
Chapter 7: Mixed Maho Arts - Part 3

A/N = Author's Note

Fight 1: Tozuki Kozo Vs Konen Urari

Fight 2: Jogo Jatsu Vs Mowaba Nagaki

Fight 3: Geka Yuri Vs Sunda Samaki

Fight 4: Abe Joseph Vs Tsuki Akitomi

Fight 5: Kato Daiko Vs Kiga Kimo

Fight 6: Ichibe Torio Vs Retsu Goro

Fight 7: Kanjiro Samui Vs Shime Hitaka

Fight 8: Yokio Baizen Vs Ichizo Kamado

Yuri quickly rushed at Samaki, before flickering behind him, attempting to kick Samaki in the back. Samaki quickly turned around and grab his leg, before throwing a punch which Yuri. Yuri quickly broke free of Samaki's grip managing to dodge the punch, then jumping back.

Yuri: Heh, you're pretty strong! This is getting fun!

Yuri pointed 2 fingers toward Samaki, as lightning started forming on his fingers.

Yuri: Heh. are you frozen in fear in front of my great power?

Samaki started laughing intensely, before quickly straight facing, staring at Yuri with killing intent.

Yuri: You won't be acting so high and mighty when you're knocked out cold. SPECIAL LIGHTNING CANNON!!!

A/N = Dragon Ball reference lol

The lightning fully charged up, as Yuri shot it toward Samaki, the lightning hit Samaki straight in the chest. Samaki smirked as he tanked the attack, as Samaki held both his hands up. Roots grew from his hands, as he hit his hands against the ground.

Samaki: Fury 27: Elephant Root!

Giant roots burst out of the grounds, as it completely surrounded Yuri, tying him up. Samaki slowly walked up to Yuri, before punching him in the face at full power. Yuri's nose gushed with blood while Samaki laughed.

Samaki: Who's the one frozen now? Fury 3: Void Orb!

Samaki generated an orb that gave off an intimidating aura, the orb was black with a purple aura. Samaki swung back his arm, charging up before thrusting it into Yuri's stomach. Yuri coughed blood onto the arena floor, Samaki then release the roots and Yuri fell onto the ground barely conscious.

Yuri: I-I give up...


Tozuki: These fights are incredible! I really doubt I'll be able to win the tournament with my current capabilities.

Kanjiro: I heard that the next 2 fighters are incredibly strong, Abe Joseph is the 43rd strongest in The United Nation and Tsuki Akitomi, the 42nd strongest in the Kingdom Of The Rising Sun, they're the favorite to win in this tournament.

Announcer: This will be an exciting battle! Our first competitor is 29 Year Old, 6 Foot 5, 213 Pound giant, Abe Joseph!

A gigantic man with thick muscles walked out, he was bald with bright yellow eyes, he wore a grey tank top with a golden chain, jeans and black air force 1's ran up to the arena, then doing a front flip, as the crowd cheered in excitement.

Announcer: Now our second competitor, 21 Year Old, 5'6 and 130 Pounds, Tsuki Akitomi!

A short girl with a waist length black hair and red eyes. She wore a black dress with a golden bracelet and a short sword walked onto the arena menacingly.

Announcer: Alright, start!

Abe blitzed behind Tsuki, throwing a punch at the back of her head, she quickly ducked under the attack, dropping to the ground and sweeping Abe off his feet. Abe landed on his right arm, as he pushed himself in the air before coming down with an axe kick, which Tsuki managed to jump back.

Abe: So you're one of the best in this empire, eh? You're not half bad! Fury 49: Holy Tiger Fists!

A white energy in the shape of a tiger face surrounded Abe's fists, as he got in a fighting position Tsuki rushed toward Abe, slicing at his arm. Abe caught the sword with his right hand, before spinning around and using the momentum, hitting Tsuki in the back of the head, dealing a large amount of damage. Tsuki quickly recovered attempting to slice at Abe's neck, which proved unsuccessful when Abe grabbed the sword, attempting to break it. Tsuki quickly delivered a kick to the side of Abe's head which made him flick long enough for Tsuki to grab the sword.

Tsuki: You B@stard...trying to take my sword so you could have an advantage? How dishonorable!

Fury 40: Swift Flash

Tsuki flashed behind Abe, he turned to look but she was gone, he looked back in front to see Tsuki millimeters away from slicing his arm off, and it landed. Nothing. It did nothing.

Abe: Looks like your damn sword is useless, hehe!

Abe then felt a sharp pain in his back, he turned around to see Tsuki stab him through the stomach. Abe spat up blood, as he felt immense pain, he quickly tightened his organs to trap the sword in his body, so he could finish Tsuki off. Tsuki tried to pull the sword out to no avail, Abe slowly turned his head around, releasing immense amount of Maho, making Tsuki freeze in fear.

Abe: You stab me yet you are scared? What kind of warrior on you...you don't deserve your power, weakling.

Abe turned his back to Tsuki, then relaxing his organs as Tsuki pulled out the blade, frightened. Abe tightened his organ again to prevent bleeding. Abe then got into a boxing stance, Tsuki closed her eyes and breathed slowly.

Tsuki: Fury 43: Lightning Surge Technique

Tsuki's body was surrounded in a lightning aura, as she thrusted her sword toward Abe, as time stopped.

Abe: Well, I suppose you were quite strong

Abe rapidly punched Tsuki's sword, then punching Tsuki in the gut. Time resumed as Tsuki's blade shattered and Tsuki slumped over, unconscious.

Announcer: Wow! I don't know what happened there but it looks like Tsuki Akitomi is unable to continue! The winner is Abe Joseph!

We see in a secret room above the arena, a man in a suit with spiky ear length black hair, a scar on his top left forehead looking down to the arena.

Man In A Suit: Quite interesting, many people here are viable options for the project in terms of power, however they might cause problems if they don't agree. 001, commence project 'Blackout'.

Abe Joseph

Maho Amount: Blue

Maho Quality: Black

Forza: Time Manipulation

(Description: Can manipulate time on small levels, like traveling back in time a few hours, stopping time for a minute and things of the sort)

SS: Martial Artists

(Description: Temporarily Lose Half Of Your Maho Amount To Instantly Copy Any Fighting Style)

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