
Chapter 55

Kingdom of Alba…

Avery's pov;

After talking for some more time , the king decided to send me back himself . He insisted even after I told him it was unnecessary.

What is the conclusion after this conversation? I take from this that I will have to get used to things like this happening often where I will have to lay down and keep low for peace to prevail in this palace for as long as I am a concubine and I have a superior ranked woman above me.

Before this I had never cared about positions or ranks but now I see that the only way for me to feel free and be truly myself here is for me to go up in ranking and gain an honorable title for myself and for my house.

I am not the same lady who entered these palace gates once , I am a woman who has learnt lessons worth abiding by.

We ride in the same carriage , a privilege not many can get . The king's carriage is for him and the Queen at most , me being here is a great proof of honor he is giving me and I appreciate it.

The king and I have made up , at least in theory .

I don't have hatred in my heart for him , I understand what he had to do in that moment I just don't like the manner it was performed in.

I truly felt abandoned at that moment in that room and I felt wronged , I never want to feel that way again but nonetheless I am grateful for his majesty's honesty and kindness , he didn't have to give me an explanation but he did .

Soon enough we reach my quarters and we head inside the compound.

As soon as we enter I see the maids still cleaning up the walls from the food attack this morning.

Oh no , I didn't want anyone to know about this , this going to create even more drama but maybe it will also be the moment where I show proof of what has been conspiring against me.

"What is the meaning of this? What is all this mess?" The king asks and all the servants look at him and bow continuously.

Heizel and Hygai come out of the house as well , alarmed by the voice of authority.

I touch his arm and hold him still then tell him,

"This morning fruits and different other foods were thrown at our walls and windows. They have been cleaning this since dawn"

He sighs and holds his eyebrows together in distress and asks "who?"

I look at Heizel and she tells me to just say it.

"It was the other concubines , I assume they heard the news that I attacked the Queen and that I caused her child's death and so they came here to vent and show their support to the Queen in their own way" I explain trying to filter as much as possible.

Then one servant stands up and comes forward and kneels in front of the king and says ,

"My king , it is not only that . The other ladies came screaming and yelling scandalous and vile accusing words to miss Ethera. They called her a witch , a murderer and a home wrecker . My lady is too kind and is still trying to lessen the truth but this is all of it . I swear"

I look at her asking why she said it and she just says sorry and goes back to her work.

"Why didn't you tell me of this?" The king asks me with worry in his eyes. He feels bad.

"I didn't want to cause a scene with the other ladies and plus with all the bad rumors rotating around me I didn't want to add to that so I decided to keep it low profile"

He then answers very quickly "No Ethera when things like happen next time you tell me immediately, I don't want this to pile up and become something bigger over time . I will have those responsible felt with , they shall receive punishment so that it can be clear that I do not condone such behaviors , especially among sisters , this has to stop . I will talk to Thelma about this as well as she seems to be at the top of this chain." I agree , the Queen might not have asked for them to do it but they know she got their backs so they won't be punished for it . Well now they will . Bad karma always comes for bad people as grandma Anne always says.

"Look sunshine, just because you are the youngest it doesn't mean you should accept everything they throw at you. I know you have a fighting spirit in you , use it . Don't let them step on you and don't worry , when it gets too much I am right here ready to take over" he says and tucks my hair behind my ear . That is very king of him to say but I needed these words. Sometimes I act too kind and accept things because I don't want to be a bad person and hurry the other . But Avery always says to give back you get so I am going to have to start doing exactly that.

"Your grace , Duke Tobryl has arrived and awaits you in the throne room" An officer comes and informs us.

"I will be right there" the king responds.

I hug him and bask in his comfort one last time today before letting him go to his duties.

"You May go" I tell him in a whisper.

"Oh so now you give me orders? I kind of like that. Power looks good on you sunshine" he says and we both laugh.

"I like you like this , all smily . I will make sure you stay joyful as such for the rest of our lives together. That is a promise" he says and places a kiss on my forehead.

I smile at his fluttering words and bid him farewell for now.

"I assume it went well? Look at you blushing" Heizel teases and I just nod looking back dreamily at the carriage as it fades away from my sight.

Maybe we can still make a difference.

Maybe my life in this palace doesn't have to be so dull and sad after all.

Helga's pov;

I am back again in Alba. The amulet recharged itself I guess because I was suddenly pulled back here, I have to understand how this thing works though because I don't like how it works when it wants and not when I need it to.

Another reason to get a hold of my uncle Helton.

But for now I have to get back to the harem and find an excuse as to why I disappeared suddenly from the palace. I can't afford to blow my cover.

I tiptoe to the kitchens and try to pass without meeting any important people.

Almost there.

"Ah! Look who decided to come back ! Helga" I look behind me to see another maid girl whom I don't know .

"Uh yeah , I had family emergency so I had to leave in a rush" I explain totally making the story up and she seems to believe me so we all good.

"Oh I hope everything is fine now" I just nod and I am about to leave when she decides to catch me up on the latest events in the harem.

You know these girls gossip a little too much in my opinion but I like some drama so why not and plus it is not like I am excited to go start cleaning the dishes and doing other chores.

"So what happened?" I ask and we actually move to a quieter place to talk , to avoid bumping into Marylin.

She then starts telling me about the Queen apparently loosing her child , miscarriage but no one even her knew she was pregnant which makes it even more dramatic.

Then she says that that girl Ethera from the brunch the other day was being accused of killing the baby to take her revenge on the Queen because of the humiliation and hate she suffered on numerous occasions . And apparently there was a fight in the Queen's chambers and the girl Ethera was on house arrest for days as punishment but then they cleared her name but then everyone hates her or at least the other wives do.

"Oh wow that is a lot" I say once she finishes to narrate the story.

"I am telling you . Everyday there are new problems arising from these women . It is really becoming insane" she comments and I couldn't agree more with that. Thankfully I don't have to deal with all that.

I have more important things to deal with anyways, no time for women rivalry , I have enough of that back home with my cousin.

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