
Final Exam

A/N: Hello guys, long time no talk. I've been in a pretty sour mood recently, not being able to type much. I'm pretty sure I've got RSI, with symptoms in my hands, wrists and arms. I've been to physio once but no solution so far, going again in a couple of days. I'm limited to writing a few hundred words in a day before it gets worse. Symptoms are getting slightly better(fingers crossed).

Just recently got a cold with a sore throat as well, so need to give my body some more rest. Anyway, for now here's an update. Hope you guys enjoy.


"Now, we will begin the practical exam." Aizawa stated.

The entirety of class 1A stood there in the hero costumes, each of them with a look of determination on their faces. They had spent the past couple of weeks training their quirks all for this exam. They needed to pass.

"Of course, you can fail this exam, just like any other, so if you want to go to the training camp, then pass."

"Why are all the teachers here?" Jirou asked. "Shouldn't they be doing, y'know, teacher stuff?"

"Now that you mention it. Even Akira is here!" Mashirao pointed out.

Aizawa continued, "I expected that you all did your own information gathering and have some idea of what you're doing."

Kaminari leaned back, a smile on his face, "We're fighting those pieces of junk from the entrance exam aren't we? Jeez, you guys need to stop using Robots all the time, it's too obvious!"

"Fireworks! Curry! Test of courage! Here I come to camp!" Mina cheered.

"Too bad," Aizawa's scarf started shuffling, slowly getting larger until the principal suddenly popped out. "For various reasons, the exam will be different this time!"

"Nezu!" The students said in shock.

"From today onwards, we are focusing on person-to-person combat and hero work instead of fighting robots, so…You will form up in teams of 2 to fight two on one against one of the teacher's."


"In addition, to save you all the worry about choosing the perfect partner, we have already chosen these teams, as well as who you will be up against. These were determined by me based on a number of factors, so here are the teams!"

"First up, we have Momo and Shinso, up against…"

Aizawa let out a rare grin, showing off his scarf, "Me!"

"Bakugo and Todoroki, you will be up against…" Nezu tried to hide the smile on his face.

"Me." Akira smiled. "Don't worry, I will be wearing these weights, not that they really restrict me. I'll go easy on you, don't worry." Akira said, totally not easing their worries.

Todoroki glared at Akira with a look befitting of the right side of his quirk, while Bakugo raged and fumed, letting out a string of profanities that no one wanted to hear.

"Well, let's get on the bus and get this over with I suppose." Akira said nonchalantly, walking past the students and over to the vehicle. Sitting on the back of the bus, Akira observed both Bakugo and Todoroki who were far apart from each other.

Due to Izuku not being here, many things had changed. For starters, Todoroki had yet to use his fire, and instead of interning with Endeavour like in the original timeline, he chose to intern with Tsuyu at Selkie's. Bakugo, well, he was still the same, which was basically a lone wolf with anger issues.

If Akira fought these two at even a fraction of his strength, he would wipe the floor with them, so he needed to instead take a different approach. If Bakugo and Todoroki wanted to win, then they would both have to overcome their weaknesses. Todoroki would have to use his fire, while Bakugo would have to work with him.

Stepping off the bus, Akira gave the two students one last look before disappearing in a flash to the gates of the ground. The place where the exam would take place was where All Might had fought Akira for his exam.

Placing a hand to his chin, Akira tilted his head as he pondered on the best <Orders> going forward.

He sharply smiled, having thought of the perfect combination.

"⭐I can manipulate ice⭐"

"⭐I can manipulate explosions⭐"

He would use their own powers against them, literally.

He registered that the buzzer had went off, signalling the start of the exam. Akira took a seat at the entrance, waiting for the top 2 students of class 1A to directly come at him. It was 5 minutes later when Todoroki arrived on his own, which Akira expected. He had the same blank look on his face, but his body on edge and combat ready.

"Where is your teammate?" Akira asked.

"He decided to go off on his own, which I'm really not bothered about. I'll defeat you by myself and pass this exam."

Akira raised an eyebrow, "Oh really? Did you forget what happened last time?"

Todoroki's glare was as cold as ice forming on his body, "You caught me off guard. It won't be the SAME!" Todoroki touched the ground with his hand, and a field of ice was formed, massively expanding in a short second to create a huge glacier which eclipsed all of the buildings.

Akira held out his hand, pushing the ice structure back to Todoroki. The gaping mountain of ice was pushed the opposite direction, carrying the momentum of both Akira's and Todoroki's manipulations.

Akira chuckled, wishing he could see the face of Todoroki, though it would most likely still be blank. He glanced upwards, hearing a shimmer of ice and saw that Todoroki had glided upwards, away from the glacier and onto a nearby building.

Running towards the massive ice structure, Akira slid his way up it the same way Todoroki had done. Now on the top of the mountain, Akira was able to see everything. The entire exam site, the forest surrounding it, and Todoroki below him, breathing in heavy bouts of cold air.

In response, the son of Endeavor created a wall of ice, protecting him from the attack. Akira laughed, continuing to vigorously throw spikes at the constantly wavering barrier.

"I must imagine your beginning to get cold now Todoroki, stuck in the ice barrier!" Akira stated. He knew the statement was true, as he had begun to get a slight chill as well. "If you used your fire side, all of that frost would go away!" He shouted as he continued to launch spikes of ice from the mountain.

"I will never use my fathers power!" Todoroki replied with rage in his voice.

Before Akira could form a response, he was forced to deal with Bakugo who had peaked out from a nearby building and shot up towards him with his explosions.

"Got you!" Bakugo let out a feral grin as he let go of the pin on his grenade. A massively condensed explosion was released, covering Akira's vision with orange. The pure heat from the explosion was enough to instantly vaporise all of the cold hehad begun to accumulate.

Akira smirked, "Nice try." He willed the explosion into a small ball of heat and shockwaves, launching it back at Bakugo.

"!" Bakugo's hands sparkled orange, desperately trying to escape his own attack, but he was too late. It was like a miniature sun had exploded, filling the air with dust and ash and smoke. When all of it was cleared, it revealed a slightly burned Bakugo, sweating and breathing profusely.

"Must be hot right? How's it like to have a taste of your own medicine? Y'know, it would be perfect if someone had the ability to make ice to cool down your body wouldn't it? But I forgot this was a single person exam."

"Tch!" Bakugo tutted, raising his hands again to launch himself upwards while Todoroki went on the offensive. Using their own quirks against them, Akira easily defended himself against the problem students.

"That's your problem Bakugo! You always want to be the lone wolf! You need to work with other people, even All Might does it!" Akira shouted at the burned Bakugo, who adopted a shocked look on his face.

"You saw the raid on the Yakuza right? It was organised by All Might who asked for help from heroes and hundreds of police officers!" Akira threw an explosion Todoroki's at the wave of ice Todoroki sent, nullifying it.

He narrowed his eyes on Bakugo, expecting another attack, but to his surprise Bakugo instead travelled all the way to Todoroki. There were a few hush whispers shared between them before Todoroki started cooling down Bakugo's body and Bakugo started heating up Todoroki with small explosions.

He smiled.

"Y'know." Akira started as he launched another wave of ice at them. The mountain Todoroki had conjured was big enough Akira could keep this up for hours. "Teaming up won't help you at all. Bakugo, your teammate isn't even taking this seriously. You know rom the sports festival right? Despite how much you pleaded for him to use his fire side, he never would. It's the same case here, and the reason you will lose."

Todoroki snarled, "I'm never using my father's side! I'll become a hero without it, solely with my mothers side!"

"Oh really?" Akira raised an eyebrow, "And what will you do if someone is dying of frostbite, if someone is freezing to death, and they need warmth to survive? You will just make their death quicker!" He chuckled a loudly, sending another large wave of ice outwhich were repelled by Bakugo's explosions.

"Dammit Half n Half, you need to use your fire side!" Bakugo screamed.

"I'M NEVER USING MY FATHER'S QUIRK!" Todoroki screamed back.

Bakugo found himself unable to defend against the hail of spikes. His body was painted with various small cuts from his face to his feet. Bakugo's face clenched, and he said, "Dammit Half n Half! It's not your fathers quirk! It's your own quirk, engrained in your body, in your DNA! It's nobody else's, and no shit bag of a father can take take that away from you."

Akira begun to focus his attacks on Bakugo. He flew in the air, but the rush of spikes constantly being thrown at him, with his attack nullified before they could barely form made his situation very disadvantageous.

Bakugo gritted his teeth, "Shit!" Akira was just about to finish him off, but just as he was about to send out a final wave of ice, there was a flash of orange at the side of his vision.


A pillar of fire erupted from Todroki, dousing the pillar of ice and slowly melting it. The ice was now fragile and losing form, and Akira couldn't find any steady footing, so he was forced the slide down.

Todoroki and Bakugo regrouped, whispering amongst themselves. They were quiet, quiet enough that Akira would be able to hear, but Akira had learned how to lip read years ago.

"It seems he can only control ice and explosions." Todoroki pointed out.

"Yeah, I noticed that. Are you fine with using your fire now?"

"For now," Todoroki responded, "There's only one way we can win this. Overwhelm him with heat."


"He can control ice and explosions. I will use my fire to attack him, and my ice to cool me down only. You use your explosions only when he is distracted. If the situation is right, then put him in handcuffs, but if not, we overwhelm him with heat."

Bakugo remained silent.

"Do you not agree with the plan?" Todoroki asked.

Bakugo shook his head, "No, the plan is good. I just didn't know you could talk that much. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." Todoroki shot him a deadpan look. "Anyway, let's do this."

"You guys had enough time to talk about your awful plan?" Akira asked, "No matter what you'll do, I can just throw it right back at you."

"Really?" Todoroki shot another pillar of fire at Akira, who dodged the attack. Bakugo followed him, releasing small explosions to stay close to Akira. He shot off another explosion, but instead of aiming it at Akira, he shot it into the ground.


A large sheet of dust filled the air, making Akira unable to see. He tried to escape, but another beam of fire narrowly missed him. Akira closed his eyes, trying to find any possible explosions to use, but there was nothing.

He silently smirked, 'So they caught on?' He thought. They had both gotten past their underlying issues, and realised that was his goal, so he wouldn't change his powers. Well, in his eyes…they passed.


Akira let himself be handcuffed from Bakugo who covered his mouth with his other hand. They earned this victory.


The buzzer sounded, signalling the end of the exam. Bakugo grinned, but he soon began coughing as all of the dust in the air went into his lungs. A moment later, all of it disappeared.

"Congratulations, you pass." Akira said.

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