
Arc Three. Chapter Seventy-Nine. Black And Blue And Red All Over

Matthew stood staring at the pair with his cloudy eyes. Felicia wasn't fooled and she knew that he could sense just as well without vision as she could with. Daredevil was not someone to be trifled with and as they stood in a triangle in Elektra's dojo she wondered how it had come to this.

"Matthew, you are the referee, not a participant." but he just huffed,

"As if I don't know what you have been doing here." and Elektra shrugged

"And as I recall, you agreed." she retorted.

"This is training for Kitten here, not some personal vendetta against my friend, a friend who I am more than entitled to spend time with. I do not recall last night being a burden when I did with you the same as I plan to do with her." and Felicia frowned and bit her lip in annoyance. Begin in a poly relationship meant sometimes you heard things you didn't want to, and this was one of those times.

Matt huffed, "You know I don't mind, what I do mind is the leader of the Black Cats being trained to fight against people like me, the girlfriend of that menacing monster, being trained so he can fight better." and he crossed his arms, "the fact we share is no issue, only what he does in his spare time."

Felicia rolled her eyes. Matt was an idealist, and a lawyer and she had no idea which was worse, "look, batboy, I don't care what you think, we have an accord and we stick to that, nobody cares that you hunt the ones that won't listen, nobody cares about Daredevil," and as she saw the small wince from him, maybe that was the issue. Right now both Felicia and Elektra were dictating terms to someone who was always independent, always fighting for what was right, and nobody paid him any mind.

Felicia sighed, "Look, this is to decide what training Elektra will give me, no one's expecting her or you to team up with Peter. Just me, just the Cats, to keep them safe, when you know, none of us can," and the annoyance in her voice was evident.

"So, how about this then. Kitty dearest, we keep our arrangement, but Matt, we can add you in. If she wins, then you represent Mr Parker and make sure he stays within the law, you win and well, we shall agree to one of your wishes at least," but Felicia eyes went wide and through clenched teeth,

"I do not agree to that," but Matt laughed and shook his head,

"You're a bit young Felicia, not in my strike zone at all." he laughed as he smirked at her, "How about, I win and the Cats stop selling drugs in Hell's Kitchen, move back and let me clean up the dealers?" and Felicia thought about it.

The drug scene was bad news to her anyway, the lighter stuff was fine, college kids wanting to get high or go on an acid trip was of no consequence, but the dealers wanted the harder stuff as well. She had agreed if only to keep the more civilised addicts getting a clean supply without having to resort to crime.

"Agreed, but only if you win." and Matt nodded,

"But uh, eh, what did you guys bet on?" he asked,

Felicia glared at Elektra who grinned at her, "Oh nothing much Matthew, just a small thing, and it does not break our agreement, but it is personal,'' and while Matt huffed Felicia was relieved. Even if it was only a spectator sport she had no wish to actually invite Peter to one of their sessions. Elektra was playing a dangerous game with Matt's feelings that she really wanted no part in it.

"So free for all or limits on powers or what?" Felicia asked, while Elektra was a more seasoned fighter than her, and Matt had his super senses sonar thing Felicia was hesitant to unleash her full powers as Huntress, fearing that she'd just hurt both their feelings as well as their bodies.

"I say free for all. The floor is reinforced as are the walls and we never really but loose, right Matthew?" and he was limbering up, stripping down to loose pants and a simple t-shirt.

"Right, but uh, she's just a kid, you're not worried about hurting her?" he asked innocently. He had heard the rumours about Venom, but as far as his senses told him, Felicia was a bit stronger and tougher than a normal person but that was it.

"No Matthew, I want to fight the Huntress, I have seen it and you cannot imagine how much she changes, how ferocious and terrifying she actually is." and Matt just shrugged,

"Fine, but no suing if you lose," and he gave her a wide smile, that had Felicia grinning back,

"You sure? Cause you know, this isn't a game," and Matt shrugged and began to warm up while Elektra changed. Stripping down she left herself in her normal outfit, tight red shorts and tight wrappings, and tying her hair back in a bandana she began to follow Matt's lead and limber up.

"Not stretching?" Matt asked and Felicia shook her head,

"I don't need to, the symbiotes absorb and break down any acid build up in the muscles as well as taking care of micro-fractures from the stress of fighting, Elektra," and she shook her head, "you don't need to do that." but Elektra shrugged,

"It's a mindset kitty, you should, even if you don't need to. To mentally prepare yourself to be ready to fight." and as Huntress wrapped herself around Felicia and the woman grew to almost 7 feet.

"That's my secret Electra, I'm always ready." Huntress stretched and Matt's senses caught not just her change in physical nature but the amount of pheromone she was giving off. A predator had arrived and all his instincts were telling him to run.

"Describe what she just did Ele, my senses are going nuts. Is this a chemical attack? Did you plan this?" and angrily Matt stomped over the Huntress, his head dizzy with the taste of pheromone.

"What? No," and as Huntress slipped back, ''Pete gives off a chemical scent, and I guess so do we when we use the symbiotes, no wonder everyone is so shit scared of us. Sorry Matt, you're the first that's been enhanced without fighting, well, sorta enhanced." and she stepped back and shook her head, "We never knew, it just smells good to us."

Matt shook his head, "Do it again," and Felicia looked over at Elektra who shrugged and he shouted, "Again!" and as Huntress slipped over her he stepped back.

Felicia could see the sweat pouring from him and she could hear the pounding of his heart. As he stood staring at her she felt like he was examining every inch of her, and in his own way, he was.

The cloud of pheromone coming from the creature was overpowering and every fibre said to run. His heart was hammering in his chest and he wanted nothing more than to listen to it, but he couldn't. If he wanted to take down Venom, to fight one of these creatures he needed to control his emotions, his anger, his hatred of them, and he took deep breaths. Letting the pheromone circulate in his system he felt each nerve as it lit up, angry and full of fear, but he was the man without fear and he calmed his heart, slowed his breathing. As he took in more and more, his heart steadied and he calmed down, now he knew if he had to fight Venom, whatever the hell that was would be no problem.

Once more took his stance. "Now I am ready." and with that, he launched a high kick at Felicia, who was too busy looking at Elektra to notice. As his foot sped towards her Huntress slipped out and she ducked, grabbed him around the thigh and leaping slammed him into the mat.

"Naughty naughty," she hissed and she rolled backwards and Matt lay on the floor, stunned.

Elektra laughed, "she is enhanced and more Matthew, you should be aware." and as he lifted himself up he shook.

"Are you that fast?" but Elektra shook her head,

"There is an adjustment, where the host and symbiote need time to get used to one another. I cannot use Hades to her full power yet." she explained, "and Hades is afraid she hurts you. It seems however Huntress has no fear in that department." and Huntress laughed,

"We asked, and you agreed." she hissed back.

"Okay, then how about we spar, just me, no fighting back. I'll forfeit if after one round I don't hit you, but if I touch you, then you're out." He really hoped she would agree. He was confident he could at least get one hit in.

"Sure, we agree, but with more. If you fail, then you pay for our next date night." and Matt tutted but scowled,

"Sure sure, take advantage of the blind guy," and he dropped back into his stance.

Copying, Huntress moved into her own, and he circled, sending out a few testing jabs she easily avoided, as one sailed past her head a left kick followed it and she pirouetted out of the way and straight into another punch. Twisting she bent backwards and ducked underneath it and the real fight began.

Kick followed punch followed kick as Matt threw out every move he could think of. As she moved and he sensed the direction she was moving to he sent out a limb but everything he did she avoided. Each punch, each kick, every elbow or knee, she was simply too fast for him, too agile and as Elektra watched the pair dance and weave she became even more excited for her battle with Huntress.

Sparring with Felicia had been fun, and only her more generous combat experience gave her an edge but watching Huntress dance around Daredevil like he was a child was making her heart pump and her warrior spirit thirst for battle.

"Your win, I can't touch you, let me see it, fight back." and with that Matt found himself being touched behind both knees, once on the neck and as he spun to avoid a blow to the face he found a large dark grey sword at his neck.

To him, it was like fighting a ghost. She was too fast and while he could track her movements by the disturbance in the air, by the time he processed what was happening she had moved and was already moving once more. A fire lit within him. I'm going to call Stick, he thought. If she was the new breed of villain, even if she refused to be named as such, then he either needed allies or more training. Stick had once offered him a more active role, he now knew he needed that, he needed to be stronger than Huntress if he was to keep the city safe.

"I yield," he said, pushing the flat of the blade down with two fingers, "So, I guess, I lost then huh?" and Huntress snorted,

"We were never in any doubt Matt, you are strong, but we learned that there are stronger than us in the world." and Felicia slipped back, "yeah, always someone stronger Matt, Better trained, better equipped. I try to get that through to Pete, sometimes it's not the powers, it's the setup, you've got Elektra to help you, you don't need to fight alone." but he still snorted and moved back to sit on the dojo floor.

"Nice pep talk, but she spends more time with you than me, uh can someone get me water, I don't know where it is in your new place." Elektra looked over at Felicia who shrugged and shook her head and got a bottle of cold water from a very obvious, and very loud fridge. If Matt had paid attention he would have heard it, and both women knew he was just being childish.

"I can run out and get a bottle if you want?" Felicia teased him as he drank and Elektra laughed,

"Poor Matthew, being picked on after being picked on, but do not worry, I shall fight for your honour my sweet prince," and as she moved over she took her stance in the middle of the floor. "I however will be using these '' and she twirled two sai in her hand "I am not as-" but Huntress dived forwards, grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the mat.

"No weapons, and no talking" and as Elektra struggled under Huntress's grip, wrapping her legs around her head and feet trying to unbalance her she sighed and tapped the mat.

Letting her go Felicia stood, and silently laughed to herself, knowing full well that Venom did the same to her. A fully fed and ready symbiote was not something to take lightly, the strength and speed boost was something neither Elektra nor Daredevil could hope to contend within a matter of pure power.

"We are Huntress, and until you are enhanced, there is nothing you can do to hurt me." and the pair, silently cursing at her, agreed. For the moment anyway as both made plans to get their own back.

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