
Semester Start

After the results were announced, with everyone but Bakugo passing because of his aggressiveness, Class 1-A boarded the bus and made their way back to campus.

"Good job to those who passed. To those who didn't, don't feel discouraged. You have a way forward." said Aizawa, looking at Bakugo for the latter part.

"Now then, remember classes go back to normal tomorrow, so get some rest." he said before leaving.

"Alright everyone you heard him, we've had an exciting and tiring day so let's try to get some rest." said Tobias.

"Yeah, I'm tired. And sweaty." said Mina.

"But..." said Tobias with a sly smile.

"But?" said Denki.

"But it wouldn't be right for us not to celebrate getting our provisional licenses. So, let's have a feast!" said Tobias as a giant buffet table with all kinds of different food appeared behind him. From Japanese food like ramen and tonkatsu to American food like hamburgers and BBQ.

"Yeah!" said everyone as they rushed to serve themselves.

"Tobias' food, how I've missed you so." said Denki with tears in his eyes as he grabbed a plate and started filling it with Texas-style brisket.

"Uh, should we be celebrating?" said Midoriya with a look of concern as he looked at Bakugo.

"Ah, sorry, Bakugo." said Tobias.

"Tch, whatever. I'll get my license anyways." he said before he turned to leave.

"Hold it there, partner." said Tobias, appearing in front of him.

"What?" growled Bakugo.

"I know you didn't pass, and that sucks, but since you're going to pass it in the future anyways, consider this an early celebration. Join in on the fun." said Tobias.

"Fine." said Bakugo after a few moments of silently staring at Tobias.

"That's what I like to hear. Now, everyone, feel free to fill up and ask for seconds! There's plenty to go around!" said Tobias.



"Uhh, I feel like I'm about to pop." said Mina as she lay down on the floor with a bulging stomach.

"Me too." said Denki, with a similar appearance.

"Me three." said Eijiro.

"Overindulgence is bad, and leads to indigestion." said Ida as he stood over the three.

"Ida. Roll me to the baths." said Denki.

"No, getting up and walking there will help with your overindulgence." said Ida.

"Ugh. Ugh." said Denki as he tried to stand up before just laying back down.

"No good. Guess I'll just sleep here." he said, closing his eyes.

"Here, grab my hand. Both of you." said Tobias as Eijiro and Denki grabbed his outstretched hand before Tobias pulled them to a standing position with ease.

"Whoa. You're hiding some real power under there." said Denki poking Tobias' arm.

"Yeah, you have to tell me how you got those." said Eijiro poking Tobias' other arm.

"What, did you think my muscles were for show?" said Tobias, flexing.

"A little. I mean you mostly use ranged abilities, so I thought it was more for show. You know, to get the ladies." he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ahh! What was that?!" said Denki after being buzzed.

"Oops. Sorry." said Kyoka waving her jacks around with no remorse on her face.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late so let's all turn in." said Tobias, smiling at his girlfriend's antics.

"Ugh, back to normal classes." said Mina as she floated away to the baths, courtesy of Uraraka, while everyone dispersed to get ready for sleep.

"Meet me out front later."

Turning to see where he overheard that, Tobias saw Bakugo passing by Midoriya, who had a confused look on his face.

'Sneaking out late at night, eh? Well, as class president it's only right I follow them to make sure they're not up to no good.' thought Tobias.


After taking a bath, Tobias put on his invisibility cloak and snuck out to the front of the dorms, to wait for Bakugo and Midoriya.

'I wonder what Bakugo wants with Midoriya. Maybe he knows about Midoriya getting his quirk from All Might. Or, could it be? A confession?' thought Tobias.

'No, I doubt it. I know Midoriya likes Uraraka. It's so obvious, everyone knows. But Bakugo on the other hand, who knows. He's never shown any interest in anything besides being a hero. At least from what I've seen.'

While Tobias was thinking back on all the interactions he's had with Bakugo, the two suspects in question came out of the dorm before walking off.

'I'll keep my distance. I know Bakugo's instincts are good. Don't want to be caught.' thought Tobias before trailing the two all the way to Ground Beta.

'Oh, don't tell me they're going to fight? That's a little boring. If that's all they're gonna do, I'll go back to the dorms.' thought Tobias as he scaled the outside of a building before sitting on the rooftop, overlooking the two.

After a long conversation where Bakugo told Midoriya he knew that he got his quirk from All Might, the two began to fight.

'Man. I thought it would be something more interesting. Oh well, might as well get some sleep.' thought Tobias before scaling the building back down and going back to the dorms.


The next morning, Tobias awoke early before sneaking out to train.

Sneaking into the woods before setting up the soundproof and invisible room, he then released Dratini, who had decided to sleep in his room.

"Dratini." he said.

"You're getting bigger. You used to be so small." said Tobias, rubbing Dratini's head. When Tobias first got Dratini, he was only a little bigger than .5 meters, but now he was at least 1.2 meters.

"Dratini." he said, holding his head up.

"I wonder when you'll evolve. Then I can ride you to fly places."


"No, that's not the only reason I want you to evolve. Once you evolve, I'll be more comfortable with having you out. Even though I can always call you back no matter what, I'd rather you evolve first. So you can protect yourself. Better anyways. I know you're strong enough to deal with most villains on your own at the moment."

"Dratini." he said with a determined look on his face.

"You want to fight me? Okay. But I won't go easy on you." said Tobias.

"But this cube is too small for us to fight properly. I'll use a card I've been meaning to try out." said Tobias before pulling out a card and throwing it on the ground.

"Field, activate." said Tobias before the card shone with a bright light that expanded, swallowing up Dratini and Tobias.

"Another Ultimate Move for me." said Tobias with a smile, as he took a look around his surroundings.

Before, he and Dratini were in a forest on U.A. grounds at night, but now they were in a giant field of green with blue skies and bright sun.

"Dratini?" he asked, looking around confused.

"It's okay. We're in a sub-space that I can get us out of whenever I want. Or if someone destroys the card. Anyway, here we can go all out. For an hour, then we get kicked out." said Tobias.


"Okay, here we go."


"Alright, everyone, single file. Let's not dilly-dally on our way to the grounds." said Tobias to his classmates, which did not include Bakugo and Midoriya.

Sometime after Tobias went back to his dorm, the two were caught by the security bots and Aizawa was informed. After their fight, they were both punished with lockdown which included missing 3 days of class for Midoriya, 4 for Bakugo, missing the ceremony, and having to clean the entire dorm.

"Yes, sir." said Denki, mock-saluting.

"Hey, Class A, I heard the news! One of you! I hear one of you failed the licensing exam!" said Monoma with a mocking smile as he made his way towards Class 1-A with the rest of Class B right behind.

"Wait, don't tell me. Were you the only one to fail in your class again?" asked Eijiro.

"Hahahaha." laughed Monoma before turning around.

"Not gonna answer?"

"Every single one of us passed. The tables are turning, Class A." said Monoma posing with Class B behind him.

"He's certainly one for showmanship." said Tobias.

"Our Teacher Vlad says we will have classes together this term. It will be much fun!" said a Class B student who had horns and hooves in broken Japanese.

"Oh, American?" asked Tobias in English.

"Oh?! You speak English!" she said, walking up to Tobias with sparkles in her eyes.

"Yes, I do. My mom's American so I learned when I was younger. Tobias, nice to meet you." said Tobias, sticking his hand out.

"Oh, I'm so happy to find someone else who can speak English. I'm Pony Tsunotori, I was born in America with Japanese ancestors, so I decided to come to Japan to learn more about my heritage." she said, shaking Tobias' hand.

"Whoa, I forget Tobias is half-American. And he can speak English too. No wonder his English scores are always the best." said Eijiro.

"Looks like you have some competition." said Denki, teasing Kyoka.

"Ahh!" he said after being buzzed.

"Humph." said Kyoka.

"Hey, the line's backing up here!" said Shinso.

"Oops, sorry Pony. It's been nice talking to you, but we have to get going. I'll see you later." said Tobias before moving the line along with the rest of his classmates.

"Must be nice." said Kyoka to Tobias who joined her after getting everyone moving.


"Speaking to someone with so much in common."

"You mean Pony? She's nice and can speak English which means my mom will like her. And she looks like she won't be mean to me." said Tobias.

"Why don't you date her then if you like her so much?" said Kyoka.

"I'm just teasing you. You're way better than her. Besides, my mom pretty much sees you as her daughter."

"99 points." said Kyoka, smiling.

"99? Why not 100?"

"Because you teased me."



After a long and winded speech by the principal, class was back in session.

"All right. We're back to our regular classes. A lot's happened. Too much really, but now it's business as usual. Today in class we'll just have a lecture, but look forward to some even harsher training throughout the second semester." said Aizawa.

"May I ask a question, sensei?" said Tsuyu.


"We just heard about work studies at the opening ceremony. Could you explain a bit more?"

"I was planning to go over all that at a later date, but well fine. I suppose it makes sense to explain it now. Put simply, it's hero work outside of school. A more immersive version of the internships you already did with Pro Heroes." he explained.

"So what was the point of trying so hard at the sports festival?" asked Uraraka.

"You'll be using your networking connections from the sports festival to secure your hero work studies. It's all at your discretion to start with and is unrelated to classes here. Those of you who didn't get scouted at the sports festival will have a hard time finding positions anyway.

Years ago, it used to be that agencies would seek out applicants, but the competition over U.A. students caused a lot of stress. So that's why things are how they are now.

Those provisional licenses will give you extended in-depth experience when it comes to this stuff. But keep in mind that there's virtually no precedent for licensed first-years. With the sudden outburst of villain activity, the possibility of first-year work studies is being given cautious consideration. But we'll revisit this later." he said.

'I'm assuming they will let us do work study considering everything that's happened and is bound to happen in the future. I could go for another agency with a high-ranking hero, but I feel like she would catch wind of it and drag me away.' thought Tobias before shuddering at the thought of an angry Mirko.

"You okay?" whispered Kyoka.

"Yeah, just some bad thoughts."

"Right, sorry to keep you waiting. Mic." said Aizawa before Present Mic walked in.

"Okay, so first period is English! The class I teach! I bet you've been eager to see me take the stage again, huh?!"




Sorry for the absence of chapters last week and Monday, finals week was hell, and yesterday was my last final. ಥ_ಥ

Thankfully the semester is over which means consistent uploads on MWF. Two guaranteed this week for WF, and maybe one to make up for Monday's missed one as well. No guarantees on the makeup though, since I want to get a stockpile going for any unforeseen events.

Also, I noticed there was an influx of new readers for some reason, but welcome. Don't expect too much from me since this is mostly for my entertainment and I'm nowhere near being a good writer. As I'm sure you've managed to tell if you've gotten this far. Either way, I hope you enjoy.

Thirty-sixth chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

RubberPeencreators' thoughts
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