
Chapter fourteen

(Matthew's POV)

She sounded so distraught but I just had to leave, I hope she understood.

"Are you all ready?" I ask my warriors standing in a semi-circle in front of me.

"Yes Alpha," they chorus.


"All the women and children are in the safe house Alpha," Johnny replies and I nod my approval.

"This isn't the first time those horrible men have come to ruin our peace. You all know what to do."

"Yes Alpha." They chorus again and silently use different exits in fives.

"Maybe you should sit this one out. Cassandra seemed really distressed," Michael says as we make our way through the foyer and towards the entrance. I, my beta, and gamma will take the front entrance as usual.

"No, she'll be fine," I say, though I don't believe that, so I'll just have to end this meaningless battle and get back to her as quickly as possible. We all fall silent as we call our wolves out to play. We run out the door and barely miss rounds of silver bullets shot at us.

These men never learn. Their bullets can hurt us, yes, but we were faster than humans. It could never touch us unless we were distracted or injured before the battle.

The bullets were coming from the woods. Long-range guns are the worst. We transformed and I felt the need to howl. It's been a while. Fuck it.

"Awwwuuuuuuuu" I howl and I received answering howls back which just got me pumped up.

Let's show these assholes who's boss.

(Cassandra's POV)

He didn't stay, he didn't listen, he left me here. He doesn't want me anymore, no one does.

My breath comes in fast pants which could only mean one thing.

"Cassie, are you okay? Cassie?" Michelle asks in worry and hurries to stand in front of me. She gasps "Oh my goodness, Cassie calm down."

"He left Mich, they always leave," I sob as I start to shake and curl in on myself.

"Oh shit no no no," she whispers and runs to one of the guards.

I ignore them and focus on trying to get my breathing back to normal but my mind doesn't let me. "They all leave, all of them, no one wants me, I'm such a burden, it's all my fault, it's all my fault," I mumble to myself as I rock myself. The shaking was getting worse and I couldn't breathe properly. "Mom and Dad broke......" I feel a prick in my arm and my tongue and eyelids start to feel heavy.

The last thought I had was how Matthew might never come back.

(Michelle's POV)

I had a feeling this would happen. Damn it's been a while since the last time. After her parents separated, she blamed herself for it as any kid would but it led to occasional panic attacks and most of them weren't pretty.

Sometimes I and Maria had to stay in her line of sight. The worst one was when their kitchen was almost void of food and I decided to go with Maria to help her shop for groceries. Cassie was still asleep at that time so we left and shopped as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, we weren't quick enough and came back to see Cassandra lying unconscious on the ground in her bathroom. Her breathing was so soft, I thought she was dead.

Matthew you fucking idiot. At least he should have assured her that he'd come back. The clueless fucker just left, aaarrrgghhh, I'm going to throttle him when I see him and I don't give a damn that he is my gummy bear's boss.

(Cassandra's POV)

It's so dark, am I dead? Mmmm that would be nice but then I can hear Michelle talking to the guards so I guess I'm still alive.

I had another attack, oh my gosh, how am I going to face anyone now. These men are working for Matthew so they will tell him and then... I don't want anyone's pity. I huff internally.

I slowly sit up and rub my face to clear away the groggy feeling.

"Cassie? Cassie!" Mich yells and runs to my side. Why does she sound surprised?

"I thought you said it would last for an hour or more," she says and glares at the bald guard.

"I thought so too," he mumbles and looks at me weirdly.

"I can't believe you drugged me Mich, but thanks anyway. How long was I out?"

"Fifteen minutes," the guard with the ponytail answers with a smirk as if he knew something we didn't.

"Oh. Is Matthew back yet?" I whisper to Mich and she shakes her head, "Oh."

"Cassie, he is just protecting his family. Even you would do the same if you were in his shoes. He didn't say he won't come back."

"He didn't say he would either," I grumble and glare at my fingers.

Michelle sighs and just hugs me from the side. As we sit in silence an idea pops into my head.

"I want to go to Matthew's room please, maybe it'll help," I whisper in a miserable tone and Michelle smiles sadly and goes to talk to the guards. I feel bad about lying to her but I need to see him and if I have to pull every taekwondo skill in the world on those mountains of muscle then I will.

"Come on Cassie, we have to hurry," Mich says and I smile. It worked. I school my features into misery and we quietly left the room.

We enter the dining area and walk towards another elevator opposite the one we used to get up here and both of them are open. The guards are in front and Michelle was on my left, leaving my escape open, but the guards look fit enough so they might catch me. Let's just hope they don't.

I take a deep breath and dash for the elevator. I enter and press for the ground floor and the door starts to close. The guards had gotten over their shock and were yelling and running towards me. I looked at Michelle and my head hurt at the sadness and horror in her eyes.

Please don't make it, don't make it, don't make it. They don't.

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