

After which, Ivy League that she had created personally with her own two hands would finally prove the others that looked down on her wrong.

In order to prevent any accidental event from happening, she had sent Silverfox and other trusted members that were quick on the feet to eliminate any players that came within 3 kilometres of the nest, combing each and every inch of the area thoroughly.

But during the dungeon battle to clear the annoying mobs that were blocking their advancement to the inner section of the dungeon, she received a direct message from Silverfox and heard that she had been defeated by a level 7 player who triggered the well-known world announcement that had everyone discussing.

As her mind was focusing on dealing with the waves of dangerous hobgoblins with the party, she simply sent reinforcements and gave some simple instructions on how to handle Night Raid after hearing Silverfox's explanations. Most of it was to stall for time until reinforcements arrived.

Now that she had free time, she wanted to ask Silverfox about the situation at her end. It's been quite a while since she last heard from her.

Opening her friend list and scrolling through it, she found Silverfox's name faded out indicating her status to be offline. After sending a message to her, her pretty eyebrows furrowed heavily.

[User has been ejected from Heaven Descent. Remaining time until penalty is lifted: 143 Hrs & 52 Mins]

"What exactly happened to Silverfox?!" A look of disbelief surfaced from Blue Lotus's otherworldly cold face.

And after some pondering of her own, her voluptuous pair of jade rabbits trembled with her muttering.

"Night Raid..."


"What's your destination, young adventurer?"

Arriving at the city gate, a middle-aged soldier in charge of the gate asked Venn with a questioning tone.

"The Grand Library of Adeonis." Venn politely answered.

After paying the toll that consisted of the sum of 5 silver coins in his possession that was gained after selling all the loot he had gotten from the Mud Wolves to the general store in the city, he entered the city gate and proceeded into the inner section of Roswell City.

Ignoring the bustling sights on the street, he navigated his way to the Library of Adeonis almost by instinct. He had stayed here for so long that he could vividly remember every city landmark and the NPCs in the inner sector.

The Capital library of Rosewell City which is also dubbed as the Library of Adeonis is situated in the inner sector of Rosewell City, and was the reason why Venn was willing to pay his entire savings for the toll despite the pain he felt in his chest.

As the capital of the powerful Rosewell Kingdom where the imperial family is situated, the city is divided into 3 different areas for the commoners and nobles commercial and residential needs with the imperial family and important nobles occupying the central sector while the rest stayed in the inner and outer sector.

The three areas are separated by heavily guarded gates consisting of a platoon of level 70 NPC guards. It was a necessary game setting to prevent the players from causing havoc in the city and upset the balance of the game.

Perhaps in the future, the players could challenge the authority of the Kingdom, but in the 3 years that Venn had played, the highest level that a player could achieve was only a mere level 52.

Along the way towards the capital library, Venn couldn't help but to recall what happened an hour ago.

It was a close call, to be honest. To survive the encounter with Silverfox, he figured that he had used up all his luck.

Any misstep would spell his doom.

If it wasn't for the fact that he met Silverfox while she was still a mere level 19 with only the [Serpent] and [Elemental] monster cores in her arsenal, he wouldn't have even survived one second of a battle with her.

He had watched videos of her masterfully killing her opponents with skills from the [Humanoid] and [Beast] class before, so he knew how much of a battle talent Silverfox was.

Furthermore, his combo of blows that he used to permanently knockback Silverfox could only be achieved to players that had not put in any stat points towards strength. Without any resistance to knockback or strength to hold onto the ground from enemy blows, players are susceptible to be rendered useless in such cases.

Of course, party composition such as tanks, warriors or players that focused on pumping their stats points into strength would help. And even in a one versus one scenario, having skills that let one escape from such combos would be another method of counteracting this.

As for the fate of Silverfox, it goes without saying that Venn was the one that killed her by slitting her throat with his poor dagger. Although he killed her, he believed that it was the correct decision to make.

Both he and Ivy League's guild leader wanted something from each other, and it would be wise to let the situation remain status quo.

They do not involve a third party from entering the discussion as it would have a negative impact on both of them if someone else swooped in and reap the rewards.

However, there was one thing that affects Venn more negatively in this offer of cooperation. And that is time.

Ivy League could lie to Venn about their progress with the Wild Boss, and after they finish the Wild Boss, they could threaten Venn without any repercussions. Whereas, as long as Venn identity is known by them, Silverfox could threaten Venn into doing her bidding, unless Venn wants to live a life of constantly fleeing.

Thus, Venn gave himself 6 in-game days to prepare. By killing Silverfox, he had gained 144 hours to grow stronger. He doubted that the Ivy League would challenge the Wild Boss without their important DPS member. They couldn't afford the failure.

It did not matter if Silverfox was lying about the guild's progress with the Wild Boss, killing her was the safest option he could do at the moment. Besides, he really doesn't like to be threatened with, even if the other party is a pretty girl.

What's the point of returning back to the past if he was to become a dog that works for others and be at their beck and call?

He had to take matters into his own hands!

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