
Another Date

In the morning, after her blood was taken for testing, he finally took her back home and cooked something for her. She helped out a little as she knew her ways with cooking. She smiled as they helped each other with cooking. Then, they had their breakfast and, in an hour, and a half, they left the house, fully dressed. Gray brought some overnight clothes for them.

Eris lay on the comfortable car chair sideways facing him. She looked lonely but she was holding his shirt to make sure that he was there. Gray would smile and admire how clingy she was. He started loving that attitude of hers. But somehow, he noticed that she was afraid. He doesn't know how much pain she's keeping in, but he's there to take care of her and protect her.

He reached her head and patted her.

"Are you hungry? Perhaps you want to pee? We can stop at the nearby gas station."

"I'm fine. Where are we off to?" She asked.

"To the cold place. Tagaytay?" He grinned.

"I heard that it's a great place."

"Yup. They got a special bulalo. You will eat a lot. Then, we will go to the great hotel for our stay."

She smiled and slowly closed her eyes.

"Don't dump me and leave me. I know the places."


He reached her hand from his shirt and kissed it. Gray held it with his other hand, gently squeezing it to assure her that he had no intention to harm her. Soon, they reached the best restaurant for Bulalo. It's on the side of the road and there were a lot of people. He prepared their jackets and gently woke her up.

"Are we here?" She asked as she sat up.

"Yes, babe. We are here to eat."

He helped her put her cardigan on. He took his wallet as he hopped out of the car, closed it then, he jogged around and opened the door for her. He helped her down, almost carrying her so she wouldn't trip from his four-by-four Jeep Rubicon. She got out of balance as she held onto him. He kissed her cheeks and grinned.

"You are weightless as a feather. I think I need to feed you more tonight."

She adjusted her walking stick as he held her other hand to protect her and lead her. She put her sunglasses on to protect her eyes from any dust. The place was windy and indeed cold. He placed his other hand over her lower back.

They entered the restaurant and the host led them to their reserved table. He sat beside her as he told her about the menu. She nodded her head as she let him choose whatever the food was.

Most of the people in that restaurant were watching them. Gray was very much possessive of her, shortly, their food came up as Gray gave her a little space. He fixed the plates according to the time and then, he started putting a few of them on her plate.

"Okay, so the meat of the Bulalo is in the middle of your plate together with the marrow."

"I haven't had one of them." She mumbled. "It sounded delicious."

"It is." He gave her the spoon and fork as he gave her instructions. She picked it up carefully and ate casually as she could see. Gray was happy that she could do it. She taught herself to eat alone without anyone feeding her. She was smiling and she was happy about the food.

"Gray, you are always watching over me. I want to feed you." She put rice on the spoon together with the meat of the beef. Then, she lifted it and slowly moved it closer to him. Gray bent down and took it to his mouth. She looked happy.

"Hmm," He rubbed her back. "It's delicious. Maybe because you are taking care of me."

"You always take care of me. You know well that I don't want to be a burden."

He pulled her closer to him as he moved his lips closer to her ear. She can feel his warm breath as it gives her shivers. She sighed, and her heart nearly stopped.

"You are not a burden at all."

After their lunch, both of them are full so they roam around in the restaurant view. Gray did his best to describe everything to her as he took a clip in the area with her. She looked so beautiful, smiling as she looked free. Gray captured that beautiful smile. He wants to keep it.

"Let's take a nap and we will have a nice hot spring later."

"Really?" Her eyes dilated.

"Yes, of course." He reached for her hand and led her to the parking lot. He carefully helped her hop in his car. He suddenly felt a little shiver during his nap. It only meant that someone was spying on them. He quickly looked around and to the possible car that might be following them. He stared at the plate number and then, he finally faced her and put her seatbelt on. "Are you comfortable?" He asked.


Gray closed the door as he walked around and hopped in. He turned on the car and fixed the rear mirrors. He took a glance at the car again as they stayed in the car for a few minutes while he checked the footage and if someone put a tracker on his car. Ten minutes before the time they left the car, someone peered through the tinted window shields. He needs someone to check his car.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes," he lied as he carefully pulled out from the parking lot. He drove around to their hotel. He made her wait outside the car while he's taking their luggage. Then, he gave the valet a tip to park his car. He finally took her hand and took her inside. He checked in first as they gave the card and key to their room.

"It felt luxurious." She mumbled to him.

"It is a luxury." He answered as he took her to the elevator. A couple was kissing behind them as Gray carefully pulled her closer to him. The couple stopped kissing, as it was probably their honeymoon. When the elevator opens, Gray leads her outside and finally walks around the big suites.

"I got us a honeymoon suite." He whispered. She flushed as she gaped. She was too surprised that her expression was the same upon entering the room. "I can't leave you alone." He took her to the bed and made her sit. "I will just arrange our clothes and you can feel around."

She didn't move as she still looked nervous. He chuckled, as she grinned. He just loves teasing her.

"Darling, I won't force you into something."

"Gray, stop teasing me!" She was frowning but it was adorable. He continued laughing while hanging their clothes.

"Darling, your undies are packed by the maids and it's under your dresses. It has a special bag."

"Don't open it!" She hissed at him.

Gray laughed as he approached her and kissed her cheeks.

"I like it when you are a little feisty."

"Stop teasing me." She was indeed frowning.

"Sorry," he cornered her as he gave more kisses to her cheeks down to her neck. "What do you want for dessert? Me or something sweet?"

"Something sweet." She quickly answered.

"My lips are sweet." He continued teasing."

"Gray!" She frowned. One thing that she didn't realize was her lips, pouting. Adorable with furrowed brows and pouting lips.

"Okay, I will order it then."

"I'm off to the bathroom." She stood with her walking stick as she left her purse over the bed. He gave her directions on where the bathroom was. She reached the door knob successfully. Then, she removed her shoes that she should have removed a while ago. Gray watched as she entered and shut it without asking any more about what was inside the bathroom.

He took the telephone and asked for a sweet treat for her. After ordering the food, he removed his shoes and took out a pair of slippers provided by the hotel. He then removed his clothes, leaving his boxers on. He turned on the television waiting for her. It takes at least thirty minutes for her to come out. The dessert was also waiting for her. She came out with her walking stick still and then he grinned.

"I thought you got drowned in the toilet bowl."

She pressed her lips.

"Baby, I'm sorry. Come, your sweets are here." She caressed her head as she walked around until she reached the other side. She placed her walking stick over the bedside table and climbed up on the King's bed. Then, she used her hand to search for him. He pulled her closer to him. "Don't make fun of me please."

"I am not." He kissed her top head and hugged her. He took the strawberry mousse and fed her to compensate for all of the teasings. "You are just adorable." He whispered and kissed her cheeks.

"So, what are we going to do in this room?"

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