
Distorted Alligator

Mark remembered that all the flying fishes are afraid of something. Before Mark can do anything, Suddenly a Crocodile type creature jumps from the sea and attacks on Mark but Mark predicted about some danger wandering nearby. Mark dodges the attack and that alligator lands on beach. Mark sees that alligator's skin is like a metallic scale and teeth are very sharp made up of some very tough metal. If anyone will be caught between the teeth of that alligator then he will definitely be crushed and killed within some seconds. Mark decided to ran away but he sees that the speed of alligator is very slow. This means that it might be possible to kill that alligator. Mark has no fear of any distorted class creature because he has berserk holy armor. Mark starts walking back and reaches the foot of the hill because that alligator starts approaching him. Suddenly that alligator increased his speed and jump on Mark. Mark dodges the attack and alligator hits the foot of hill.

On the other side Evelyn and some of his colleagues starts climbing on hill. On the halfway, all of them fall down due to huge vibration in hill. Evelyn asks his shock that what has happened there. Chloe says that it might be possible that some creatures are there but if anyone of them will be of upper class then we will definitely be killed. So I suggested you not to go there. Evelyn says that we have to see other side a time and clear all doubts. They all starts climbing on hill again. This time they again fall down within hundred metres. After trying some more times Evelyn finally decided not to go on other side of hill.

Mark dodges many attacks but he was unable to do anything. That alligator crushed many stones by his sharp pair of teeth. Mark withdraw his double-sided sword and bring out his knife and add-on plasma soul and decided to fight with that alligator. Alligator jumps on Mark again and Mark stepdown his body and Alligator passes from upward of Mark's body. On the midway Mark penetrated his knife which is converted into dagger into the stomach area of Alligator. That dagger deeply cuts the portion near stomach and blue blood starts flowing through the cut. That Alligator falls on ground and blood starts colouring the sand into blue. Mark ran towards that Alligator and that alligator opened his mouth and ran towards Mark. Mark suddenly changed his position and pass from left side of the Alligator and gives a deep cut on his body from left side and blood also starts coming out from it. That Alligator takes a runup and jumps on Mark. Suddenly a idea comes on Mark's mind and Mark withdraw his knife and add-on plasma soul and bring out his three-horned lava bull plasma soul and transform into a bull which is in the protection of holy spike Armor. Mark is now looking like a golden bull which have many spikes. Mark still stands there and that Alligator falls that bull's three very sharp horns. Mark's three horn penetrates the neck of Alligator deeply and blood starts flowing like fountain from it. That alligator knew that his opponent is not so week as he expected. That Alligator starts going into sea. Mark sees that Alligator is running out from there. That's why he ran towards that Alligator and kick him with his head into middle of his body. That Alligator flew and falls some metres away and strike the foot of the hill. Due to the impact of this, Many big stones started falling down from the hill.

Mark starts dodging that stones. But he was surprised after seeing that Alligator is not died yet. Mark withdraw his three-horned lava bull plasma soul and bring out his double-sided sword and throws it towards the Alligator like a spear. That Alligator's skin was too though that's why Mark aims on his wounded region and threw the double-sided sword like spear. That Alligator wanted to dodge these attacks but he was badly injured and his power is about to end. That's why that double-sided sword directly penetrates into his body but was surprised because he has still not received any notification about the death of that Alligator onto his powerscreen. Mark is in high shock after seeing that Alligator is not died yet. That Alligator is yearning and it seems that it will die very soon. Mark reaches near its body and again penetrates double-sided sword into the brain of that Alligator and finally Alligator died and a notification popup on Mark's power screen.

"Distorted creature Metallic scale Alligator is hunted. You don't got it's plasma soul. You can consume it's flesh for 0-10 distorted core points."

Mark transfer the body of Metallic scale Alligator into his bag plasma soul and decided to go back into shelter.

On the other side, Evelyn sees that the rock is not falling from hill. Evelyn send some of his guys to check what was happening there. Three of them starts climbing on the hill to see that what is happening on the other side of the hill. Mark withdraw his holy spike armor and bring out his invisible plasma soul and starts climbing on hill to go back into plasma soul. Suddenly Young twins with Max, Jack, and Archet and some members of their gang reaches near Evelyn and told her that we are here Evelyn. Why you have called us? Evelyn says that today we will cross this hill and go to other side for a hunt of distorted class creature. Max says that what are you saying Evelyn. That place is very dangerous and we have strict order not to cross this hill. Evelyn says that shut up your mouth Max and I have sent three guys to examine other side.

Mark on other side suddenly felt something bad because his heart starts beating faster. Suddenly Mark sees that the sea level starts increasing and it seems that Tsunami is coming.

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