
Chapter 49: So Much For Boundaries

Forest Lake High School, Temperance, South Dakota...

Once more Layla Quinn found herself distracted as school had finally let out for the evening and her thoughts made their way back to her last afternoon with Brick Kenneally before his most recent departure on assignment for Sheriff Tillman. Derrick was of the mind to give her odd looks and smiled at her every chance he got as he pretended to fan himself with his hand and mouthed the words about recalling everything he walked in on at her place. Layla narrowed her eyes at him as she knew he couldn't hold water and was eager to tell both Amy and Casey about what went on between her and Brick. She dreaded their input as they had also been of the mind to tease her about her newfound affection for "the big bad biker man", as Amy called him beforehand.

"So," said Amy rushing toward Layla with a big wide grin filed across her pale face. "What's the latest on your biker man?"

Layla's cheeks turned red as she recalled the last time she'd seen Brick and how she was looking forward to seeing him when he returned.

"Something tells me you've been thinking about him a lot," said Amy reading into her nonforthcoming friend's embarrassment.

Layla did her best to keep from rolling her eyes as she knew all too well that Derrick couldn't hold water.

"So....you and the big bad biker man were getting it on." Amy continued hoping to lead a confession out of her friend. "I heard he was HUGE."

Layla's cheeks turned redder if it were possible as she recalled how enormous Brick had been below the belt, although he'd been naked when she saw it and not at all wearing a belt she could still picture it like a flesh-colored python, but standing straight up as if ready to strike.

"Will you let it go?" asked Layla annoyed. "So what if he is? and so what if we did?"

Amy looked to be quite shocked after getting the confirmation from Layla about all that Derrick had spilled.

"So not fair," she said stunned as she walked in a robotic motion ahead of Layla. "Derrick got to see all the good stuff."

Layla shook her head. It seemed that there was no changing her friends both were insistent on being major perves and getting on her nerves about it ever since they all hit puberty.

"Come on," she said grabbing Amy by the arm and leading her toward where they were supposed to meet with Derrick and Casey.

Amy followed her lead, at least for the time being holding off on any questions as she had already gotten the gist of what happened from Derrick's ever-moving big mouth.


The Front Of The School, Forest Lake High School, Temperance, South Dakota...

Derrick did his best to duck behind Casey after noticing the narrowed blue eyes of his best friend Layla Quinn and the implication of her wanting to either give him a piece of her mind for telling the other girls about her and Brick or to break his face which more or less made his precious nose a target.

Casey had been well kept in the loop this time around as she took stared at Layla with something of a goofy smirk filed across her face.

Layla resisted the urge to roll her eyes and saw her way to folding her arms across her chest. She wasn't in the mood for their annoyances today and it didn't help that they had reminded her that she'd missed Brick.

He was only gone a few hours but the absence was definitely getting to her. She supposed he'd be back soon enough and decided to occupy her time with her studies and working at the diner, where she knew that he'd eventually turn up once he'd been back in town.

"Well, now that we all are in the loop when's he coming back?" asked Derrick as if trying to smooth things over with concern.

"Don't know and at the moment I don't care," growled Layla. "We have work to do and I have a shift to get ready for."

She began walking toward the bus stop as her friends stood watching her puzzled as to why she seemed to be in such denial about her relationship but then recalled just who her father had been.

If there was anyone who wouldn't be thrilled about Layla dating anyone let alone an older man half her age, it was most definitely her father, Jarrett Quinn.

Derrick and the other girls caught up to Layla at the bus stop and made the decision to not tease her for once since they'd all been privy to her rather precarious situation at home.

Layla sighed when she sat down and her friends surrounded her. The heat from the sun and the scent of dirt and spilled oil had been on the wind.

"I know we're supposed to let to go and all, but I just wanna know if you two did the do," said Amy bored out of her mind from the wait for the bus.

Derrick shook his head. He had created a monster in the form of the former new girl it seemed.

Layla shook her head.

"No Amy we didn't do anything like that," she said finally putting an end to her friend's curious nature.

"But you would have." chimed Derrick recalling what he walked in on.

"And yet we didn't even after getting rid of you, jerk," replied Layla.

"Well that sucks," said Amy disappointed. "I wanted to know all the juicy details about what it's like to ride a big biker man's cock."

"You don't need any more details with your twisted imagination already warped as it is," interjected Casey. "Besides, no one would want everyone in their business about their first time why would you expect Layla to be so forthcoming about hers?"

Amy sighed and dropped the subject for the time being.

Layla seemed to relax as she and her friends got to their feet upon the arrival of the bus. She'd been safe from their inquisition about her relationship with Brick for yet another day, but even she wasn't sure what was going on between them.

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