
A Big Change

Meditation was the main foundation for evolving a core. This was necessary both to absorb the essence of magical energy and to transform it into superior energy.

After half an hour of sitting in the same position, I finally felt that I was able to calm my state.

It should be known that the first evolution of the nucleus is very important for all humans. As its foundation, what will differentiate its magical energy is uniquely its core is its force control.

Force controls have their own magical aspects, like the control of the Silvius family that when you reach the third evolution, you unlock the 'lightness' attribute.

As far as I could read in the novel, it was never written what kind of attribute Maya got using this force control, but it was something quite powerful, as she was able to hold back a goblin swarm by herself without her cultivation.

As described, in the midst of darkness I found myself alone, in an empty and dark place. My existence was becoming more and more tiny as the darkness seemed to grow in my perspective.

At that moment, several giant paths began to appear in the air. They carry a beautiful crystal blue river, the paths prowled through the darkness and seemed to intertwine in one place.

Where was a huge silver circle. From time to time, the circle shone so brightly that it lit up all the darkness, and as its glow grew stronger, it sucked all the light into itself.

As soon as the light had been sucked in, the large circle began to shake intensely as several cracks appeared on its exterior.


When it was full of cracks, its silvery shell fell away, disappearing into the darkness, giving way to a bright, gleaming gold.

As soon as the new shell appeared, several blue dots, thousands of them began to illuminate the place, as if in a starry sky.

And against my will, my eyes opened when even in reality, the stitches could be seen.

'Come!' I thought, trying to order the glowing dots to approach my newly raised arm.

As soon as I thought about it, the dots flew at impressive speed, wrapping around my arm, when finally the metaphysical energy began to form.

Staring at the energy rising up all over my arm under my orders, I couldn't help but marvel.

I felt my heart beat frantically.

Raising my arm, I cut downward, as the energy in my arm followed my thoughts and formed a blade in the air, shooting toward the wall of my bedroom.

As soon as the energy disconnected from my arm, I felt my connection weaken as I tried to give the order to stop the energy.

The magic cut hit the wall leaving a deep mark.

"I need to train my metaphysical energy control." I took a deep breath as I sat back down. "I didn't expect to be this advanced in metaphysical energy control."

One of the Triangle's advanced classes was metaphysical energy control. It should be known that it's quite complicated, some already being able to sort and manipulate energy at this level is quite impressive.

As soon as I sat down, I closed my eyes as I felt how little magical energy I had.

'Damn, I almost had nothing!'

After my carelessness, I started circling my magic control again to increase my current ability.

And so, I spent my night, replenishing the magical energy I'd lost.


[March 19, XXXX, 06:40]

[Academy Dining Hall]

"Hey Dreyden, what's your skill?"

"Yes man, stop being a mystery. Despite how it looks, I'm sure it's not copying skills."

If I could sum up my current situation in one word, it would surely be frustration.

After my fame spread through the school, students who previously didn't want to get close to me, were now approaching without caring about anything.

The slight indifference they had towards me disappeared like nothing. But for some, indifference has turned to hatred.

I knew why.

Because these students hated the idea of ​​someone using the same skill as him, that's why I decided to hide the Celestial Library and only show action AND reaction.

"Because you still insist, aren't you that shit doesn't want to talk!?"

One of the students who was mad at me, spoke up as he turned around sitting at the front table.

I stared into his eyes in silence for a while, before going back to eating.

They were all weaker and didn't have a higher position than me, fighting with them would be a waste of time.

'I should go see Maya, today will be the first time she is going to assume an identity, I'm full of anticipation'.

Thinking of Maya acting like a cultivator in a cultivation romance made a smile spread across my lips. A part of her if my favorite character was the traits she stole Xia Qinqiu's personality.

Originally, even quite strong, Maya was very closed off and a little shy. When she got some traits from one of the greatest otherworldly cultivators, she became more open and spoke her mind.

Besides, of course, being a little more arrogant.

'Maybe later, after class is a good thing.'

I got up from my seat, still ignoring the people trying to strike up a conversation with me, and walked out of the cafeteria.

Today was a combat class day, and somehow Lucas got my phone number and now he wants to train with me.

"Aaah... Hope you don't have any problems."

I sighed, even though I was sure otherwise.


Swoosh! Cling! Cling!

The sound of the sword and brass knuckles hitting each other echoed in the great training hall, which was occupied by the A1 class.

Lucas was coming hard, we were training our skills in swordsmanship and fighting, without using skills.

"That one came close!"

I screamed as I spun my body around and his sword went right through me.

Due to my avoidance, I punched his hand as his grip loosened even more. Since the beginning of the training I was aiming only at his hand.

Lucas' sword was an artifact of much higher grade than mine. If I hit your sword with my brass knuckles, it would surely break.

Not giving him a chance to compose himself, I grabbed his arm, twisting him backwards and punching the back of his head.

"Argh..." He roared as his body hit the floor. "I surrender."

With both hands raised, a satisfied smile on his face made me shiver as he glared at me.

"2 to 2, we're tied." He smiled as I caught his hand suspended in the air and helped him up.

"Speaking like that, I get the impression you're going easy on me."

"Believe me, I'm not."

"Good thing, because I'm taking this seriously. Defending your attacks is too complicated, what kind of fencing is this?"

I actually recognized that swordplay. As soon as I saw Lucas using it, I understood why the sudden challenge.

This was the demonic swordsmanship of the royal bloodline of demons, which was somewhat curious.

'What changed that made Zagan teach him demon swordsmanship!?'

Following the romance, Lucas should be in Zagan's approval phase, after all, he wouldn't bet his revenge on someone useless.

Zagan was the main demon rated to become the king, being of the royal bloodline of demons he was the strongest of them all.

Above Purson, Belial, Balaam, Bael and Asmodeus.

Zagan was Lucifer's favorite son, but he was thrown out of the war by the rank of Demon King when all the other candidates banded together to kill him.

That was one point I really liked about the original novel.

In most novels of this type, there are traitors of all races except demonic races.

But in 'The Dance of Power' it was different, demons were able to become servants, even of humans to achieve their goals.

Zagan, Belial, Asmodeus and Lilith were the demon lords who betrayed their race and allied with other races, all to complete their revenge.

The revenge of the current Demon King Purson, who betrayed and killed them.

"Actually, I'm the one asking you. Why don't you train in the holographic room?" As soon as he stood up, Lucas stared at his hands for a few seconds before asking.

"Holographic room?"

"Yes, it's a room used to train combat styles, there are different types of martial arts that you can learn."

"I didn't even know this room existed." I took a bottle of water from storage and handed it to Lucas.

I had never really heard of it. Looking around, most of the students were in a spar against each other.

A few feet away from my fight, a group of students sat staring at me in awe.

"Aaah man, this sucks." After the journey to climb the rankings, and now my strange approach to the number 1 in class A, some people were seeing me as a star.

Which was very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry." Lucas patted my shoulder as he followed his gaze in the same direction I was looking. "You'll get used to it."

His sounding laugh, made me hate him a little more.

Grabbing the towel he was offering me, I started to dry my sweat.

"But Lucas, why the sudden approach?" I asked, when I couldn't take any more curiosity.

It couldn't be just because of my struggles.

"What do you mean!?" He frowned as he turned to face me. "I'm trying to become your friend."

This time, it was my turn to frown.

"Oh? Are you giving up on making me your subordinate?"

"Hehe, I knew you wouldn't accept it anyway." Lucas sat on the bench and started to face Raisel who was destroying Dhara in a confrontation.

"As if." I sat down next to him and started to stare at the clock. "You were afraid of my strength."

"Hahaha... you're deluding yourself... Anyway, thanks for accepting."

"You're welcome." I watched Professor Leon call everyone to let them know that class was ending.

Lucas stood up, as I quickly grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

"What's it?" he asked, turning to face me.

Also getting up, I looked at the teacher giving his end-of-class speech.

"I'll give you a hint since we're friends now." I took a moment to reorganize my thoughts. "Be careful, fighting using demon swordsmanship so in the face is very dangerous."

Looking at Lucas, I watched his expression change as his body tensed.

"II… I don't know what you're talking about."

He took a step back and tried to leave, when he was stopped by which I replied, "These idiots may not recognize it, but if you use it in front of some people from the Triangle, you will surely die."

I started to walk out of the hall, while Lucas was standing lost in his thoughts.

Lucas wasn't supposed to learn demonic swordsmanship.

Mana was an energy unique to the demon race, just like spirit energy for elves, life energy for vampires, Shindoo for dwarves, or Magic Energy for humans.

When you sign a contract with a demon, it benefits both of you.

The demon has the ability to use magical energy and the human to use mana.

Most Triangle staff might not recognize the mana, but that was only because Zagan was hiding what made the mana obvious.

But it was different for demonic swordsmanship, especially royal swordsmanship, which was what Lucas practiced.

"I hope this change doesn't cause his death." I sighed as I walked down the Triangle aisle. "I'll have to help him to stop this..."

'It's really hard to be a transmigrator...'

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