
teasing Toothless

(Zoya's POV)

After about an hour I finally finished my story. Of course I "forgot" the part with being a human, having to learn how to fly and stuff like that. "Are the rumors that you can communicate with humans true?" Stormfly asked suddenly.

My mind raced trying to find an explanation while I nodded. "That's so cool! How did you learn that?" she asked me. "Some human taught me a long time ago when I was sill a baby" I just went with the story I already told Astrid.

"Ouch!" My wing hurt a little bit as I tried to get int a more comfortable position using my wings. "I think we should sleep now" Stormfly said and only then I realized how tired I actually was. "good night" we both went to sleep.

(Toothless' POV)

I couldn't sleep all night because of what happened yesterday. I really hop Stormfly hasn't told Zoya that I was spying on them. "Already awake bud?" Hiccup asked as he came out of the house. "I'm still awake" I groaned.

"Hey Hiccup!" Astrid and Stormfly came closer to us. Stormfly stared holes in my body and I started to knead the ground with my paws. "The Alpha bows before the mighty Stormfly!" Astrid laughed as she saw me. Hiccup was confused. "Is something wrong?"

I looked at Stormfly who was grinning and giggling like there was no tomorrow. "Tell me!" I demanded. I knew that she was aware about what I wanted to know. "I haven't told her" She said making me sight in relief.

"But who knows... Maybe I will tell her...". The alpha in me came out "Are you threatening me?" I asked in my alpha voice sending a shiver down her spine but shortly after she started to laugh again. "You really don't want me to tell her huh?"

(Hiccup's POV)

Astrid and I were both confused. 'At times like this I wish I could understand them' I thought. Toothless was kneading the ground nervously, then using his alpha powers on Stormfly and then Stormfly seemed to laugh.

"I guess she is a bit like a mean big sister to him" I said out loud and earned a death stare from Stormfly and an agreeing nod from Toothless. "Anyway what's up with Zoya?" I asked Astrid and I could see Toothless' ear twitching.

"She's still asleep and judging by how soundly she sleeps she might wake up tomorrow or so!" "At least it'll help her recovery!"

(Toothless' POV)

"And now spying on her until then!" Stormfly said. 'She really needs to learn when to stop!' I thought but my thoughts were interrupted by her evil smile once again. "Although for some fish I might be willing to leak some information..."

'Should I?' I was not sure if I should accept that deal. If she finds out she might hate me but on the other hand I might get to know her better and I won't get into such awkward situations...'

"Wait are you really thinking about taking that offer?" Stormfly asked. 'Shit she got me!'

"Well who would have thought the alpha is a perv" "STOP IT!" I snarled at her using my alpha voice making every dragon shiver and turn their head into our direction. And once again Stormfly just started to laugh.

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