
21-Basics (1)

Aska sat down on his bed, opened the notebook, and started to refresh his memory about the technique.

After he made sure that he remembers how to use the technique, he started to get ready.

First he told his parents that he will head to bed early, as to not disturb him. He grabbed a clean towel, locked his bedroom door, and went back to his bed.

Aska laid on the bed, put the towel in his mouth, and started to send electric pulses to his right forearm.

He felt the numbing sensation, but he wasn't tricked this time. He braced himself for the pain. A second later the pain came.

'Don't give up like last time!' Aska shouted at himself. Once the initial shock passed, Aska was able to think somewhat clearer.

After about 10 minutes of using the techniques, Aska was able to expand the area of effect into his whole right arm.

The pain increased, Aska bite down on the towel harder. After about 10 more minutes, Aska expanded the area to his right shoulder. It hurt even more, and caused him to squeal, but he kept his voice down, so his parents couldn't hear him.

Another 30 minutes passed, and Aska decided to expand yet again. This time was to his upper back area, reaching all the way to his left shoulder.

At this point there were tears coming out of Aska's eyes. His squealing became more frequent and he couldn't possibly bite down on the towel any harder.

Aska stayed in that state for 400 more minutes, then he put all of his will, into covering his left arm completely.

'I...don't...think...I...can...go...any...further' Aska was barely able to form a thought from the intense pain.

Aska kept that hellish training for an entire hour.

After an hour Aska started to have this weird feeling, 'this seems familiar...this feels the same, like when I awakened my observation haki.' then it donned on him, he wasn't using his observation haki at all the past two hours.

Aska kept trying to use his observation haki. After 30 more minutes of continuously tying, he was finally able to use it. But the range was smaller than his usual range, he can barley cover his room.

Aska kept trying to cover the same distance as before, but he could only increase the range slowly.

It's been a total of three hours, Aska decided he will stop for now, after he stopped sending pulses, it took roughly 10 minutes for the pain to subside. Aska tried to get up but his arm started to spasm, and he was feeling all of his back, and arm muscles shacking. it took another 10 minutes for the spasm to stop.

After that, Aska was finally able to get up. he was soaked with sweat. His entire body felt sore, like the day after an intense workout.

As Aska was finally able to clear his clouded mind, he noticed that his observation haki had a bigger range, than before he started.

'What caused that?' Aska started to think about the causes for his observation haki improving.

'The only thing I can think of, is my will. Haki depends on the user's will. I was in intense pain so I wasn't focused, but after I was able to gather myself I was able to use it. Maybe because I pushed myself through will, my will got stronger or something?' Aska was confused, but this surprise was a welcomed one.

Aska looked at his bed, and saw that the entire bed was soaked in his sweat. He changed the sheets of his bed and took a shower, he walked down stairs, and went straight to the kitchen, this technique is so demanding, Aska had to eat immediately, he felt like he has been starving for weeks.

After Aska ate his fill, he noticed his parents weren't around. Aska did something he never did before, he used his observation haki on his parents room. Thankfully he didn't regret it, they were just sleeping.

Aska went back to his room, he saw an email from Lenox, it turns out Lenox had just landed in the US. They chatted for some time, after that Aska went to sleep.


The next day Aska woke up feeling a little soar, but not too badly like last night. He moved onto the next part in the martial arts basics notebook, he did HIIT for two hours around the neighborhood. after he got back, he ate breakfast, with his mom.

After breakfast Aska went to the back yard and did some quirk control drills. He kept doing his control drills until lunch, After lunch he went for another run, this one was just jogging, but he had to do it for a much longer time than HIIT.

After he was done with his jogging, he went back home to eat dinner with his parents.

After dinner, Aska decided to relax with his parents for a bit. When it was three hours before his bedtime, Aska said goodnight to his parents and went to his bedroom.

'I won't do last night's mistake' Aska remembered how soaked his sheets were when he was done with his training.

Aska filled his bathtub with warm water. He sat in the tub, and started to stimulate his muscles. This time he sent the shock waves towards his abdomen. He started slow, he split the process like last night.

After about an hour of working on the technique, he finally able to cover his entire abdomen.

Aska spent another hour in the tub while working his muscles. He also started to train his observation haki while he was at it.

Once he was done Aska stepped out of the bathtub, he still felt sore just like last night, but this time it was his abdomen that hurt. while he was still naked he decided to do one more thing before washing up, he decided to do the body stretches.

It took Aska another 30 minutes of stretching before he was done. He went into his shower.

After he took a shower, he was so tired, he went straight to bed.


Aska did this routine for the last few weeks of summer break. His parents noticed how hard working Aska was.

Today was the last day of summer break, Aska was eating dinner with his parents like usual.

"Aska you've been training hard for the last three weeks, what brought his on?" -dad

"That's true Aska. Don't you remember what I told you? You'll get stronger naturally the older you get" - mom

"Lenox is aiming to be America's number one hero, I also want to be Japan's number one hero, for us to achieve our dreams, we have to train hard. Because just like us, there are others who want to be number one" - Aska

Mom looked a little shocked, and dad had a smile on his face.

"You aiming to be number one, that makes complete sense, you are talented, and have a great quirk, and since you talk about Lenox as a friend, I take it he is just as talented as you" -dad

"Yes!" - Aska

"Alright Aska, I'm glad that island incident didn't scare you from achieving your dream" - dad

"*sigh* Just be carful, and don't over do it, please" - mom

"don't worry mom!? -Aska


Hello everyone, I know no one likes chapters like these, but I had to show how hard Aska is working.

Feel free to leave any future suggestions.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Digital_Inkcreators' thoughts
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