
Chapter 71

And lastly, there was another lady with bright blood-red hair and a pirate eyepatch over her left eye.

She wore a Japanese samurai getup and right now she had a bottle of whisky in her left hand while a very real and very sharp katana was in her right hand.

She and Cana were having a friendly competition on who could take out more people.

Well, it seems the girls were having fun and that's all that matters.

But one can't help to wonder...how the hell did this fight even start.


{2 Days Later: Osaka - Japan}

Today was the day, Ekko was finally going to take Rangiku out on a date. The place he had decided to take her for their date was Osaka, universal Japan.

He even booked a hotel for the night before they headed back home tomorrow.

Ekko wasn't as nervous as he thought he was going to be but was hoping that this date would go smoothly.

Ekko was waiting outside the entrance to get into universal Japan when he felt a pair of familiar hands cover his eyes from behind.

" Guess who." Rangiku asked with a coy but excited smile.

" Mhhh, wait let me think,*gasp* could it be the world-famous action movie star, Ryan Reynolds." Ekko asked in shock.

" Who???" Rangiku asked confused.

" No one important...you ready to head inside," Ekko asked as he turned around and checked Rangiku out.

Her clothes were more casual today as she was wearing some timberland boots, Blue Jean overalls, and a cute cream crop top. She was also borrowing one of my snapbacks as she wore it on her head backward.


" You look cute by the way...huh did you change your shampoo as well." Ekko asked as he noticed Rangiku smelling fruitier than usual.

" Fufu~ I knew you would notice, and yes I'm ready so what are we waiting for let's go haha!" Rangiku grabbed Ekko's arm and hugged it while dragging him inside, and all Ekko could do was obediently follow.

Before going on any of the rides Rangiku wanted to take a few photos in front of the big universal ball.

Once they got there Ekko took out his phone and took a few really good photos before Rangiku dragged him to take some with her.

In the end, she found one she really liked and posted it on her social media.

Because of the huge success of Ruben's show, Rangiku has become a small-time sensation in the world of fashion and her follower count had risen from just a few hundred to 26 thousand. And it didn't seem to be stopping any time soon.

She had already been offered places by other modeling agencies but she turned them down as Ruben had decided to take her under his wing and nurture her.

Once the pictures were taken the couple decided to walk around the area and play a few carnival games.

Though a crowd of people around a certain water tank booth caught their attention. When Ekko asked about it the guy over the water hadn't been dunked all day and even if some people got close they all failed in the end.

" Mh! Sounds interesting, wanna have a crack at it." Ekko asked turning to his partner.

Rangiku just gave him a smirk and walked forwards, when a few men standing around saw Rangiku they couldn't help but blush and stare, even if their girlfriends or wives were right beside them.

" Hahaha, a new challenger approaches, only to probably fail like the rest, hey cutey since you've made my day with that pretty face of yours how about I give ya three free throws, if ya manage to dunk me ill give you any prize on the wall...so are ya up for the challenge."

The man that was sitting above the water said in an obnoxious tone, but Ekko knew that's how these games went.

They would hire someone annoying or who was good at pissing people off so they would miss because of anger.

Though that wouldn't explain why the guy hadn't been dunked all morning, that's when he noticed that the target was made harder to trigger.

Rangiku dident seem to care for the three free throws and replied with a smile." No need, one throw is all I need." She picked up a baseball from the basket and played with it a bit.

" What's the matter missy too afraid to throw the b...EHH!!!" Before he could say anything more Rangiku pulled back her arm like a professional baseball player and threw the ball with a frightening amount of power.


The ball hit the target right on the bullseye but didn't stop there and actually broke the target causing the heckler to finally be dunked under the watchful eye of the crowd.

Those that had been trying to take him down all morning cheered while others couldn't help but stare at Rangiku in amazement.

"Wow!!!" The crowd collectively gasped while also cheering for Rangikus awesome throw. Ekko was also smiling and watched as Rangiku blew her finger like a gun and walked to the prize area where she picked up a giant Teddy bear.

But instead of keeping it, she gave it to a kid who really looked like they wanted to have it. Rangiku smiled and ruffled the kid's hair before skipping her way back to his side.

" You never told me you were good at carnival games." Ekko said.

" Humph, there's a lot you still don't know about me, but that's the adventure is it not, should we continue."

" Let's get going then, we should visit the Hogwarts area first and buy a wand before going on the rides and then getting something to eat."

"Sounds like a plan." Rangiku said not caring what she did as long as it was with Ekko.

Holding hands along the way the pair made it to the wizarding area and looked around all the shops in amazement before going to Ollivander's to get a wand.

There were thousands of boxes to choose from so Ekko and Rangiku picked randomly.

Ekko received professor Albus Dumbledore's wand while Rangiku received Peter Pettigrew's wand. She hated the wand she got and bought another one, though surprisingly she got the same one.

Not wanting the wand again she bought another mystery wand box, and another, and another...until she was on her tenth box...and all of them were Peter Pettigrew wands.

" Son of a...."

If not for dragging her out of the store Ekko was afraid she would have not stopped until she got a different wand...

'Note to self, never introduce Rangiku to Gacha games.'

Word count: 1118 words.

TotherWindow1creators' thoughts
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