
Chap 42- Actions from the past.(1/2)

Chap 42- Actions from the past.(1/2):


( A/N: Small fix. )



Staring down at the Saiyan who was getting back to his feet with wobbly legs, she frowned.

She had had hit him with a very normal attack for her, or so she thought. Muun probably forgot what race she was from for a second there.

A Saiyan, and being one she could also increase her power by raw emotion alone, she herself must be thinking she's hitting him lightly, but her punches would put a hole through the Saiyan Prince chest if he was hitting him stronger.

And putting it together with her using one of her racial techniques, she basically almost destroyed the one who's forcing himself up, for more serious than she is right now, she still wasn't done yet.

She has lots of things that still need answers, and not fully knowing if the Prince in front of her had them or not, made her hesitate a bit.




Vegeta was out of breath and words.-' H-How.... How did she do this to me!! An Elite!!! How can a rogue Saiyan do such a thing to royalty!?'

He didn't understand, and probably never would, but all this complaining had to come to an end, as he watched as two black military boots entered his camp of vision.

Raising his head to look up at the one who was a tower compared to him by size, her hair just flying in that ponytail that was bound by only a strange orange sphere, her eyes just solemn, it was a strange sight to see.

She didn't hate him mainly because her father was dead probably by him, no she didn't have time to construct and to make such a loving relationship with her blood father, but the memories of her mother talking about him, and showing how happy she was at the time she passed with him.

How she missed him, was what topped it to her, and she was thinking on what to do, and so after a staring competition with the one who was getting up of who could stare more she sighed.

" I, Challenge you for a battle Vegeta, no tricks, just a one on one fight, the best way I like, fully physically."- She was going with her own style.

Powers were cool and all for her, but the feeling of connecting her attacks was way better.

"Ughh.... You girl.... you better don't think a luck shot will bring you anything! This time I will show you the fierce of a real elite! If you wish for us to fight in your terms, so be it!! I will squash you one way or another!!!"


Dashing forward, Vegeta with his hands up ready to punch, gets in hitting range, and executes a full body overhead right punch, aimed to the girl's face, and she just follows it with her eyes.



Smiling as he connects the first attack, he looks triumphantly as her face was moved to the side with her body taking a bit of a slide back.

It was a good feeling for him, but one that was short lives as Muun started to shakily turn back around her head with fist still in there and strong, moving to the side together with her to look at the Prince shocked face and widening eyes.

The Owl face was the same, with the only addition being the drops of blood going down the sides of her mouth.-" Besides being a midget, you hit like a kid, or weaker."

Raising her right hand up, she grabs the other's hair, and acting almost instantly.



"HAAAAA!!!"- *PAMMM!!!*

The prince throws a jab followed by a hook and end it all in the same full overhead swing.

Making Muun head fire back, but her grip being one he couldn't even move, as her upper body was fired back, only her legs stayed in the same place, carved in the ground making huge spider cracks around them.

Now the only thing the other Saiyan could see was her breasts as her head was too far back to be seen.-" You act a lot arrogantly for someone who can't hold some attacks girly!*smirks* AND GET YOUR HAND OUT OF MY DAMN HEAD!!!"

Trying his best to move her head out, just to not even move it one bit, but he feels something.-" HEY!! WHAT ARE YOU!!!?"

He starts being raised up from the ground level by his hair, and as he ascends by his head, Muun leg twitches.

And like she was on the matrix or something she brings her upper body up with her knee, and with the hand she was using to hold the Prince hair, she brings his face to encounter her knee.


"Ouchie..."- A good distance from there, were some of the others who had already woken up, and were watching the show, Krillin being the one to flinch.

By his side were his other two friends, Yamcha and Tien, the last one was massaging his neck, feeling it if everything was perfect as he watched the fight.

"That girl there who's she? You guy's seem to know her."- He asks as he looks at her and then back at his still sleeping friend, Chiaotzu, even after eating a Senzu it seems he was sleeping.

Getting ahead, Krillin stops by the cyclops side.-" Oh her? She's Mumei, she's crazy strong, she helped us with Raditz before, and let me tell you, terrifying girl."

Trembling a bit, he remembers that aura she had when talking to Raditz back then.

"I don't see how Krillin, she is pretty the looker and cute."- Yamcha nodding, adds a compliment of his in the conversation, making the other monk groan and mutters as to why his friend is like that, and probably already forgotten her crazy strength...

"Ughhhh.....grrrr..*crack!*, Uhmmmm... way better, that bastard hit us pretty hard there."- Walking by their side to watch the fight, Piccolo looks forward very confused at why Mumei was repeatedly kneeling the Saiyan's face, over and over again.

"Uhhh, what did I lose? Even the bird seems to be a bit..... in a bad state..."- He looks at her clothes, seeing them a bit roughed up, and a trail of blood going down her nose and mouth.

What made him take a spit take, was that the girl was gritting her teeth and frowning as she repeatedly pummeled the Prince.-" Yep.... definitely lost something...."


"Nop, just got to watching too, sawn her tank some punches and just look back like they're nothing! And that's the same guy who.... y'know... kinda almost killed all of us? But, she got a hand on his hair and is doing that *points at Muun* for a second now, pretty aggressively so even.*PAM!!* ounch....."

Irregular steps can be heard getting closer too by their side too.-"Uhhh... Ah... What did I miss?...Hmmm, *looks at the beating*, OOOHHH!!!! GOOOO OWL GIRLLLL!!! GO!GO!!!!!"

Raditz joins in too, in their audience, and the others just deadpan the excitement of the guy, and he doesn't stop just because of that, he even got some a flag out of nowhere with a chibi Mumei as symbol in it to help.

"Where..... ugh...*puts hand on temples*, forget it, let's see what is going down in here.*PAM!*, well besides that, that must hurt.*smile*"



A voice screams by the side of the girl, but only herself could hear it.-" Uh? What happened?....*looks around confused*, wasn't I punching the midget stomach or something?*looks at hand*.... Ouh.....Well, anyway.*PAM!!!*"

She kneels the Prince one last time, and raises him above in front of her, she focused only on his face, probably took care to not break the skull it seems too, and he turned into a pretty art show.

Blood going down his forehead, both opening of his nose, and down his mouth too, the damage was everywhere, and his eyes fully white and some teeth were missing as well.

"*Frowns* NO! But wasn't he stronger than me!!?? How is he so weak!!!?"- She moved her arm around with the passed out body limp body, pretty pissed that he lost so easily.

But a voice of reason had come for her.-[{ Well.... he is Muun, but you, a second ago was kinda.... how do I phrase this.... in a bad mood? Yeah, and you know very well, the stronger the emotion, the stronger the Saiyan, it seems the hatred you accumulated exploded out.....}]

Hearing Kro, Muun looks at the Prince face and smile, and let's go from his hair, and for a second he falls.


Before she picks him by the mouth, and that action made her lover on the other side wide her eyes.-[{ Muun.... no... bad Muun...BAD Muun!!!!!! DON'T DO THAT!!!}]

"Give me a better challenge will ya?"- She uses her system inventory, and drops one senzu at the palm of her hand, making the Prince eat that down his throat.

The results are almost instant, as his wounds start to close up, and with his body still up from the ground, being held up by his face, it twitches several times.

Until after some more twitching his body stops, and his eyes open slowly, and he immediately noticed his inability to speak, looking down, he sees the same girl who had been beating him without stopping smiling, and that was just for a second, -*BAAM!!*- then next, everything was black, but he could still move.

Muun had dived down with his head, and face planted him inside the ground, and after doing so she took some steps back, just lazily looking forward and scratching her ears as someone with blue hair was shouting at her ears without giving her a break.

"*Sigh* Get up already, or I'mma hulk smash the shit out of you this time, will break more than a..... nose this time..... *whispers* Damnit.... can't remember much what I did to get him to that state.... gonna ask the one shouting to help later. Gold memory, I want to remenber that."



Finally getting his head out of there, Vegeta jumps back and gets back to his feet, looking around confused.-" The hell?....*looks at Muun* YOU!!!!! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!!!! YOU MISERABLE INSOLENT WORM!!!!!"


Steeping forward with a raging fierce, the Saiyan goes for the kill, and seeing him coming, Mumei raises both arms.-" Then come in, be my guest, just don't pass out again this time!!"


Her sclera turning yellow fully, she dashes forward meeting fate to face with the prince halfway from their previous locations.

"DON'T YOU DARE LOOK DOWN ON ME!!!! YOU LOW CLASS TRASH!!!"- Punching with a straight right fist forward like a rocket, he starts the real fight.

Seeing the hand coming for her cheek at high speeds, Muun moves her left arm beneath the prince incoming punch, and in an instant.



She pushes it up, redirecting it, together with all its force, and she brings a back fist to the Saiyan head again, but seeing this one incoming, Vegeta in a display of speed and strength used his free left hand and grabbed Muun's fist, stopping it in place too.

Now both were with the other hand on theirs, and trying to push the other back.

"HAAAAH!!!!!"- At first the Owl was pushing back, but after pushing him back a bit, Vegeta, with a new-found strength pushed her back too, making the girl surprised by the surge in strength from the small one.

The surprise was just for a second as she smirked and started pushing even further from her limits.


Beneath them, the dirt was crying as massive spider cracks formed around them, and more and more were forming up, and the two going lower with the ground level too.

"EHEHE!! NOW YOU'LL PERISH!!! LIKE ALL THOSE THAT PASSED BY HANDS ALSO DID!!! SO GIVE UP ALREADY!!! HAAAH!!!"- His Ki flaring up, he finally starts to push her back with a way greater power difference.

'Yes...Yes...YES!!!!'- But such a thing had a different effect, as he pushed her back, she was smiling wider, starting to forget why she wanted to punch him to death so hard before.

Vegeta seeing his warning had a totally reverse effect, rose an eyebrow at the girl.-" What? Got crazy already? That was fast."

And those were the words that he made.


Before being sent flying back with a fist to the chest as a red and black aura exploded around her for a second.-" FUCKING YES!!! I THOUGHT YOU WOULD STAY AS WEAK AS A SIDE CHARACTER FOREVER OR SOMETHING DWARF!!!"


Criticizing him, she dashes digging her foot on the ground and destroying almost all the cracks and ground from their struggle before, going forward following behind the guy.


A small rock fell right besides the foot of the cyclops.-" Is she..... uhh, okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry, probably getting a happy fight or something. "- Piccolo watching the Owl go after the Prince just smiles.

"But I am enjoying it too, so let her."- Crossing his arms he turns his head to the side, and his ears move a bit as he hears some type of motor like noise.


And right he was, a blue flying truck comes flying in the distance and when it gets closer lands right in front of them.

Gohan and Goku who were talking a bit to the side about what happened got up from there and walked to their new guest, and right on cue, she jumps out of the vehicle.


Bulma, with some casual mechanic clothes and a.... blue scouter?

"Hey woman... now that I remember, what happened to the one I gave of those?"- Pointing a finger at the blue scouter Raditz flags disappear just like they appeared at first.

Answering, she turned her head to him, and by clicking on it.-" *BEP!*, Ten thousand huh...., and as for what? Upgraded it, should be able to calculate with way higher precision now, just need to fix how far, and it would be at least five times better than the one you gave me before, the max should be five hundred thousand if fully calibrated.*smile*"

Opening his mouth and closing, tears started to form at the sides of his eyes, as he smiled widely.-" ARE YOU SEEING THIS DAD!!! I AM STRONG NOW TOO!!!!"

As the long haired man jumps happily with tears in his eyes, the others got closer to get a look on the new invention.

"Hey Bulma! Can you see mine! I bet it's on the ten thousands too!!"- Smiling wildly, Yamcha puffed his chest and aimed his thump at himself.

Sighing, the genius woman answers the baseball player requests with a *BEP!*.-" Four thousand and four hundred.... hmm, pretty strong, almost half of Raditz.*nods*"


Falling to his head, Yamcha's legs twitch as his face just shows how much disappointment he had.

And before anyone needed to ask she started to point a finger at everyone.-" *BEP!*

Piccolo.... seven thousand.....*BEP!* Little Gohan.... Wow, five thousand and five hundred, even stronger than Yamcha.... and he still a kid..."

The comment made the man groan and cry even more.

"Hmmm,*click*,*BEP!*, Tien and Chiaotzu, almost six thousand and three thousand and three hundred, sounds good.... soooo who's left behind? Hmmmm...."


"Hmm?"- Bulma turns around, seeing that someone touched her shoulder, and seeing a very embarrassed Krillin, and she made an 'Oh' sound like understanding who it was.

And nodding.-"*BEP!*, Five thousand and three hundred.... yeah you guys are monsters.... now I understand how behind we non fighters are.... gosh...*BEP!* Hmm? FIFTEEN THOUSAND?!"

Turning around like crazy, her little digital circle signaling where it was coming from leads her to the orange and blue clothed full Saiyan.-" Hai Bulma! How are you doing?"

And she just sweats.-" I am not even impressed for some motive...."




Everyone who were awake turns their head to various massive explosions that happens on the distance, one after the other.

The strongest ones could see glimpses of them appearing and disappearing exchanging fists and kicks, both seemingly in equal field.

Mumei was flying following the raging Saiyan close behind with more and more attacks, and Vegeta was giving back the retaliation with even stronger hits, but both were blocking and dodging, as they flew all around the air.

The eyes of the Owl were never going away from her enemy, moving at speeds one would think impossible, and taking note of that, her enemy stopped flying for a bit and passed the back of his hand by his face getting a bit of blood in there.

At that moment the one who was keeping with him casually ascended in front of him with a smug face, enjoying a good fight, as her dad's genes were going full out in giving her the thrill of the battle, and her tail moved like a happy cat.

Staring at the other's yellow sclera, Vegeta widened his eyes, finally remembering it.-" YOU GIRL! Now I understand! You are part of those idiots who refused Frieza's request to join him, right? Ehehehe, now I understand why you were so familiar, I gave a hand on the last year there, giving a hand on the hunts.*smiles*"

Saying that broke our bird out of her excitement, and she frowned looking at him.-" What you want to gain by telling me that? I may have been born there, but I don't have any memories of it for your information..."- Why would he tell her that? But nonetheless it was more information for her.

Clenching a hand in front of her, she just stares forward at the Prince, who laughs a little before answering.-"Ouh~ Nothing at all, just that some of them had eyes similar to yours, even a woman that looked exactly like you that fled, but those birds all had the same three colors for hair, so it could just be me."

Speaking about one that had fled, Muun flinched by that, and for her disliking the other party did indeed notice, and tried remembering what more happened there as he had one of his hands behind his back.

"Yeah, I remember! When we raided that place, one of us thought it was going to be a good idea to try and change sides on the last seconds, heh, it didn't take long for him to regret as I was close by for his misfortune. But that's not for the time, now.."

As he explains a bit more, he also gets his hand that was behind himself forward, and the frown that was on the girl's face changed quickly to a surprised one when she sawed a white energy sphere.

Seeing that, her next Instinct was to fire a hand forward and charge a blast, but in the time she did that.



The prince had fired it upwards and together as her blast had hit him that one too exploded on the skies above them.

Her blast left smoke everywhere around the Saiyan, and her focus got back to the skies with both eyes close.-'FUCK!!! KRO HELP ME AIM! I CAN'T TRANSFORM OR EVERYONE IS FUCKED IN HERE!'

[{OKAY!! BUT THIS IS YOUR DOING!! REMEMBER THAT!! *Sigh*, Stretch your arm forward.... there, now aim a little to the left..... there.... up.....up.... There!! Fire!}]

Having her arm fully aligned with the fake moon she soon charged a blast, but destiny isn't the best for her, and wanting to fight more would cause things she didn't plan at first.


"WHAT!?-" Something very hair gets out of the smoke and catches Muun in one hand.

"Like I would let your girl! You're smart for going for that, and I don't know what you did before for me to get back to full health, but as thanks, I WILL SHOW YOU A TASTE OF BEING CRUSHED TO DEATH!"

A very deep voices speaks to her.

Closing his hand with a tremendous strength, Mumei was struggling to push it away from her, as her body trembled at how much force she was exercising to not be crushed.

"THIS!! IS NOT GOOD!!!! GRRRRR!!!!"- Being pretty regretful at her decision before she tried her best to not die.

On the ground, the other's just saw a giant armored monkey rise from the smoke that was created by the bird seconds ago.

Being the first to move, Raditz puts both hands on the smaller Gohan's eyes while closing his for the time being.-" No, don't look at that kiddo, you guy's, better get out of here, or attack from far away, things just got messy, I will help up there and try to give her a hand.*turns head to Gohan*, At least one of you get out with Gohan, and don't let him look at that light, you hear me right"

Krillin finally understanding what the older one was saying, gets by his side and puts both hands on the child shoulders.-" Okay Raditz, I will help in, it seems things got pretty bad now huh.*looks at Muun struggling*, the girl too isn't better there."

"FUUUUUCCKKKKK!!!!"- A loud and far shout comes from her as a massive black and red aura explodes out from Muun, making the big ape flinch as her eyes turn fully black and the two glowing red irises frown even further as she pushes more of her way out.

'She's... getting stronger!!! What is she?'- Seeing he will not be able to hold her down furthermore with just one hand since her aura was burning his palm too, the Prince brings her to the side with his arm in a baseball throwing position.



As she is sent flying to the side where the others are, Muun tries to explode her Ki out to stop her Momentum, but it only slows her down, so seeing this, she waits until she gets to ground level.


And envelopes the maximum of Ki she can around her body and makes an 'x' pose with her arms and legs when she hits the ground, knocking even her powered state out of her.




"Ughhhhhhh....mah butt hurts...."

Second part just needs editing.


Had to separate them, because my laptop couldn't handle almost 8k words together lol.~ye

ReyKalecreators' thoughts
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