
Chapter 6 - The Dinner Party

"Everyone." Oliver began, standing on a staircase above all the guests. "Dinner shall be held momentarily, just come join me up here and come into the dining room." He signaled his hands towards a door near him.

One by one, each family and their members all lined up and went up the stairway. The Valis party with Miyuki, Evelyn, and the Eloise family were last to go up. Miyuki had to turn himself and Evelyn around and slide the wheelchair up backwards onto the stairs. "This place really isn't wheelchair friendly." He uttered with slight attitude.

Finally getting to the top, he was out of breath, but was greeted with a giant, narrow dining room, with dark navy blue colored walls. The white table had about twenty light-gray chairs on each side, with 1 chair on each end. One of the Pratt butlers came up to the Valis party. "Mr. Pratt would like for your party to be seated on this side," He pointed towards the left side of the table. "And to be seated next to the Josephine family."

Miyuki's heart skipped a beat. "The... Josephine's?" The images of that man flashed throughout his head.

"Yes Mr. Azagawa, follow me this way.


Miyuki sat there towards the center of the table, with Evelyn to his left, and Lillith to her left. Seated to Miyuki's right, was Isaiah Josephine, the man he hates most in the world. Anger swelled his veins. If he could choke this man to death right now, he could. He's the reason Evelyn is in the state she's in right now.

"Good evening everyone! While we dine, I would like to discuss a few things, I would actually like to start with Mr. Miyuki Azagawa first, but first we dine on some spotted-bull." Pratt staff handed out platters of delicious looking food to every guest at the long table.

"My god this looks good, but Evelyn, I want to feed you first." He cut off a slice of meat from the 'spotted-bull' steak and put it into Evelyn's mouth. He had to help her with the chewing, but even in her comatose state, her body naturally swallowed the chewed-up food. He was used to feeding her, he fed her everyday while he was in a wheelchair himself.

After a couple minutes, Oliver stood up again to speak. "Miyuki, I am delighted to see that my lady, the princess, is in such great condition." He turned to Isaiah, "No thanks to you, you tried to fucking kill her." Isaiah rolled his eyes.

He glanced back at Miyuki, "Well, I have a proposition you will very much enjoy. I have the greatest healer at my disposal, and I would love to help you and the princess recover. Especially dear Evelyn, she can wake from her coma in roughly two weeks with his help. Stand up my dear brother, Francis Pratt."

Francis stood up, "Miyuki, please, let your camp stay over here, in this mansion, for the time it'll take for the princess to awake, or for as long an she'll like to rest. We are at your service." Miyuki smirked. On the inside, he blew up with gratitude and excitement. She can finally awake. He can't not take the offer.

"Mr. Pratt, I'm delighted to take the offer, thank you so much, I don't know how to repay you." Miyuki was brought to tears. He was happy. Evelyn will finally be saved.

He'll be her hero.

"Yes, you can repay me when we get to the occasion, but for now, it will be our pleasure." Oliver bowed.

With a loud bang, Isaiah slammed his palms onto the table."I didn't try to kill her! She attacked me first! She's scum, and she doesn't deserve to rule our kingdom! Her father is a murderer and a traitor, he's treacherous!" He was livid as he spoke. "You bastard, why the hell do you keep lying!? You're ass at lying you know. You tried to kill her, me, and Lillith! You're lucky I didn't fucking kill you that night, I spared you, I knew it was the right thing to do, but I should have killed your ass!" Miyuki argued back. "How dare you keep lying to everyone, we know you tried to kill her to give her body to the Black Order for some reason."

The room went silent. Leonidas shot up, with his sword equipped in hand. "You have an alliance with the Black Order? You're the traitor here, I should imprison you right now." He pointed his blade to Isaiah as he walked over to his seat. "Its more than an 'alliance'."

"What did you say?" Leonidas was angered at this point, but mostly, worried for the other people in the room. "You think you stand a chance against me?" He said louder before he summoned a hammer of ice and pummeled Leonidas through the wall.

Miyuki quickly got out of his chair and his sword at the ready. Isaiah put both hands into the air, his palms faced the ceiling. At that moment, two pillars of ice shot from the ground, striking Miyuki and Evelyn.

"Evelyn!" His free hand reaching out as they both crashed through the third floor, and going further, crashing through the roof. Miyuki quickly tried to jump to her as they soared through the air, barely catching her in an embrace.

He slammed into the pavement below, with him being Evelyn's cushion. "Ah fuck that was painful. Falling four stories looks less painful in movies." He tried to look past Evelyn's hair, that was covering his face, he barely had time to roll to his right. Isaiah had rose from the building and jumped down onto the pavement, cracking it. Debris had fallen onto all three of them as they all sat there in brief silence.

"Ow! Ow!" He said as debris fell onto his back, as he was now on top of Evelyn. "How fucking durable is this dude!? My legs would shatter if I tried that." Isaiah stared the two down, an ice sword in hand. "You know, I could have killed you earlier today, but I chose not to, because Leonidas, the finest of the royal knight command, was there. I had to spare you, or else I would have died myself."

"Get to the point bastard!" Miyuki shouted as he stood up, Evelyn held in one arm, and his sword in his free hand. "But you told them about me being 'friends' with the Black Order. And for that I have to kill you. Miyuki, I am one of seven disciples of Mimic. I am apart of the Black Order. I was commanded to kill you and the princess. I tried to last time, but I didn't think either of you could truly put up a fight. You have some of my respect." He swiftly sprinted to Miyuki, their blades met.

"I'm gonna kill you this time fucker, no one will stop me." Miyuki uttered. "I may not have my magic or powers this time, but that can't stop me from separating your head from your neck." Miyuki pushed harder onto the ice blade. "You can try, but I'm going to be the to kill you. And then I'll take my time to torture the princess." He laughed in Miyuki's face, as he jumped back.

"Rematch it is then." Miyuki stood his ground, with his arm wrapped around Evelyn.

"I am going to kill you."

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