
Red Slime Adventures

Slimes are usually simple lifeforms. But sometimes, on very rare occasions, something special happens. Of all slimes only a few aren't blue slimes. They are red. But that's not the only difference. Red slimes, contrary to blue slimes, have a self awareness. They aren't as smart to build an on society, but they are able to communicate with each other and understand that they are alive. But to talk to each other via thought transmission they have to meet once first. So most red slimes spend most of their life alone.

What sounds like a blessing in the beginning isn't so much a blessing for the red slimes. Slimes are on the bottom of the food chain, actually no, they aren't even part of the food chain besides being the weakest monsters. What they need to live are the magicules in the atmosphere. They don't need to eat, drink or even breathe. Mindless monsters are simply ignoring them and the few intelligent races, like goblins or ogres,in the Great Jura Forest dont give them more than a glance. But that's only for blue slimes. Since red slimes are very rare they obviously get a lot more attention. Unable to communicate with other races, the intelligent races are, what they consider, playing with them. Some aggressive races are even hunting them for fun. Humans that frequently come into the forest catch them so they can later sell them as a rarity. But that doesn't last for long since the magicules density isn't high enough outside of the forest and they quickly lose their lives like a leaf in autumn. But could you really blame them? Wouldn't you pick up a beautiful flower that is different from the rest? Or would you not pick up a rare stone on the lakeside and throw it into the water or take it with you? That's how slimes were always seen. Like rocks on a mountain.

There is only one race that is different. The Dryads. The only race that is aware of the red slimes and are able to communicate with them. In a red slime life, there is no more luck than when they meet a Dryad. Whenever they meet a red slime, they take care of them and a safe place to live. But Dryads are very rare and it's very unlikely for a red slime to ever meet one. So most slimes hide until they absorb enough maniculares to split into two blue slimes. That's how they usually reproduce and it isn't unknown if ever a red slime became another red slime.

But one day a red slime was born that was even different to other red slimes. Besides being intelligent there was something else. Curiosity. The red slime didn't want to just spend his life in a cave and hiding. He wanted to see the world and make his own experience. On his way he met other red slimes. And soon enough something changed in the forest. They didn't know what caused it, but the behavior of the intelligent races towards the red slimes became different. They weren't looking down on them anymore. Most of the red slimes were just happy about the change, but this particular red slime wanted to know what caused the change. So he began his journey towards the middle of the Great Jura Forest. A place that red slimes always avoided because it was just too dangerous for them.

A few days after he began his journey he discovered something he hadn't seen before. A solid way made out of stone. Later he should know that this was the first street he has ever seen. It was completely different to the dirty houses most of the races in the forest lived in. It was clean. So the red slime decided to follow the path.

In the beginning and still stayed in the forest. Watching many different creatures walking on the path. What shocked him the most were goblins riding on wolves. Wolves were the worst race for all red slimes. As soon as they saw a red slime they attacked them. And they didn't do that only towards red slimes. They also attacked most other races. And now goblins ride on them? The red slime was confused but also even more curious, so he continued following the path towards the center of the forest.

Sometimes he got spotted. He tried to hide immediately but the others didn't react like they always did in the past. Some of them only watched him, but some of them nodded towards him. Like they would know that the red slime is actually alive. After two days he took a risk. He finally decided to go on the path and dont just watch from the sidelines. It was risky and he would lie if he would say that he wasn't afraid at first, but he still took the risk. Because it was something new for him.

Only after some hours he met the first other races on the path and what they did surprised him even more. Some of them even greeted him, some of them smiled and some of them even had a respectful look on their faces. There wasn't any hostility in their eyes. After a day he met a lot of races he had never seen before. Goblins, ogres and orcs were not rare, but he also saw lizardmen for the first time. They looked scary with their wings and scales but they also were nice to him. He didn't regret that he started his journey and was genuinely happy.

A few days later the path became a lot more busy. Since he is small and there were many people he decided to leave the path. He wasn't afraid that someone would attack him anymore, but someone who didn't watch his feet could step one him. The orcs didn't pay much attention to what was in front of their big feet. So he went back into the forest but still followed the path.

It was dawn and he could see the sunset between the trees. He always lived in the trees. Also he was curious, he wasnt dumb. Open fields were dangerous for him and he avoided grassland. But the last few days changed this. He wanted to see the sunset, not through the trees, but in its full glory. And luckily for him after he hurried through the forest there was a meadow. He hurried even more because he didn't want to miss the sunset.

He didn't notice after he was out of the forest and he regretted that he hurried like this because what he saw scared him like he was never scared before. He wasn't alone on the meadow. Right in front of him was a wolf. The biggest wolf he had ever seen. He didn't even know that wolves this large existed. The red slime was about to jump back into the forest but he stopped. Because there was someone else besides the wolf he didn't notice at first. Near the wolf someone was sitting in the grass watching in the sky.

It was a humanoid figure but the red slime immediately felt what it really was. A slime. Without a doubt. Right next to the big, scary wolf. Almost back into the woods he stopped and watched. Slimes didnt have eyes and he was able to see everything through his magic perception so even when he jumped away he was still able to see what happened in all directions. So he came to a stop. The person gave the red slime a weird feeling, if it wasn't about his curiosity he would be back in the forest but he wanted to know what the reason for the feeling was.

A few seconds pass and then the person heads back to him. And the person noticed the red slime. He looked young, almost like a kid with beautiful blue hair and golden eyes. But the feeling he gave of wasnt that of a kid. The red slime was fascinated by him. If he had eyes the person would have probably looked right into them. And the red slime looked back at him. And then the person stood up and smiled at him. It was a warm and honest smile. In the last moments the red slime completely forgot about the big wolf he was so afraid of only a minute ago. It was the presence of the person that gave the red slime a secure feeling.

As the slime person stood up, the wolf also noticed the red slime and turned his head towards him. But the wolf seems to be different then what the red slime was used to. There wasn't any hostility or angriness in the eyes of the wolf. The red slime had never seen a wolf with a smile before and even now he wasn't sure about it, but it was probably the closest to what a wolf's slime could look like. The wolf was even slightly wiggling with his tail. It looked friendly. So the red slime decided to stay.

On the path, there was always tension in the red smiles mind when someone came close to him. But now the person walked towards him and the red slime didn't even think about feeling scared. Also he noticed that the person in front of him is definitely a slime; it still had a humanoid figure. He knew that the world was a big place and that there are countless curiosities out there but he was still surprised. Even the goblins on the wolves were less confusing for him. Only then did he notice that the slime person was right in front of him and kneeled down.

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