
| New City

(Welcome to the new volume. Ava and Jack are following up on Maski and Ava,s parents so they can end this once and for all. Will they succeed, or will their journey get cut short)?


This is it, Ava thought. This is how it's all gonna end.

She had run into a blind alley. There was no way out, and her pursuers were right behind her. 'Jack!' she yelled, clutching the stitch in her side. 'Jack, where are you?'

The biting Chicago wind seemed to snatch the words from her lips. No answer came back to her. All she heard was her breath as it came in sharp ragged gasps, clouding out into the freezing December air.

Ava wished desperately that Jack were here. When they'd realized the gang was following them, they'd fled, splitting up in the hope of confusing them. The gang had gone after Jacck – but then a car had come out of nowhere and picked up her trail.

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