
Ch 17: Vermilion City

A beautiful sunset could be seen close to the mountains surrounding the Abandoned Power Plant. In the camping site, close to the Power Plant a white haired youth could be seen training his Pokemon. Inside a tent a youth with glaces could be seen writing some research papers. It has been 4 days after their encounter with the Legendary Pokémon Zapdos.

The area around the camp was very quiet except the chirping of some wild Pidgey. But this serine and peaceful atmosphere was destroyed completely when with a wooush sound, a huge purple/black ray hit and destroyed a boulder.

Wes: Great job Espeon. You finally learned Hyper Beam.

Espeon: Espppeee Espeon.

Espeon immediately showed its happiness for its accomplishments to her trainer. then it bowed its head towards Umbreon for teaching her that move. Wes had his Espeon and Umbreon help eachother learn some of their Moves. The time Espeon spend with Umbreon this 5 days, that they stayed at the Power Plant was quite big. This had the result of the two lovestruck Pokemon to become even closer.

Yesterday Umbreon had mastered the Detect Move with the help of Espeon. Espeon was so happy with Umbreon, that it actually gave it a lick full of love to its cheek. That lick resulted in a one-hit KO for Umbreon. Yes Umbreon after receiving the intimacy of Espeon, in its excitement it actually fainted, scaring Espeon in the process.

Bill: Finally i finished.

Bill with a clear relief and satisfaction in his voice and face finished his reaserch.

Wes: Niiice. So what's the result.

Wes stoped his training and called out to Bill full of curiosity.

Bill: The results are astounding this time. With the appearance of Zapdos, the electric energy in this place skyrocketed. Its also the purest and best quality electric energy i have ever seen. This place is heaven for Electric Type Pokemon.

Wes: Then it seams that our trip is a huge success. Thanks to your Pokemon my training efficiency rose quite bit. My Espeon and Umbreon especially reaped a very huge benefit this time.

Bill: Perfect. I'm glad i could help my saviour. Since it's getting very late let's call it a day. Tomorrow i will take you with my boat towards Vermilion City.

Wes: Thanks a lot.

Then Wes and Bill went to sleep. Next morning Wes woke up a bit earlier, to make a primarily plan for today's fight with LT.Surge. So after waking up he was careful not to wake up Bill and went a bit further away. Then Wes called out his Pokemon.

Wes: Ok everyone. Today is the fight for our 3rd Gym Badge. The Gym Leader of Vermilion City uses Electric Types. So Butterfree and Staryu you're going to sit this one out. We all trained very hard this past few days. So let's crush him.

Wes Pokemon: Rooooooooooar

The Pokemon of Wes with a roar showed their excitement for the upcoming match. Then Wes checked like he did last night his Pokemon with his system to confirm the results of the past six days.


Espeon: female LV 29 Ability: Magic Bounce Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden-Power-Fire (Baby), Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Bite, Swift, Protect (TM), Refresh, Confusion, Psybeam, Future Sight, Helping Hand (Tutor), Ally Switch (Tutor), Psych Up, Hyper Beam (Tutor).

His Espeon not only gained a lot of levels but it also learned a variety of new Moves. Though for Wes the biggest gain of his Espeon was the learning of the Ally Switch Move. Bill's very own Espeon had helped quite a bit in the process of learning this Move. Now Wes had gained a very useful tactical tool for Double Battles.


Umbreon: male LV 30 Ability: Synchronize Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Hyper Beam (Tutor), Confuse Ray, Protect (TM), Payback (Tutor), Feint Attack, Charm (tutor), Foul Play (Tutor), Screech, Detect (Tutor), Sucker Punch (Tutor).

Umbreon had also grown a lot with the training. The Detect Move wasn't it's only gain. Thanks to Bill's Umbreon it had comprehended the Move that Wes considered as a must have in an Umbreon. The Foul Play Move. A Move that uses the opponent's Atk stat instead of the user's Atk stat in damage calculation. In other words, the move acts as if the target is opposing target is attacking themselves, and thus is a lot more powerful when the opponent the Move is used on has higher Atk stat.


Charmeleon: male LV 30 Ability: Solar Power Item: no

Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face, Protect (TM), Mega Punch (Tutor), Mega Kick (Tutor), Flamethrower (Tutor).

Charmeleon on the other had except the obvious increase to its LV, had also learned with the help of Bill's Flareon, the Flamethrower Move. This gave Charmeleon a very useful tool for fighting in long range.


Nidorino: male. LV 27 Ability: Poison Point

Item: no

Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick, Protect (TM), Horn Attack, Bubble Beam (Tutor).

Ivysaur: male LV 27 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Protect (TM), Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent.

Butterfree: female LV 28 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no

Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Electroweb, Gust, Protect (TM), Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Psybeam, Silver Wind, Supersonic, Safeguard.

Staryu: LV 27 Ability: Natural Cure Item: no

Moves: Harden, Tackle, Teleport (Baby), Recover (Baby), Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Icy Wind (Tutor), Psywave, Swift, Bubble Beam, Signal Beam (Tutor), Rain Dance (TM), Protect (TM).

Magnemite: LV 28 Ability: Magnet Pull Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Supersonic, Gravity (Baby), Shock Wave (Baby), Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb, Light Screen, Magic Coat (Tutor), Sonic Boom, Discharge (Tutor), Mirror Shot, Metal Sound, Protect (TM), Hidden Power-Fire (Tutor)

The rest of the team didn't have any big difference than before except the huge increase to their LV and Magnemite learning Hidden Power-Fire with the help of Bill's Glaceon. Butterfree on the other hand, being a Bug Type has a very fast growth rate. So while Wes had the least focus on its training, it had managed to keep up with the rest of the team. All the team now looked quite ready for this 3rd Gym challenge.

Then after a bit, Bill also woke up and after they had breakfast, they left on boat for Vermilion City. After a bit more than 4 hours Wes could clearly see the huge lighthouse near the port of Vermilion City. Inside the port were many huge ships ,but Wes couldn't find the SS.Anne cruise ship among them. Then the boat that Wes was on anchored in the port.

Bill: Wes. We finally arrived at Vermilion City.

Wes: Thanks Bill. If it wasn't for you it would have taken a lot more time to train my Pokemon at that level and reach this City.

Bill: Don't worry about it. You also saved. me for leaving the life of a Rattata. Good luck on your Gym Battle Wes.

Wes: Good luck with your research also Bill.

Bill: Ok i have to go now back home to compile and comper the new data i got with the old ones. I hope to see you again. Both in person and on the league as a champion.

Wes: Thanks. see you again.

Then Wes and Bill said their goodbyes. Bill got again on his boat and left for Cerulean City. Wes on the other hand Wes was greeted after he left the port with a modern City. While he asked for directions a near passerby about the whereabouts of the Pokemon Center, Wes passed a lot of interesting places.

One house he passed had a huge poster of a Farfetch'd cutting wood. On the left side of the City even from the big distance he was apart from a very peculiar building, Wes could discern the huge sign with the words POKEMON FUN CLUB and the cute Pichu, Clefa and Eevee ander the huge red painted walls. On the walls of different buildings Wes could clearly discern some clear tubes. He immediately recognised them as neon lights.

"At night the whole City might be lit in a different array of neon lights."

Wes noded thinking of a certain city that wasn't sleeping during the night on his own world. Then Wes finally reached the Pokemon Center. Wes immediately gave his Pokemon for a check up. After all with so many constant training the past few days, his Pokemon had received their fair sair of bruises. Then Wes, as he waited for the buffed up full of muscles doctor to return his Pokemon, he called back home.

Mom: Hello sweety. How are you doing. I grew a bit worried since i couldn't contact you the past few days.

Elizabeth the mother of Wes had a relived expression on her face. Even though Wes had called her before visiting the Abandoned Power Plant and telling her that he would not be able to communicate with her, for at worst a full week. She was a mother after all. Even if you tell her not to worry and even if she tells you that she won't worry. She is always worried for you.

Wes: It's ok mom. I also got a new member for my team.

Mom: Oooh!!!!! What is it?

As she asked Wes about the new Pokemon he had caught, Wes could clearly discern the excitement on his mother's face. Each time he called back home and he would tell news of catching new Pokemon to his parents, his mother would grow restless. When he had caught Charmeleon and he had called back home to share the news, his mother had almost thrown his father on the ground when she stole the phone from him.

Wes: It's a Magnemite.

Mom: I see. Guess like father like son.

Wes: I guess so.

Wes told this with a laugh. After all Magnemite was a very good Steel Type Pokemon and in the 5th generation and afterwards it was a big counter to the very well known hazard and stall terror that was Ferrothorn. Wes's father happened to also have a Magneton resulting in the current exchange.

Wes: While i was at the Power Plant, i bore witness to something amazing.

Mom: ?????

Wes's mother showed a confused look at the declaration of her son. Then Wes picked up his Pokedex and he showed his mother, the pictures of Zapdos that were saved on it.


Wes actually jumped from his chair at the scream of his mother. Well he couldn't hold her accountable for her reaction. After all meeting a legendary Pokemon, at such a close distance is very rare after all.

Mom: You should call Professor Oak. He will be shocked at that.

Wes: I'm sure he will. Can you also give me dad.

Wes chuckled at the thought of the reaction that professor Oak will have after hearing about this encounter of Wes.

Mom: Wait a minute. Your dad is together with his new wife.

Wes's mother chuckled as she was saying that.

Wes: What happened???

Wes was quite confused trying to figure the reason that led to that.

Mom: A coworker of him had his birthday and he brought sweets for everyone on the lab. Aaaaand the treat was a bit heavy on your father's stomach, resulting at your father cheating on me with the toilet.

Wes. Pffff. Hahaaha.

Wes couldn't help himself but laugh at his mother's joke. After a while his father left the toilet and picked up the phone. After a fun chat with his father he closed the phone and went to the counter to receive his Pokemon back.

After that Wes went back to the telephone to call Professor Oak.

Oak: Wes how's you're journey progressing?

Wes: I'm doing fine professor. After receiving my Cascade Badge i payed a visit to Bill.

Oak: Oh Bill. You did pretty well. After all you started with an Eevee.

Wes: Yes. After i met him, we payed a visit to the Abandoned Power Plant and came across a certain incident.

Oak: What happened????

Professor Oak was very confused at the mysteriousness of Wes. He tried to figure out what had happened.

Wes: Well its better to show it to you, than hearing about it, from me.

Then Wes send the data his Pokedex got on Zapdos. Then... Silence.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes, six minutes...

Wes: Ummm. Professor Oak are you alright.

After a wait of around 5 seconds.

Oak: Do you know how lucky you are.

Wes: I know.

Wes confirmed professor's Oak's stern words.

Oak: This is a very important scientific find. Did Bill gather any data.

Professor Oak questioned Wes with very hopeful eyes. Its not every day that you can find and research data, of a legendary Pokemon after all.

Wes: Yes. We stayed for four days after the encounter to collect all the data.

Oak: I see. Good luck facing LT.Surge. Sorry but i have to call Bill now.

Wes could clearly discern that Professor Oak was in a hurry.

Wes: You should wait for a bit. After all, he helped me reach Vermilion City on his boat. So he still needs some time to return home.

Oak: Thanks for telling me Wes. Since there is time i guess i should pay him a visit.

Wes: That would be a good idea. See you soon.

Then Wes closed the phone and went towards the exit of the Pokemon Center. While he was close to the exit, his eyes were attracted to a poster that showed a Raichu and a Machoke in an intense physical bout. Wes immediately red, the huge red words on the poster.

" Pokémon Vermilion New Trainer Tournament.

Then in smaller letters were the details of the tournament.

" A Tournament for trainers that have two or three badges. The format of the tournament are 2VS2 Double Battles. The mode is a knock out Tournament. Prizes: 1st place gets 50000 Pokedolars. Two High valued Unbrakeable TMs. two medium Valued Unbrakeable TMs (including the weather change Moves). And finally A high value Pokémon item."

Wes rubbed his eyes again and red the prizes for coming 1st place.

" Wow. This is amazing. Oh the tournament also starts in two days. I should definitely participate."

Then Wes continued to read the poster.

The prizes for coming 2nd place were 25000 Pokedolars. One High valued Unbrakeable TM. One medium Valued Unbrakeable TM (including the weather change Moves). And a medium to high value item.

The prizes for coming 3rd place were 10000 Pokedolars. One medium Valued Unbrakeable TM (including the weather change Moves). And a medium value item.

While The prizes for coming 4th place were 5000 Pokedolars. One low Valued Unbrakeable TM. And a low value item.

Everyone else gets a Sitrus Berry as a consultation prize.

In order to enter the Tournament you must show your Pokedex profile on the registration stuff. You also need to pay 3000 Pokedolars for entry. The top for will also receive back the money they paid for their entry.

" 1st to 3rd place have very good rewards. This is a must win tournament."

Wes then left the Pokemon Center, to visit the Pokemon Gym of Vermilion City. Then he would spend the next day, preparing for the Tournament, that starts in two days from now.


1: Espeon: female LV 29 Ability: Magic Bounce Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden Power-Fire (Baby), Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Bite, Swift, Protect (TM), Refresh, Confusion, Psybeam, Future Sight, Helping Hand (Tutor), Ally Switch (Tutor), Psych Up, Hyper Beam (Tutor).

2: Umbreon: male LV 30 Ability: Synchronize Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Hyper Beam (Tutor), Confuse Ray, Protect (TM), Payback (Tutor), Feint Attack, Charm (tutor), Foul Play (Tutor), Screech, Detect (Tutor), Sucker Punch (Tutor).

3: Nidorino: male. LV 27 Ability: Poison Point Item: no

Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick, Protect (TM), Horn Attack, Bubble Beam (Tutor).

4: Ivysaur: male LV 27 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Protect (TM), Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent.

5: Butterfree: female LV 28 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no

Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Electroweb, Gust, Protect (TM), Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Psybeam, Silver Wind, Supersonic, Safeguard.

6: Charmeleon: male LV 30 Ability: Solar Power Item: no

Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face, Protect (TM), Mega Punch (Tutor), Mega Kick (Tutor), Flamethrower (Tutor).

7: Staryu: LV 27 Ability: Natural Cure Item: no

Moves: Harden, Tackle, Teleport (Baby), Recover (Baby), Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Icy Wind (Tutor), Psywave, Swift, Bubble Beam, Signal Beam (Tutor), Rain Dance (TM), Protect (TM).

8: Magnemite: LV 28 Ability: Magnet Pull Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Supersonic, Gravity (Baby), Shock Wave (Baby), Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb, Light Screen, Magic Coat (Tutor), Sonic Boom, Discharge (Tutor), Mirror Shot, Metal Sound, Protect (TM), Hidden Power-Fire (Tutor).

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