
Chapter 20: A Howling Good Time

Abandoned Storage Room, Unknown Shack, Kandid, Iowa.....

Urgency and need seemed to drive the already curious actions of the semi drunken Brick Kenneally as he gripped the hips of a rather feisty young woman with long dark hair and fishnet leggings trailed up her surprisingly meaty thighs. He bit at the flesh of her neck as she panted in his rather powerful arms whimpering as he pulled her close and spread her legs wide enough for her lower body to accommodate his massive girth as she moaned out loud despite trying to keep others from knowing what she'd gotten up to when she left the bar. She smelled of strawberry scented body spray and tasted like fresh spring water as Brick ran his incredibly long tongue along her sweat slick flesh, which also had the added bonus of being alcohol infused. Her legs trembled and barely held her up as Brick scooped her smaller body into his lap, leaning her forward as he helped her out of her skirt and cast it aside.

He had already discarded his clothing, not wishing to be restricted via his attire and given to his own wild nature. His body was an impressive sight to her, rippled with muscle from head to toe and the powerful flesh pole that no longer dangled between his legs and below his knees as it had been raised quite high toward his waistline and was slowly impaling the panting young woman whom had never taken anything larger than her own finger inside her before this most unseemly exchange.

The exposed breasts of the young woman dangled toward her own knees as she was fitted into the lap of the hulking brute who had begun to pump his hips and drive his enormous appendage further and further inside her heated depths. There was a bit of difficulty due to the initial friction but she eventually gave way as Brick continued to hold her via the hips as he pounded into her from his lap. Despite being drunk, she seemed to move along with his pumping just fine whimpering and moaning as he drilled her in the darkness of the small abandoned storage room where she'd led him away from the bar far away from prying eyes.

Brick enjoyed driving whatever woman he'd been banging into mindless incoherence. It was something of a highlight for him as he watched them try with all their might to appear to be in control before finally giving in to the sheer force of his will and the might of his thrusts which reduced them all to blathering messes of flying hair and flopping limbs accompanied via soft moans.

The more experienced man continued pumping his well toned hips into the young brunette causing her to flop in all directions as he continued to hold her onto his lap and pump his hips upward rocking her back n forth as she mumbled incoherently and simply rode out his forceful thrusts.

The glow of his eyes shifted and darkened as he could feel the stirring of the beast within him rebelling against the prison of flesh that housed it as the song of the moon began to resound along the sky. The white glow preparing to bath everything in sight as Brick felt himself giving in to the call as well as the intense wave of pleasure that filled him as his cock plunged in and out of the whimpering younger woman, he thought of the girl from the diner. Her almost hypnotic gaze as her blue eyes seemed to shimmer with heat that beckoned for him. Brick's hips continued to pump as he began to imagine she'd been in place of the brunette whom had been babbling as he filled her time and time again while gripping her thin hips and pressing himself further and further inside her.

As a whole, it wasn't a bad experience, the young woman had been amusing to say the least. Possibly a welcome distraction due to the stresses of his source of employment but nothing more. His mind couldn't shake the images of the heated kiss he had with the waitress back in Temperance. The fiend in him wanted her to be on the other end of his cock, for reasons he had not even been of the mind to explore as he continued to pump his hips into the whimpering brunette.

Brick could feel the heat beginning to spread throughout his body and the intensity of his heart beat, which was so loud that it resounded in his ears. The first onset of pain caused him to collapse onto the cold ground taking her with him as she hit the ground too limp to put up much fuss as he continued pumping his hips despite himself. He suppressed the urge to bite her neck as his fangs began to elongate and shift in his mouth as the growling got the better of him. He attempted to push it back, the transformation that demanded his cooperation despite his cock being buried within the warmth of the now passed out young woman.

He was almost there...the release tingling as his cock throbbed with need and sensation despite the call of the moon beginning to get the better of him. Brick continued his thrusts into the now unconcious girl whom had her fill and lied on her belly amid the dust and dirt that covered the ground of the storage room.

Brick grunted and howled as his release finally came filling the girl more than her young body could hold as the onset of his transformation bid he withdraw and rush out of the storage room and into the elements, as naked as the day he was born and in constant pain as the call of the moon continued to get the better of him. He had been half way into the woods when the white glow hit his body seemingly seeping into his cooled fur ripped flesh as he collapsed in the middle of his transformation.

His bones grew and rearranged, his flesh seemed to melt as fur sprouted along the missing splotches of flesh. He howled and howled as the agony commenced and his body convulsed and contorted to fit the needs of the beast that dwelled deep within from the moment of his conception. The most painful of the aspects of his shifting had been the spontaneous sprouting of a full on tail fused from nerveenings of his tail bone that were dormant until the full moon hung high in the sky.

The werewolf formerly known as Brick dug it's razor sharp claws into the ground scraping the soil beneath as the transformation came to a completion. A low howl filled the open night air followed by more in the distance. It seemed the pack had been assembled as the dark brown fur colored beast took off toward the familiar sounds in a bid to reach whom had given off the chilling cries.

The moon continued to hang brightly in the darkened night sky as everything of mortal means gave way to the thrill of chase and the need to hunt as the beast mind began to over take the reasoning of the recently shifted man.

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