still long enough to do this lotion crap any longer" Hank sighed as he closed the lid of the sun block and put it on the floor beside him as he held a slippery and squirming Noah on his lap.

"Hank, you have to keep him occupied" Olivia sighed as she picked up a few toy cars from the top of the dresser and walked the short distance to where Hank and son were on the floor.

"Mama" Noah said softly and pushed himself up off of Hank's lap before walking over to his mother.

"Yes handsome boy?" Olivia cooed as she dropped the cars to the floor beside her and held open her arms to her son.

"Bekfast" Noah said as he reached for the toy car before sitting on his mother's lap.

"Jay is making breakfast right now buddy. He's making pancakes" Olivia explained as she motioned for Hank to hand her the bottle of sun block.

"What do you say you and I skip Halstead's pancakes and I take you to breakfast?" Hank asked as he got up from the floor and handed Olivia the bottle.

Olivia looked at Hank and gave him a small smile, "We wouldn't hurt Jay and Erin's feelings?"

Hank shook his head "No, of course not. As much as I love Erin, you don't want to eat her pancakes"

Olivia smiled and placed a kiss on top of Noah's head. "I'd like that. Just let me finish this and I'll get ready"

"Where Daddy goin?" Noah said as Hank walked out of the bedroom.

"Daddy is going to go get ready. Can you be a big boy and stay here with Erin and Jay for a little bit?" Olivia asked as she squirted some lotion onto her hands and rubbed Noah's arms and belly as he sat in her lap.

"Evie stay too?" Noah asked.

Olivia smiled and nodded "Yes, Everly will be here too"

"Evie!" Noah screamed his request for his friend.

"I'm glad you're excited" Olivia smiled as she reached for Noah's shirt and shorts and started to dress him.


"And the trick is to use milk, not water" Jay explained as he stood at the counter behind Everly who was standing on one of the kitchen chairs in front of her daddy as she watched him make the pancake batter.

"Why?" Everly asked as she tilted her head all the way back to look at him.

"Cause milk makes them more fluffy" Jay explained as he reached beside the glass bowl to grab the Wisk.

"Mommy no do dis" Everly explained.

"Well, unlike your mommy, daddy knows how to cook" Jay explained as he started to mix the batter.

Everly smiled as she looked at Jay and then back at the pancake batter he was mixing.

"Do you like your mommy's pancakes?" Jay asked as he finished mixing the batter.

"No" Everly said.

"Well excuse me" Erin said from the doorway. As she looked at her husband and daughter. "I'm not the best breakfast maker"

Jay turned to look at Erin as she walked into the kitchen her hand resting on the small swell of her bump. Everly's face lit up when she saw her mother and she reached for her.

"Mama" Everly said as she reached for Erin.

"Oh, so now you want me" Erin teased as she walked over to the chair and picked Everly up.

"We were just having a father - daughter talk" Jay said as Erin walked over to him.

"Sure" Erin said as she reached for Everly who pulled her mother into a hug.

"Well, good morning to you too, bug" Erin said before kissing her daughter's forehead as she pulled back from the hug.

"Where mommy?" Noah asked as he looked around the room looking for Olivia.

"Your mommy and Hank left for a little bit, they're going to be right back" Jay explained.

"Oh" Noah said "I hungry…ice cweam, pease"

"Nope, sorry about your luck, buddy. You are going to go and play until breakfast" Erin said as she sat Everly down on the floor.

"I want juice" Noah said looking at Jay.

"Um, how about milk" Jay walked over to the fridge in their suite at their hotel and pouring Noah a sippy cup full of milk.

"Thanks" Noah said before taking the cup from Jay.

"Do you need help with breakfast?" Erin asked as she watched Everly walk out of the kitchen and over to some toys in the living room of the suite.

"No, we can't afford for you to burn down an entire hotel at Disney World." Jay teased as Erin slapped him on the arm.

"Well, don't say I didn't offer" Erin said as she looked over her shoulder before walking out of the kitchen area..

"Well, I appreciate your offer, but food poisoning isn't how I want to spend my vacation"


Kim opened her eyes and she sat up in bed and ran her hand through her messy hair.

Yesterday had been a complete nightmare and for a few moments she thought it had all been a dream. But when she looked over and saw the reading material the doctor had given her for Jackson's surgery, she knew it was her reality.

She looked over and saw Adam's side of the bed empty and she slipped out of bed and walked out of the bedroom and down the hall.

She smiled when she heard Adam talking in the kitchen and she walked up to the doorway and leaned against it.

Adam was bathing Jackson in the sink and he softly talked to his son as he gently washed his skin.

"Rawr" Adam said as he held up the plastic bath dinosaur and made it "walk" up Jackson's tummy and chest.

The sound of Jackson's giggles filled the kitchen of the apartment and brought tears to Kim's eyes. As did her husband's sweet words to their son.

"Jack, buddy, I think it's time we have one of our famous father and son chats" Adam said as he supported Jackson's weight as the baby sat up in the tub.

Jackson took the dinosaur from Adam's hand and brought it up to his mouth as he chewed on it.

Adam smiled down at Jackson and continued to bath him as he looked down at him. "You know, you're really not playing fair. You're almost 6 months old and you've done nothing but give me and your mom sleepless nights. You gotta cut this out. I mean, sure, you're cute as hell and you can get by with it. But you're killing your ma and I"

Jackson gurgled behind the dinosaur and he looked up at Adam and shoved the dinosaur deeper into his mouth as he teethed on it.

Adam lauged and shook his head "Does that taste good? You're really working on a tooth aren't you bud?"

Adam ran his finger from Jackson's chin down to his chest and smiled sadly "You're going to be Ok, when you have this surgery. I mean you and me...we've got too many plans for you to go anywhere. And chicks dig scars. So you're going to be a chick magnent, Jack. Your mom and I we're not ready to let you go. So you need to get better. Cause you've got so many people here who love you. We're not going to let you go without a fight"

Kim wiped a tear that slid down her cheek and she forced a smile as she walked into the kitchen and over to the sink.

Adam turned his head and looked at her and he returned her sad smile. He looked at her and he knew she'd been crying. So he gently leaned his head forward and placed a reassuring kiss on Kim's head.

"We're going to get through this Burgess" Adam assured looking from her to Jackson "All three of us"

Kim looked at Jackson who laughed at a funny face that Adam had made at him and she found herself laughing at her little boy.

Yes, leave it to her boys to make her feel better.


Erin looked next to her at Everly who was currently dressed like Belle from Beauty and the Beast from their earlier trip to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. She knew she shouldn't be smiling at her daughter who was licking the chocolate off of a scone that she was sure was only a few moments away from dripping all over the 70 dollar costume she'd bought Everly earlier in the day.

But she couldn't help but smile because they'd finally found something that Everly hadn't cried at. Erin and Jay didn't get it. Everly was terrified of the characters, but princesses? Were right up her ally.

"Wook, Cin-wella" Everly said as she put her scone down on her plate and went to move out of her chair.

"Everly, you need to wait on daddy to take you" Jay explained before taking a drink of his water.

"No no...me go" Everly said pointing across the room to the table where Cinderella was sitting.

"Everly, no daddy will take you over there when he's done eating" Jay sighed and looked over at Erin who was wiping the front of Everly's yellow Belle costume.

"I can't believe that we paid 80 damn dollars for this" Jay sighed. "I'm hungry...this isn't cutting it"

"Just eat your finger sandwiches" Erin said.

"I don't want this. I want real food. I hate that we have to eat this" Jay complained.

Erin rolled her eyes as she leaned back in her chair and sighed. "Babe, just enjoy this. We'll eat later"

"I never thought I'd be looking forward to dinner with Hank" Jay groaned.

"You know that you like Hank, Jay. I think it's time we stop this" Erin raised an eyebrow and smiled as she looked at her husband.

Jay shook his head and turned to see Everly sliding off of her chair. She rocked back and forth and held onto the sides of her Belle costume. Jay watched her bite her lip and he knew that was going to make a run for it.

"Everly" Jay started "What did daddy say?"

"Pwese da-dee" Everly turned to look at Jay and she held onto the fabric of the chair.

"Everly, no" Jay said as he pulled Everly up and onto the chair. "Sit down. We will go when everyone is done eating"

"No" Everly said pulling herself up in the chair as she shoved her sippy cup on the floor and kicked her legs back and forth under the table.

"Everly Katherine Halstead" Jay warned as he picked up the sippy cup and sat it on the table.

"Go" Everly said pointing to the princess table as Erin lifted her off her seat.

"How about we go see grandpa Hank instead?" Erin offered.

"No mama" Everly shook her head and pointed over to where Cinderella and Belle were sitting.

"Everly" Erin sighed as she watched Everly slide off of the chair.

"Me go" Everly said as she took off running over to where the princess table was.


"Does that taste good bug?" Jay asked as he scooped up a spoonful of chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream out of the cup and fed it to Everly.

"Yum Yum" Everly said banging her hands against the cup holder of her stroller.

"Yeah, daddy likes it too" Jay said taking a spoonful of ice cream and eating it himself.

"I think Noah likes his" Hank said looking at Noah who was covered in vanilla ice cream.

"Is that good Noah?" Jay asked with a laugh as he looked at the toddler whose hands were covered with melting vanilla ice cream.

"Good" Noah explained as he liked the soft serve ice cream off of the cone.

"Olivia's going to flip out on you" Jay said with a chuckle as he looked at Hank

"She'll get over it. You've got to let a kid be a kid" Hank explained as he ate his own ice cream.

"If you say so" Jay heard Everly whine and looked at her.

"Mo pease'" Everly looked at Jay and opened her mouth as she pounded her hands on the stroller

"Oh, I see" Jay said as he scooped a small spoonful of ice cream into Everly's mouth.

"Daddy! Tigger" Noah said pointing her hand at the giant lion walking towards them.

"Yeah, I see him" Hank said as he watched the lion get closer to them.

Noah slipped off of the bench and walked over to the dog and wrapped his arms around him. "Hi Tigger"

Tigger waved down at Noah and then tiptoed over to the side of Everly's stroller and looked at the baby. Everly looked over at him and furrowed her brow as she studied the features of the cartoon character in front of her. Tigger sensing Everly's uneasiness reached a giant gloved paw to her. Everly let out a shrill cry and reached for Jay as sobs overtook her entire body.

"Oh Everly, it's OK" Jay explained as he sat his ice cream beside him and reached for his crying daughter.

"DADA" Everly screamed as Tigger backed away from the stroller.

"Everly, it is ok. He's not going to hurt you" Jay said as he lifted the baby out of the stroller and sat her on his lap.

"NO NO" Everly screamed throwing her body backwards in Jay's arms.

"Daddy's got you, it's OK" Jay soothed as he bounced his daughter in his arms.

Hank watched Jay walk back and forth with Everly as he soothed her. He looked down at Noah who was happily eating his melting ice cream and he shook his head and grabbed some wet wipes and started to clean the toddler up.

Jay came and sat back down with a now calm Everly and put her on his lap. "I feel like we're going to be spending the rest of the week at the hotel"

Hank reached over and touched Everly's knee as she laid her head on Jay's shoulder. "She'll come around"

Jay shook his head "I don't know. I hope so. I really thought she'd have more fun than this"

Hank gave another glance at Noah and then looked back at Jay. "I need your help with something"

Jay looked at Hank as he rocked Everly side to side in his arms. "What is it?"

Hank cleared his throat as he watched the people walk around the park and then looked at Jay. "I want to marry Olivia here while we're in Florida. She doesn't want a big wedding and neither do I. And I thought that the best way to do something like that is to do it here. Just with you and Erin as witnesses"

Jay placed a kiss on the top of Everly's head as he felt her starting to relax in his arms and nod off for her evening nap. "Have you talked to Erin or Olivia about this?"

Hank shook his head "No, I thought I'd try that thing called a surprise"

"Oh" Jay said as he adjusted a now asleep Everly in his arms.

"Are you going to help me or not, Halstead?" Hank asked.

Jay looked at Hank and then at Erin and Olivia who were walking up to them. "I'll help you"


"Kiiiimmmmmm," Burgess niece, Zoe, whined from the kitchen. "Jackson keeps eating my crayons." Kim sighed and pulled herself up from the living room sofa, where she was resting quietly.

Kim walked into the kitchen where Zoe sat at the table, crayons and colouring book strewn across the surface. "Zoe, why are you doing that in here?" Kim asked, bending down to pick a crayon off the floor. "Why don't you go upstairs to your room and sit at your table?" Zoe took the crayon from Kim and slumped back into her chair.

"You said you had stuff to do Kim, I'm trying to help you with the baby." Kim smiled and ruffled her Zoe's hair.

"You don't have to watch Jack, honey, you go upstairs and play. Thank you anyway." Zoe nodded and gathered up her crayons, sliding them into the box.

"Where is that baby of mine?" She crouched down, peeking under the table. Jackson sat in his Osh Kosh overalls, a matching blue crayon clutched in his chubby fist. He gave Kim a wide grin and crawled towards her, showing her his prize.

"What have you got there Mr. Man?" Kim grinned, holding out her arms. "Let Mommy see the crayon." He babbled excitedly, dropping the crayon in Kim's she picked him up. "Now let's go find Matty"

Kim silently cursed herself for taking on babysitting while Adam, Gaby and Matt had went to get some last minute supplies for Mouch and Platt's wedding. They were leaving tonight to head out of town for the weekend wedding and Kim was hurrying to get last minute things into place.

"Matty," Kim called, attempting to sit Jackson on the blanket. He grew excited at the sound of Matty's name yelled across the room. Kim sighed and walked into the living room, where Matty now sat on the floor, soil from the potted plant strewn across the room. Matty looked disgustedly up at Kim,

"Oh Matty," Kim groaned, swatting Matty's hands away from the plant. "I told you no playing with the plant."

"Uh Oh" Matty said looking at the mess he'd made

The front door opened and Jackson's head flew up and to the door, hearing the sound of his parents voices.

"Hey there Mr. Man," Gaby grinned at the baby throwing himself at his mother's leg. "What on earth did you get into?" Kim sighed and scooped Jackson off the floor, moving to greet her husband who'd just walked in with Matt.

"The plant" Kim sighed with a smile as she looked at Matty in Gaby's arms.

"I'm really sorry, Kim" Gaby said. "I'll clean it up"

Kim shook her head "I got it. Really, it's fine. Don't even worry about it. We'll see you guys in the morning at the hotel"

Gaby gave Kim a smile and gathered Matty's stuff as she and Matt walked out of the door with their son.

"Hey," she sighed, kissing his cheek tiredly as he gazed down at the wriggling little boy in her arms.

"I told your mother that plant was a bad idea." Adam chuckled and took Jack from Kim's arms.

"I don't know how on earth we are going to be ready to go tonight," she sighed, leading him into the living room.

"The laundry is finished but I haven't even started packing my own stuff yet." She began sweeping the dirt from the hardwood floor as Adam bounced the twins in his arms. "I haven't started dinner yet either." Adam sighed and shifted Jack who was struggling to get free. "Don't worry about dinner," he shrugged. "We'll get fast food or something. Is Jack packed?" She bent down to sweep the soil into the dustpan and stood up slowly, looking back at her husband.

"Yeah, except for toys and stuff like that. Are you packed?" He nodded his head and adjusted the baby again as he began to whine. He followed Kim back to the kitchen where she disposed of the dirt and reached out to take Jack.

Adam nodded again and tickled Jackson's tummy, trying to keep him entertained. "Tell you what. You go and pack and I'll put this monster in the tub. When we're done we'll stick his pajamas on and hit the road. We should be there by midnight at the latest."

Kim sighed and picked a piece of dirt from Jack's nose.

"Sure," she nodded. She moved to the door and stopped, leaning against the frame tiredly. "Zoe," she called up the stairs. "Come in here please." She looked at Adam who was grinning as Jackson pinched his father's nose. She heard Zoe trudging miserably down the hall and she spoke again. "I need you to put your pajamas on and make sure that you have absolutely all the toys you want to bring with you this week. You need your blanket and your pillow too because we won't get to your mom's house until late okay?"

Zoe nodded tiredly and sauntered slowly into the kitchen, smiling slightly when she saw Adam.

"Hi Adam," she moved to his side and wrapped her arms around him, squeezing gently. He smiled and ran his fingers through her hair.

"Hi Zoe. What's the matter?" Zoe shrugged and looked up at her father's face.

"I didn't have a good sleep last night," she told him matter of factly. "I had a bad dream." Adam smiled and looked back to Kim.

"Go pack." She walked towards him and slipped the baby into his arms, caressing Zoe's head gently before turning and walking out the door.

"You want to help me give your cousin a bath?" Adam asked his niece, holding Jack tightly in the crook of his arm.

Zoe nodded proudly and walked ahead of Adam leading the way to the bathroom. "So what was your bad dream about?" he asked.

Zoe took her cue and began to remove Jackson's clothes, making faces at her baby cousin to keep him still. Adam grinned at the interaction of the two

"I dreamed that I was looking at Aunt Kim's ring and I accidentally dropped it into the river. Then I made my mom go in and find it and a big shark came up and ate her," Zoe pulled of Jackson's socks and looked up at Adam. "It was scary."

Adam looked serious."I'll bet it was."

He lifted a naked Jack off the floor and moved to turn on the tub. "I think you're just a little nervous about learning to swin," he told her, brushing her hair away from her eyes. "But everybody knows you are going to be the best swimmer that ever lived. Besides," he grinned. "I don't think sharks live in the river." Zoe giggled and hoisted Jackson over the side of the tub, plopping him on his bum. Giggling happily she helped Adam bath him and get him ready for bed.

"Why do people get married Adam?" Zoe asked, watching as Adam set Jack in his crib to play. He nodded his head towards the hall and led her into his bedroom where Kim was zipping up her now full suitcase.

"Done," she sighed, setting it on the floor beside the two other bags she had packed for Jackson.

He smiled at her slightly and picked the bags up. "Well," he said thoughtfully, leading Zoe down the staircase. "People get married because they love each other and they want to live together forever."

"Like you and Aunt Kim?" she added, watching as Adam set the bags down by the door.

"Yeah, like me and Kim," he nodded, grinning.

"Okay gang," Kim sauntered down the stairs, Jackin her arms. "We just about ready to go?" Zoe nodded and moved to her aunt's side, tickling Jack's pajama clad feet. The baby giggled and hid his eyes behind his hands, waiting for his cousin to play peekaboo.

"I'll pack the car, Zoe you sit with your cousin while we pack the car?" Adam spoke, lifting the bags off the floor and opening the door.

Kim nodded, setting Jack in his playpen while Zoe pressed her face against the mesh, earning a squeal from him. Adam and Kim watched for a moment, amused, before sighing and leaving to complete their tasks.

Within the hour, they were on the road, heading to drop Zoe off before heading to Trudy and Randy's wedding.


"Hey gorgeous," Jay kissed Erin's head as she watched television in their bed in the hotel.

"Hey," she smiled, tiredly. "What time is it? I fell asleep."

"It's just after seven," he laid down beside her. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm tired," she sighed. "And starving, and aching and feeling fat and it's only going to get worse." Jay chuckled softly, running his hands over her belly. Leaning in he kissed her lips gently.

"I think you're beautiful." She smiled at him and kissed his hand. "We're going on a date, Erin."

She chuckled softly and shook her head.

"Out?" Erin asked looking towards the hotel window.

"Yup, so you've got to get that beautiful pregnant ass of yours out of bed and get dressed because I am taking you out for dinner." He held out his hand and pulled her from the bed.

"Jay, I can't go out. I look like hell, we're going to need reservations and it's almost Ev's bedtime," she whined, letting hm drag her.

"Er," he objected, grinning. "First of all you look beautiful, second of all I bought you a brand new dress, third of all I made reservations when we planned this trip and lastly Everly is spending the night with Hank and Olivia. Next problem please."

"I can't believe you did this Jay," she sighed, resting her hands on the top of her belly. "I don't even feel like going out tonight, the babies are really restless."

"Er," Jay groaned. "The babies are always restless. This might be the last time we can do this for a while. We're going to have three kids to deal with. I want to spend a night with my wife, please."

Erin sighed and tugged on the oversized t shirt she wore over her tights. "Alright Jay. Let me go have a shower, you go get Everly ready." Jay grinned and shook his head.

"Already taken care of. She's gone to dinner with Hank and Olivia. I'd like to join you in the shower if I may." Erin laughed and reached for his hand.

"Okay, but I'm warning you, my stomach looks like something out of a horror movie." Erin sighed

He laughed and kissed her head. "Really? Cause it looked pretty hot last night"

"Jay..." Erin said raising an eyebrow at her husband who was referring to last nights escapades.

"I'll take my chances, thanks." Jay said with a smile.

She shrugged and moved into their bathroom.

Pulling off his jeans and t shirt, he turned on the shower and knelt down, pulling Erin's pants from her legs. She sighed and reached down, tugging off her shirt as Jay took her hand and led her into the shower. "I think you're gorgeous," he whispered in her ear, running his hands over the slick skin of her tight belly.

"You know something?" she grinned up at him. "I think it is too." She laughed as she felt one of the twins move. "They already know you're their father"

Jay smiled and washed Erin's hair quickly, moving to his own before lathering her body and pulling her under the spray to rinse her off.

"Okay, end of the fastest shower you and I have ever taken together," he grinned and tossed her a towel, stepping out the glass doors. "Get yourself dressed and I will go and make sure Everly is settled with Hank."

He kissed her cheek. "Reservation is for eight thirty." She smiled and nodded, following him out of the bathroom.

"I'll be an hour max. Do what you have to do." He chuckled to himself and walked into the closet, pulling out a pair of black pants and a white shirt and stripping off his towel.

"I thought you'd like Victoria and Albert's. That okay?" he called out into the bedroom as he slipped his pants over his boxers and zipped them up. "You were craving italian a lot when I made the reservations." He walked out of the closet, drying his hair with the towel.

Erin eyed him up and down and gave him an appreciative nod. "You should go just like that. It's very sexy." Jay laughed and tossed his towel at her.

"I'm offended. I'm not a slab of meat put here for your own personal enjoyment." She shot him a funny face and tossed the towel back.

"Relax, Babe. I'm just making an observation. You've gotten really buff. I like it."

Jay shrugged his shoulders. "I am pretty strong," he said as he raised an eyebrow.

Erin laughed and swatted his butt and Jay moved to kiss her neck. Erin laughed as his stubble tickled her

"Stop it," she warned him. "You're gonna make me pee." He scrunched up his nose and slipped his shirt on as she pulled a slip on and stretched it over her growing belly. He frowned a little as he watched her dig in her drawer for underwear.

"You look really low," he commented, pointing to her belly. "They were a lot higher up a few days ago." Erin shrugged and patted the slight swell of her stomach.

"They're moving where the room is. They've got to be cramped as hell in there. I don't know how they're doing it."

He nodded and shrugged it off, buttoning the front of his shirt. "Okay, I'm going downstairs. I'll meet you down there when you're done." Erin nodded and watched him leave, sitting down at her vanity to do her hair and makeup.

"I feel like it's only going to get harder for me to go down stairs," she complained as she stepped onto the floor in front of him. He grinned happily as he checked her out. She was wearing a short black dress, with an empire waist that led down to a flared out chiffon skirt. The top was a long sleeved lace and her hair was pulled up off her neck in a bun of ringlets. "How do I look?" she asked him, smoothing the skirt over her stomach. "I almost don't look pregnant. It's great."

"You look absolutely beautiful," he kissed her gently on the lips, trying not to smudge her makeup. "I called Hank, Everly is fine, she ate and they're taking her and Noah to watch the fireworks." Erin nodded and covered her mouth to block out a yawn. "He said to just have fun that he and Olivia had it handled."

She nodded again and opened the door to the suite, as Jay followed behind. He helped her into the elevator. They chatted about work and news until they made it to the restaurant, Jay gently took Erin's hand as they entered and were seated at their table.

Erin looked at her menu for a moment and closed it instantly. "That was fast," Jay chuckled. "See something you like?" Erin gave him a crooked grin.

"The desert menu," she joked. "I'm just going to have pasta. It's about the only thing that won't give me heartburn."

"Poor baby," Jay took her hand across the table. "It'll be over before you know it."

"I've been thinking about what we thought about. You know, about finding out the sex of the twins" she explained.

"And?" Jay said closing his menu to look over at his wife.

"I want to..." Erin's trailed off as the manager of the restaurant approached the table.

"Mr. and Mrs. Halstead? I'm afraid there's been an accident"


Please Review...

Would you guys like to know the sex of the twins? Or should I just keep it a surprise?

Is it weird that Hank, Liv, Jay and Erin aren't going to Platt and Mouch's wedding? If it is, I can change it.

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