
Family Dinner

Gray was tired as he wished to just work in the facility rather than go out on dates. He dragged his body to the sofa and dropped it there. Then, Kal (Victor and Violet's son) approached him with a yogurt drink and extended it to him. He smiled and took it.

"Thanks, buddy." He patted the three years and six-month-old boy. "How is your date, Grandpapa?" The boy can speak well. He's very chatty.

"It's~~It's fine. It didn't go well."

"Oh, sad." Kal hugged him as Gray hugged him back.

"Can you tell your Tata Jo not to set me up again?"

"No." Kal shook his head. "Tata wants you to be happy."

"Oh, that's sweet." He patted Kal. "So, what were you doing?"

"I play with Kin-kin."

"She's here?" Gray asked and quickly sat up.

"Benny too. But they sleep." Kal said.

"Okay, I think I need to sleep. You also need an afternoon nap." He got up and took Kal's hand. He took him to the room where Quinn and the one-year-old Benedict, Johanna and Connor's son. "Okay, you're off to sleep."

He tucked Kal to bed just beside Quinn and he left the room. When he came out, Johanna covered his mouth and dragged him away from the door. He sighed and rolled his eyes at her

"I'm sorry. I'm wrong." Johanna said.

"Wow, you admitted it?" He crossed his arms. "There's an accident in front. I am still glad that I am there anyway. Or else, a lot of people will die there."

"That girl, Melissa, isn't good news." Johanna crossed her arms. "But I have another one. You will like her." She reached both of his shoulders and shook him.

He continuously gave her a poker face. Okay, he loved this woman back then but somehow, knowing her still hurts a little and gives him a pain in the ass. Not to mention that her husband continuously harassed him. Also, somehow, their child is a bully but overall, she's adorable. She managed to treat him well and treated him to drinks using her money while they went out to the park. He became an instant nanny for the kids. He felt really, really old now.

"Uhuh," He gave her a bored look. "I am off to sleep and I have to take a shower."

She put her hands down and nodded her head.

"By the way, Connor and I will leave for some party. You should stay. Okay?" She grinned.

"What? Don't tell me that you are leaving your kids again." He groaned, already complaining.

"They like you. Quinn and Benny always wanted to be with you. They always mentioned you to us. Also, the estate has the biggest aquarium in the memory of King Henry. You don't have to go out of the estate." She patted him. "It's for the babies, okay?"

Gray nodded his head.

"You can take a nap now." She winked and went to the kid's room.

He mumbled something and went to his bedroom. He takes a long shower and puts on his boxer shorts. Then, he crawled to bed to sleep. But then, he sniffed and looked around to search for the scent. It was like a scent of sun~~mixed with mint and lavender. He searched for the smell and suddenly it was gone. He sighed and then lay back down as he mumbled and fell asleep.

"Gray," he whispered, somehow getting into his head. He heard Quinn calling him. "Gray, I want to see, fishy now please."

"Hmm," He turned slowly to find the little girl beside him.

"I have Benny." She said, "Mama said you bring us to fishy."

"Go ask your nanny."

"You~~nanny." Benedict smacked his chest and giggled. Benny's gray eyes are just like Connor's. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Where's Kal?"

"Foodie." Benedict giggled and quickly hugged Gray.

"Alright, alright." He mumbled. "Wait outside. I will just put something on."

He felt damn lazy but he's the nanny of the day. He's sure that Johanna sneaked the kids into his room to wake him up. Once he's fixed enough, Kal approaches him while holding his baby sister's hand, Kendal.

"Ready!" Kal said excitedly.

"Uh, who should I carry?"

"Caca~~" Benedict raised his arms at him. He sighed as he carried Benedict then, Kal's baby sister Kendal also raised her arms at him.

"I can't carry everyone at once." He told her.

"No. I carry Keni." Kal said as Kendal complained.

Anyway, he carried the two babies as Quinn and Kal followed him. They use the elevator to the underground floor tunnel to their favorite park. Once they were at the entrance of the Aquarium, the butlers, which are the maintenance team of their ocean park, bowed to them. He put down Kendal and Benedict as they walked slowly and gaped.

"Shark!" Quinn squealed and ran to the sharks. He sat on the bench and let the kids wander around. He then stared at Henry's portrait with his birth date and the date when he died.

He somehow feels like Henry's spirit is in here since it's the last project that he made for his grandchildren. Henry or King Henry Del Carlo who married Queen Karmina Rossie was known as a Hero. He's the best person, the best father, brother, and husband. A great friend too.

Quinn was very happy as the fish followed her while she was running. Benedict was laughing beautifully while following his baby sister. He might know why Quinn was being followed by the fishes as she was known as a fish whisperer. It's because of the necklace and it is because she was a holder of the water gem, like Calli (which is Keira's firstborn.)

"Grandpapa," Kal pointed to the statue. "Grandpapa made this." He told Kendal who nodded her head and pointed to the statue.

"Papa!" She exclaimed.

He followed the kids as they went to follow a few more fish.

"Benny no climbing." Quinn scolded her little brother as she pulled him carefully. "No."

"Shako!" He pointed at the shark.

"No. No." She shook her head.

"Benny, listen to your big sister," Gray said.

He sighed and just watched them having fun. They've been in the aquarium all afternoon as they also had their snack there. Then, when their parents arrive, they have to go back to the mansion. He carried the two adorable babies again with his strong muscles and went to the great room.

"Mama!" Benny squealed as Kendal did the same.

Johanna quickly took Benny and Kendal and gave them kisses each. Then, she put them down as Johanna grinned at him.

"Okay, we found the one!" She said excitedly. He rolled his eyes. Then, Connor~Johanna's husband smacked his butt while the guy was passing.

"Hey!" Gray glared at him but Connor went to Quinn and gave her kisses as well as Kal. "Hannah, I don't want to do with this stupid blind date anymore."

"I swear, you will like her but~~there's just a little imperfection."

"I don't care about perfection." He rolled his eyes.

Then, the family arrived. Keira Rossie Del Carlo—married to De Alegre arrived with her husband Alessandro De Alegre. Both of them are CEOs of different companies. Keira is King Henry's only daughter, and Johanna was the adopted one.

"Henry!" Kal squealed and ran to the stroller to peek at Henry Jr., Keira, and Alessandro's nine months old baby boy.

Keira greeted him with a hug and kissed him on the cheeks.

"So, how's the date, Uncle?"

He rolled his eyes as Keira patted him.

"You will get it once."

"Why are all of you bothered with me being a bachelor?" He asked annoyingly. Alessandro approached him and patted his arm and then continued to their room. "Anyone?"

They just left him without an answer. But Quinn stayed and reached his hand.

"No~~ugly." She said. "You not~~ugly."

"Wow, that's very comforting." Gray sighed and patted her head.

"We go~~ice cream, please." The little girl pulled him to where they kept the ice creams.

He became an instant nanny while their parents were busy with each other. This is why he frowned at them before, during, and after the family dinner. The kids always want to stay with him, probably because their parents have already bribed them to stay with him.

During dinner, everyone is chaotic but only because parents are feeding their kids.

The King who is in Paradis Evergarden can't leave the country yet, but his Queen which is MJ and their children are currently with them. They now have five kids. They looked happy. Although most of it were like He also wanted a big family since he grew up in the enemy's lair.

"By the way, I know that I am late with every important news in the family, but I need to know what Uncle Gray did on his date." MJ, who is Keira's sister-in-law, speaks.

"No ladies." Calli raised her forefinger and shook it.

"I understand, Princess but do we need to know what happened on the date?" Alessandro, Calli's father said.

"Come on. Can we please skip the question every dinner? Can I at least go back to my job and stop with the blind dates." He glared at Johanna and Connor, the mastermind of these blind dates.

"You~~angry?" Quinn asked as she wiped her lips with the table napkin and she took out a candy from her purse and gave it to him. He took it anyway.

"Thank you. That's very kind of you." He sighed and kept glaring at Johanna who was smiling wonderfully.

Hello pips! This is the sequal from The Billionaire's Kept Woman.

Please vote and I hope you enjoy!

TheIllusionistcreators' thoughts
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