
| [Bonus chapter] Something Truly Malevolent

After a good laugh, Ava gave Amon a playful glare and continued, 'Anyways, Lucy's email said she's been keeping in touch with Jarvis, offering hospital beds for the homeless ones, helping them get into work programs, that kind of thing. And she said that Jarvis has learned something about what's going on here in Chicago. She wouldn't put it down in writing, but I've sent her Amon's cellphone number and told her to call.'

'Another sodding liberty,' Amon sighed with mock annoyance. 'There are some women who would kill for my private number, and you go handing it out to just anyone.'

'Marcy Dane would kill for it, I'm sure,' Jack said darkly.

Amon mused thoughtfully. 'Odd about her, isn't it? Since the two of you started running she's been proactive, to say the least, in hunting you down – or getting others to do so. And yet you've been in Chicago all this time and she hasn't bothered you once.'

Ava considered. 'I guess she doesn't know we're here.'

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