
Chapter 1: Best of the best :Enroll into Hokinoshi Academy


I have a question and I need an honest answer

Question: What does it mean to live as a human being ?

To have no bonds ?

To have relationships ?

Wouldn't the world be better if such things didn't exist in this world , if you were look deeper into human psychology you would notice that not having such things would make humans evolve further than imagined in short it would create the prefect human being

But at this rate there is no doubt that for humans to evolve it will take time , human beings are too busy fighting one another over meaningless things , that is the reality in this world there is no perfect human

Chapter 1: what It means to live

My name is Hahito Kessaku (は人 傑作) and as of the beginning of the year I'm bringing enrolled into Kanpekina academy (完璧なアカデミー) as a first year .

I know what your thinking it's a great school however it's rated with three stars on its review not bad and it has a low profile my kind of place .

The boy stood as he came out of the school bus , his stood with a height of 177cm , he posed gold colored eyes and pale brown hair, the boy had an emotion less face in other words poker face .

He stood and looked upon his school and thought to himself

' nothing special, just an ordinary school, just what I've been looking for '

Has Hahito walked through the school the fact that he got people's attention surprised him , most likely his facial expression emotion less and empty however he still should no sign of distress.

Hahito along with the other new students was given a slip on it having his class number , his dorm room and other school information he needed, for a school rated with three stars it was a surprise at the least.

' hmm I was aware that it was a enclosed boarding school however I didn't expect this ' Hahito thought to himself.

The students were then told to attend the school hall for the welcoming ceremony, Hahito reached the hall and another surprise came to him , the students were arranged in the same order as classes, there were five rolls marks classes A,B,C,D,E , each rolls had a total of 20 students meaning the first years were 100 in total.

Hahito sat in this class roll according to his slip class E ,

' it's quite ' Hahito thought

The roll he was in was quite which wasn't what he expected only a few seconds after the students were the addressed by the student council president Ruhen Yamamoto .

"my fellow students" he said as he stood as the very symbol of education with an intense look in his eyes , he possessed short black hair and light green eyes .

"I Ruhen Yamamoto on behalf of the student council welcome you to Kanpekina academy, I'm aware that alot of you are surprised about the school's situation, the rating review states that this is a three star institution, however that rating was planted by the school itself as a cover up to avoid Media disturbances "

Hahito after hearing that statement Rather rethought his decision but there was nothing he could do in a way the school was helping him but not exposing itself.

"At this academy you must give it your best " Ruhen said to the students and with one last sentence he closed the ceremony.

" Understand this failure is not an option"

Hahito didn't think too much about it however the rest of the students were surly overthinking things . Hahito then went to the school's main campus and it was huge .

The dorms were in large numbers , the school was clean and spot less each student was given a dorm with there own personal key and the classes were in even bigger numbers.

The School was divided in three sections for first , second and third year students having their own second the school has one huge mall were students would buy the food and what not , a pool , sports parks along with many other areas of this school.

The first section had first year classes A-E second had second year classes A-D and third third year classes A-C.

Hahito went to his class and it was lively as the students had already begun making friends, he went over and took the back seat which was closer to the window.

Next to him a girl who had light green eyes and long black hair and she had an intense look in her eyes , she had a rather cute and soft looking face any normal guy would fall head over heels for her but the beautiful had no effect on Hahito.

A boy whom sat in the front of the class stood and thought it would be a good idea fir everyone to introduce themselves. he had blonde hair and blue eyes that screamed out class representative.

The girl whom sat next to Hahito was to introduce her.

"My name is Shizu Yamamoto

I'm 16 years old and I suggest none of you interfere with my learning".

She left the class in silence and then it was Hahito's turn.

"my name is Hahito

I'm 16 and well I'm

not good at talking about myself or talking to others so I'll take my seat"

No sooner as he finished a woman came , she was the homeroom teacher. she was in a short red dress and tied her hair.

The students rose to greet her but her first reaction was not a response she simply wrote her name on the board and introduced herself.

"I'm Miss . Kirishima and I'll be your homeroom teacher starting today till the end of the school year "

And just like that the lessons begun, it was a casual learning day and 50% of the class were not paying attention to the teacher and among them was Hahito as he thought to himself

' this is rather boring '

He than started looking around the class and observing his classes. After school he went over to the school mall to buy some groceries.

As he was shopping in the none sweet section he came across Shizu Yamamoto , she stared and walked up to him .

" why are you acting like a idiot?" she said to him " you paid no attention in class what so ever, it's as if you intend on failing".

Hahito did not try to stop her as she yelled at him until she was done he replied with a statement that made her speech.

" The fact that you noticed that means you too were not paying attention"

She didn't know how to answer him and so she left and picked up some milk on her way.

Hahito got what he needed all none sweet foods and he left to his dorm which was number 76 on the fifth floor, he went over to his window and as he saw the students enjoying themselves outside he asked himself.

" *What does it mean to live as a human being?

*What does it mean to be human ?

*To have connections, bonds ,and relationships with others ?

*Do all these feelings belong in the human body?"

He phone the begun to ring as he checked the contact it was an unknown number he answered the call "hello" he said , but there was a silence and once more " hello" but still the silence and then the caller spoke.

With a deep and intimidating voice he said.

" Hello there Hahito did you think I wouldn't find ? , despite being a Master piece you somehow try to connect with commoners " Hahito stood and looked outside his window and did not respond.

" My Master piece return home as of right now before I come get you " The man said to Hahito , he then replied to the man saying " you won't find me , you won't even come close " The Man laughed out over the phone and said these word " let the game begin " .

Hahito cut the call and threw his phone on his bed as he looked into the night uttering the words " let the game begin"

*Could this man have some connection to Hahito's past and what exactly is Hahito running from the strange Man whom called him a Master piece or something much bigger*

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